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Bad Santa 2003

How is this only a 72% lol ...absolutely hilarious...where else can you see a drunk Mall Santa bang a Gilmore girl, a midget get dick punched and John Ritter hearing interesting sounds from a changing room what in thee faq bahahaha.. a 10

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I think it's best watched with your parents in-law. Definitely one of the funniest christmas movies ever made.

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"Why don't you wish in one hand, and shit in the other. See which one fills up first."

Brilliant. There are so many classic quotes from this it was hard to even choose which one I wanted to highlight. Santa and Sue are hot in this and the kid always finds a way to crack me up. This is a Christmas classic for those you need an escape from all the family movies.

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tone is all over the place, turns into kind of a mess where you're not sure whether you should be laughing or feeling sorry for someone. i hope the director's cut fixes this

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TFW the story from the advent calendar mentions the Census of Quirinius and your dark heart starts to grow

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every now and then I still use this excuse.

it's possibly the exact amount of crazy and not knowing combined to produce a truly chilling statement that's really fun

The talking walnut told me to do it. The talking walnut? Yeah cuz if the talking walnut tells me to do it then it's not my bad

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The first time I watched this movie years ago, it was quite hilarious. I can remember watching this with my father and having a pretty good time. Now that I watched it during last Christmas and it's absolutely horrible. The swearing is just over the top and not funny at all. It did not stood the test of time. Maybe I changed?

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Bad Santa is not your typical feel-good holiday movie, but if you're a fan of raunchy comedy and don't get offended easily, it's an absolute must-watch. Billy Bob Thornton delivers a fantastic performance as the crude, alcoholic conman who poses as a mall Santa during the Christmas season. The film's humor is definitely not for everyone, but if you're willing to go along with the ride, you'll find yourself laughing out loud at the absurdity of it all. Overall, Bad Santa is a great movie if you're in the mood for something unconventional and hilarious during the holiday season. Just make sure to leave your sensibilities at the door and enjoy the ride.

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Not funny and can get boring in parts but as a whole, enjoyable. The premise looked promising but failed to deliver. Could have been so much better.

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Every year. Watch this whilst wrapping Christmas presents drinking Baileys. Absolute love it!

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The dark humor in this movie was right up my alley.

Great Xmas movie, the Grinch for adults?

7/10 would recommend.

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definitely not your Family Christmas movie, but has it's comical side.

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Satirical and crude, Bad Santa delivers a black comedy in which nothing is sacred. The story follows a pair of criminals that pull Christmas heists, but when one of them is befriended by a troubled young kid he starts to have a change of heart. Billy Bob Thornton, Tony Cox, Lauren Graham and Bernie Mac lead the cast and give good performances (for the most part). However, the writing is rather poor and doesn’t develop the characters very well. Additionally, the humor is a bit chaotic and doesn’t always know where it’s going. Bad Santa has a lot of problems, but there’s plenty of hilarity too.

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Nothing gets me in the Christmas spirit like some Bad Santa. Billy Bob Thornton is the best santa we have ever seen in movies. Well maybe the best mall santa.

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I watch this and Die Hard every year between The Santa Clauses just to keep me from getting too cheery.

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Shout by Deleted

Bad Santa is a nice change for a holiday film. Most Christmas comedies are knit from the same cloth but Bad Santa introduces a whole new concept. Billy Bob Thornton is a perfect casting for an rude alcoholic Santa Claus. His dialogue with the kid is a really funny and Brett Kelly really does exactly what he needs to do as the cute little fat kid. They even manage to hide a little heart in the movie.

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I’m an unashamed Bad Santa apologist. Billy Bob Thornton’s booze-fuelled chain-smoking fat-chick banging train-wreck Santa is something I revel in seeing at Christmas if only to cut through the sickly sweetness of everything else in the season.

This isn’t always a laugh out loud funny film but the sheer lunacy of what happens on screen keeps you grinning. Drunk logic drives the plot, making it an unpredictable experience, yet it somehow all comes together. This is at some expense; Bad Santa starts to feel a little monotonous in the middle to final third.

What I value the most is the way Santa only just begins to think about changing his ways as the credits roll. Zwigoff points out that people can have a good heart yet can’t always magically sort out their lives in 90 minutes as Hollywood would have you think. It takes time, and sometimes never works out at all.

Not a great film by any means but Bad Santa never fails to strike a chord with me. Your mileage may vary.

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Funny show. Enjoy.

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One of the funniest christmas movies ever!

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