A two and a half hours boring, depressing mess. In short, Zack Snyder.

And the dream sequences take more screen time then the actual BvS fight. Who thought this was a good idea?

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I totally agree, but the actual fight between Superman and Batman was actually very good.

the fight was good... exept when Batman gone "little girl mode" when he realised the Kryptonite effects weared off...

i agree, never been so bored by a superhero movie before and i had such high expectations for this. took way too long getting to the batman/superman fight and even then it was way too short

"Who thought this was a good idea?"
You don't get the "dream" sequence, right?

Yeah Man of Steel I said had too many dream sequences. So in this film Snyder added unnecessary dream sequences and visions.

Snyder needs to go. Replace him with the director of Tron Legacy.


Reply by kirenosslrakVIP
Blocked2016-05-10T08:52:31Z— updated 2016-07-05T20:20:12Z

Snyder has delivered pretty good movies in the past.. My Snyder favs i no particular order: Watchmen, 300, Man of Steel.. IMHO

+1 extremely disappointed in this, all I could think about was how much longer until it finishes.
