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Good Time 2017

I really like movies that can get you paralyzed in front of the screen, which leaves you almost without breathing because you can feel all the adrenaline of the character. good time did that. the plot developed very well from start to finish. the cast fit very well. also having a divine photograph, with neon colors that stand out from the night scenery.

The great and credible performance of Robert Pattinson was essential to pass on that sensation. Pattinson, as Connie Nikas, brought an absurd dramatic charge into his eyes, full of guilt, anger, will, fear. Speechless!

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Robert Pattinson is amazing in this! Every movie he brings a different character and I don't recognize him except by his face but not expression or voice. He is like a shapeshifter.

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i like this movie very much because thrilling, not boring, enjoying every scene, and the acting was soo good! i dont see robert pattinson very excellence act than his other movies. And the story was soo good! well execute! very Recomended to everyone! no nudity, no sex !! thats the point

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Don't be confused. It will just make it worse for me.

This is quite the opposite of the title so I'd like to call it Traumatic Time. The movie's a crime drama with a tale of brotherly love and much like Uncut Gems, it would cause you to stay on the edge of your seat. At first, I thought the movie was somewhat off, especially since I hadn't been exposed to OPN's music before, but I quickly realized that every choice in the creation of this movie had a very real and intelligent purpose for their presentation and it quickly became one of my comfort movies at the time. The more I think about it, the more I grow to love it. Also, the soundtrack is amazing so make sure to check out the Good Time... Raw album if you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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"You're gonna have a good time."

This is technically a crime drama but really it is a story about brotherly love. Robert Patterson is great in this. He really is showing how good an actor he is and trying to put the twilight movies behind him. The cinematography is fantastic too. A lot of extreme close ups make this feel much more personable. The neon colors used made some scenes really pop. The original score is amazing, builds tension really well. Very good movie and I definitely had a good time seeing it.

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Wild and fun movie, and it goes to show how sometimes people can become victims by the consequences of the people who love them the most.

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"I think something very important is happening and it's deeply connected to my purpose".

This was more than a good time. The hype with these character for causing crime made for one intense movie experiences. This is a ticking time bomb of a film.

Robert Pattinson is fucking fantastic in this. Sorry for the language, but it needed to be said. A fully realized performance that will be talked about for years to come. Few films can make you feel on edge like Pattinson. The Twilight days are past him now and it's time to move on.

Another performance that shouldn't be overlooked is Benny Safdie, who plays Pattinson mentally challenged brother. Safdie is also the director of the film. Directing and acting wise was all stellar.

It's unpredictable in different ways. You never fully know how certain scenes are gonna play out. Not just that, but how funny and incredibly sad it can be. You either laugh at the stupidity of the characters or weep at the depressing reality of it all.

'Good Time' ranks with the very best of the year.

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Shout by Flexin Con Artist

this is a good film. I kinda wanna do a standing ovation but can't because I'm not in a theatre. highly recommend it

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Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2018-01-27T13:00:15Z— updated 2024-03-31T12:15:08Z

Wow, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time even though the story itself was nothing special. The characters were extremely realistic, the plot was riveting and the cinematography was brilliant. Good Time is a good fucking time.

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Robert Pattinson's performance is incredible. I heard this movie was originally a comedy, but I'm glad they went another direction. What a Good Time!

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This film is a road trip down night's dark alley, driven by Robert Pattinson's strong performance. (I am, however, penalising the movie because it was strong enough on its own accord that it didn't require the aural homage to Nicolas Winding Refn that the Safdie brothers insisted on paying it with 80s pop/synth.)

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Shout by JordyVIP
BlockedParent2023-07-24T09:51:52Z— updated 2023-09-24T14:52:49Z

It effortlessly finds that Drive balance of a 70s crime film combined with 80s aesthetics (colourful, retro lighting; synthy score). It’s not as well shot as any Refn film (how could it be really?), but the Safdies have a talent for making scenes feel stressful through interesting use of sound, editing and framing. The story is pretty simple, but it makes smart choices in regards to how it presents scenes to make sure that it sticks on your memory. For example, the heist that starts off the film is very unexciting, which is a great, realistic choice. The movie also trusts the viewer to form their own opinion of the characters, it doesn’t hold your hand. If you like your protagonists as uncomplicated superheroes, this might not be the one for you. The acting’s fantastic and it builds tension very well through just the right amount of twists and good filmmaking.


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I need a cigarette, and I don't smoke.

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Yo, Nicolas Winding Refn calling and he wants his aesthetics back! Seriously talking, if you love Refn's early movies you'll love Good Time. Not a single character is boring in this one.

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There's nothing super amazing about this movie but it has a good performance from Pattinson and it doesn't drag on so it's good in my books.

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Another great perfomance from Patison but movie could be better for sure.. 7/10

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worthwhile watch. i feel like the banner for the movie here kind of spoils things a bit, though

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I feel like Uncut gems(2019) took a lot of inspiration and the sequel to this type of directing for safdie. There are lots of close up shots. Eerie music. People talking over each other. Stressful situations made more stressful by these techniques. Safdie does the same in uncut gems. its his style and it shows here too. Although Uncut gems is much harder to watch compared to here due to the level of stress in it. Here its much more bareable. It helps we have a MC we are constantly rooting to succeed

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Man, the "cross the room" scene got me.

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Interesting film that's for sure. I've seen reviews pretty mixed. Some love it others are quite grossed out by it. I'm somewhere in the middle. Soundtrack is superb. Acting is also quite nice. It is a bit gritty of a film with the main character about to rape a girl. Nothing is really achieved and the main character seems to not grow at all. I didn't feel much either during the film. Just that I wanted to avoid getting into practically any situation in this film. I've heard people compare it to Uncut Gems before and I see some similarities. This was just feels lesser to me. Not a bad movie to watch however I've seen quite a few better films in my time. Solid 7/10

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Shout by manicureVIP

"Good Time" is an immersive urban thriller that follows the roughest night of Connie Nikas as he tries to get his disabled brother out of jail and bumps into all kinds of weird folks.

The cinematography fits the film's grungy mood perfectly, with grainy images, a lot of handheld shots, and extreme close-ups. The writing is solid throughout, with all characters acting coherently with how they were presented and the excellent cast performances bringing them to life. The pacing drags a little in the middle, but overall a fresh and entertaining film. I am not sure if giving a dog a hand job is enough to turn it into your watchdog though.

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The brother's improvisation ends as it has to end.

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I had a little trouble balancing the grittiness with the implausible plot. Otherwise it was entertaining enough.

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Loses its focus when it departs from the brotherly aspects of the film, but still a decent acting and directing showcase.

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I liked the execution of the film but that's about it, neon light and techno music are always a plus. Shame they did not involve Jennifer Jason Leigh as much as they should

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Boring most of the time. The end was not bad, but doesn't save the rest. The biggest problem for me is lack of likeable characters in the movie.

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Did you ever fall asleep on the couch and wake up at 5:30 a.m. to some long-forgotten 80's "thriller". That's what this film feels like. Maybe it was the awful music that permeates the film, maybe it was the rather dull plot - I don't know. I don't know why this film needed to be made and I wish I could get that 101 minutes back.

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Great first 20 minutes, the rest was kind of boring.

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"Why do you have to be such a fucking little prick all the time man?"

That pretty much sums up the movie for me. Not entirely sure why everyone seems to enjoy this movie, I fucking hated the guts of pretty much every character in it, esp. Connie. What a piece of shit. It was completely over when he started creeping on the 16 yo girl and tried to statutory rape her... no redeeming quality's in this, at all.
Nothing particularly good about the movie, story or anything else, either - soundtrack was kinda ok I guess.
Can't say I had a particularly "good time" with this.

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I did not have a good time with this movie.

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more like Bad Time or Insufferably Boring Time

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What a retarded movie. Nothing even close to interesting. Everything about it feels extremely low budget.

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Incredibly boring movie. Don't get your hopes up. The story line goes nowhere and most of the time you wouldn't feel thrilled to watch it.

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Modern day George and Lennie

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I watched this movie because Pete Davidson recommended it numerous times on a night talk show he was attending with Pattinson. I really, really enjoyed this. It was the first movie of Pattinson that I watched after the Twilight saga and it feels great to see him improved as an actor. The whole movie, especially the amusement park part reminded me of Travis Scott and his discography, songs, the Astroworld album. 10/10.

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