Captain America Civil War is about the fact that The Avengers made some serious mistakes, which killed a lot of innocents. So the government made up a contract which says they don’t go after people on there own anymore. The Avengers all reacted differently which made them split up into two groups, Team Cap and Team Iron Man. Iron Man is for the contract, Captain America is against. Then there is also the fact that someone is pretending to be Bucky and committing crimes as Bucky. So Iron Man gets mad at Bucky and Captain America does everything to protect him. AKA there is a lot of anger is this movie.

The movie started off with a fight scene. Which was a very cool fight scene, the only thing was that it really frustrated me that the camera dude apparently could’t keep his hands any sort of still. I watched the movie in IMAX 3D so maybe that’s why it kind of bothered me in the beginning. But after a while I didn’t mind it at all, and it just felt like you were more a part of the movie. I would highly recommend watching this movie in IMAX 3D cuz it was great. The movie was filled with fighting scenes and my favorite one was where both teams go against each other ya feel. All the cool characters together (that’s funny cuz they weren’t actually “together” ha) and there was surprisingly a lot of comedy in that battle too, which I personally really enjoyed.

Apart from all the lovely comebacks there where some new faces as well! First we got Black Panther, who has the coolest suit, but he was a bit too determent to get to Bucky, but once there will be more movies about him (which I guess is going to happen?) that for sure will change and I think I’ll start liking him a bit more once that happens. ALSO the new Spider-Man! He’s such a kid though, haha. I adore Tom Holland as Spider-Man he is so funny, I can’t wait for more, I love it. I also want to take a moment to praise Paul Rudd, because he is the coolest and he made me laugh, a lot. Okay so, I can keep talking about all the characters, and I can keep going on for quite a while as well, but I won’t because they are all just so cool. I have a lot of feelings. One thing I want to say though is that I keep getting more and more frustrated about Black Widow, I’m sorry I know there a probably a whole lot of fans out there but I just keep questioning why she’s in the movies. I mean, she is a good and pretty dope fighter but that’s it. I most of the time felt like that about Hawkeye as well, but not in this movie, so that’s great.

It was a lot like Batman v Superman, almost the same storyline only some different characters, obviously ha. But I really really enjoyed it! It was so entertaining and the movie ended before I even knew. I really love the characters and it was fun to finally get to know more about their stories. I can’t wait till this continuous. I already said a lot, and although I could still go on for quiet a while I’ll stop now, so y’all can go watch this cool movie :-)

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