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Army of the Dead 2021

i gave 4.

its this bad.

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Not a good movie, by far. Very predictable as the plot really is quite simple and many times makes no sense at all. Very cheesy and the ending is really a downer, quite depressive indeed. However, it has excellent shoot-them-up action sequences and it looks amazing on the screen. Really nice photography, make up and VFX. The moral of the story is - at least for me-, don't you dare to care for any of the characters. None of them. The documentary of the movie is way better than the movie itself.

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All of the characters had their head so far up their behind that I was more afraid they'd die of asphyxiation rather than killed by a zombie.

Overall a great zombie popcorn movie that could have been a half hour shorter. You'll wonder why all the characters are making such stupid decisions, laugh when they actually go through with them, facepalm for some death, giggle at some of the more gruesome scenes and scratch your head at unnecessary long story points that lead nowhere.

I'd recommend this if you want to have some fun with friends around a pizza and some alcoholic beverages.


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Very classic "zombie flick" that at least doesn't suffer from a low budget.

They have a bit of a The Revenant scene involving the Zombie Tiger which was pretty well done. The rest is just all very meh. Definitely should not have been 2 and a half hours long. Ridiculous.

Would not recommend, unless you have a thing for zombie movies AND quite a lot of time to spare.

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Just a bad movie. would have been better if it was 75 minutes long

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Really pointless movie. Very amateur stuff.
Dave Batista can do better.
Rather watch Zombieland.

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I dont understand all the hate. All i know for sure is I watched it and i was intrigued all the way through, even if I was playing games at the same time. I did not come into this expecting anything special, its a gdamn zombie movie -- I only hoped to not be bored, and that's exactly what I got.
I kinda love Batista :) Also JUICE!!!!!! <3

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Way too much cringe filler content.

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Army of the Dead Pixel. I wasn't expecting anything deep and it delivered. Solid action and silly plot. Good stuff.

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Well shame on me for being excited with the trailer in the first place. It is a Snyder movie after all. The premise is good, but the rest is trash.

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Solid zombie movie. Snyder’s best since film since Watchmen, and most fun since Dawn of the Dead. Probably most fun for a while as he’s tackling his libertarian fanboys favorite book next… which should be the next of their internet freak outs.

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Dawn of the dead is one of my favorite zombie movies so I was really excited for this!
I'm so disappointed... A stupid story where nothing made sense! If that boss only needed that head why did the others needed to die? They could just take the money and the head! Everyone happy... And why did those 3 chicks stay in that room?! They could try to escape... It's not like they were chained or in a locked room!

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That plot was simple, sometimes didn’t make any sense, had a hint of cheesy but mostly I enjoyed it especially the action and the cast were average also had predicable ending.

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Lol this movie made absolutely no sense,

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The acting is sometimes meh, but it has plenty of good action, gore and effects. It was worth the ride into Viva Las Vegas.

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I was entertained. However:

  1. What on earth was Synder trying to do with the “prior team may actually be us, in a time loop” nonsense? Crazy idea that wound up going nowhere despite the big lampshade he hung on it.

  2. The whole zombie pregnancy thing was an interesting idea that got insufficiently explored.

  3. The opening credits scene was stylish and fun and set a great tone but unfortunately the movie proper never rose to meet it - it was pretty standard zombie fare.

  4. There was a UFO in the beginning (or at least some sort of fast moving light in the sky) that was never explained. Also never explained: a robot zombie - sparks flew from his head when he was shot on the casino floor. It was a quick moment but unambiguously a robot. What was up with that?

  5. “They reanimate when it rains” was a big unfired Chekhov’s Gun. About the same size as Chekhov’s Chainsaw - if a character has a big rotary saw as a weapon, shouldn’t it be used to kill at least one zombie at some point?

  6. Sean Spicer does not deserve to be rehabilitated via cameo.

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Looking for zombies getting shot-up in slow-mo? Got it.

Need guns and a very zoned-out main actor? Here you are.

Need some old-school views on what male and female is in both the human and zombie realms? Served.

All in all, this film is a bunch of shoot-'em-up scenes patched together with fairly little love. I miss what made George A. Romero's zombie films scary and funny. Sure, there are a few jump-scares throughout this film, but the main zombies grow old and stale after a very short while.

This film should have been edited. Also, what's up with the super-bokeh everywhere? I thought that kind of filming died in 2003.

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you would think a zombie movie where literally every character just starts to die out throughout the plot would maybe TRY to make you like the characters. but i guess that's just to much to ask! silly me, i guess i did just have to hate almost every single one of them. also, it seems that every bit of common sense was thrown out just for the sake of absolutely unbelievable fight scenes.
ALSO was the bomb not a NUCLEAR bomb?? literally no matter if they all wouldve gotten out or not, THEY WOULDVE ALL DIED OF RADIATION POISONING! why is the dad giving his daughter money to go save the children in the camp, when the camp got fucking obliterated by radiation anyway?? and the ending with the dude stuck in the safe was also incredibly unsatisfying. how did the dad turn in 10 minutes but that dude almost went a day without turning. at least follow your own fucking rules set in the universe.

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Shockingly bad. Doesn't even live up to Netflix's dumb but fun movie standards. Needlessly long tedious watch with bad writing, bad dialogue, bad acting, and very boring characters.

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Nice camerawork, nice cast, trash story.
Tries to be something bigger than b-movie with big budget and fails miserably.

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A fine, entertaining zombie movie. The CGI is good, casting is ok, action over action. Maybe there could be less long talks but in general, thinking that it is a zombie movie, not telling you the meaning of life, I liked the movie. 7/10

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One of the worst movies I've ever seen, if I can even call this pile of garbage a movie. Absolutely nothing made sense, The characters were super unlikeable and trying too hard to be cool.
Did the director or anyone else even watch the movie when they finished it?

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So disappointing. I wish I never watched it.
Cheesy plot, where one dumb girl make a dumb decision to save someone that's not important, which sacrificing the whole team including her dad. And the stupid dumb girl lives - she doesn't worth it.

The end.

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Too much bloat as usual. The man needs an editor that can make the hard decisions. 148 minutes, get real.

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This was so bad! The trailer made it seem like a good movie, but it was not by an amazingly long shot.

This movie is one big cliche done very badly. I mean its starts with the army being complete morons. The military people around the world are actually competent and this parody of what army and army mistakes should look like is completely in the fantasy world of righteous, ignorant conspiracy theorists.

I do not want to, but I will mention that this pseudo army comes with a just married couple that is performing sexual acts while driving. Thus they start the zombie apocalypse. Are you kidding me?! This is also an extremely overdone cliche.

This movie is an example of what not to do.

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Not quite the balls to the walls action zombie flick that I was expecting, although some of the scenes do get the adrenaline pumping. There are more talky scenes than I would have liked, sometimes dragging the pacing to a crawl. But it is quite imaginative even if it never manages to beat some of the best zombie movies in the genre. A sequel would not be unwelcome but if there is one, I hope Snyder lets rip with something crazier and less sentimental than this entry.

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This is the worst movie I have seen in a long, long time.

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Boring plot with no sense at all, characters with zero developtment or background, just a bunch of bullets, blood; this movie could be only 45 min long but instead is 2 hours of a boring history about a team like Ocean Eleven, but with bad taste.

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Watch it for entertainment value but turn off your brain and don’t question the stupidity of the movie because it will drive you nuts.

Stupid doesn’t even start the describe this film. There are so many things that make no sense. I’m shocked that all the actors that read the script didn’t say “what the fuck is this garbage”. Maybe they all needed jobs?

Maybe this film requires the Snyder Cut. Oh wait it’s made by Zack Snyder. Maybe he needs to go back in time & hire himself to remake this movie.

I can’t believe Zack Snyder suckered investors out of $70 million. I guess what they say is true; there’s a sucker born every minute.

Anyway watch at your own risk.

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Well, I know where they got the script and the character : Zombicide !!
The worst character : the daughter, who feel responsible for the mother whom abandoned her children and want to rescue her... WHAT A JOKE ! Honey, go fuck yourself and kill ya by your one...
And my third point... The pacing is awful... Too slow or too fast.
Not a good movie.

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Zach Snyder sure has a knack for make boring movies … too long, stupid subplots, sooo fucking slow paced.

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it's kind of a much uglier version of suicide squad xd
dont get me wrong, the thrill was definitely there but the plot was full of holes n smtimes made 0 sense, n even there was some cringy irritating moments ugh, and the gore scene XDDDDD they were pathetic sorry, also the acting set was below average but they did their best ig.
so yeah it is watchable but not that enjoyable.

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Dave Bautista was absolutely awesome as a professional wrestler; like so many others before him (Dwayne Johnson being the sole anomaly) he fails miserably on the big screen however. This movie had potential but the acting was listless, lifeless, spiritless and meaningless. The story was COMPLETELY predictable to any fan of zombie flicks, but so far removed from any decent undead movie that I found myself regretting I had wasted my time. News flash, people: Zombies are DEAD people; ergo, they are incapable of reproducing. That should have been reason alone to turn this off, but I'm a slow learner and kept hoping.

In the end, it was an enormous disappointment, and I would be remiss if I didn't warn others to avoid this idiocy. A complete - COMPLETE! - waste of time, and certainly at 2.5 hours in runtime it's not worth sitting through. I really wanted to like it...I really EXPECTED to like it...but alas, 'twas not to be.

Avoid this one unless you've got absolutely NOTHING else....

On second thought, just avoid this one. Period. It reeks.

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Starts out an 8 and devolves into a meh ppphhhfffrrrttt

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Loads of gore. A bit too much for my taste. Some funny parts in there, but overall the movie just made no sense at all. Huge plot holes, for as far as there was a plot. The whole story around Kate having the need to save Geeta was nonsense, with all the facts around that... Especially Kate walking around alone in between hordes of zombies, going into a huge building and just by pure luck (?) finding what she is looking for, etc etc. Probably the worst part of this movie from a plot point of view. But it was so nonsense that it brings down the rest of the story also, even further. Too bad and not needed. Everything else was extremely predictable. Too predictable.

Overall maybe it's an enjoyable zombie movie if that's really your thing.
But for me, the movie made me feel sad and perhaps even a bit depressed. Too negative and pointless.

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Just another zombie movie. It would have been a 4 but the soundtrack was worth the extra 1 mark.

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Actually not a bad movie. Not the greatest either. Some effects was really poor and som dialogue was really boring. Fortunately it wasn't that much of that

Valentine was my favourite

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Zombies in Las Vegas. From this premise of delirium.

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Cracking entertainment! A cross between John Wick, Zombieland and I Am Legend. The director shows us once again he can do action very well. I am looking forward to Army of Thieves - 7.5/10

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Didn't enjoy the high aperture shots. Half of the people's faces were out of focus and it was bothering me.

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Too long and slow for an action zombie movie.

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There were a lot of interesting...choices...made in Army of the Dead, some just annoying, others head-scratching, and a few actually intriguing. First, the good. Dave Bautista has really blossomed as an action star and I genuinely enjoy him. The rest of the cast (barring Tig Notaro, who is always great) was meh, but passable. The action was solid when mowing down zombies, but some of the creature work (the zombie animals looked fine when not involved in the action, but didn't fare well when the action focused on them) was spotty. The rest of the film was an overlong, oddly shot, weirdly plotted haphazard mess. It felt like Snyder went through his notes on cool film ideas and randomly tossed them into a zombie flick. I didn't hate it, but left it feeling like there could have been so much more done with this idea.

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What an utter waste of time! :rolling_eyes:

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If you wondered what could possibly go wrong with an Ocean's 11 film with zombies, watch this film It will show you how you can screw up this story.

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A zombie movie without any logic, and not that great action. The worst thing though was the very shallow DOF with most of the shots. Makes it hard to watch.

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Zack Snyder seems to have the unique talent to make things that sound great on paper, no fun at all in execution.

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By far the most irritating intro song I've ever sat through in my life. Fucking hell it never ends either. It's still going now. Just give up already!

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Dave Bautista Sucked and after seeing what Zack Snyder did with the justice league I had very high expectations but this movie was just blah

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Zack Snyder is almost as bad as Michael Bay. Where he enjoys his own work so much that he doesn’t edit enough out. The story is 2 hour worthy and he drags it out to 2 hrs and 27 minutes.
With that said the action is great and I loved the cast. The movie just isn’t epic enough be so long and just have the ending that it does. Though it is way better than a Bay Transormers sequel.

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I would’ve liked this movie more had more than one person survived. Kate went off for her friends but didn’t show if they survived at the end?

There was literally no reason to kill everyone off, they could’ve easily made this into two or three movies but instead rushed it and made it another boring pointless zombie movie.

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Just watch the opening credits. It is the best part of the movie.

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Two hours of my life wasted watching this movie.

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This movie was average at most. Wanted it to be more. So predictable in every turn. CGI and action was good though.

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Stupid characters, stupid story, stupid movie. I am giving 2 points only for ending music.

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Batista my boy in the main role! Fun movie that dies off quickly

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Meh!! Zac Snyder is the new Michael Bay!!!

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I wish they explored more about the robot zombies and the time travelling element. That would have made for an interesting twist for what was a pretty straight forward film

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When I heard Batista was leaving the MCU I thought wow his upcoming movie must be something. Well it's something, alright. Trash.

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What a waste of time this is.

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Zack Snyder should stop making movies. He's really bad at this.

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A movie with great actors, a different take on a over done concept, and so much potential. In the end all this movie proceeds to do is bore and annoy you with it's plot holes, sudden deaths, and plot twisting revelations which come far to late into the movie. It falls into the category of not bad, but not good.

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Shout by SchmoogieVIP
BlockedParent2021-05-24T04:18:11Z— updated 2021-10-31T03:39:39Z

Sooo - sadly I found this to be sub-par. Definitely not one of Snyder's best. The movie was certainly hyped up very well, but the movie itself doesn't live up to the hype.
Sure there are some good fight scenes. Sure there is some humor. And there are Zombie aminals. But overall the plot itself just wasn't that great.

I rated this as 6-Fair as I know more people are going top like this than I did.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I enjoyed it as far as straight up action goes, but yeah they hyped it up a lot and...I don't think it lived up to it.

there as a lot of potential that in my opinion wasn't really exploited properly. too bad.

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His daughter is a dumbass. I hate people that pull that righteous bullshit and get people killed, if you want to save other people then go right ahead i am not coming back for you. She would be the first person out of my group. And what she cant hear a goddamn helicopter landing on the roof of this quiet building in this quiet city :man_facepalming_tone3: then lets talk on the roof like idiots. Im so sick of the dumb common sense stuff that these movies still do to this day

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Very obvious. You won't be surprised by anything that happens in this film, but it's enjoyable enough
Some of the characters are so idiotic that they don't make sense, but what else would you expect from this film.
It is what it is, way too long and nonsensical but enjoyable enough while you're watching it. Especially if you switch off your brain.

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Not as bad as people are making it to be, just not as good as the rest of the Snyders movies.
Unique zombies, good cinematography and visuals, decent plot!

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Snyder should have stayed within the dawn of the dead (2004) universe. This movie is a step back in quality and originality.
there is always that guy that suddenly notices that he was bitten...really???

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purnell should be dead in this movie... annoying as fuk..the music not suitable at all..stupid ending..i guess this is why they aren't in cinema

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Who knew a zombie heist movie could be so entertaining.

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A great Friday night popcorn flick. Sure there are some things I would have liked fixed up, but did I have a good time? Absolutely!

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I guess it wouldn't be a snyder film if there wasn't an unnecessary slow mo montage every 10-15 minutes.

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I don't know...gues I was more excited to see some familiar faces in the cast than I was with the movie itself. Halfway through it and I already knew the end, so that was a con for me. Maybe I just felt like the whole movie was pointless with that ending and it really made me question if spending 2 hours just because there was a zombie tiger and a heist was really a good idea.

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Full of boring characters and a boring cliche plot-holey story (also some scenes dragged a bit) but the zombie action scenes look cool as fuck. And at the end of the day that's why you're watching this movie. To see Zombies get fucked up. And you definitely get that in this movie.

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Army of the Dead

Watched it....

But doubt I will be watching it again soon...

Good effects...

Gore galore...

Bit over long...

More of a Popcorn movie.. Sit down and leave your brain elsewhere...

Still I enjoyed it....

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It's not that great..i had high hopes so i was lifted a little disappointed at the end..easily forgettable, full of zombie cliche with no surprises or twists in the plot to make it different from the other movies coupled with some bad acting i couldn't get into it.

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Streamed via Netflix

Zack Snyder's best film since Dawn of the Dead. Not as good as I was hoping but it still offers tons of fun. I just don't understand the super lengthy runtime, with a plot THAT simple. It's predictable, there's no surprise or anything. I don't like unnecessary slow motions in this film especially during emotional scenes, like forcing me to feel sympathetic, it felt so cheap. But there's also a lot of cool stuff to like. I think the action parts are decent, the characters could have more depth but they're all likeable, the practical effects and make-up are fantastic.

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Zack Snyder trades in some of his slomo with the discovery of depth of field. Snyder returns to zombies in with diminishing results, teasing with the idea of smarter, more unified zombies that really goes nowhere, he also can’t help yet another zombie baby.

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Not the best zombie movie, but it's not everyday you get something like this. I gave an 8 for being quite different. And it's quite entertaining too.

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Hostage videos have better production. Dont waste your time watching this "media" thingy

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Can’t wait to see the sequel in Mexico and y’all know that there’s a lot of them them there! They might take over the world and Trump will be their first kill! Lol

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Shout by JenVIP

Its a zombie movie, what did you except? Spielberg? I enjoyed it. Sure its not really good, but not bad either. Especially not as bad as everyone says. Just a fun watch, with much gore and action, don’t overthink it.
And Dieter is just so cute :joy:
(ok Im german too so maybe its just me:woman_shrugging_tone1::joy:)

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I cannot dignify this movie by giving it a rating. it is that bad!

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oh hell no! what a load of crap! I waited anxiously for this!?!!! If you value your life do not watch.

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God awful waste of 2 and a half hours.

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Mediocre at best, unintelligent at worst.

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If it wasn't for the production value, I probably would have disliked this. I really don't like zombies, and I didn't like this for two reasons. One because some of the visuals were scary in terms of apocalypse and two because it was almost nothing like zombies. Also, I didn't know Synder was such a Wanda stan. Can't tell me that 'queen' isn't a variant of the scarlet witch. The comedy or dialogue doesn't age well at all. It made me root for the zombies. Majority of the characters are unlikeable, but the cgi, sfx, makeup, design, and action sequences were very likeable.

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Stupid illogical plot hole riddled nonsensical bullshit.

But fun.

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Never seen a zombie movie where the apocalypse starts because someone was getting road head.

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Zack Snyder should not be doing his own cinematography.

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