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As Above, So Below 2014

If you like frenetic POV a la Blair Witch Project you will probably like this movie. To me, the camera constantly jerking around, hitting things, getting splashed etc got very tiresome very quickly.

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Enjoyed this one. Not epic, but better then the imdb 6.1 imho.
I'm avoiding subways and will not set foot in Paris for a while though.

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Quite the original and interesting story

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the creepiest movie I have ever seen. watch it with good sound

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Tomb Raider x The Descent. Laura Croft gets more than she bargained for in this tomb.

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For a found footage movie that wants you to believe that fashion models like to explore underground catacombs, this was pretty good.

The gates of Hell concept was eerie and there was some chilling moments with things walking around in the tunnels, although it probably happened more times than it needed to. There weren't that many jump scares, seven according to (2 major, 5 minor and it's funny there's a website that actually counts them and tells you when they occur).

This isn't too gory, but if you're squeamish it will bother you. The actors weren't as annoying as most twenty-somethings are in the Movies, and the main character (Scarlett) was actually easy to pull for.

There were a few times that the camera was placed in impossible locations to capture what it did, but it wasn't egregious. I was surprised by the way this concluded because it wasn't the usual modern Horror movie ending.

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I really enjoyed this... it's like DESCENT but with mind games. Amazing use of sound and some genuinely creepy moments make this a classy horror movie. The acting, sets, special effects and attention to detail were all terrific. Good stuff! 7.5/10

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I really liked this movie! It’s a good adventure, thriller film that kept my attention the whole time. Lots of good tension throughout.

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decent entry for this type of horror subgenre. i definitely liked descent more but this wasn't bad by any means. i will say that it does what a lot of b rate horror films do, which is fuck up the ability to suspend disbelief at relatively pointless moments. in this movie's case, i had no problem suspending my disbelief that this was a plausible scenario for the paris catacombs to throw at the protagonists, but like, how am i supposed to believe that the aramaic that george reads perfectly rhymes when translated to english?? or worse, that he's just recreating the rhyming pattern on the fly in a translation of a dead language? idk maybe he was just trying to impress scarlett, that's what i'm gonna go with.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘As Above, So Below’:

  1. I’ll give the film cred for solid creepy and claustrophobic moments. Some scenes 100% had me squirming in my seat — as if trying to shake myself lose from tiny crevices that didn’t exist.

  2. Either this movie intentionally wanted to leave a LOT up for speculation — which is totally possible — or there are simply a ton of plot holes. Who were the women chanting and what was their relevance? Who was La Taupe really? Did Scarlett become the stone in the end? If the first stone was fake, how did it heal Souxie? Who was the kid they saw down there, and the people in robes? Was this all just basically a ghost story during a trip through hell?

  3. I’m a sucker for happy endings, even in horror movies, so it was nice to see them avoid the found footage trope where the film ends with a camera lying on the ground. But was it a happy ending? Were they in back home — or in hell?

Bonus Thought: Part ‘The Descent’. Part ‘Indiana Jones’. Part ‘Tomb Raider.’ This movie in a nutshell.

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It's an amazing and one of the best footage films I've ever seen. The idea is so unique and the concept of all the things down below. What really is amazing is the sound and audio too. This s certainly a movie night type film but it is not for the faint hearted. Sound and Audio is 10/10 and the ending is satisfying 9/10

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awesome sound work, really gave me the chills! :o

ps: this movie is not suitable for claustrophobic people.

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It was just too much with this movie. Bad acting with a weird story and even worse resolution how to get out of their nightmare…

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This is one of my all time favorite horror movies, and I live for horror. I put it on to have background noise, fully expecting it to be awful, and I was immediately hooked. It’s easily one of the best found footage movies ever made.

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The pace of the film is 100mph from beginning to end and so intense. The best found footage horror I’ve seen. So much better than I expected. Was gripped throughout and the filming was spectacular as well as claustrophobic. It ventures successfully into the gates of hell without needing to throw money at SFX and felt a truly believable story. The catacombs of Paris was a spectacular location to make this so creepy. Highly recommended and a must watch.

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filmed in the real hecatomb of france... i can say that is a scary movie in all aspects

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Was really fun and intense! Keeps me at the edge of my seat. Although there are some dumb moments, but still worth a watch.

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This might have been the most claustrophobic film I've seen in awhile! All those small tunnels! I didn't like that at all. Never been fan of small spaces myself either. So that might had been something to do with it. I really don't like crawling through small tunnels and stuff like that. Which was really well done here!

Anyway, As Above, So Below is a found footage film in which we follow Scarlett (Perdita Weeks) while she is looking for the Philosopher's stone. The search is being documented by Benji (Edwin Hodge). As she gathers more people to go look for it in the catacombs of Paris we find out that it wasn't as easy as she might thought it would be.

It has the cliché jump scares and horror tropes, but I didn't think they would escape. They surprised me with that! I still don't know who the guy in the black robe was, or the creatures trying to kill them. But maybe some things are better left unanswered.

All in all, As Above, So Below is a decent and entertaining entry in the found-footage horror genre!

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As far as horror movies go, this one is a breath of fresh air. The story is engaging, cohesive and well-structured. More than scary, the story is very very interesting. I loved the logic behind it and they did a very decent job. There could have been more scares and jumps, but overall it was awesome. I liked it a lot.

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After a clunky opening 15 minutes which sets up the central premise of hunting for a lost artifact in the catacombs of Paris (The Philosopher's Stone, no less), the film spends most of its running time setting up cheap scares and scenes derivative of much better films, notably Neil Marshall's "The Descent." Like that film, the claustrophobic setting is used well initially, but here, the introduction of supernatural elements to the film don't work, largely because they seem so random and disconnected from the story. Back stories are thrown in throughout in an attempt to explain the characters' fears that are manifesting before them, but very few have any impact beyond the odd jump scare that is manufactured largely through volume. Disappointing.

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I was under the impression that the movie is going to be bad when I threw it on but I actually found it to be quite enjoyable. While I wouldn't sign a paper calling the acting great or it to be something else than good entertainment it had strong sense of mystery which works great for found footage.

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Really intense movie. Much more so than other movies like this. It's much more interesting as well.

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Blair witch. spielunker version.

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It was interesting but not scary at all

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And in the end of hell... big surprise ;)

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Interesting and original stoty. Much better than I expected looking at the average ratings. I think they could have made a better job with the ending though.

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This is not as scary as I remember. The suspense & creepiness is what make this movie good. The plot was a little oversimplified and lacked depth. Good performances from most of the cast. Parisians are portrayed well in this and not the usual French stereotypes.

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I can just never get into the plot of this film and i’ve really tried, it’s a good found footage film with an original storyline it’s just not for me.

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What a beautiful love story.

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Solid found camera flick; perfect location, so much death, blood, bodies, etc... I am not usually a found footage fan, Blair Watch was great and original, so many attempted failures since, but this did great, especially if you know any history of the catacombs, and I only know the basics.

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One of my favorite found footage horror films. I love the claustrophobic atmosphere, the tension and the countless puzzles that appear throughout the movie, as well as the historical and philosophical references.
The ambience is spectacular, as it is filmed in the catacombs of Paris. The performances are great and the characters awesome. A unique masterpiece in this style.

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This is a movie where you just need to turn your brain off and let yourself immerse.

Solid movie, nothing amazing... But a solid and very well played out low production horror.

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It had some pretty freaky parts and overall was enjoyable ride. But they got to be the smartest people in the world to figure out those riddles so quickly on the fly.

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Not recommended for claustrophobic and people with motion sickness
Great Movie though
Scared me enough
and if u were claustrophobic it must have been traumatic for u

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What the actual fuckkkkk was that

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"The only way out is down."

The premise is pretty interesting and had my attention for the most part, I just think the third act might sully it just a tad bit. As others have stated, The Descent does it better.

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Super scary move but a bit of a headache at the end becouse of all the shacky footage

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I'm in love with this gem!

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Surprisingly good with great atmosphere.

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A mix between REC and The Descent but poorly written.

The setting is great, the real Paris catacombs are amazing and the idea of a group of people trapped in there and their only escape is to dig deeper is brilliant. The decision to shoot it in the found footage format is nailed and the camera work is good. Too bad the characters are lame and the story is inconsistent and stupid.
Someone should hire a real screenwriter and make a remake of this.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Poor man's Lara Croft gets a bunch of people terrorised and killed digging around in the catacombs.
Weak film and super abrupt and odd ending.

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I was really hoping for a Rod Serling style ending.

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Good, if claustrophobic. Got more magical/supernatural than I was expecting by the end, but had excellent visuals and managed to make me jump a couple of times, which is rare. Very unique story, definitely worth a watch!

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Shout by Shushant Dewan

One of the best horror movies. You will not disappoint. Just brilliant.

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Shout by elbebe

It is very amazing movie

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Shout by Martim

I came across this halfway through and I just had to go back and watch it from the start. It got me hooked from the beginning to the end... really intriguing. I could have only hoped for a better ending, as it felt slightly empty without a plausible explanation, in spite of the revealing name of the film.

Moreover, I like NBC's Superstore so it was pretty cool to see Ben Feldman taking a darker role.

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Shout by Colin Lcfc Jelley

The concept is good but the film is boring and stupid thought it would be a lot better.

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Ridiculous story. Don't take it serious or it'll make you hate it. It was still OK to watch as a horror. Claustrophobic at times. It was well made and it looked fun to make, I'd recommend it because it's fun and effective.
Raiders of the lost ark meets Blair witch.

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Shout by Deleted

I legit fell asleep in the movie. I couldn't understand why the main character was so pushy to make her friend go in the cave when he didn't want to go. She was doing too much the whole movie. she was pissing me off. and everything else was wackkkk. p.s I'm from new york. deadass

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iran is a developed country, not like this poor country you showed in this movie

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I don't know if it's because I ate too much before watching this film, but I started feeling sick so I had to take pauses. Might have a tiny bit claustrophobia going on. So for those in the same boat, be aware. Most of the scenes are in tight spaces.

Adviced to watch with subtitles, I did without, which made me have to rewind sometimes to catch what someone was saying, the volume of some effects made it difficult to hear.

Other than that, I was pleasantly surprised. The casting was good, the scares are great, tho some things I did see coming, but not a whole lot. Into the film they just got more and more "below" and I was really afraid for their safety. They just got more and more fucked haha. I don't think I would ever do anything remotely close to this, I like my safe spaces.

Truly a good movie. Good luck.

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Shout by Deleted

I liked it. Was quite interesting. Kinda got some Tomb Raider feeling, but in a scarier way. Effects were good, cast just fine.

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One of the few good "found footage" horror films.

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Blair witch. spielunker version.

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Blair witch. spielunker version.

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Blair witch. spielunker version.

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Pointless film. Some jump out of your seat moments, but not worth watching.

I don't understand how all the stuff they went through somehow got reversed and there's no need to explain any of that.

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It was hard getting into the story, but the occasional creepy moments made it worth my time.

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Shout by Rodrigo

When Andrew (from 'A to Z') had appeared, I though it would get better. I was wrong.
The movie has a good story, but in general it was just.. Horrible.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Nothing new here.

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Was crap... And thats coming from a huge fan of the "found footage" genre. It just feels like the movie had nothing special to offer....

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Watch This. You'll never sleep again, lol.

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