The worst of them all even if it is technically impressive and that the action scenes look awesome

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The movie apart from the action, the truth has nothing all the acion is taken by Helena (woman character) of the movie if you are going to put in the title of the movie to Indiana Jones, ... you cannot relegate it to Background, .. because they did not use Jonathan Ke (Eastern Actor Child) to follow the plot as its Indiana, it would have been great .. why? :confused::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Terrible movie. Lives in the past. Much better if they rebooted the series or handed the reigns to Indy’s son.

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This was a good Indiana Jones movie. Totally worth a watch if you've liked the previous ones.

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The ending was the weakest part. It's like they didn't want to make a proper conclusion in the hope of releasing another chapter. Please don't...

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It's a fun movie but I really don't like Mads Mikkelsen. Not just in this, I just don't think he's a good actor. So watching him do the same thing he always does really takes me out of it. While the rest of the cast is doing a great job.

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wow, wasn't expecting much for a 5th installment but this was a great watch indeed. Some of the de-aging was a touch off but well done. James Mangold did a great job in weaving in a befitting soundtrack that went along with the antics in the 1st and 2nd movies and the story was solid.
Gets an upvote from me anyway

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Well that was terrible dissapointing.

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It's fine. Old man just wants to retire but keeps getting dragged into stupid shit the movie, lol. Series should have ended with Last Crusade. At least it's better than crystal skull.

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Definitely better than the fourth Indy film. Excellent opening scene as would have been expected by this kind of movie followed by the unfortunate lull in the middle that had me dozing off. It did manage to land a respectable ending to save this film from being a waste of time.

PWB did a great job as the new addition. Good enough to be the main lead in the sequel/spin-off? Maybe. HF is still the magnetic leading man, but do we really need to see the cellulite? Please CG a tank top on the man so it does not spoil our perfect memory of Indy.

Was it just my imagination or was there a weird slow-mo moment in the running on top of the train scene?

Ultimately, it felt like this genre (or the franchise?) is way past its prime. It either needs a fresh take or be put to rest for a while.

That will do Indy. That will do.

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It's with much embarrassment that I must admit that I've not seen all of the Indiana Jones films, and I only saw Raiders once when I was about 10 years old. With that valuable context now exposed to the world, I must say I quite enjoyed this movie? The opening 30 minute segment was great all around with everything I'd expect from a revival of Indiana Jones (minus some sloppy moments with the de-aging).
Punching Nazis, cracking whips, death-defying car chases and a fantastical, MacGuffin-lead plot are all here and they're all pleasantly presented with enough references and call backs to satiate the modern movie going public. Is it the franchise revival to bring in a new era of Indy and right all the wrongs of Crystal Skull? Absolutely not, but it's definitely a much nicer footnote to leave the character on than what we had previously.

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I loved it. Everything, cinematography, music, plot, and cast.

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This movie was so bad i turned it off after 1hour.

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Not sure why this does not have a better score. I really enjoyed the movie and loved that so many old faces had returned to the final sendoff of Indy. It was quite a typical Indiana Jones I would say, with a bit pf Phoebe in it—in a good way.
So much nicer to have this as the IJ legacy than what they did in the previous movie hahaha
First time in the cinema in a while that I did not feel overwhelmed with the length of the movie. It felt exactly right.

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It is good, but kind-a too long and felt like there was too much 'filler' at times.
The start was amazing and the rest went fine given the idea of the movie - reminding of the original trilogy.
CGI was mostly good, most of the actors were great and the story was fine although some of the situations were a bit over the top.

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Indiana Jones: Fan service and a feast for your eyes about your child hero old and immobile.

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The story is a bit convoluted and I can't really love most of the characters but I liked the direction they went with the story. Could have been better but a solid 7.5 from me

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Adventure has a name: Indiana Jones!

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I was rather surprised to find that "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" is anything but an insult to the original saga. On the contrary, its biggest flaw lies in its lazy reiteration of the same formula, arriving in an era where that alone is no longer enough to inspite its audience. Despite a more than welcome focus on the archaeological aspect of Indy's adventures, the film still comes across as rather dull and soulless, with too many diversions for the sake of forgettable action sequences. The mood also lost that somewhat cartoonish flair that previously helped to keep the tone light.
Indeed, Indy gets sidelined a few times, but aside from the grumpy old man premise, I didn't find him to be significantly different from his usual delivery. The supporting cast, however, is not as convincing, particularly a downright obnoxious Phoebe Waller-Bridge who is downright unbearable and a pretty much absent Antonio Banderas despite his face dominating most of the posters.

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Starts vintage, middle is still pretty good, especially as would watch Phoebe Waller Bridge in almost anything. Ending is so absurd that even given the absurdity throughout it was a little alienating, but still happy to watch Harrison Ford Indy-ing for the last time...

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Absolutely fantastic movie IMHO. Great cast, the effects were beautiful, the de-aging seamless, the plot interesting and the pacing was balls-to-the-wall. This was very much and Indiana Jones movie desighned by someone with a real maximalistic "balls to the wall" aesthetic. This movie follows the Yngwie principle – you know, "less is more? How can less be more? MORE is more!" Loved the characters; Phoebe Waller-Bridges Helena was great! An adventuress in her own right – not perfect or clar-cut. I'd watch the heck out of a spinoff with her.

I was very entertained from start to finish, and I really enjoyed pretty much every part of the movie.

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6.5 - Same adventure packed vibe as previous Indiana Jones movies but to me lacked in comparison to previous films. Also the ending seemed a bit abrupt.

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Good movie, entertaining from the first minute, the end perhaps a little hasty and I lacked a little funny indi

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The movie was fun but Indy should have hung his hat up after the third installment. Ford gave the movie his all but it's time to end the franchise before we get a sequel entitled Indiana Jones and the Lost Retirement Home Biscuits.

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The only thing I didn't like was the ending of the movie.

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Not the worst, far from the best.
Very unpredictable but always the off feeling through the film
Not a real antagonist, a caricature of one maybe.
Steel some emotions
Decent conclusion.

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I think this is a much better send-off for the Indiana Jones character than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but still not as good as previous movies. There seems to be a lot less action in this movie and more running and jumping, but it makes sense given the age of Harrison Ford and Indiana Jones in the movie. I think this is an entertaining enough movie, but still lacks the authenticity that the first few movies had.

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Shout by Malini AgarwalaVIP

I hate Helena, she is so annoying. I don’t know if it’s my nostalgia for Indiana Jones, but I felt like Helena and Teddy were spoilt, disrespectful little teenagers. Am I turning old?
I also felt that for some reason they kept reminding us that Indiana is old and getting outdated (eg the whip vs guns scene in Morocco, amongst others). As if the filmmakers themselves didn’t want to bring back the series again.

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Fun film and though I am aware it is difficult to write an action film for 80 year old stars, this does its best to hide that. Great action and fun, but felt it left a lot on the table. They established this giant of a monster dude henchman, and really did not let that pay off, for instance. Still, a good time.

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Enjoyed this more than I thought, but as watching it wondered who is this for ? Well me I guess but, besides men in their 40’s this serves no purpose. No kid could possibly enjoy watching and homage to an 80’s movie. Glad they made it for selfish reasons, but £300 million to not have Crystal Skull as the send off seems a bit much. No matter how respected Harrison Ford is in Hollywood.

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Shout by JamesCee

  • Ford brings his all and still rocks the fedora
  • Film overall is well acted
  • Some emotional moments I didn't see coming
  • It was interesting to see the 1960's world and how it has impacted the way Indy adventures.
  • First 20 minutes brings back some nostalgic magic

  • Wombat wasn't a disaster but the character didn't justify its existence in the film. Same can be said for Teddy.

  • The action, except the opening scene, is run of the mill and very disappointing

  • The ending feels rushed

  • The film runs for too long and the plot is messy in places

  • Can't help but feel there were many missed opportunities, especially plot and action set piece wise.


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Better than 4, the first scene very indiana jones, then good, except that there is no one who believes that a man of 80 years can do that, Mikelsen as good as ever, what a way to get rid of the son.

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After rewatching the first 4 movies, I am SO excited for this one!!
I loved Harrison Ford‘s recent performance in Shrinking, so I‘m sure he will be great as always.

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Plots of the movie:

  • Indie rescues his dentures from the cup of Dentine
  • Indie donates his whip due to advanced arthritis
  • Indie battles Alzheimers and forgets where his leather jacket ran off to
  • Indie gets turned down by Medicare for much needed hemorrhoid treatment
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Hey, you remember that joke when Indiana's son Mutt in Crystal Skull made the joke to him proclaiming, "What are you, like 80?" Well, by the time Dial of Destiny releases in 2023, Harrison Ford will be. What once was a passing jest at the character's long past prime, we've now scraped the bottom of the dig site. Just reboot and get Chris Pratt to play.

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Where is Shia la Bouf?

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This was a fun ride

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I turned this off after 40 minutes. I realized, the story is crap and I do not care what happens. None of the characters besides indiana were likable. The story is bland. They made this just to make money, it's not for the fans of the original 3. The guy who plays the villain is terrible.

Don't subject yourself to this!

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Wow, looking forward to this..

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Rollicking good fun. This is the Indy of old. 8/10

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I have lots of concerns about this film. I’ve been an Indi fan for years, however there is far too much CGI for my liking , all a bit comic book like. Not the real gritty story and action that we’d normally get. I’m left feeling a little disappointed :frowning2:

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Worst IJ movie I have ever watched. Sent the missus to sleep in record time, and I gave up half way through.

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