Shouts about...

Avatar 2009

Visually it is truly the most incredible spectacle committed to film. However the story was thin and unoriginal and the first half of the script was appalling. Lazy use of, and overly lengthy, voice over for exposition, including one random line of voice over from no where about two thirds of the way in. Script writing 101 is show it, don't say it.
Just because it's the highest grossing doesn't mean it's well made. Pretty to my eyes, a creative vacuum to my brain.

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If it wasn't for the visuals and the amazing 3D, it would have been a let-down. However, it was made for the effects and I think it did justice to the 3D world and what a world it was.

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I have to agree with MajorMercyFLush and stryjewski. This movie is a snorefest. The amount of acclaim it recievs saddens me when shallow drivel like this is going to be held as a blueprint of successful filmaking.

It's nothing more than a set of video game like sequences sans the interactivity that makes video games appealing. So you can't interact with it, and the plot is for the lowest common denominator. Where does that leave it in my books? In the trash.

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I'm not a movie buff by any stretch, I won't claim to hold knowledge in writing or rant about the scientific names of minerals. I'll just say the movie was blah. I don't even get where people claim it looked amazing visually, it just looked like a crapload of cgi to me.

The story itself is so weak I found myself bored for more then half of the 2 hour plus movie. The bad guys attack and win the first battle but the good guys regroup and win the war.... Isn't that every episode of the A-Team? Not one time does the movie surprise you with a turn of events outside your expectations. Don't get me started on the cartoonishly tough military leader or the final fight scene where the bad guy tells the good guy what he's about to do. How classic. I'm sure the fanboys will flame the hell out of this as apparently some see this movie as life changing. If this movie changed your life you need to get out more.

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Shout by Nyphern Mobulos
BlockedParent2021-06-10T08:50:56Z— updated 2022-01-17T14:50:16Z

It was a eye-candy, literally. The animation or whatever it was, was beautiful and the story was also painfully believable. The depiction was all interesting and realistic to the point of me rating it 10 hearts!~

Edit: I'll be changing my rating to 8 stars instead of 10, because I realized it's not great to be high on emotion all the time when it comes to ratings. Lol?

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Shout by Code
BlockedParent2016-10-02T20:23:04Z— updated 2016-12-10T14:43:40Z

I can't believe most comments are people whining, ... Who cares, It was a Sci-Fi Movie people, get a grip.
If you don't like that particular type of Genre, Then why have you bothered watching it for ?.
(I guess Curiosity isn't your strong point)

Personally, I'm most certainly a Space Cadet, I live for the Stars and what's out there!... I Thought this Film was a Great piece, It's best Watched it with an Ambient lighting and 3D.

As long as I'm still alive by the first Manned Mars Landing, I'll be happy to leave this Earth, Though It's not always the same sharing moments when single.

I guess I've got my work cut out for me!

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Visuals: 10/10
Story: 8/10
Soundtrack: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

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amazing - wish i could have seen it in 3D!

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Unique movie, gotta see once at least

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The wet dream of every white man with a savior complex.

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Ok so.

Theatrical version: 8/10

Collector's Edition Extended Version: 9/10

Those extra 16 minutes were worth every second to get it to almost a 3 hour runtime. Not a lot is wrong with this movie. But it still lacks great dialogue and cohesion with the plot. Some things just happen, which isn't good for a 3 hour long movie. Plus ideas are dropped with nothing to say why it was there, or what toll it took on the characters. Also worth a note, James Horner does another fantastic score for one of Cameron's films. But overall this is an tale or epic proportions.

I hope they don't screw it up with... 4 sequels.. god..

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Didnt know what this was going into it. But the over all feeling of this film did it for me. The great acting and a some whot different story line gives it a high rating in my book.

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The plot might be simple, the idea that a world like this could exist somewhere out there is thrilling. Beautifully made.

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Not what I expected -- and happy that it turned out that way. Excellent graphics and fabulous action. If you're a fantasy buff then this will fill you up. I'd watch if there were a sequel.

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Respect Indigenous uprising #landback

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This might as well be 'Pocahontas' in space.

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Shout by Code
BlockedParent2016-10-02T20:36:37Z— updated 2016-12-10T14:39:32Z

Fantastic Movie, admittedly, I watched it when it first came out, Only just got this app.

I see lots complaining of this and that, Half of you have missed the point, even though you hated it, you still watched it till the end.
It's a Sci-Fi Movie, and that for me is enough, seeing what could be one of the millions of possibilities of the kinds of worlds that just might be out there, Waiting to be Explored, makes my mind explode with the joy of finding lifeform's to which we have no concept of.

If you are to rule out such a planet may exist, Then I feel for their Imagination's!

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One of the best cinematic experiences ever...

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What a piece of shit letdown. It's a simple, sad digest on racism and xenophobia - which is good - but it's told so badly, that even Rodney King did a better job at dismaying anyone from...anything? Effects, effects, effects, neon... It was not engaging and not worth anybody's time.

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Hate this film. Can explain why in many words. Don't want to waste even more time than I already did while actually watching the thing.

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Probably one of my favourite movies!

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The only good thing about this movie are its visual effects and maaaaaybe soundtrack. Everything else sucks. The plot is especially bad.

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"I see you" best line ever!!

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THE 3D film that redefines the genre. A little like ALIENS in places, but there's no question this is one of the most engrossing Sci-Fi films out there. Perfect in almost every respect. :)

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Awesome film one of those movies that you've just gotta watch twice!

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Graphically beautiful and a cool concept.

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A friend who I thought was pretty intelligent was all about this movie because he saw an anti-imperialism/colonialism/neoliberalism subtext to it. I just thought the movie made me dumber. Also on the colonial tip, if one were to read the film that way, it would reek of paternalism, that the savage can only resist with the support of the colonizer.
MAjorMercyFlush: good call on the pocahantas tip.

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I have never seen both Pocahontas or The New World, but i know the story and it does seem similar. So i guess you have a point there.

You should see this website: There are lots of minerals and acids and molecules with weird names. But than again this is a movie. Its not supposed to be scientific accurate, just entertaining.
I remember reading somewhere that James Cameron was asked why the Na'vi women have breast since they don't need them and he answered "because this movie was made for human people", my point exactly.

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I thought it was a fantastic movie. I have not seen anything like it before. They spend the budget they had in a very good way if this is the end-product.

What do you mean it was unoriginal? The only movie i can think of that has something even remotely similar is Dances With Wolves, but thats like comparing apples and oranges. I saw this movie a total of four times in the movie theater, i thought it was that good. But it might also have been because of the fact that this was the first movie i ever saw in 3d.

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It’s not about the visuals, it’s about the ability to create an entire new amazing world and a story that we can relate

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Checking the movie in the cinema tonight as they re-released it - this time in 4K 3D HFR Atmos. It is most definitely amazing to see it like this and a great way to refresh my memory in anticipation of the upcoming Avatar 2.

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As a film, it's okay - cliche-ridden and as a result it is similar to so many other movies.

Graphics-wise it is very impressive.

I saw the Extended Collector Edition clocking in at 2h 58 and I could have lived with about 20 mins less as the fighting got quite monotonous.

The story and the indigenous people aspect was praiseworthy though a little heavy-handed.

Will I race out to see a sequel to this? Nah.


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I wish there was avatár 2

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This Movie Innovated in Every Domain relying on CG.
from Special Effects to Gaming industry.

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So very Hollywood fairy tale of good and love. Visually beautiful, innovative and wonderful to watch in the format in 4DX. But very schematic plots.

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This Movie is basically Pocahontas. But in stunning 3D.

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Shout by Dupond daniele

Wonderfull at all levels, especially in the ecological message. A story that is great but realistic: this is very important for me.

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its been long since this movie has come out, and i have to say its just fabulous especially in this time, i cant say how much ive watched this movie, well lets say more then a 100 times, because every time you watch, you learn or find something new, and that i believe is because of the amazing graphics in use, anyhow if you havent watched it by now please do...

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Watched this at the movie theater back in 2009 and gave it a try at home this year: while the 3D effects are still OK (although not that impressive anymore after having seen quite a few other action flicks with decent 3D effects since 2009), the story is just too flat, as are all the characters IMHO, to let it stand out besides all the other mediocre action flicks available!
Take a look a the original Matrix movie: this provided mind-blowing action sequences (for the time it was released) and still managed to provide a story and characters one cares about. Avatar is nowhere near that level of brilliance and for me a perfect example of Cameron flick that is hyped and provides no real sustenance.

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Shout by Wasim Chakalader


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Amazing movie ....storry good effects.

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The longer I watched it, the lower my rating for it got... and well, I quit at about halfway. It's pretty, but even that is not much of an advantage, as I feel like these scenarios are not exactly new? It honesly felt like your standard magical forest, and being high-res did not make up for the lack of creativity.

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Shout by Deleted

Visuals/Cinematography: A+
Plot originality: B-

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Shout by Deleted

All flash, no payout. Horrible writing, generic, insulting story, and rehashed tropes. Disgusting.

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Shout by Charles Lucas


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Shout by Deleted

Loved it

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Great piece of art with avant-garding visual effects, stunning both in cinema and blu-ray, other than that it's all fireworks, plot, history and characters are gigantic clichés.

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'Forgettable' is the less insulting adjective i was able to find for this movie. I mean it's obviously pretty bland and boring, the story, the characters and all. Yeah the special effect are decent, but nothing truly amazing as the industry advertisers wanted to make us believe... I honestly wouldn't even suggest the one-time watch. It's just a disappointment and, at times, an insult to the spectator intelligence.

ps: i'm a fan of this kind of sci-fi/fantasy movies (as well as other genres) and i've watched many great examples of it. If a movie is well executed i'll like it is so regardless the genre, and i'll like it regardless. So don't even think i'm giving a bad review because i don't like the genre. Accept the fact that the movie is objectively mediocre.

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Shout by Deleted

Predictable plot and flat characters but somehow you just have to see it all play out...probably because of the visuals. It's worth one watch at least. #ShiftvW8

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Shout by Deleted

Aside all the hype surrounding the release of this movie......Its great.

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leave bad comment alone.can't wait to see to see the sequel.the story and cinematographic is up to another level of sci-fiction genre.what a acting.

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Shout by Deleted

I think this movie was one of those love or hate types with leaving little room in between. I loved it and looking forward to the next one should it ever get made..Personally I think a 2 year wait would have been more than enough and don't understand why they are waiting so long to bring out the follow up.

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One of my favs.

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Shout by Deleted

One of my favorite films that I would recommend to everybody. Some would say the plot is very simple or empty, others don't like fiction at all and will get bored watching it, but it made me dream and very few films did that.

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Shout by lewisindahouse

Was okay the first time but I've seen it sooooooooooo many times so its just rubbish

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Shout by Deleted

Nice, well done

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Awesome 3D

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Shout by Deleted

It was a great movie

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Like to own the 3-D

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Loved this movie! I've seen it more times than I can remember. I can't wait for the new one!

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Shout by Deleted

Love it ! I think the world they created was just amazing and so beautiful they did an AMAZING job with the whole movie I think I also loved the plot and everything in general

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Shout by Deleted

I didn't have very high expectations when I went to see this movie. It quickly surpassed my expectations and it is one of my favorites.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by chocOlat3mus1c


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Shout by Deleted

Brilliant film

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing film

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome film, one of those ones that you've gotta watch twice

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Shout by Deleted

This is the baddest ass movie I have ever seen! Best seen in blu ray or 3d!!

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Not bad

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Overrated.. (The most intresting thing in the movie was the CGI enviroments..)

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Shout by Diego

Loved it

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Shout by Deleted

Very good!

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Shout by Deleted

Great cgi

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I wonder if there is a person who hasn't seen this movie yet.

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Shout by Deleted

much better with the extended cut

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Shout by Deleted


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Love it

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Excellent very big movie!

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Avatar—James Cameron’s three-hour tech demo disguised as a movie. It’s like someone handed him a billion-dollar budget and he decided to remake FernGully with a few extra layers of CGI gloss. Cameron spent more time designing Pandora than he did the actual script. It’s as if he thought, “Eh, no one will notice the lack of a compelling story if I throw in enough floating mountains and bioluminescent everything.” And to his credit, he was kind of right—people were too busy marveling at the 3D to realize they were watching a plot recycled from every ‘noble savage’ narrative ever made.

By the end of the film, you don’t walk away reflecting on its deeper meaning—you just wonder why you spent three hours watching it.

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It's basically Dances With Wolves in space. It's definitely none the worse for it though.

I will ponder this about James Cameron - why not release a film exactly how you want it? Okay, I know why - it's extra money from us mugs that'll buy it.
The release of special/extra special editions is just a bunch of fucking bullshit - just pick one and be done with it.
NB: I've personally seen three versions of this movie.

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a visually beautiful yet forgettable and cliche white savior's wet dream.

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I thought Avatar was overrated, till around when number 2 came out, and I gave Avatar a go. Never had i been so wrong. James Cameron truly makes his imagination come alive. I then watched number 2 straight after, and the only reason I'm not giving this a higher rating is because, to me, number 2 is 2 times better in every way. The fact this is already brilliant, iconic, revolutionary, immense, emotional, all the above, and yet can still improve is crazy.

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One of the most incredibly animated and fantastical worlds you will ever see in your life

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I still remember sitting in the theatre, moaning to myself the question "when will this be over?" because, for the first hour and a half, it felt like a nature documentary. It was gorgeous but so devoid of plot. Then, finally, a plot emerged! But it was rushed and basic. More was put into the graphics than into making this a GOOD movie.

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…what if I learned to speak Na’vi

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What’s there to say it’s avatar

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Oh wow. Seriously. I know I've seen this before when I was a kid, but now that the second film in the franchise is out, I thought why not watch it again now that I'm older and can understand the story better. I'm speechless. This is awesome. The story really gets to you, even though it's got that usual linear film flow with the intro, climax, and resolution. But hey, for 2010, this is already a really, really good film. Though it's not the kind of movie I'd want to rewatch maybe because it's a bit lengthy or because the plot feels kind of predictable, but man, it totally got me pumped up for the second film. I'm totally in love with this and oh, I've got a crush na on Jake Sully. 'Yung avatar version ha. Eme!

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Not entirely sure why I didn’t watch this when it came out. May well have just been the I was just being contrary to all that was popular at the time. 14 years later and it seems a bit ridiculous now. The plot was completely different than what I had imagined in my head. I’m not sure now what I thought but it wasn’t what it turned out to be. Not sure if that’s good. I think if I had realized “Ana Lucia” was in it I would have watched it sooner. Did anyone else get 9/11 foreshadowing vibes?

Anyway all to say, I guess I won’t wait q4 years to watch the second one.

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Great visuals
Likable story

Characters 6.5
Story 6.5
Pacing 7
Visuals 9
Rewatchability Factor 6
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 8
Average Score 7.16

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This is a bad Pocahontas remake

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The first one was spectacular, not so the latest

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I saw Avatar once then it was first released on Bluray. Didn’t like it back than and after my rewatch 13 years later I still don’t.

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The film reminds me of a few real life atrocities, but especially of the infiltration, manipulation and murders of the Native American Osage people for their oil in the 1920s... if you steal a bowl, warp the material a bit, then paint over it, is it the same bowl? Is it any less stolen? Cui bono? Still, nice CGI.

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Shout by Ahmed Naufal

Great movie with amazing cgi and a greater story

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