Review by Jacob Paint

Glitch: Season 2

2x04 A Duty Of Care

I like this show but there are quite a few unnecessary flaws. Some seem to just be the writers way to streamline the storytelling and not get bogged down in detail, there might be better ways to do it but often it's no big deal like Sarah taking the baby into every potentially dangerous scenario she instigates even after she freaked out last episode after taking her eyes off the baby for a little while. Some things however, are just poor writing such as when Rob Collins character goes to Sarah's house after killing Elishia. He has a shower and somehow finds new clothes (I'm guessing he had a spare change with him because he looks somewhat bigger than James) then dumps his old bloody clothes in the laundry hamper. Why would he do that when he is clearly trying not to be discovered. They could have just had him drop the clothes in the wheelie bin on the way out which would have made more sense but for some bizarre reason the writer chose the dirty laundry. They then had to contrive a situation where James would come home and decide to do some laundry. I guess he might find doing laundry relaxing since he had gone home to get some much needed sleep. Overall I like the show, I am after all rewatching this season, although for a good show I have forgotten way too much of it.

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