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The Great Gatsby 2013


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Leonardo DiCaprio redeemed his character. I did not enjoy Gatsby in the novel.

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I wasn't expecting much but I loved the movie, and I felt torn watching him rise to a high place because of her, only to fall into misery because of her.

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Need to read the book

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Watched it so many times and it gets better every time.

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I finished the book recently and when I was watching this movie I thught I was reading the book again. This is one of the best adaption of a book I've ever seen. The acting was great. Leonardo DiCaprio did a marvelous work, as always. I also love Toby McGuire performance. The worst is the music, too modern for that age.

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I was sceptical to watch this movie. Don’t get me wrong, of course, I like DiCaprio but I didn’t want to watch it until I read the book. I read it and still in awe after reading it I watched the movie and gladly accepted Leonardo as Mr. Gatsby. And fell in love with the character over again.
To be honest I was quite bored in some parts of the movie but it was the same with the book. And the movie is absolutely great adaptation of the book which is not usual.
The movie is just like the book and nothing more or less.
Oh and there's a great soundtrack too!

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I liked it!! , visually stunning , great music , good performances and I watched on Blu-ray 3D and it I think it makes it better

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Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the finest actors of all time, did not discover myself, but particularly in this film, he seems born for the part of the Great Gatsby. The final, leaves the viewer breathless...

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Fuck you Tom and Daisy..wish there's sequel that Daisy will be like in Wrong Turn movie.damn

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Shout by Kari

Honestly chilling, raw, and brought me to tears.

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Shout by Deleted

Love is blindness.

A beautiful movie. Such a sad story of a dreamer, ehh..

I was also a bit deceived by the lack of the music and dancing of that time period, yet I also kind of liked the mixture between our day music and the past time, they found a pretty nice way to balance it all out. Some of the tracks were absolutely amazing, especially the more mellow ones.

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Shout by Rickster


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"The Great Gatsby" is not for everybody, but If you love good storytelling and don't really pay any mind to some exaggerations on the movie, the film itself can be fun and entertaining. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Michelle Williams, "The Great Gatsby is a remake that tells the story of a young mysterious millionaire caught between the love of a beautiful woman (Michelle Williams) and his mysterious business that only his good friend (Tobey Maguire) knows about (Hopefully I didn't said too much). The film is set in the 1920's with a very contemporary CGI style. Is not a believable 1920's setting but still sets the tone of that decade. The film was supposed to be Leonardo's tour de force for an Oscar nomination but Joel Edgerton in my opinion stole the film hands down. His portrayal of Tom Buchanan gives the character and the story an overall emotional depth that makes the film interesting and entertaining. "The Great Gatsby" might not be for everybody but if you like Leonardo's acting (Like me), and really don't take every film seriously even when they are just silly and stupid(Like the soundtrack on this film) you might not have a hard time enjoying a very interesting story and some very good decent acting.

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Awesome performance, nice plot, never read the book. My expectations for the movie was that would be boring, but it was very entertaining and normal I don't like romance movies but this one is good.

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I would give anything to see the first scenes when you don't see Gatsbys face for the first time again.
By the way, what would you think if the entire movie was cut, so that you don't see Gatsbys Face until that last scene when Gatsby is already dead and Nick sees him one more time on the dock? It's just a thought, but I think it would have been great.

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A classic love and friendship movie

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I've never been so immersed in a movie in my entire life.

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Entertaining, a very much enjoyed film! Felt Leonardo Dicaprio through his character.

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As a big fan of the book, this movie doesn't disappoint! While the first part does feel disjointed in many ways (especially thanks to some very odd soundtrack choices that don't fit the time period), the movie makes up for it in what I would call the second and third acts.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire certainly carry the film with their amazing performances as Gatsby and Carraway. Almost all of the best scenes are the ones with just these two characters interacting with each other.

Overall, I think that if you enjoyed the novel, you will enjoy this movie. If you haven't read the book and liked the movie, I urge you to go read the book!

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I don't know what makes this movie so great, but it just is. Maybe it's the perfect acting between Maguire and Gatsby. But it isn't just them, the entire cast seems just perfect. The music may be a bit modern for the 1920s but I don't think it has to be like that, because the music underlines the movie great. If I would tell anyone about the movie, they probably wouldn't understand what makes this movie so perfect, but it just is. It really is magical, and it doesn't need any fancy story to be that.

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Dicaprio nailed it yet again!

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Shout by Gauntlet

Like the name says - Great. Amazing.

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Shout by Deleted

Muy buena

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Shout by Meat Popsicle

This movie was better than I expected after all the poor reviews. I enjoyed it more than I expected I would, old sport.

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Shout by Ben

I enjoyed the visuals and acting in this movie.. I wasn't a huge fan of the soundtrack since it was mostly hip hop, but that's just because I hate hip hop :)

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Not really sure if I love or hate this movie..

I thought it was to slow for me, but at the later half of the movie it gets really good.

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Mesmerizingly directed and stylishly presented film, with amazing performances and an enjoyable, but predictable, story.

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Soundtrack and costumes doing a fair amount of the heavy lifting but it's a decent flick

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Very good movie almost great...7.5/10 worths a watch for sure!

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An intriguing story re-told again with attention to mystery.

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Some of the music really didn't fit well especially in the first third.

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Shout by Samfira Ion Cosmin

It is a movie you either love or hate

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I know this book is like big shoes to fill for a director, but this still could be a better movie. for example they could use real songs of that period in the soundtrack instead of the 2013 songs they choosed, also better editing and less cgi.

beside that, tobey Maguire was lifeless... Leonardo DiCaprio on the other hand was assigned to play an pathetic character but he really did it perfectly, in the end Joel Edgerton and Leonardo DiCaprio are the best things in the movie, as well as the periodic setting of the movie.

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A classic love and friendship story

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Gorgeous film, staccato pacing, beautiful use of Fitzgerald's words on screen... Leo really got to the bedrock of Gatsby, and Daisy was suitably messy and tragically shallow. Still, only my fourth favorite Baz Luhrmann film.

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Shout by Deleted

I hated the book because I hated all the characters. The movie is pretty to watch but the characters are still not sympathetic, still unlikable and I was still unmoved at the end of the movie.

The movie gets points for being somewhat faithful to the book in keep the characters unlikable (I guess?) and being pretty but I knew it'd be pretty going into it. That's this director's style.

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie! Pretty close to the book!

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Shout by Modulus16

This was a pretty good movie. I've never read the book, but from what others said after the preview screening it apparently ends on a more positive note than the novel itself does. I really enjoyed it because there was a compelling story and the acting performances were pretty good, especially that of Leonardo DiCaprio as Gatsby.

The only things that really bothered me were the music and the dancing. The party music was no where near the time period (it was almost all dance/techno/pop and rap) and the dancing was non-existant during the parties, pretty much just grinding and jumping up and down. However, since it's a Baz Luhrmann film I was somewhat expecting this, so it wasn't a total let down.

Overall, good film.

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Shout by Deleted

A lot of poeple talked very high about this movie but to me despite the loud music and the overrated parties it was kind of OK
the best thing in it was Leonardo , I saw it because of him

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Shout by Gonçalo Fernandes

The only reason I managed to watch this movie until the end was Leonardo DiCaprio. Amazing perfomance from an amazing actor. None of the other actors stand out (except perhaps Edgerton), and Maguire was terrible.

But the worst thing about this movie is, by far, its score: I felt literally disgusted by it. And it was not only because the (bad) artists who participated in it, but also and mainly because it has nothing to do with the 20s era; it fails to transmit the Jazz hype that period had. I can not understand how modern-era music can help the viewers to connect with Gatsby's parties' emotions. It just feels so unreal, so unnatural, so fake.

The book adaption itself is not bad, it actually sticks with the original story... But it is not enough to make it a good movie. I'll try to remember Baz Luhrmann's name so to avoid any of his other films.

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I'm not a big Tobey Maguire fan, but he did a good job in this movie.

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The set and sound are brilliant, but the cast performances always seem just a bit off, and are often swallowed by the spectacle... On one front, this is true to the spirit of the novel, but on the other, the characters here lack the nuance of Fitzgerald’s original work.

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Great shoot sequence (as good as in Moulin Rouge), but that's all... minor film.

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It's not a bad movie but not my cup of tea.

Sure looks beautiful and despite what some others said I think the soundtrack fits the picture well. It's that kind of movie that you might not regret seeing but won't see again.

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was ok

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Fancy dullness. It's like an over priced video-clip with a bit of drama.

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it almost made me cry when daisy was meant 2 say she never loved tom.

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Film a shell. Tired of me, despite my love for Leo.

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Girlfriend loved it, I hated it. Could have done with some more authentic time period music I reckon.

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Une première partie géniale et entraînante, puis Gatsby se retrouve trempé et tout tombe à l'eau... Dommage.

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Shout by ฬคгረ๏г๔ :fish_cake::small_red_triangle_down:

Very pretty, but it's the kind of very confusing pseudo "artistic" movie that goes all over the place, boring/confusing story and uninteresting characters..

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First half of the movie feels like one long trailer, due to choppy, messy editing and over stylized cinematography. You can tell that this is where The Suicide Squad got its ideas from.

Soundtrack and the music choice are also questionable, with a few instances where it's actually fitting.

I haven't read the book, but the mini series seems like a much better fit for story this complex and ambitious. This way, it's just a messy movie with a great cast and direction choices that just makes you ask yourself what the hell they were thinking?!

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Pish, a waste of $105mil with a shit soundtrack.

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Shout by Schwarzwolf

+1 for acting, +1 for the soundtrack - daring but still fitting in my eyes, +1 for the sets

but for the story... that was really not my thing. I coundt identify with one single character. I suppose this was about following your dreams but doing this only for some chick who'll let you down in the end, well being blind of love and all that stuff. I guess I'm too realistic and not wealthy enough to find access to that movie.

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Rubbish. Period.

It looks like too many directors feels like they're some visionary genius nowdays.

Mediocre movie, shitty soundtrack.

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Shout by Deleted

Ugh. Why did I even bother waking up today and going to the cinema and paying for a ticket?
Toby MagWHY?!
In one word - BORING

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Unwatchable. synthesizers, dance beats and rap music in the 20s ....really?

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This is the greatest movie to watch when you are high or drunk. The whole movie feels like an existential experience. 9/10.

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Shout by hande ulus

Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.'

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"I rang, I wrote, I implored. But not a single one of the sparkling hundreds, that enjoyed his hospitality, attended the funeral."

The reality has been spoken in few words. People respects you, they care for you as long as they gain something from you.

A masterpiece.

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The CGI is so overdone that it’s dizzying… it distracts and takes away from the whole movie, everything looks rubbery and fake. Sometimes it’s best to stick to crappy non-computer-generated effects. Especially in movies where it is in no way necessary. If Jurassic Park can do it I’m pretty sure this could’ve.

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Visually stunning, incredibly spectacular, but ultimately a lot of style and substance. Very deserving of the two Oscars it won in Production Design and Costume Design, and some good performances by Leonardo DiCaprio and Joel Edgerton but Tobey Maguire remains as boring as ever which is really disappointing as the movie's told entirely through his eyes and suffers as a result.

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great gatsby

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Shout by Deleted

So many people talking shit about this movie. To me, Leonardo's acting was brilliant, and how could you hate it when Tobey Maguire is in it? We barley see him in movies you know. the soundtrack was great and the story was touching and the acting was at the TOP. At first maybe some of you will see it as a boring movie, But when you get to the middle it's totally worth it. Seen the movie twice, loved it.

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