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Eternals 2021

I have watched every Film based on Marvel Comic's MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe) Film and non MCU (Captain America,Punisher,Ghost Rider,Howard the Duck etc)
I honestly thought this was the slowest 'Marvel' film I've seen to date, so slow I fell asleep halfway through.

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A sad series of random scenes stitched together to make a movie.

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Thanos was the good guy! Beside that mindblowing news the movie was just bad

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There is a lot to like here for everything new and fresh to the MCU. It looks different than other superhero movies. It is a little long and paced poorly. I think there were too many characters to focus on and not enough time to focus on all of them to care. This is lower tier MCU for me but I still enjoyed it and will probably watch again.

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Eternals as a movie has a lot of juice to give which unveils on a rewatching time. I loved the movie on cinema and my second watch on Disney+ as made me admire the movie even more. Also Eternals has maybe the best MCU soundtrack because it resounds after the movie and it's unforgettable.

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Eternals really changed the whole MCU. This is a new take on a whole new mcu film without the same old formula. And I kinda like how divisive and deep, dark they went for this. There's so much complexity in each character that I know people can identify with, it's everything the other mcu films could've been. Fuck rotten tomatoes.

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To be enjoyed like a long, rambling fantasy novel -- not like a punchy action flick (though it is sometimes also that).

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I think this movie was great, I don’t understand why it had low ratings at all.

It’s a long movie but I didn’t find myself bored at any point. Lots of people in the cinema were laughing at the funny bits too.

There’s some great new characters and you feel for them all. Also I find it nice to see that Angelina Jolie isn’t cast as the main character, as you’d kind of expect with a big name like that. She did a great job in her role, but it was nice to be able to see the other lesser known actors shine.

Im excited to see what else is to come from the Eternals.

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World Premiere Impressions: Ugh, Chloe Zhao was a terrible choice for director. How she paces a movie made this feel excruciatingly long. This movie is also very DC in that its so visually dark, depressing, and takes itself so seriously, something Kevin Feige said would never happen to a Marvel movie. Basically everything you hated about Nomadland is in this... Now a handful of bright spots: some decent performances, especially Kumail and his assistant, they saved this movie from being a disaster. The Eternals overall are fine, but its really difficult to care about them considering their origin and nature. I also hated the design of the deviants. I was hoping to see things that had some semblance of Thanos as he is a Deviant in the comics. It appears they are treating him specifically as a "titan". The mindless animalistic Deviants in this are boring, uninteresting.

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The least I was expecting from Eternals (2021) was the two conflicting visions: the one from Chloé Zhao and the one from Marvel, but this movie is mostly just the usual Marvel flick. Ben Stiller could direct this at it will still be the same movie... Well, maybe at least would be funnily ridiculous.

Eternals (2021) replaces sci-fi mumbo jumbo with existential mumbo jumbo. It is certainly not the first Marvel film that deals with "deep" topics, just the one that does it the most boringly. It's mostly filled with the most common places about "existentialism" in film.

In comparison with Jack Kirby's The Eternals (1976-1977) —which I read in preparation for this, but don't think it has condition my view of the movie—, while this "Zhao's Eternals" has a "serious" tone filled with dull and plastic dialogues, full of exposition; Kirby's nonsensical, fantastical, yet light, style, suceeds in having dialogue that actually feels human, and thus, gets compelling characters.

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why didn't you guys help fight Thanos?
we were instructed not to interfere in any human conflicts
really so Thanos is human now hahahahah poor marvel

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this movie is a long documentary, full of family drama featuring 2 people from Game of Thrones who have PTSD from its last season. The characters in this movie just cannot decide what to do with their boring lives when you're an Eternal, and so this movie shines best with its fight scenes because its a Marvel movie, when really it could have just been another season of Shameless

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Shout by Alexander Johnson
BlockedParent2021-11-03T11:00:20Z— updated 2022-07-11T19:47:56Z

Everyone who voted this down are just sad pissbabies who don’t realise that diversity and inclusion are good things.

This movie was a little slow paced and the lighting was too dark, egregiously so. But honestly they were my only criticisms.

It’s a good set up for wider cosmic threats, but it is its own self contained mythology and character exploration. So enjoy it for its self contained nature.

Fantastically acted, brilliant historically tie ins, wonderful representation, good effects. Jemma Chan really shines. Basically it’s not the best movie Marvel has produced, but I really enjoyed it, and it’s a great look at things to come.

Extra points for Marvels first open queer representation on screen. No Loki doesn’t count. A queer interracial (Black+Muslim) relationship with a child. Also all this race representation is delicious.

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Shout by Saksham Narvar
BlockedParent2022-01-29T20:55:26Z— updated 2022-08-30T11:11:41Z

I have no idea what people don't like in this movie. I f*cking loved it. It's much more darker and deeper in story than some usual marvel movies.
And for cinematography, it's top notch by shooting on real locations rather than in studio. Chloe Zhao has done a commendable job.
I know it's not a 10/10 movie but to lift it's rating I have to rate it 10.

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God-like beings that lived through the whole history of mankind… and they’re as flat and boring as my pancake pan. All but Kingo. Dude had moves.

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A Bollywood movie with some superhero scenes

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I can safely say that it's the first Marvel movie I really liked since Endgame. I love these characters, and the filmography is really beautiful. I'm really excited to see more of this in the future of the MCU. Although I can't help feeling that there's something wrong with the rhythm of the story. Did I expect better? Yes. Did I enjoy what I get? Hell yeah.

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It beginning to look a lot like Justice League. Did DC sponsor this movie?

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Started promising but quickly became a big bore

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i am a bit worried after reading many comments. you cannot make good movies without character building. just dropping a ton of new characters in a random franchise movie does not make a good film. the only character i might wanna see again had 1 minute screen time plus after after credit scene. when kit harrington said something about his family and a secret, i really wanted to know what its about. but anybody else? not at all. the plot holes dont seem to bother any die hard bias fan apparently too.
i say this: they should cancel eternals 2 (+x) if planned and animate their story. serious waste of money, low quality script. even lower than the pure milking tv shows they made so far. im shocked how low it is at this point.

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Totally don't get it why this movie is so hated...
I wouldn't call it perfect, but it's definitely a well-made film

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A misfire for the MCU due to a number of flaws including the fact that for a film all about focusing on it’s characters only one or two of them are good but nonetheless a fun experience with of course some of the best visual effects the franchise has to offer. A very mediocre film.

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This was film that was very poorly made. It's character where bland and uninteresting its plot was boring and everything apart from the visuals was pretty subpar. The Eternals is a great and interesting comic book series and for the life of me I will never understand why they made it into a boring almost three hour long film that I just wanted to end. This film needed the Guardians of the Galaxy treatment. It needed someone to find a way to make these unknown characters into house hold names. This movie is failure in so many ways I would have been contempt if it was just another MCU movie but unfortunately was so much worse than that.

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Not terrible but not the best. Most exciting part to me was probably the post-credit with Blade / Black Knight reveal. (yikes!)

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How to make a boring film about super powered demigods? If you need to learn how, you can watch this. After all the success and good will Marvel has built, this gigantic misfire makes you just...sad.

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I always complain about MCU films not taking the time to be serious and not having enough substance. This film definitely tried to counteract that imbalance by being about more than scenes strung together by jokes. It has 2 and a half hours of runtime to introduce a bunch of new characters and take us through centuries of development... And it managed to make me not care about a single one of them.

Even the kid wanting to live and die as an human had zero gravitas coz they'd hardly spent any time showing us her struggles. Just an offhand comment here and there and illusion in the bar at the start. No actual struggle or emotion in any of them. You have to mentally fill in the blanks yourself from other similar takes like Claudia from Interview with the Vampire.

Overall very lacklustre. More z listers introduced at the end and Harry fucking Styles? Has Marvel finally jumped the shark?

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It was okay, but it was all over thy place the first hour. Way way too much time spent on thy back story and not enough time on the infractions. Maybe the next one will be better, but for a marvel film this really wasn't that great.

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biggest disappointment of 2021,That's what you get from counting on mrs one time director chloe zhao to write and direct this movie and ofcourse she had to pick the cold emotionless Gemma Chan for the lead,i was actually rooting for the deviance,the celestial and even satan to kill her so i won't be seeing her in future projects (that's in case Eternals actually ever returned)
PS.i feel sorry for Angelina useless part,i think she spoke like 2 or 3 times in the whole movie

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Fucking hypocrites.

Druig has a problem with the spanish exterminating the Maya, but the Maya sacrificing other humans wasn't a problem?
Well, I guess if its religion its ok... Fucking hypocrites!!!

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Wow I heard Eternals was bad, but I never expected it to be That Bad! WTF Marvel!?
I cannot point to any redeeming features about this film.
It's Boring, Boring, Boring and then some more boring.

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Pretty bad. As soon the deviants absorbed Gilgamesh, they should have known that the eternals were simply doing the bidding of the celestials. At that point, the deviants would have stopped blaming the eternals, and joined forces against the celestials. That would have made the plot make sense. The deviants were essentially pointless to the plot.

Also now begins the excruciating process of fitting the marble statue, the big quake, eternals on TV, and other such events into the MCU timeline and other MCU movies. Sucks at this point. Completely unnecessary movie. Reminds me of that IMAX inhuman special. Marginally better though, to be fair.

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Like the 'nice' kid in school you know is going to get bullied but you don't care enough about to stick up for.

This in an epic film, but in length only. Sadly, Chloé Zhao was not able to infuse a sense of grandeur in this film that demands majesty and gets only lip service.

(Bonus points for the gay black superhero kissing his husband.)

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It was long and boring imo. Could be the worst MCU movie.

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Wow, I really liked the story, the plot and the characters. Each of them is well written and their interactions are beautiful.
A good Marvel movie.
Can't wait to see the next step in the MCU.

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It has a little bit of everything, but as a result, it has poor pacing.

Even so, it is quite good. It definitely feels like a setup movie given the ending is a little anticlimactic.

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Count the number of times someone mentions that they’ve been around 7 thousand years, in case you don’t get it from the multiple flashbacks to different times in history the characters will repeatedly remind you. I suppose that is what people are referring to when they say this breaks Marvel conventions, because that is really the only thing that different from the other films. The same story beat consisting of your leader having ulterior motives that we’ve seen happen time and time again with Loki, Captain Marvel, Shield etc pops up here and the fact that we have to suffer through all of this back story makes most of the movie a chore. I will admit that once we have the team together there are some enjoyable moments and it ends in an interesting way, the negativity overall is overblown but it is also not a great movie, the villains look like Transformer creatures.

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It's probably not a good sign when I'm perfectly happy to stop a movie and finish it on another occasion. It's probably ALSO not a good sign when I'm perfectly happy to break a movie down into THREE parts on three separate occasions. In short, this thing REALLY dragged for me. Maybe I just need a break from the Marvel formula...

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The eternal are a weird bunch. None of them is actually powerful om their own.

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First, it should be noted this film is gorgeous, especially if you watch the 4k imax version on a truly large screen. Unfortunately, the visuals are only one aspect of a film. The characters were fine, if mostly one note, the action decent, if uninspired, and the plot an ok framework, even if it seemed half-finished. This would have benefited from being a Disney+ series instead of a single movie. The ending leaves you feeling unfulfilled and the various sacrifices lack weight. The one thing I did really enjoy was the "Superman vs the Justice League" action scene...err, I mean the Eternals fighting themselves scene. Beyond that and the visuals, there wasn't a ton I latched onto. I'm hoping they do more with some of these characters in the future, but as a standalone film, this wasn't great.

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It was meh, story wasn't as great and it gets really dragged down by being in a pre established universe. Also game of thrones cast reunion xD

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This was wayyy longer than it should be.

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Garbage i actually paid for it at the theatre
Unfortunately I brought the family to watch it
And i felt awful and awkward explaining to the children the man on man kissing and all that went with the movie , I regret watching it with my family

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Wow, that was just so bad and so boring.

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An inclusive proposal that reflects more on the relationships between human beings (elaborating a manual discourse on political correctness) than on the ambiguities of theology and the interaction of gods and men. It is a path consistent with Chloé Zhao's filmography, but less suggestive, weighed down by a simple and uninventive visualization of the action (wide shots). The attempt to balance between the Marvel franchise and a more serious look falls into the ridiculous.

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Meh. Like other movies in today perspective. Its a "story start" for 2 hours. Now they going to make a few more movies with individual stories, after the grand finale, a last movie were the merchandising can achieve the income they want.

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It would have been better if they had explored this story through Web series rather than one single movie. A series would have allowed them to explore story of each character more in depth. As of it's current state I was totally indifferent with whatever happens to the Eternals.

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You know what I am intrigued by the Eternals and i absolutely care about the characters, but the movie was pretty shitty & wasn't a kick-ass one. The movie would've been great if at the least better dialogue had been written and don't get me started on the wooden chemistry between the cast. I almost thought Kingo would save the movie but it wasn't enough. Also, the soundtrack was all over the place. I will say it wasn't a typical Marvel superhero film, but you know what maybe it should've been.

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That Pakistani actor suck. I hate Bollywood garbage.

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Better than I heard of it!! A reminder to always watch for yourself.

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i cried several times during this. What a beautiful movie and a beautiful cast.

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This movie is such an arduous slog. I literally was checking my watch counting the minutes til it ended. None of the characters kept me engaged at all, except Kumail's comedic parts. That is this movie's only saving grace.

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Good enough. Need to watch if you want to keep up with MCU.

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It's the worst superhero movie I've ever seen. Too many dialogues, waste of acting talent.

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So The Eternals turn out to be ruled by regular human emotions? Let's see jealousy, envy and a little girl crush? Marvels missed with this one. These are Eternals? They are no stronger then Thor who as a God was also ruled by human emotions. Seems to me humans that write this stuff call them Gods and Eternals but still can't help but give them human emotions, why? Then Sprite, live and die as a human? And Phastos whole story line wow.

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One of the big bets of Marvel's Phase 4 was Eternals, where they intended to present some of the most relevant characters of the cosmic mythology of the House of Ideas: the Eternals and the Celestials.

It was a risky bet for several reasons. To begin with, we had to introduce a dozen new characters and their development over the centuries, and all in a single film. And then there were the well-known actors and actresses, and we have already learned that this formula doesn't always work when it comes to Marvel. And finally, the director, Chloé Zhao, has no experience in telling superhero adventures.

This results in a tremendously slow story overloaded with special effects that doesn't fully develop any of the characters, falling short of different plots that could have been interesting and all bathed in an excessive romanticism that eclipses everything else.

The costume and creature designs are spectacular, and it allows for an additional new character to be introduced into the MCU, so it wasn't a total waste of time. All in all, an overly ambitious film.

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Average MCU movie.. not bad, but also, there is nothing exceptional about it.
Overall pretty decent, I just consider the movie as a whole as a trailer to other movies to come.
My favorite parts were the ending scenes :eyes:

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It's different from your usual MCU formula. more dialog focused and character oriented. Kudos to Marvel for doing something different

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really not as bad as people claim, it’s just racists and bigots that hate this movie. it’s not marvels best but it was good nonetheless.

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so there is a giant cracking out of the earths core, but its still intact? ok whatever..

i really hoped this one would be a little bit different, but the story is so weak and has so much flaws. sadly its nothing special.

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I really hate whoever decided what should happen in Marvel's phase 4, looked at the Eternals and decided to make a movie instead of a TV show. This movie had an enormous potential to be an amazing TV show, but instead, what we got was a movie that crumbles under its own runtime. There are way too many characters and way too many plot lines and not enough time. And the movie is 2h30min long! But I'm not gonna lie, I liked the 1st and 2nd acts. The 1st one in particular was REALLY GOOD imo. However, once we reached the 3rd act, I realized that we had spent the whole movie trying, and failing, to get me emotionally invested in a bunch of characters instead of focusing just on 1 or 2, so I did not give a sh*t about the finale and their resolutions.

Also, the music of this movie is very boring. Get this team a theme song, please.

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I actually liked this movie a lot.
First of all, I don't care about critics and sit and just watch a movie and let it in, and it felt good. Great battle scenes, good history, and some nice jokes too. Overall a 7.5/10.

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anyways stan eternals and watch brie larson’s 2018 speech.

also fuck rotten tomatoes.

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Not what I expected from a Marvel movie but because of all the insanely critical reviews I had lowered my expectations and it turned out better then expected. It felt more like a Zack Snyders Justice League then it did a Marvel Movie but going a little dark isn't a bad thing

This Movie was a slow burn and had a story to tell, and I honestly enjoyed the action when it kicked. I genuinely enjoyed the plot twists in this movie that made it fun and unexpected, be sure to stay for the to scenes post credit that tie a few things together

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A diverse cast of 2010s TV actors battle angry Pokemon at the behest of a giant. Then it ends.

That's about it. The action scenes are boring, the mythology is really silly and the overlong dialogue scenes are at the level of The Walking Dead.

I'm a long way from being a Marvel fanboy, but this even insulted my low bar for Marvel movies.

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Bland and uninspiring. The movie is crammed with so much stuff, yet somehow still manages to have lots of boring moments. I didn't really care about any of the characters, and the plot/conflict was your typical end of the world type thing. Not a horrible movie, but certainly one of the lowest (if not the lowest) point in the MCU.

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Its different from everything marvel have ever done. The ''liberal agenda'' is just a 5 second kiss. The characters are amazing, and i love Makkari and Kingo with all my heart. Loved it. 9/10.

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It definitely doesn't deserve the bad wrap it got. In fact, I almost wish this had been a stand alone entry instead of tied into the larger storyline. It is a slow burn, but there are good elements to the story. It reminded me more of an epic fantasy like Clash of the Titans. (It's also a really great take on the Justice League.)

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I understand filling the diversity quota, we have here fat, gay, mute, ugly super heroes, but red head? That's gone way too far.
What's next, maybe we should give them the right to vote?!

And obviously, the straight, white, handsome guy was the villain all along.

The story is the same as in every Marvel movie, humen bad bla bla bla, same shit, just slightly different visuals.

I rate it "Superman from Wish" out of ten

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Marvel goes ultra-PC with Eternals, an incredibly convoluted and stupid superhero film. A group of immortal beings called Eternals are sent to Earth to combat supernatural creatures known as Deviants, but after being wiping out the Deviants return hundreds of years later, leading the Eternals to reunite once more. The plot is garbage and makes no sense, especially when placed within the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe (though there are a couple of attempts to explain away some of the more glaring plot holes). Also, the creature and set designs are rather poor; feeling like a fake CGI world with no substance or texture. Still, several of the fight scenes are exciting, and there are a couple of fun character moments. Yet overall, Eternals is a pointless film that fails to live up to the standard that has come to be expected from Marvel.

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The runtime sure felt eternal.

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2022-08-23T18:09:43Z— updated 2023-08-13T18:58:16Z

It needed a superhero in a wheelchair, because why stop at deaf. And someone with only one arm, or learning disabled.

It's not fair to leave out different kinds of diversity. You have to put them all in, or it's not inclusive.

Also, why are the deviants allowed to be called that? That is offensive to their struggle. Their feelings were ignored and they were only shown as monsters who attacked. What about their desires and needs?

A movie that stresses diversity should know that ALL VIEWPOINTS MATTER . You can't just use some species simply to be the villain in your movie. That is definition of prejudice!

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It's entertaining but very lame when a character of an advance civilization with super power can't even speak.

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Disappointed! The money would have been better spent on the film.. Not on Angelina Jolie!


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Awesome. And very important for the Marvel storyline.

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66 | The writing in Eternals was very messy. All moments could not tie up together harmoniously. The transition from flashback to the present day also made it worse. Instead of focusing on the Eternals' perspective of humans, it gave us unnecessary romance in their group. That's made them less special than humans and their characters become uninteresting. There was some unsatisfying death that could be done better. The film's conclusion made the long exposition in the beginning wasted. We barely got the Antagonist's point of view. But fortunately, all of that was recovered enough by the performance of the cast. The continuation of Eternals probably no longer would be as interesting as before.


Rating: 65.46


P1: 1
P2: 1.3
P3: 1.3
P4: 1.1

Director: Chloé Zhao

Favorite Characters

1.4: Angelina Jolie as Thena
1.3: Richard Madden as Ikaris
1.3: Kumail Nanjiani as Kingo
1.3: Harish Patel as Karun
1.1: Gemma Chan as Sersi
0.9: Lia McHugh as Sprite

Written by Kornelius Harda Wicaksana

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Good movie!! I wonder, if thanos would have won finally this movie would have been delayed :)

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this is a great movie!

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Things I enjoyed in this movie:
1- Kit Harington and Richard Madden in the same frame. - yes I know GoT is old and I don't have a life-
2- Barry Keoghan
3- Karun
4- the music
5- they did a good job explaining the celestials and everything to us

It was not bad, as people said; it was just there are so many characters and I'm seeing them for the first time, still had no strong presence whatsoever! and to be honest, I don't care about them that much. But it left me excited for the next one and the upcoming projects.

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I don’t know but this is the only Marvel movie with a BTS song in it and for me that is enough

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Mediocre but entertaining movie. I hope the sequel gets a more competent director.

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I liked the whole concept of it but I had higher expectations of it. I definetely expected better.

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It's the best superhero movie about senior citizens performing an abortion.

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Just a little review . WOKE points 9.8 out of 10. The movie itself is awefull.

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Boring shit do not waste your time

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I don’t see any negative to that film, I thought it was great, fun and enjoyable with a sound cast and plenty of cool action and effects.

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Pls y’all need to get your head off your *ss. This is an amazing movie that gives us new characters, plot lines and expand the fucking word “heroe”. 2hours to introduce 10 complicated characters that NEED to be analyze with intelegence and not comparing CELESTIAL BEINGS with humans. Pls. Get your sh*T together and just learn that MCU is finally moving forward. They needed a 4-5 movies to fully enter 6 caracters and finally have a BIG movie with all of them. This time Zhoe just give us a handful of caracters. Obviously it’s not perfect. Bue doesnt deserve the hate you give.

So grow the f up. Phase 4 is here. If you don’t like it don’t see it.

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This is the worst Marvel movie I have seen. Half way through I couldn't believe I had to waste another hour of my life to see this movie completely blow up the Marvel universe. Also, I felt like they forced diversity into this film like they were checking off boxes, which they missed a few. Stream this if you must on a service you have already paid for. Don't spend extra money to see this one.

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