Shout by Roberta Figueiredo Lima

So long! So long! And thanks for all the fiiiiiiiish!

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6.5 / 10 It definitely isn't the novel, and quite far from it through various parts of the movie. Someone who hasn't read it might find this significantly more entertaining/confusing, but as a book to film adaptation, it's acceptable, lighthearted, confusing, and fun.

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I'm all for ridiculous jokes and spoofs, but this was too weird for my taste.

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Certainly imaginative but the cast is boring.

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"In the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

I am one of those very angry people.

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I loved the book, as well as its sequels THE RESTAURANT AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE and SO LONG & THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH, but I thought the film was a major disappointment. The books had me literally LOL'ing frequently - people around me were asking me what it was that was so funny. I think I LOL'd at this film once. So much of the humor in the books simply doesn't translate to the screen well.

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I love this movie.
It's so random and trippy, every element of it keeps me entertained that I don't even notice the time passing.

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"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
Douglas Adams

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Shout by Rickard Ahlstedt

The books are better, as they are more describing

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I haven't read the book, which may be a good thing since movies never quite live up to the book, but I will admit that I am now curious enough to want to read it. The movie is quirky and not at all what I was expecting. It was fun and all quite improbable, which seems to be par for the course.

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“The best conversation I had was over forty million years ago…. And that was with a coffee machine.” –Marvin

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is one of my favorite books so of course I believe it's better than the movie ... anyway I had fun watching it mostly thanks to the awesome job the cast did. I kinda think each actor was absolutely perfect for the part he/she got, and Alan Rickman as Marvin (voice only) might be the best part of the entire movie!!!

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excellent scenography, no fake cgi, but the story is nonsense

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The movie is not as great as the book and I especially disliked the part of the plot which differs from the book (the search for the "mood-gun" and how Marvin defeats the Vogons with it).

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Shout by Deleted

Witty, funny, sort of "sciency" and just great way to spend time with those worth sharing a few laughs with!

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The reality of the galaxy is a funny business

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Awesome and hilarious. Period.

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Towel Day!

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Granted, the book itself is not for everyone. It's a good example of quirky English irony and humor. They tried to do just that on the screen, while being sort of The Fifth Element at the same time. And unfortunately, they failed. The movie just looks absurd and kinda stupid. And even Sam Rockwell whom I like a lot, couldn't save it.

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the world's about to be destroyed, there's no point getting all annoyed.
even better after reading the first book and rewatching.
so long and thanks for all the fish!

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Nice worldbuilding, but I still don't know where those dolphins went

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what did i just watch??

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had potential but just was executed very poorly sad because I wanted to like it maybe the book is better

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I'm 57 minutes into this movie, and I am bored to tears.

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so long and thanks for all the fish! x

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Don’t Panic...Douglas Adams’ cult science-fiction comedy The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has finally been bought to the big screen. When the Earth is destroyed to make way for a galactic highway Arthur Dent is accidentally rescued by the President of the Galaxy, Zaphod Beeblebrox, and taken on a whirlwind adventure as Zaphod attempts to find the Ultimate Question to Life, the Universe, and Everything. Featuring an all-star cast that includes Sam Rockwell, Mos Def, Zooey Deschanel, Martin Freeman, Bill Nighy, and Alan Rickman, the performances are all really good. The comedy is also extraordinarily well-written, with some brilliant satire that’s quite clever. Incredibly imaginative, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a unique film that’s hilarious from start to finish.

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It’s been awhile and still a funny film.

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Shout by Deleted

I read the first book approximately 10 years ago, but I can't rely on that while watching this, because I already forgot lots of plot point and now I just barely can remember the details. As far as the movie concerned it was a total mess, but a really enjoyable mess. Although, what else do you expect from a movie, where a bunch of Roses from Monsters Inc. try to ruin your convenient life by demolish your natural habitat, the entire world?
On the plus side so many actors appeared who I really like from other works and I found Marvin or the whale very amusing.
On the other hand the mess has been bolstered by the many superfluous story lines, which made me realize during the movie i can't follow it entirely.

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this is a great movie

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