There’s like 2 or 3 scenes where Hugh Jackman gets to act. Those are pretty good until you realize we’ve seen those beats already in a better movie. Moreover, there are a couple of well executed fights, for example there’s a tracking shot near the end that was definitely a lot of fun. Besides that, I wouldn’t hesitate to call this a schlockfest. The script is so tacky and forced, it makes The Flash seem coherent by comparison. Don’t even try to put any effort in understanding the logic or motivations of characters, even more so than No Way Home the script is just there to link together whatever’s on Reddit’s wishlist. The comedy has only gotten more infantile since Deadpool, it’s self-aware to the point where it becomes extremely irritating. It already knows what people are going to bitch about, but rather than fixing those issues, it just throws them right back at us. Pointing out the lazy cameo porn in your own movie doesn’t mean you get a pass for doing it. Hugh Jackman is a sellout for doing this piece of junk, yes we know mr. Reynolds, very cool. This movie is like a piece of bubblegum, it’ll lose its flavour once the dopamine starts to wear off. There should’ve been way more focus on the relationship between Wade and Logan, as well as the villain (pretty good performance by an underused Emma Corin). That’s the core of the movie, but it’s pushed to the background in favour of being an extended SNL sketch. Technically the film’s not very good either. Shawn Levy still doesn’t know how to shoot a movie, almost everything looks fake and washed out, especially when compared to previous Deadpool installments. The score is entirely forgettable and the basic b*tch needle drops - while ironically funny at points - get a bit eye-rolling. Throughout I just kept thinking about the use of DMX and the more subversive spirit of Deadpool. Why is this movie so much dumber when its audience has matured by eight years? Shouldn’t we push the subversiveness a little bit further with the introduction of shows like The Boys? Clearly it doesn’t hold back in regards to language, drug references or violence, and it even allows for Feige and Disney to poke fun at themselves. However, it all feels watered down and calculated, which essentially renders the character meaningless. Is Disney just too afraid to deconstruct its own bread and butter besides acknowledging that they’re at a low right now? I’d argue you’re not gonna save this genre unless you’re willing to take an honest, critical look at what’s wrong with it. What better character to do that with than the merc with a mouth?


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@oldmankestis Grow up, old man

can you elaborate on the part "basic bitch needle drops - while ironically funny at point - get a bit eye-rolling"? what scene/detail/performance was that for example?

@elvisvan Definitely the fight in the car, for example. There’s not much wrong with the scene but it’s like the fifth time at that point where they intentionally go with a really corny song that makes the scene ironic. And I get it, they’re doing it on purpose, but I thought the choice of ‘you’re the one that I want’ was so on the nose and annoying that it didn’t work for me.

@jordyep I enjoyed watching the movie for what it is, but I 100% agree with "Pointing out the lazy cameo porn in your own movie doesn’t mean you get a pass for doing it".

So tired of movies using self-awareness to handwave away good writing. I knew I'd be getting that going into it, but it'd be nice if they at least did that while still delivering something extraordinary.

Tbf in the self awareness, there was a LOT they had to change or explain for this movie to be possible in the first place, so I just appreciated that they were able to poke fun at it instead of it being full of plot holes (in a genuine way)
