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Before I Wake 2016

Effective chiller with a heart. A rarity in this world of cookie cutter horror movies.

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I can see early seeds for Flanagan's latter works here. The visuals are surprisingly good, and there are attempts to ground the horror in trauma and symbolism. Unfortunately, it doesn't fully build an effective atmosphere, often feeling more like magical realism and a fairy tale than horror. The characters are also not very developed or engaging. I think you can track Flanagan's improvement over time, and this movie is where you really start to see his control over imagery, but it isn't close to one of his stronger works.

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This is a must see for anyone who is new to Mike Flanagan. Awesome story, creepy moments, and really cool visuals!

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I really don't like kids, but this Cody kid was so cute with his cute little voice.

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Shout by Deleted

Such a beautiful movie. I like how it’s supposed to be horror but also has an emotional storyline.

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This was SO MUCH BETTER than I expected; horror with a fantasy twist and it actually worked. I always get disappointed by horror movies with unique concepts because they don't hold up in the end, but this one didn't let me down. I was waiting for it to get bad, but it's interesting all the way through. I liked it a lot.

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Onde estão as pessoas que sumiram?

Where are the missing people?

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Shout by Ryan Moore

My opinion, not really a horror. Great movie that shows how being sick can make someone look like a monster from a little kids point of view. I think the end would make anyone tear up.

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Shout by Deleted

Bad. Just all around bad. Definitely a swing and a miss for Mike Flanagan.

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Packed with horror clichés, cheap story telling and mediocre acting at best, Before I Wake is spooky for 90 so minutes then you forget it forever.

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Really boriiing.... The actress has a pokerface without a sign of any emotion.

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This movie lived up the expectations. A truly unique concept which kept me hooked until the very end. Jacob Tremblay is a great little actor.

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Legion, is it you? Towards the end it felt like I was watching a superhero's backstory. You know, like a sort of X-men/Legion's origins... Mainly because this kid's got powers and no one around him is ever scared or even concerned! I suppose in this universe mutants do exist...

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The setup is intriguing, and the first half explores some interesting ideas. Whats fascinating about the initial setup is the relationship between the three central characters - the grieving parents and adopted child - and how the film takes quite an uncomfortable approach in how it deals with the concept. The horror here is equally in how the grieving parents use the child's gift/curse as much as the inevitable supernatural horror that is presented. It is a shame then that the final half pretty much undoes all of that great work and becomes pretty generic, with a final five minutes that spoils a lot of what has come before with unnecessary explanations and plot points that make no sense given what has come before. A frustrating film.

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It's no masterpiece but it's not bad either.
It's more interesting than it is scary (I personally don't mind that though).
I'm glad they didn't put in a bunch of cheap jumpscares everywhere like a lot of movies do.

The characters are a bit flat and I honestly didn't really care much about them and not once was I actually worried about any of them. That's not a good sign.

It has a pretty interesting concept but there was just something missing. I'd say the main problem is that I just didn't care much about the characters, which is a big problem because if a character dies, no matter how awful the death scene might be, I simply won't care anyway.

This movie was kind of meh...which is sad because it had potential. Too bad.

I will say though that the kid is a good actor. Props for that.

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very similar to the movie: A monster calls.

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Shout by Agus
BlockedParent2017-04-02T03:57:18Z— updated 2017-04-07T07:07:14Z

Not scary at all, but an ok thriller and a really nice way to wrap up the story.

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It wasn't so much of a horror but it was interesting and with a heartfull ending.

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Butterflies are beautiful insects... My first horror that I can say was beautiful, and creepy at the same time.. It had some great effects, sad at moments... Cranker man is out to eat you, you can't sleep or you can't be awake.. all well you're fu*@*ed!!! haha

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Shout by Tandarissima

if you watch it as a really weird fairy tale, and not as horror movie, it is a good film

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i love it !!! best movie ever <3

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It's such a cheap psychology, but i like it. I like it a lot! Great movie, can't deny it.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2016-07-25T16:56:47Z— updated 2016-08-12T20:02:52Z

Unlike many other horror movies, this one is only a few that contains a good storyline. Amazing and touch full.

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Shout by Deleted

Unlike many other horror movies, Before I Wake is one of a few that contains a good storyline throughout the movie. #ShiftvW8

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Shout by Mounir

a very interesting story and that ending really explain everything,i hope i don't get CANCER :). worth the time!

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Shout by Sophia Mitraka

1 of the few new horror films that worth its money!!
interesting till the end!!

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