It’s no secret the last two entries in the series haven’t been able to come close to recapturing the atmosphere and genuine chills of the original…..until now!

Though it certainly keeps the slow start of the original too, once this movie truly gets going it’s relentless in creativity and scares alike!

Stephen Cognetti has certainly crafted the best entry since the original and thankfully like the first, the ending is nothing short of heart pumping! He manages to create some unique scares and uses the found footage style to his benefit.

It’s rare to feel like you’re in the hands of someone who’s mastered what they do in film, from the opening moments of this film, it was clear you could sit back and relax as Cogentti guides you through his perfect world of insanity.

10/10 (sorry for the Letterboxd style review but I rlly loved this)

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I feel like I have to preface this by saying that I'm someone who likes the Hell House LLC movies knowing full well they're not great (except the second one, we don't talk about that one).

I really liked this. It has some plot and the mockumentary is not cheesy for a change??? A fucking slay, honestly. It was creepy as hell and that's exactly what I want. I want to be scared, so god bless.

R.I.P, Rebecca. I always feel bad for the only character who has some goddamn sense but no one ever listens to them before it's too late.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Hell House LLC Origins: The Carmichael Manor’:

  1. Look at Hell House LLC trying to be all MCU with their post-credits scene teaser. I’m definitely down for more.

  2. This film singlehandedly elevated the franchise with MUCH better acting (the best of all four films) and a cohesive, uncomplicated storyline that expands upon the lore… even though said lore could still use a bit of tweaking. There’s still a ton of potential left in this series if it keeps on going in this direction.

  3. I’m probably rating it higher than it might deserve, but I found it overall effective as a fully-rounded found-footage horror film. When “Chase’s final recording” appeared, I was totally unsettled.

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Love this series, think it's one of the stronger horror franchises of recent times. 1 was incredible, 2 and 3 were great, but this is back to the start, back to the good stuff. Plenty of scares and generally unsettling throughout, I was just constantly thinking what I could do differently. Solid movie and entry into the series, really looking forward to 5.

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If you liked the 1st one, you'll like this one. Creep factor is right up there. You have to give to a series that create its own "effective" Ch Ch Ch Ha Ha Ha that piano key ballad is real nice. #Mynewringtone.

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It was better than the other 2 sequels and had some creepy moments.

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The first half of the movie was pretty standard horror fare, and I was fully expecting to give this a 5. But the latter half had moments chilling enough for me to bump it up a bit. Caveat though, prior knowledge of the franchise made the circumstances significantly creepier for me.

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This movie would not work at all without the preceding movies in the Hell House LLC series, at least as a stand alone film, however I feel it is the best of the 4 so far, yep, better than the 1st movie that started it all.
I just found it creepier and scarier and just overall better than what came before it.

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On its own, this is not a bad movie. In fact, there are some parts that I consider stellar bits of horror. The acting is great. James Liddell is incredible and the scenes where he is alone are my favorites. This isn't for any dislike of the other actors or characters, but because these are the scenes where the movie is allowed to be itself and not info-dumping some lore that - let's be real - isn't worth anyone's time. Cognetti has a keen sense of what makes good found-footage horror and I'm amped to watch more from him, but the Hell House saga is profoundly uninteresting and it's time to let it go. Secrets have been revealed and character backstories have been explored. I don't know what's going on behind the curtain - maybe he has some contractual obligation to Shudder? - but I'm hoping we get something fresh from Cognetti before another Hell House movie.

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Nothing you haven't seen in a crapton other horror movies. Also can we admit that clown are lame and not scary at all?

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Hysterical Screams the Motion Picture

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It's largely a waste of time. Unlikeable cowardly characters set in a fan fiction like lost footage experience.
It's not scary, not original, and not something I enjoyed.
On the up side the house is a promising setting, but it goes nowhere.

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Note to the writer and director: you can stop making these now. Ok, it’s better than the third instalment but only because that one was utter trash.
You’ve added nothing to the franchise with the same “Ooo, the clowns have moved” jump scares once again. Even the origin story was dull.
I realise this won’t be read, and the ending hints at what will come next. So go on and make more shit as it’s your cash cow but for heavens sake, watch your films and learn that you have added nothing to the franchise after the first two films.

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Only GenZ could find this scary. Waste of time. Rate:3/10

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Horror for children. It's just ridiculous.

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Apparently I watched the second movie but I have no recollection of it. For the most part this is standard found footage fare but it is very well done and effective. A good start of the spooky season

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The 1st HH is one of my favs. This one has so many tropes in it and just felt, not scary. I don’t know, just like an ok movie. Wouldn’t recommend.

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solidly scary! even when I knew the scares were coming I still jumped at those damn clowns

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A better sequel than previous attempts, both in premise and execution. Not of my favorite of the genre but far from the worst.

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