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I Am All Girls 2021

The film has a coherent plot, decent acting, sufficient production value, and an overall narrative that I found compelling. However, this film falls short of having enough thematic weight in its more climactic moments to have much impact. It genuinely was an enjoyable watch, but there were certain moments intended to have emotional weight that were either too abrupt or not well-executed. Again, I would like to preface that I'm trying to give constructive criticism to a film that I think generally holds up very well. It deals with a very sensitive issue in a quite extreme but compelling manner, with the underlying social commentary and character interactions helping to increase my enjoyment of this film. It is not a cinematic masterpiece, but it is a work that will not disappoint anybody in need of a distraction for 2 hours.

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Poorly edited considering the extremely sensitive subject matter. Scenes are choppy and disjointed without holding your attention too long. I have only regrets and the rage filled child that resides in my traumatised soul, screaming up from the void - "This depressing shit was long as fuck and I wish you'd skipped it!"

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A mixed bag of a movie being both a revenge movie and a serious consideration of human trafficking. I thought it was okay but a more foucussed film could have had more punch.

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If the white woman who is totally committed to the cause yet breaks down in tears every time she's confronted with reality and who accomplishes absolutely fuck all of substance is a metaphor for allies, then give this film another star from me.

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Just started watching this but because of the subject matter I really don’t want to finish it, cause it’s already pissing me off smh

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Is it based on a real story but extrapolated to create a plot? Who knows.

What I do know is that it felt like a TV series condensed into a film. The usual issues - cheap cinematography, uneven acting quality, predictable from the get-go.

It wasn't terrible to watch but given the harshness of its subject matter, I hoped for something less generic.


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