Shout by Anto Butera

Hierarchy 2024

The plot was dumber than a bag of rocks, the acting wasn't amazing (with some exceptions—Lee Chae Min and some of the supporting cast did a good job) and there was zero chemistry between Jae I and Ri An. But at least the cinematography was good, so the drama was pretty to look at.

The script wasn't great, so even with fantastic actors this drama would still have been a low key bore, but Kim Jae Won must have studied acting at the Kristen Stuart school of actors because he can't make facial expressions to save his life. Even a statue has more emotion on its face than this guy. If you were to mute the episodes and try to guess what he was feeling based on visuals alone, you'd have no hope of getting it right. And that extends to some of the other actors, also. They're still young though, so maybe they'll get better.

Honestly, with as old as Gossip Girl is, if you're looking for rich, entitled brats living privileged lives full of drama, that's still a better show than this will ever be.

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