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Anomalisa 2015

I'd heard good things about this, but didn't like it. Is just a middle age man that's just bored of his life, don't really love his wife, his family, and don't care or feel nothing for anything or anybody and found someone different (a real voice) and has an affair with her, and then realise just after he used her that she is like everything else.

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Pretty good portrayal of the mental disability known as the Fregoli delusion, but it could’ve used some more Charlie Kaufman. By his standards this is almost a mundane film, I wanted something slightly more bold and memorable. Still a lot of interesting, unique artistic choices that make this deserving of a recommendation (e.g. the singular male voice feels like a very intuitive choice), but it’s not my favourite project of his. Loved the cinematography, score and awkward tone, however the animation and design of the puppets are a little too off-putting for my taste. It sits between this awkward place of realism and surrealism, which fits with the theme of the film, but I think there are more appealing ways of portraying that visually.


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Level "Excellent" • 8 :heart: • Recommended.

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one of the best movies I've ever seen. So deep, I loved everything about the characters and the story. Finally something different. Highly recommended .

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I was not prepared for what I was about to see.

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Very beautiful stop motion movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Girls, just want to have fun...

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He gave his son a (probably cursed) japanese sex doll

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I was definitely not prepared to see that film. It certainly takes time to digest it and see it again is mandatory. The animation is incredible.

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Such a talented man what can we say about Kaufman.His level of sensivity is 100%.I think it could be better but it was unique and a great experience.7.4/10

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We can all feel we live in a world where everybody looks and sounds the same, such is the mundanity of life. And then somebody comes along and wakes us from the dullness and we become alive again. So it is (possibly) with the character of Michael in this wonderfully made animation.

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I was very eager to see this one in support of stop-motion animation films, especially after being succeeded on Kickstarter. There weren't any showings nearby my area, so I had to wait until it's finally on video. Seeing it fully now, and it's one of those strange relationship films where we see things happen (adult situations) to the main character, similar to BIRD MAN (Michael Keaton) which also came out the same year, I believe. Some really smart techniques used in this one. I don't think I've seen any film like it, especially for this style of filmmaking. I definitely would love to see more stop-motion films like this in the future; such a rare breed these days.

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Shout by Ian

There was a lot of awkward dialogue in this movie. It's intentional, but that doesn't make it entertaining to watch. It might have worked if it wasn't so dull to boot. The dream sequence was great, but we then launch back into boredom. Animation was OK, but the lines in the faces was odd and constantly distracting. I liked the premise but the execution just wasn't there for me.

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Shout by acidfreecookies

I must say, my first impression upon seeing this was pretty negative. However, upon coming home and reflecting on it more and more, that impression kept getting better and better. There is a lot of symbolic value to this movie, a lot of valid interpretations that will allow much future discussion and will surely land this film in Film and Philosophy classes around the world in the years to come. Not to forget the excellent animation work, with some truly impressive, long shots.

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