Overall nice movie and a real western based on true colonization. But... I can relate tot the comments below. The storytelling is quite hard. You have to figure it out you're self.

So I see four storylines evolving: the one with Costner (got involved in a revenge of a family) and two stories after the burning of the horizon village: a mother and daughter seeking savety, father and son seeking revenge. A group of colonists seeking the Horizon territory.

So, with that laidout it's quite easy to follow. The four stories all have another angel to the colonization. I guess part 2 brings the stories together.

The end of part 1 is confusing.. is it a (realy...realy) fastforward.. or a glimpse of part 2?

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Such a self indulgent vanity project. Disappointed in a project that goes nowhere…

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This felt like it should have been isolated individual short stories. I just ended up not caring for anyone living or dying due the focus switching and time jumps.

Also... I can't be the only one annoyed with how the women were wearing makeup and had their eyebrows done like it was 2024. What the f.

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F the critics. It wasn't perfect, but personally, I enjoyed it. Looking forward to more chapters.

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Kevin Costner certainly can make westerns.
This first part feels like a long exposition for all the characters, with some good action in between. It would fit more to be a one season mini tv show, but I guess this way is okay too.
I'd watch anything with Kevin Costner anyway. He's one of the real men left in Hollywood and we ought to appreciate it.

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Give it a chance. Epic in scope. Great storytelling without dialogue. Good vistas. Excellent costumes. Superb acting. Not sure why others didn't like. If you like America, history and quality cinematic visuals just give it a chance. I watched on Max. Looking forward to more. I support Costner and his art.

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Bad with no direction, jumps around with no guidance of where it's at or where it's going. Then ends without closing any plots. I now see why the future movies were stopped.

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In my opinion it was a good Western. It doesn't live directly on the background of the characters it is more a story that is told how white settlers stole the west from the native Americans. How promises about fertile land were made and it was stolen from the owners. The brutality and hard life in these days is shown in a way and let's you think about how it must have been living in these days and how privileged most of us are today. Those were tough days and that is it what the movie shows really good. So definitely worth a watch. But please do not expect a great story and a detailed character development. The movie is more like an interesting history lesson and it shows you how the people lived and what they struggled with. I can't wait to watch the other chapters.

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This movie was so boring and uninteresting.

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So many bad reviews, but why?

Aparently, most haven't a clue what a true Western is. Kevin Costner has out done himself! Very, very well done! I'll give this 5 stars, two thumbs up!

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Beautifully made western epic that is a little too free in some of its storytelling. The main problem with this is that it shoukd have been a series - cut it in half or thirds and you’d have a full season of western goodness that could have given Hell On Wheels a run for its money ( no, not better than Deadwood.)

Hope the other chaoters are still released cause apparently ”noone” watched this.

Also: don’t watch the last 8 to 10 minutes right after the skalp thing. It’s basically a "next week on Horizon” spoiler fest without the warning.

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It's good but not spectacular. The story would be better suited to a number of 90 minute episodes over a season instead of jamming so much into a 3-hour movie x 4 movies.

Visually its stunning. Acting is very good... but overall I just can't give it more than a 6.5/10.
It's way better than something like House Of The Dragon which stives to be epic but isn't.

It was really weird at the end of the movie how it suddenly went form this story into a preview of episode 2 with no break and then the closing credits.

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"We'll muddle through while they decide things back home. And when they do, when that war ends—because it will end, whether with one nation or two—they'll all start looking west again, sir. And then these open spaces you mentioned—well, sir, they'll all close up in the blink of an eye."

Just saw "Princess Mononoke* for the first time the other day and there's a surprising amount of parallels here. No person or group is purely good or evil. The real enemy is anger and hate. Can we learn to coexist?

Ending montage was bizarre.

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Good movie, the story is amazing. First hour is a little bit all over the place. Once you get to know the characters this isn’t the case anymore, well executed story telling. Amazing western, Costner delivers again!!

Can’t wait for chapter 2, if the movie even comes out… after disappointing ticket sales. Can’t wait for chapter 3 and 4, if they can ever make them…

To all multi millionaires and billionaires, please fund these movies!!!!!!

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I liked it. Bring on Chapter Two! Or, as it's been suggested, convert the remaining installments into a TV series.

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Should be called horizon: An American Genocide. How the West was won and lost is just another entertainment movie about genocide of native lands and people. The story is one we all watch live on our news today except the weapons are more efficient.

Contemporary American cinema have learnt little. The characters, acting, cinematography, music and storyline are just another weak repetition of this era. The portrayal of their colonising psyche and brutality of their manifest destiny is weak to say the least. This movie is just another Kevin Costner self indulgence.

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I have no clue what this movie is about. Zero interation with the characters. Not my kind of movie

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A rigorous and handsome drama, finely hewn by Costner and his cast, this is an absorbing ride into the Old West.

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fantastic movie, not sure why people moaning about it. yea it's long but it's a good old western loved it all

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Not a bad movie. It just that I was not emotionally attached to any of the characters because there are too many stories to follow. If you love westerns like me, it was good. If you are just looking for a good movie, but not a western fan this is not it.

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I walked out after 45 min. Horrible movie.

6 different characters, terrible shot selection, horrible acting. A real shame because I had high expectations for this. I guess that was my first mistake.

I will, however, always remember this movie, as I got a text from my friend as I was walking out that Trump had been shot at his rally in Butler PA.

And so, i was glued to Twitter and probably wouldn't have paid attention to this movie even if I'd liked it. Core memory.

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I'm half way though this 3 hour long movie. It's a big budget movie for sure. The costumes, sets, special effects, casting and cinematography are all great. What's not so great is the writing. For the past one and a half hours, they've been flooding the story with one character after another without taking the time to develop any of them. I understand that here will be 4 more parts/movies in this saga. Which means this is a massive time commitment for viewers. Give us something to hold on to. Just one likeable character developed during the first hour would have been enough.

I also can't help comparing the story telling to that of Taylor Sheridan. That guy can write a good Western. This ain't Yellowstone, or anything from that franchise. The only cross-over seems to be Kevin Costner. :rolling_eyes:

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Honestly i was surprised at how enjoyable this was, i kind of regret not watching this in cinemas cause i really want to see this saga be finished. For a 3 hour movie it didn't drag at all and its just a good old-fashioned western without any of the shoehorned politics you usually might see in the questionable quality cinema of the 2020s

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I have no idea why Kevin Costner was so desperate to make this, I feel like I've watched all of these wild west stories many times before...
I can't think of a single character that I care about so far, just random people doing random stuff.

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Yep such a waste of time and so hard to know which story your watching.

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Like an empty-handed elephant at the circus: huge and impressive but doesn't bring anything new.

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I'm surprised this is getting such bad reviews.

It looks amazing (cinematography, sets, costumes). It feels very real. The acting was great.

There are a ton of interesting and very distinct characters.

The action scenes were great and had a few surprises. The story was a bit meandering without really a main line, but it almost feels like a bunch of small portraits of parts of the west, strung together in a way that kept the pace up. It felt an hour less than it actually was.

It alternated between very serious issues and much more lighthearted elements quickly and smoothly.

Overall had a great time. It was ambitious (and apparently divisive)

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Good job Kevin Costner 8/10 !

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I liked it, many characters, although, don't get attached to it just in case, . Those lines of "didn't those 3 crosses serve as a warning?", "even if people die, the wagons will keep coming"

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