Review by Devalabra

A Serbian Film 2010


Review by DevalabraVIP
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-05T18:55:36Z— updated 2019-12-18T12:22:48Z

It's hard to really put my opinion about this movie into words.
Is it horrible? yes. Does it have a point or a message? I don't fucking know.
It is truly fucked up and without a doubt the most disturbing shit I have ever seen. I don't know what to rate this so I'll just stick to a 5. I've noticed some people either give this a 10 for the fact that it really is disturbing and sick (living up to the genre,I suppose)while some give it a 1 or a 2 because they think it's just gross and nothing else.

The thing is, it is gross, but there is a plot there and it's not just disgusting(unlike August Underground that lacks plot and is just gross for the sake of being gross). There is a story(how it all happened and why), character development(for the most part not in a good way,really,but still) and a turning point where he's just in too deep(is that inappropriate?)and just feels like 'fuck this,I'm done' and he decides that he wants to commit suicide(with the rest of his family), but while his life may be over,the disgustingness is not. They(the people that hired him,I guess,that company or those people ,whatever,you know what I mean) just take that opportunity and decide to rape them and film it,which you're obviously aware of if you've watched it.

I have thought about this movie more than I should have after watching it. I have gone to forums and interviews from the director trying to find out what the actual fuck this is, and why ,and if it really has any sort of point.
I do think that it is artistic in a way, it's also sadistic but the feeling I got after watching it was (among other things like extreme nausea)a feeling of what the fuck did I watch but more importantly why? , and that is the primary point that I found before all the research.
It is sick,twisted and completely nauseating but you wanted to watch it anyway. Why?curiosity perhaps.
Many people have said that this is the most disgusting movie they've ever seen and when people say that , you ask yourself oh really? , is it really that bad? and you feel tempted to find out, or at least I did, but I reckon many agree.

This review was not as put together as I had planned but it's the best I can do for this particular movie and I hope it all made sense.
(the word disgusting was was featured in this review way too many times but for lack of other words, that'll have to do, because there really isn't a more appropriate word to describe this movie.)

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Reply by QuetzVIP

@devalabra Part of what makes this movie uncomfortable, is that we know (but don't want to acknowledge) that this kind of stuff happens in real life. I don't know either if the writer/director had a point in making this movie, but if his goal was to make his audience uncomfortable and to feel disgusted, then he succeeded in making a good movie.
