Shouts about...

The Guest 2014

This is a wild ride. It surprised me on my first watch years ago. It's on Showtime and I was very eager to revisit. It's ridiculous and dumb in an endearing way. Despite having elements that I've seen million times before, it somehow feels fresh and I like how it goes from horror mystery to violent action thriller to outright silly slasher. There are more than a few scenes that utilize neon lighting and synth music to create an interesting style. I really like how the lead character is so mild-mannered, making his violent outbursts more intimidating. Great stuff.

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I love this movie. The music is great, the action is great, somehow it's really funny, and Dan Stevens is just amazing. I loved his performance in this. He was so polite and charming. And then he killed people. And I liked it.
I'll be watching this movie a lot in the future!

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What a great metaphor for how the military industrial complex sells itself to Americans by promising to deliver whatever they want while actually is ripping families apart and destroying us all.

Awesome soundtrack!

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This is like T-1000 came round for tea, and deep down you knew he was a ruthless unstoppable killing machine, but he used his powers of politeness to trick you into thinking he was a decent bloke by calling you sir or ma'am. His spell is only broken when you play goth tunes on the car stereo.

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The Guest is an exciting and dramatic action film that’s full of mystery and intrigue. The story follows a returning soldier who pays a visit to the family of a fallen comrade that he promised to look in on, however the older daughter starts to have suspicions that he isn’t who he says he is. The leads, Dan Stevens and Maika Monroe, both give strong performances and do a good job at playing cat-and-mouse. Additionally, the climatic action sequence is especially well-done and escalates to an intense showdown. However, there’s a little too much ambiguity to the film, leaving several plot points open-ended. And, there are some pacing issues (particularly in the first half). Yet despite a couple of weaknesses, The Guest is an entertaining and suspenseful thriller.

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Shout by Mounir

awesome. expected finally but liked it anyway. love mysteries movies

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Great soundtrack, and as alejandro_mhr says, it doesn't take itself too seriously. I enjoyed every moment of it. It was just the senseless action-filled movie I was looking for.

The performance of Dan Stevens noted itself for me, and I'll be watching him further! Great acting, great pushing of limits.

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Very fun movie. Dan Stevens is great at playing the super nice and creepy ex military man. The soundtrack is great too.

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This is the one of the best psychological thriller film I ever watched and immediately became one of my favorite films.

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The movie had a lot of potential. Up until the hour mark it portrayed characteristics of a great movie, but the story started falling short after he killed Anna's friend Craig and his "contact". Instead of bringing in the corporation that's hunting him, they could have twisted the plot by revolving the story around the dead soldier and connected more to the subject. It left too many holes in the story. But like I said it also had some good aspects to it - especially the acting and the cinematography... The writing on the other hand, seemed like they rushed it off and that ruined a movie that had great potential!

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This movie was just freaking amazing and I can't recommend it enough to people. It is the love child of John Wick, Jason Bourne and Jason Voorhees. Haven't seen a film in ages that has truly made me want to watch it over and over again.

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Dan Stevens plays "The Guest" with about as much charisma as I can remember from any recent film lead. From moment one, the guy is as cool as can be. The guest's name is David and he is a mystery, but he is awesome in every imaginable way. From helping kid's with homework to carrying multiple kegs of beer to a party, David is nothing short of amazing.

The first half of this film is great but as David devolves into something else, so does the movie. The action scenes really fall flat and the climax is a cliched chase through a fun house. Believe me, you've seen it before. The ending really doesn't close up the story. That's okay with me, but the other person I watched this with was annoyed by it.

Even with those faults, I would definitely recommend this.

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I rated it a 4. not sure if i should go lower. "Rubbish." was the first word i said after it ended.

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What I loved about The Guest is that it doesn't take itself too seriously and that's exactly what made it such a fun ride.

There's no logic here and there's a feeling of pointlessness when you start thinking about the film's plot, but it was very entertaining and suspenseful nonetheless.

Dan Stevens gave a hell of performance and I loved how the director tested how far the audience was willing to remain sympathetic towards the main character.

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I was super disappointed by this. As a fan of Dan Stevens I'd been meaning to see this, but put it off for a while. The first third of this movie was pretty intriguing and I thought it was going to be an interesting spin on the horror genre. Unfortunately, about halfway through it becomes a generic slasher movie, and by the last 20 minutes I had totally lost interest. I still watched the whole thing, but I feel robbed of my time.

I really wish this movie turned out differently. It feels like a waste of a perfectly good setup.

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Best soundtrack ever! All the mood is kinda original and darky in my opinion.

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Never trust a guest, they might not be what they seem.. Now this is smashing, action packed, a great cast, and comes with a sweet sound track that just fits the movie all the way through.. looking forward to seeing more films from Dan stevens (david) Quiz- How many times does he say sorry?? haha 7/10

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Surprisingly, liked this movie a lot! It starts as a typical movie of such a genre but then turns into something else completely, which makes it pretty unusual and fun to watch.
And what's also cool that main character is kinda bad but still kinda good and you understand why.
Good job!

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"Never let anyone pick on you. Otherwise, you'll carry it with you the rest of your life."

This movie rocks. I don't know how I had never heard anything about it or seen it before, but Dan Stevens plays a good psycho! There are moments I can't help but root for him.

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Caked in 80s action and horror homages, The Guest is a gripping, minimalistic thriller that is infectiously compelling, even if it is a little too camp in the back-half for my liking. A ton of fun and very enjoyable, I'd forgotten what a knack Adam Wingard had for these lo-fi suspense flicks.

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The movie started out interestingly, but at the end it slipped. I do not recommend it for viewing! You will waste your time. A movie for one time.

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oh brother this movie stinks

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Love this movie, Anna should not make that call

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seeing the average - good reviews, makes me ask myself: I'm I crazy? this is hilariously horrible.
By the end I honestly was laughing by how bad it was! :joy:

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The plot develops nicely, you even cheer for the antagonist, until the agent from "Fringe" shows up and the plot makes no sense.

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Shout by JordyVIP
BlockedParent2022-07-10T21:54:44Z— updated 2022-07-19T20:00:16Z

An homage to many different ‘80s movies and directors, which seems like a fun idea in concept, but the end results are poorly written and executed. So much of this is filled with movie logic, clichés, very obvious set-ups, contrivances and conveniences at just about every turn. It’s really just dumb schlock that takes itself way too seriously for its own good (except for one scene with the school principal, where they actually do hit the right tone). Even the acting is pretty mediocre for the most part, and the lack of subtlety in Dan Stevens’ performance made the big plot twist very predictable. It would be so much better if his performance had the same kind of ambiguity as Kelvin Harrison Jr. in the movie Luce. The directing is nothing special for the most part and the action scenes aren’t all that impressive either. The only thing I’m going to remember from this is the soundtrack, which is excellent.


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This was a really good thriller-action flick with a unexpected plot twist half way through. Movie seemed very open-ended but maybe a sequel sometime soon would be really interesting. 7/10

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Dan Stevens plays charmingly creepy really well. That alone is probably enough of a reason for a lot of people to watch this movie.
Although the movie starts out slow and you might wonder where its all leading, suddenly it takes a turn half-way thru and things get good, get interesting.

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If I didn't know some of Dan's work before, I would've said he's one of the worst actors ever. But I know he could do better. What a terrible, TERRIBLE movie. Complete waste of time.

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Its just an OK teen flick movie.
Started nice, but went weird and somewhat unbelievable towards the end.
It got Certified Fresh on RT, which is why i watched this. I'm sure its a bug, dont expect anything special.

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It's like watching a mediocre Netflix show. The music was awful. If it was meant to sound 80's it failed. Iit souded more like the installation music on a bad virtual instrument. The acting was bad and the whole movie is predictable. Another case of critic hype.

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Off top, the acting isn't that great in this movie and the dialog can be cringe worthy at times but I found the first half of the movie mostly watchable. The second half of the movie is where things fall apart and you really have to suspend disbelief and forgive a few plot holes to get through it.

On a positive note the score was great.

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Very predictable from the beginning. Lots of clichès (there's even a cliffhanger) and the soundtrack was incredibly annoying.

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Shout by Deleted

Terminator meets Drive, sort of.

Y la moraleja es... Ninguna. Pero mierda, es buena la película.

[descargando el soundtrack]

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Shout by Deleted

Reminded me a bit of Drive. Very stylish, superb soundtrack and the main guy handles things very savagely. The only let down for me were the last 15 minutes.


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I liked it... despite that at the end it seems to miss something was very entertaining and the suspense (at least in the first part) was really good and I liked that they explain almost nothing about who the guy is.

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Too bad it kind of falls apart in the second half of the movie where the suspense of the first half takes a back seat and the story becomes kind of ridiculous.

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Shout by Deleted

There isn't anything particularly original about the concept behind the guest but the movie is so well directed and engaging that it becomes very captivating. Adam Wingard shows that the outstanding You're Next was no fluke. Dan Stevens pulls off a challenging role as a charming young an with a lot to hide.

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Dan Stevens is perfectly bad ass. I love Adam Wingard movies.

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This movie seemed to want to be the next Drive but falls oh so short. The soundtrack, which could've been good, was wedged so aggressively into every scene that it was instead annoying and distracting. This movie lives the unfortunate space of being almost bad enough to be good. If they had leaned into the camp (that thumbs up at the end!? magic!), we could have had a blast with the weird acting, nonsensical plot, and too loud soundtrack. But alas, they stopped just short of the self-aware ham that would've put us somewhere fun and instead left us with a second half too boring to pay attention to.

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