Tied in first place with Beverly Hills Cop Axel F for worst sh*t ever. Can’t blame the old timers for trying to make a buck but geeze, put a little more gray matter and elbow grease into it.

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Better than the previous one. This brings back the classic buddy cop action-comedy genre. The directors have surely improved the story and action sequences. Kudos for bringing Reggie back!

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Felt like the original Bad Boys movie, action packed comedy with flavor, and honestly Martin Lawrence was all the flavor in this classic buddy cop movie. They kept it simple this time and brought in all the old elements that make it good.

It's a fun movie so simply enjoy it, the action and comedy was good and it was better than the third one for sure. The best part was they brought Reggie back.

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Didn't like it. I'm usually all in for "numb action" movies, but I found it too flat. And weird enough, not funny. The action scenes also felt without flow. The weird POV camera shots from behind the guns were terrible. Acting and plot was meh. I think both WS and ML are too old for this action/comedy type of film. A 5 and I'm being good with the saga

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"No, black jelly bean! Nobody likes that shit!"

Like people said before me, Bad Boys: Ride or Die is the most fun entry in the series since the original. Just non-stop fun. The chemistry between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence is still there, the supporting cast is fun, the action is good, the prison fight rocked, loved Dustey the albino alligator, the Bad Boys tune still rocks, Dennis Greene is the greatest son-in-law, epic Michael Bay cameo and just all in all a fun ride.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die is a exactly what you expect, especially when you notice that Marcus has a heart attack and has to avoid stressful situations but hey, what the fuck that would be to annoying to continue with in the plot so let us just have fun. Great decision!

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full entertaining movie, everyone go and watch

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Bad Boys: Ride or Die is pure entertainment and a real crowd-pleaser.

The way that directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah film the action scenes (or just regular scenes) is so energetic and visually creative that at times I was taken aback by how impressed I was with it.

After 30 years of this franchise, it shows no sign of dying and if there is more to come, then I'm here for it.

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I can’t believe people are actually liking this as god as they do. Holy crap it is entertaining but come on, the story is weak, the music is over the top and the filming point is something else that needs to change. Hoping they won’t do another sequel with the same plot. Yes is watched it but not gonna say to people you should watch this

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Ok. First thing that bothers me about this movie and the previous one. How a Miami Dade detective, where the average salary is just over 100k can afford a house in star island? Those are millions dollar houses. Plus taxes and insurance are thru the roof. I know Mike come from a rich family, but Marcus is not.

Anyways, this movies it was boring. It felt Too long. Is becoming the fast and the furious of cops. It should have stopped at the second one.

Hollywood need to come up with new ideas or movies type.

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Bad Boys movies were the movie that made me love cop movies or series. This movie is also good. Fun and action together. If you are thinking of watching it, definitely watch it. Some scenes may bore you a little but overall it is fun and action-packed. Thank you for your efforts.

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Thankfully I did not waste my money watching this in the theatre. Let this be the last please. Cheap acting, underwhelming action scenes, horrible camera works... and it took 2 directors to make this that bad? Michael Bay's first 2 parts continue to blast.

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Beyond words horrible. If I had the money I'd sue them all!

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The best of the series, though that’s not saying much and 2 is the more mesmerizing snapshot of a time. This had a bit of Bay-lite energy and hearty visual swings without his worst tendencies. Smith and Lawrence are having fun though Lawerence is pure jokes here. I kept expecting Mike’s new love interest to be bad because she’s introduced out of nowhere after the last movie very much pushed him and Rita. Instead she’s just not a character at all, which is disappointing after three movies of the playboy daredevil to not see or buy what’s changed him so much that he has panic attacks over the thought of losing it. Not that that arc really goes anywhere besides a slap joke. It’s fine!

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Funny how the movies got better after Michael Bay just started making cameos in them. Instead of directing them.
The movie was the brainless fun you’d expect. With one of the better villains of the Bad Boys movies.

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What a terrible film. The film oozes masculinity and promotion of guns. Yes, I know it is a mind-numbing action film, but it was also painfully not funny, and full of clichés. Really a good film to avoid watching.

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Few good jokes. Not better than the first ones.

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Takes a steaming dump on the line between sequel and remake, though fans of the series will rediscover once more yet again their favorite clichés.

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Not as bad as I expected at all. Lots of comedic moments sandwiched between lots of action and the Reggie scene ….. EPIC!

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It's a blast, enjoy

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Same shit over and over nothing original or fun. They really should come up with better stuff but they won't and so the suck continues....

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Better than the previous entry. Martin Lawrence pretty much makes this movie and imo the franchise. Funny and action packed. Just remember this is a Bad Boys film, appreciate it for what it is and it can't compare to a more meaningful artistic film.

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They should make a movie about the rise and fall of the arrogant will smith

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This felt like a Wayans Brothers parody of Bad Boys.

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Wow, this was painful to watch.

If you were kept frozen in stasis for 30 years then this might be for you.

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Fan in general of the series, and the theme. This was a bit over the top. Over everything, trying to be funny, a cheesy and very ridiculous Lawrence he was even annoying on his acting and lines. Just a grab o money and the name to make just like Beverly Hills Cop.
Reggie stole the spotlight.

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What's even left to be said at this point? We're now four movies deep and this franchise still hasn't carved out an identity for itself. This is just another ultra generic buddy cop action/comedy with no fresh ideas. There's hints of creative direction with some of the set pieces here and there (e.g. some of the POV and drone shots look good), but everything else feels so low effort. Will Smith has had a maturation arc throughout the series, but since two mature lead characters would be too boring, Martin Lawrence acts like a child this time around and it's one of the cringiest performances I've seen all year. Talking about any of the other aspects would just challenge me to find synonyms for calling things forgettable or by the books, because there's nothing worth mentioning. We need to give these directors a fun, innovative premise that still allows them to work in that 90s blockbuster framework they clearly love so much. Maybe get them a writer that knows how to write good cheesy dialogue while we're at it. This is just way too boring.


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Will Smith's character didn't convince me....
It seems that he wants to look more vulnerable...
And I don't know if it's because of the bad reputation he got not so long ago...
But well...
The plot is obviously supported by the script, and the things happen because they have to happen...
It's enough to entertain me...
Reggie finally showed what he's made of...

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This one e as great

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Painfully unfunny jokes and over-stylized garbage scenes is all you’re gonna get with this one.

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Will Smith captures just enough of the charisma that made him famous to keep me watching and there are even a couple decent action set pieces, but the story feels like it's going through the motions, with arcs being bland and predictable. The humor also feels a bit tacked on at times, with almost standalone sketches/bits. While some are reasonably entertaining, it is unfortunate that they were featured heavily in the trailers. Even as someone who doesn't watch trailers I knew what was coming.

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Martin Lawrence dialogues, you got me bro!

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Painfully terrible. I don’t think I laughed once.

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Not bad, could have been better!

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Make no mistake, there were a lot of funny moments, but this was mostly bland and predictable AF.
I also don't know how I feel about the drone and video game looking directing. And do we really need to have the spinning camera scene on the two of them in EVERY film?

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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I thought Will Smith was cancelled, how did he make a movie?

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Good movie! The acting was falling flat in some scenes, but the jokes were on point. Yes, ladies and Gents, this is one of the best movies of 2024. And it is a MUST WATCH!

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Like a hard slap in the face, this was uncomfortable to watch, completely unnecessary and quite possibly career ending for all involved.

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But they almost didn't Ride in the movie? Some terrible looking camera shots... (the one from inside the wristwatch?) Don't get the reviews, but at least Duke was cool.

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"Bad Boys: Ride or Die" delivers a nostalgic thrill ride for fans of the franchise, blending action, humor, and camaraderie in a way that feels both familiar and fresh. While it may not break new ground, the film thrives on the chemistry between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, who effortlessly slip back into their iconic roles as Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett.

The movie embraces its over-the-top nature, featuring outrageous stunts, explosive action sequences, sleek camera work and a dose of heart that surprises amidst the chaos. Directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah maintain the franchise's signature style, incorporating a mix of humor and high-octane thrills that keep audiences engaged. The introduction of new characters, like Marcus's son-in-law Reggie, adds depth and sets the stage for future installments.

Ultimately, "Bad Boys: Ride or Die" is a fun escape that doesn’t take itself too seriously, making it a perfect addition for those looking to enjoy a light-hearted action flick with plenty of laughs and excitement.

Instagram @streamgenx @streamgenxglobal

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Everyone's Overrating this movie it was BAD Marcus Comedic Side wasn't as entertaining as the previous 2 Films and Mike Lowery well he's been disappointing the last two films

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This is just Martin Lawrence show, what a performance fucking hilarious!!!!!

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Bad Boys: Ride or Die provides a muchmore entertaining package than what came before, with thrilling and inventive action direction from Adil & Bilall. Yes, it's as over the top and silly as ever, but it's done with more panache and genuine wit than before, proving these Bad Boys, even at their older age, can still deliver.

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Not to bad I enjoyed the action scenes,,,, slap!

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For me, this was way way better than BB 2 and 3. The boys are back!

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That was some fun Michael Bay popcorn action. Nice redemption arch and fantastic cinematography. LIkeable characters. Funny as usual! More please!

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Pffff please no more bad boys

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Entertaining movie. I knew who the insider was within the first 10mins , because it was kinda cliche. But nonetheless, still a fun movie to watch.

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A good entertaining action packed buddy-movie in align with other three.

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An enjoyable movie. Nothing too great, but an easy relaxed watch. Don’t expect too much, just enjoy the show. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Part 1 is still the best one. I would say this comes as no. 2.

Bad Boys 2 was shit, and I can't even remember the third one.

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Remnants of limited imagination, created to appease a large group; a Culture denied self-governance. I noticed the sampling (if it can be claimed as such) of a number of other flicks, both SciFi, Fantasy and other Action films blended here: the Frame, the Fugitives, the Conspiracy, the Betrayal ... what Dreams may come as wealth loses imagination seeking rather to maintain distraction and keep the Audience - Mindless!
This could have been a much better film, but it was about profit, not about authenticity or originality.

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Shout by CaptainB

While that whole afterlife scene when Marcus was dead didn't really sit well with me since it just felt out of place in this movie, I loved the jokes about souls and past lives.

DJ Khaled was a surprise, not sure if it was a good or bad one, but I laughed a lot for his character, especially with how they killed him.

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The title really was a missed opportunity. '4 Life' would have been perfect. Oh, well. That's probably the only thing I'll complain about. The stunts, camera work, casting, comedy, and soundtrack 'slapped' so hard. So much so that this takes 2nd best in my franchise ranking. I loved number 2, not so much 3, but this? It's a 'fantastic 4'. It's everything you want from an action comedy. Lawrence really bounced the humour on his 'bare cheeks', I haven't laughed like that in a while. The directing made me feel so uneasy that I loved it. Adil and Bilall have retaken all my trust.

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I really enjoyed this one - it was a big success for me!

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This is a step up from Bad Boys 3 and while it strives for it, it can’t quite hit the magic touch that Bay adds in Bad Boys 2. The Reggie idea is so good but then not quite executed properly. Still fun to hang with Marcus and Mike even if they are closer to being in an olds folk home with each installment.

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I liked it better than 3, although it was a bit shaky with the camera, that cameo of Michael Bay, Mike with panic attacks is hard to believe

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Shout by Vitaly Blinovskov

These MFs got superpowers now? And they got Joyner Lucas in it??

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It's different from the last one because now BOTH actors' careers are on life support.

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