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Speak No Evil 2024

am I the only person here who liked this movie? I thought it was amazing

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Start watching 5mn and its just copy paste from the 2022 movie, its call plagiarism even if you buy it !!

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Speak No Evil is a neutered version of the 2022 original film. It's still a good movie, far more commercially friendly and accessible, but it feels a bit like making Picasso less weird or shortening the distance of a marathon in order to attract greater numbers. Many will prefer the American version, but that doesn't mean it's a better product - or even one worth creating.

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guys they did it again... the americans just copied a whole good script but were able to turn it to shit

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Bad actors, unoriginal story and a boring plot. I kept waiting for something to happen but it never did. Big waste of time.

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Really enjoyed this one, I have to be honest I have not seen the original but I plan to. With that said I am not comparing it at all like I have heard from other people.
McAvoy is great and really unnerving, the whole story seems realistic and to be honest I have made those kind of friends on holiday in the past, thankfully I have never gone to meet them afterwards at their houses.... nor will I be planning to after this movie.

Take a look for yourself but I'm sure as long as you aren't comparing to the original and just going into it for some enjoyment, you will like it..

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a slow start but a very good movie. its psychological horror at it's best, you start slowly getting uncomfortable with what is happening just like main characters, and it finishes in a thrilling manner. good one.

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I saw the original the previous night, so knowing what was going to happen removed all sense of dread.

It's just famous actors recreating what others did and what was new, the third act, is just another variation of Home Alone. I didn't like it but I knew the passive behavior of the original wasn't going to fly with American audiences. It was the best they could do.

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Unreal......Totally disappointed Don't waste your time with this shit

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However….. just realised this is a remake from 2 years ago. Have to watch the original. Right now.

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Really enjoyed this film. So much crazy!! The first film in a very long time that I’ve thought ‘I could watch that again’.

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For those about to watch, here's a tip... watch the first 20 minutes or so, you'll get an idea of where it's headed, then skip to minute 55, and continue from there. The build up was way too lengthy imo, but the survival part will sure put you on the edge of your seat. Nothing unique here for someone who's watched a lot of similar psychological and suspenseful dramas.

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Speak No Evil (2024) - :heart:7

This is a decent movie. But I didn't enjoy it that much. James McAvoy made for a great psychopath - maybe be a bit good.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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A very entertaining fresh and well paced thriller.Once more McAvoy had a brilliant perfomance and all the cast had so chemistry.I saw it on the cinema and didn't get bored neither for a second. 7.6/10

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Halfway through this I realized it was a remake from a movie I saw just 1-2 years ago! The original was mostly in English so I don't understand why they remade it, other than maybe the original was too "hardcore" on the realism? Anyway this movie was okay.

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The original, if the protagonists weren't complete spineless idiots, plus girl power

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This was pretty in step with the original movie. It just drips with uneasiness which makes it so uncomfortable to watch. And James McAvoy plays a good crazy man.

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This was so bad, don’t understand why it get’s this rating on RT. The original was 10x better but 90% of the people don’t even know it

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Ultimately lacks the true terror and gravity of the original film. Worth watching for those looking for a tamer version with a more mainstream horror narrative. It still remains an entertaining ride for the most part.

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I think it's hard to please the public nowadays. This is a solid thriller with some stellar acting from McAvoy. I haven't seen the original but thought was twisted and gripping from the beginning. I was engaged to the very end and loved the symmetry from opening to close, well worth your time.

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"That's My Boy."

I couldn't believe a remake was happening only 2 years after the original. That being said I never watched the original and I defintely will now, but the character acting in this is really good. James McAvoy is so damn intense it works.

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This kind of movie is so common. Nothing original about this one. Really disappointing.
Best character was the kid with no tongue. He was good.

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Terrible movie if I could I would just erase this from memory

From the terrible copy tropes to the strangers mock to the first deaths being at the end of the movie

This movie is a no go

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This movie took a long time building up. But I have to say it was a decent movie. Yes, it is a MUST WATCH!

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Just give James McAvoy any script and he will turn it into a masterpiece what a good movie and a good actor

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I didn't know anything about this movie or seen any trailer before I watched it this morning. I guess I liked it, it was a decent movie with some good acting from James McAvoy. I guess he fits best to play psychopaths!

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Terrible. McAvoy was the sole reason I kept this movie going. His acting was excellent, however, with common sense decisions, this movie’s plot never would have succeeded. I completely understand why she had an affair…this man could not even protect his own family. After they sneak out, since their daughter ended up in another couple’s bed, they go back because of a stuffed animal. How about you go you the authorities and let them know the boy is being abused and then get the rabbit? No sensible dad would take his wife and daughter back to a place of danger. Pathetic.

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Absolutely brilliant had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.It is McAvoy you will remember because you won't be able to forget his full-throtle performance. Hats off for the little boy.

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I’ve always liked James McAvoy. That’s all I liked about this movie. I thoroughly disliked the parents and cursed at the screen all through the third act.

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Nothing is more real than the juxtaposition of the atmospheric cinematography of Italy and England. This is a prime example of Hollywood remaking a movie to make it more digestible to the general audience. It isn't bad, I mean James McAvoy is still incredible in his role, but it just feels more predictable. The entire theme of the movie is different too by the end compared to the original. They've added more scenes to try to make the characters more complex and add more exposition, but by doing so, they've also eliminated the simplicity that made the original so good. Still a good watch, and I'm sure the general audience will enjoy this remake compared to the original.

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Mom. Where is Hoppy!? So relatable. Great movie. Need to watch the original now.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Speak No Evil’:

  1. I took one point away from what I thought was a great movie, only because this isn’t an original and, after already seeing the Danish iteration, most of the surprises were no surprise to me.

  2. James McAvoy is such a force. He stole every scene in this. And he can sing “Eternal Flame” while uncomfortably looking me in the eyes anytime he wants.

  3. I was at least surprised by the ending, which is where this film completely diverts from the original. The original goes to a much darker place, but this new ending gave us more to chew on. I welcomed it.

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Great movie,did kinda expected more but it was decent. It was a slow roller.

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Just kind of... Annoyed me! TBH

There were many points this film should have ended (if it was "my" kid)

I understand the whole "it's a movie' thing, but it big time bugged me.

Everyone was great though! Worth a watch (not seen the original)

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Pretty slow burning, the last 25 minutes or so was good.

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Kino caught me off guard, and what a flawless soundtrack too. McAvoy expectedly carries the brunt of the film but still solid performances all around

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"It's hard to say no, isn't it?"

Doesn't top the original and doesn't really justify it's existence especially so soon after the original but Speak No Evil is still a good thriller, I like both versions. Roughly the same story as the original but they added a lot of scenes, tweaked a few things and completely changed the third act. They're both slowburns but this one had more tension and lots of thrills in that final act. It's too bad it isn't as dark and disturbing (they play it so safe) but I like a version that leans a bit more on comedy and survival. James McAvoy is the standout in this, he absolutely nailed it in this campy(?) performance. What really elevated the movie for me especially in the third act is Ant (Dan Hough) it's very much his movie and what they did with him was emotional. While the home invasion third act is quite generic I was very entertained, James McAvoy going all Jack Torrance was a blast. Bloody satisfying finale even if they played it a little too safe.

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Not as uncomfortable as the original, changed to a ridiculous Hollywood ending, yet I still thoroughly enjoyed this from start to finish.

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worth a watch—maybe just don't go in expecting it to fully live up to your experience with its source material? because that sets up ANY adaptation for failure. think about it: we talk about how we wish we could scrub our memories of our favorite media so we could get back that first experience again. that's why adaptations never live up to expectations, either.

knowing that, i made the decision to watch this before the original, and i really liked it. i think people forget there's accessibility involved in adaptations, too. i've had the original on my to-watch list since it came out but i struggle so much more with tv/movies in languages i don't speak than i did when my adhd was under control. being able to watch this gives me enough knowledge about the original that now i can probably watch it and not worry about missing significant plot points or getting too lost because i glazed over a few too many lines of subtitles. as a bonus, it was fun and james mcavoy was terrifying.

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Solid interpretation of the original but with a Hollywood ending - which means it lacks the cold hard brutality of the original.

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enjoyed this but it was absolutely carried by James McAvoy:clap:
had no idea it was a remake so now I will have to watch the original

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The original felt too slow for me, this one is more dynamic and kept me entertained. Although the original is more original.

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:rofl::rofl:Ending sucked!! Hated this movie! Ratings should b much lower!

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Apparently they did not understand the movie they were remaking at all. Or is it dumbed down for American audiences? I was baffled that they changed the ending completely missing the point of the entire plot. They created good female characters but for the wrong movie. Is Hollywood so unable to create good scripts from scratch that they need to take the bones from better movies to create something?

I can see people saying that this is generic and have seen this before, maybe because they transformed the original movie into the most simplistic narrative possible. Luckily the original is only two years older than this one, so if you are not lazy to read some subtitles and are prepared to feel a little uncomfortable out of your comfort zone, go check the original one.

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Everything that was most interesting about the original movie has been completely left out here. The complex story of the original has been transformed into a predictable conventional horror, where all the reflections on social conventions and passivity have been left aside, and the gradual construction of the characters has given way to very clichéd stereotypes and unconvincing performances. This remake is superficial, there is no involvement, there are no surprises, there is no suspicion, everything is very chewy, very obvious, as well as extremely restrained, where the impactful and most disturbing scenes have been replaced by scenes of suspense and action, all very clichéd and dull.

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A very clever story.
Lot's of tension with a constant build up to the final 20 minutes.
A scary thought that new friends could have sadistic and murderous intentions. Well acted and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Well worth a watch. :thumbsup_tone1:

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This movie could have ended at 15 min runtime. A script based on bad decisions making. Metrosexuals can be so terrifying.

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Excellent thriller! Had an actual story (something often missing with this plot line). Good jump scares too. Audience applauded several times so that's saying something. Definitely recommend it!

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This movie was brutal, if you have anxiety just skip this one!!

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Nothing I haven't seen a couple of times before. But it's a good movie, I have just seen too many of similar ones before.

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Rated a Connor 0, normal 5

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It’s not often I’m bowled over but that movie was something else. It takes the power of the original and turns it right up. You could hear a pin drop in the audience. It was superb. A remake that’s “better” than the original. I will say no more. Pun intended.. 8.5/10

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There isn't anything revolutionary about the story, but strong writing and brilliant performances elevate this to one of my favorite recent thriller/horrors. Davis and McNairy are both great, but McAvoy is definitely the standout (Franciosi doesn't have quite as much to do as the other three). McAvoy nails the subtle escalation as his character is slowly revealed, running the gambit from seemingly normal, to slightly unsettling, all the way to straight up psychotic. I was surprised at how long the build up was before things got violent, but the writers really leverage the dramatic irony, keeping the tension at 100% even when things are superficially still friendly. And once things get violent it doesn't let up, building to a satisfying finale with only some minor nitpicks (e.g. after locking Paddy/Ciara up you would think they would just run over Mike rather than exit their car - he's got a double barrel shotgun and already missed once - also I don't think a ketamine injection works that fast, but I could be wrong there.

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I've seen some stupid horror movie characters, but these ones take the golden goose Libby.

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James McAvoy saved what was an absolute Americanised disaster from the original flick.

Some elements of the film are good, but overall I was underwhelmed!

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Shout by Sebastian Billmann
BlockedParent2024-09-12T10:32:26Z— updated 2024-09-14T23:39:24Z

While the original was clearly better, and I didn't like the decision to change the last part of the film to a happy end at all, compliments are due for the acting of James McAvoy, Mackenzie Davis, and Dan Hough.

As I knew most the story development in advance, I never felt any suspense - if there simple wasn't any, I can't say.

In any case, I would recommend to watch the original instead.

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What a waste of time

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Lee Pace should be playing James role. So we could have gotten a ‘Halt and Catch Fire Reunion’

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