Shouts about...

The Factory 2012

"What happens to the babies?"

This starts off as good but then gets a little boring. Hard to believe that it was inspired by a true story. The ending twist is pretty good, but definitely feels like a Straight-to-DVD movie.

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The ending is the best!

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I really liked this movie. People are mostly unhappy, especially with the end of the film, but i dont care. It's just a matter of taste. 8/10

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John Cusack really should stop doing those bland action and thriller movies. He still achieves some good performances in greater movies, once in a while. But movies like "The Factory" make me compare his career with Nicolas Cage's.

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Shout by maxwelldeux

This move was decent up until the ending. It was like they didn't know how to end it, so they threw up their hands and said "Aw fuck it - let's just blow this thing up." It makes no sense. I had this as a solid 6/10 up until it ended.

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