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Nobody 2021

A film about how vigilante justice is bad, made by people who think vigilante justice is good.

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Absolutely loved this! Best action film I’ve seen for awhile.

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The comparisons to John Wick are inevitable, and they're not in this movie's favor. John Wick is just a tighter, more stylish, more visceral version of this story. That being said, Bob Odenkirk is fantastic, and arguably better than Keanu Reeves. Not a bad way to spend a hour and a half.

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Could really see the comparisons with John Wick, however it just didn’t deliver on the same level. Don’t get me wrong it was a good film, full-on nonsensical action perfect for a Saturday night!!

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When I saw the trailer for this I was pretty hyped, because sometimes I really have craving for some old fashioned fist to the face action. It looked like John Wick but starring Saul Goodman and somehow also Doc Brown!? I was not sure how well it would work since I mostly knew Bob Odenkirk from his roles in Breaking Bad where he seems rather fragile and ....old. Not quite "too old for this shit" but you know.
To my surprise this fear was wiped away pretty quick.
The movie is really fun (although quite graphic at times), had some pretty new ideas and a great pacing. If you want to see good (old) Saul kick some ass, you're in for a treat.

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Shout by whyty27

sorry folks. silly movie. stick to john wick if this stuff is to your liking.

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I loved it. It's refreshing to see Bob Odenkirk in something other than the BreakingBad-iverse

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Quite a solid film. However, with a transparent, completely uninspired run-of-the-mill plot full of stereotypical characters and actions.

What didn't follow the familiar scheme often seems far-fetched or even ridiculous.

Bob Odenkirk saves the film with his acting skills, which are above reproach. No less noteworthy is the now very old Christopher LLoyd, who has lost none of his youthful charisma and unmistakable presence.

And although the antagonist was the textbook Schema F villain, I found his performance extremely good. I wasn't familiar with the actor until now, but he has - besides talent - everything you need for the role. Thumbs up!

All in all, a film that burbles along on the side, and while it doesn't disappoint immensely, it doesn't offer anything special either.

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1.21 gigawatts of bullet ballet and Home Alone shit with crazy set pieces designed to rid Odenkirk of the need to be a Walter White.

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"Give me the goddamn kitty cat bracelet, motherfucker!"

Christopher Lloyd with a shotgun is the best damn thing ever right?

Anyway I had high expectations going into Nobody. Read loads and loads of positive things and I love John Wick and I adore Bob Odenkirk. So yeah, it fucking rocked! The story is simple but it works. Bob Odenkirk is fantastic and looks like a true action hero. The tons of Russians who try to kill Hutch (Odenkirk) make him look fantastic. There is a bus scene which will be remembered for a long, long time. We have a final shootout that is epic with RZA and Christopher Lloyd coming in. We have hints of a sequel at the end (which wasn't necessary). And how about that epic soundtrack? Once again a soundtrack can truly elevate a movie.

So yeah, I like Nobody and encourage you to watch it, because you who wouldn't want to see a Doc Brown with a freaking shotgun?

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Shout by RoVIP

This was Fun.
For sure.

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Great film….. loved it… just enough action. Good storyline and Bob Odenkirk…… he is very calm cool and collected until you f**ck with him…. A great watch…. Very entertaining

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A friend told me "if you can get past the whole its Saul thing then it's a great movie" loved it from start to finish. I hope there is a sequel.

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I don't watch many movies, and I pick carefully when I do, so it's been a long, long time since I saw a truly awful one. I watched this because of Odenkirk, and am shocked at how he ended up in such a pile of utter pointless crap as this movie. You'd think as one of the best dramatic TV actors around right now, he'd be able to pick and choose his roles but instead he's in.... this?

Nice use of music. Other than that, there is literally nothing to recommend this turgid mess.

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I'm really glad I went totally blind into this movie, not having seen the trailer or anything! I just saw the trailer today at the movies, and I think not knowing what the movie was really about made me enjoy it that much more. If I could I'd never watch trailers again, haha!

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Much fun.

enjoyed it more than any of the John Wick flicks.

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It's all good man.

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John Wick-ed: if thought Wick going after the Russian mob because of a dog and a car was disproportionate, you should see what Hutch Mansell does because of a kitty cat bracelet.

After watching a copy of Nobody that fell off the back of a truck (because of the lockdown), I was excited to see this on the big screen. Nobody didn't disappoint me!

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One and only problem I found in this movie is it's playback time. Everything was just action and action and action, back to back.

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okay it's been a while since last time i watched an action movie
this was epic one
not the great story
but the scenes was really good, music too and that spirit that makes you feel soooo damn good with it
i liked

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Saul Goodman playing as John Wick. Amazing!

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Tons of fun from beginning to end.

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This is for action movie fans. You can watch this till releasing Jhon whick chapert 4.


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Back to the Mother Future! What a bleeding cool movie. Who knew Bob Odenkirk could be so 'McFly' and Christopher Lloyd is always a boss. Overall this film felt like a blast from the pre-pandemic past.

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A really enjoyable romp from start to finish. Some of the most inventive action seems I have seen for sometime. It has rightly been compared to John Wick but I think that undersells this. This has a lot of charm and you do root for the main character far more.
Great to see Christopher Lloyd having some fun as well.
Recommend watching and I am likely to watch this a second time before I do the same for any of the John Wicks...

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Great film…..script, direction and acting at its best.
Loved Christopher Lloyd’s character, great to see he had quite an unexpected role lol

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Shout by BL4CKMESA

I hope they make part 2 of this.. great movie

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Brain function off and you are going to enjoy it.It's well made with great directing and funny. 6.4/10

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How come the writer of john wick series write almost the same movie but with a different name,even the same Russian Mafia as the bad guys to kill?!!these copycat movies will burn the value of john wick universe.

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Better call John Wick and Atomic Blonde for a team-up movie.

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A masterpiece for fans of John Wick or Taken. This is exactly what I'm looking for in an enjoyable action movie. There isn't as much at stake (like a dog), but choreography is beautiful and Bob is awesome (which we all know, but was a surprise in an action role).
A perfect 10!

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Nothing really compelling. Expected better from a fine actor like Bon Odenkirk. I guess people sometimes work just for the money.

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A fun ride! A simple concept that doesn't try too hard or go too far. Saul worked well as a nobody that kicks ass! I had to leave halfway through the movie and couldn't wait to see the ending. Don't think too much, just enjoy the show.

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If you like action movies, this one is a special one. One to see good stuff in his genre.

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Not to give away any plot details. Better acting, worse fighting

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting affect

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This is how you make a 'hardcore' and interesting action flick! 8/10

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Its John Wick lite. From the beginning I was thinking just a suburb man who just got fed up. NOPE. I'm wrong. Its so deliciously unexpected from all of these actors. The great little unexplained things just add to the story.

Michael Ironside got big. Holy crap. You arent leading no Starship Troopers no more.

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I enjoyed it very much. I didn't go into the movie expecting some sort of sophisticated plot and I think that was the correct decision. Odenkirk delivered a pretty good acting performance. His character wasn't someone leaving every fight without a scratch, it just made him more "human" being able to take some hard blows, although his backstory - if you wanna call it that - made him out to be some sort of death god which I didn't enjoy that much. However, it was an enjoyable film. I'm gonna remember the bus scene for a while. it was just glorious.

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Great movie - didn't know a whole lot about it before watching.
It's action-packed and not one of those suspend complete logic for 90 minutes ones. Yes, there's a couple of bits in the ending shoot-out, but otherwise, it's entertaining and keeps you interested with a bit of humour thrown in. 10/10

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Like holding an exploding hand grenade, it starts off with a bang and then all the pieces slowly fall into place.

Bon Odenkirk's effort to kick off a John Wick franchise isn't the worst of the clones to fall off the rack, though I would've liked a story that reached the same level as Naishuller's directing (have you seen Hardcore Henry? -- you either love it or you hate it when you're wrong) and Odenkirk's acting. Still, good fun for a Saturday night.

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I was expecting something entirely different. Like suburban dad gone mad. It's more plausible than John Wick, but with better acting!
Bob Odenkirk kicks ass!!

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A Stella cast and although its all been done in other ways before is now due to the cast one of my favourite movies.

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Shout by Skippy

Need to watch again, very brutal but loved it, ye its been done before in other ways but a great cast and flowed well, Doc brown fabulous as always.

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Shout by Jim222001VIP
BlockedParent2021-04-23T01:10:11Z— updated 2022-10-11T02:40:58Z

John Wick meets A History of Violence with more humor which is a pretty good entertaining combination.

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I'd heard good things about this one. It took a little while but I wasn't disappointed. This was one of the best action flicks I've seen in a while. And it was refreshing in mixing great action with funny comedic moments.
No doubt someone will be dreaming up a sequel.

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Better than many. Better than expected.
Good acting in an action movie.


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Good action, nice choice of music...
A 1.5-hour entertainment.

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Almost identical to "John Wick", the previous work of the screenwriter. But it's good, though.

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I have only just finished watching this movie and I really want to give it time to sink in before I offer a rating on it.
What I can say here though it that this exceeded my expectations, I was thinking it would be something with a more comedic tone but it didn't turn out that way (though it had it's moments).
The family life of the lead could have been better fleshed out but that would have been at the expense of either an overly long movie or cut action sequences and it didn't really need that.
An exceptional cast throughout but it was all about Bob Odenkirk who played this brilliantly.

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Shout by Jeff Burtnett


Watch this, like now!

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WHAT FUN!! This would be the blue-collar version of the John Wick series of movies. Nobody's first fight in the movie was painful. He was obviously still rusty at the time. But the more he fought the better he got. Plus we got to see Christoper Lloyd kick some ass.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Forget the script, this is a great action flick. Move over Charles Bronson it is Bob Nobody!1

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Shout by Yash Shinde

Damn the visuals are dope! HDR done right!

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Shout by Erebos

It takes the typical revenge fantasy of John Wick, deconstructs it by adding elements of low self-esteem, fragile masculinity and a Kafkaesque sense of mundanity, but in the end reconstructs it by embracing and celebrating said revenge fantasy.
A thoroughly enjoyable action comedy.

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John Wick meets Bryan Mills (Taken) who both meet Robert McCall (Equalizer), a lot of action, just what I needed.

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Fucking diabolical. 10 out of 10.

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John Wick and Taken meets... Office Space!

Wonderful break from the usual tedium of new releases. 90 minutes - yet the first 20 minutes is actually a little oddly paced. Too slow yet establishes a routine to build the plot from.

Bob Odenkirk plays it really well. Corinne Nielsen does okay with the little she is given, and Christopher Lloyd makes a meal from his scraps. Loved it!

Pantomime level violence and a brilliant use of music throughout the action sequences...

I'd really appreciate a sequel.


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It's John weak! Almost nothing is over the top with this one, just plain simple fun with a regular plot..

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Shout by Deleted

Despite its contradictions , I enjoyed this movie.

It's John Wick that's trying to obey the laws of the universe. That is a gift as well as curse.

Trying to have it both ways.

Still, good fun.

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Acting, Story, Action, Directing.
A movie worth to say Perfection.

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what a rush.....hell f&_+ing yeah!

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This is your typical John Wick/Equalizer kind of flick, and I loved it.
Good action with a decent screenwrite and awesome cast.
Won't say more, but if you like action movies don't miss this one.

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I let it sneak up on me, and I was completely surprised...and, that's the way it works best. Even after watching his interview and all the clips there IS still enough to surprise you...and, it was a delight!
Fav quote: "Hey, Dad...that thing I had to do...things escalated, so, heads up."

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