Review by Jacob Paint

Glitch: Season 2

2x06 The Letter

I like the show in spite of plot issues. As is often the case, tv and film is about getting enough of the important things right so people can forgive the unimportant things and even a couple of bigger issues. The episode before this one was more powerful emotionally and had some great performances. This episode is trying to tie up the main plots of the series and give it enough of a conclusion while leaving it open for season 3.

I guess they plan to try and be vague about the true nature of how the people came back. They try to give some airy fairy science to explain it but it doesn't pay to think about all that too much. The science is best left as a McGuffin because they more they say, the sillier it sounds. Fortunately most of the story doesn't hinge too much on the how and the simple fact that it is, creates a grounding for the rest of the story. Why are the other people coming back to kill the ones that Elishia reanimated? Why does Phil behave so much differently to Sarah and why does he seem to know more about their "purpose"?

Phil is a good bad guy because he looks like such a nice guy and you don't want him to be bad.

The ending sucked, especially Sarah's letter where she recites a poem that Kate loved before she died. The poem just happens to sound like it was written about the very specific situation they have found themselves in. I guess believing that Kate had some foresight that gave her a sense of her future, even after death, is no more wacky then many of the other ideas like the explanation for where their memories comes from.

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