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The Lego Movie 2014


Shout by Deleted

It is awesome when we watch an animated film that is for all ages! I doubt there is any adult who does not like this.

The LEGO Movie is a super creative, entertaining and very well done film even on the smallest detail of all. Visually amazing! You just wanna jump into the screen and see how that world is!

I never played with Lego when I was a child, my thing always was more Barbies haha but the truth is that when you leave the theatre you just wanna go to the nearest store who has Lego and buy it for you to play with. And that's the magic of this film!

With and heartwarming touch and a good moral. You are never too old to be inventive or creative, you just have to never loose the child that theres inside of you and continue to play throughout life with all your heart.

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I didn't think I woild enjoy this movie, but I absolutely loved it!

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awful plot, wonderful job. congratulations to the people responsible on creating the animation, bad job to those who created the history

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"Yeah, but it's gonna look really cool."

I remember being blown away that everything looked so good and crisp, and the comedic timing was everything. I put full stock into Lord and Miller after this. Still rocks, even 10 years later.

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I cried at the monologue and I don’t want to be the dad anymore

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Average kids movie.
Cleaver & Creative

Characters 6/10
Story 5/10
Pacing 5/10
Visuals 8/10
Rewatchability Factor 4/10
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 5/10
Average Score 5.5/10

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Batman was by far my favorite character, but I thought the end was a little stupid. Still definitely worth the watch

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Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2023-08-21T00:32:04Z— updated 2023-10-15T17:36:17Z

Theme- 8/10
Rewatchibility- 7.5/10
Acting- 7/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9/10
Total - 41.5/5 = 8.3

Everything is awesome! From the onset, this movie exuded confidence in what it wanted to be and what it wanted to do and it lets you know it. Man, it took me a while to watch this but I gotta say I'm impressed. As a kid, Lego had always been more than the contents of the box. Hell, they even made Lego cameras to film your own Lego short films, so making a feature-length movie didn't surprise me in the slightest. What did, however, was the amount of heart and depth it has. I knew about the big reveal to a point, but it was more than I expected it to be and quite honestly I loved that section of the movie. I could see why it doesn't gel well with everyone and some parts may irritate adults or confuse kids but overall it tells a fun coherent story with subtle to not-so-subtle themes and social commentary. Super solid, you can do a lot worse than The Lego Movie and it'll be one to revisit down the road.

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Truly an awesome film!

This film hits above its weight and is better than it has any right to be.

It's so well put together, very clever, funny and all the while delivering a great message.

One for all ages, a fantastic family film

9/10 - Excellent film, always happy to rewatch

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What an incredible story, with so many layers, I've honestly lost count.

Please watch it to the very end, it is worth it, believe me! I thought the movie was super average at best, especially towards the end, but there was a specific scene that the moment it happened, certain things about the story clicked, and it became beyong relatable for me within the span of a single second.

To say I'm pleasantly surprised is a grave understatement.

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It’s so funny to me how this kids movie with lego characters has deeper and more challenging things to say than most movies that are made for adults.
The way that this is constructed as a narrative is truly genius.
It’s essentially a big ode to creativity, but it also takes a firm stance about how corporatism can ruin it by favouring predictability and stability.
Not to mention that it also looks great, the voice acting is top notch and the animation is inventive.
And it manages to be funny for all ages.
It feels a bit too long though, which comes as a result of it being as fast paced as it is and makes it overstay its welcome.

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The Lego Movie is ridiculously fun while offering more than just that. Richly layered plot, fantastic animation and a sense of humor that is self aware offer more than what you expect.

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Shout by Deleted

This is what you call a movie. Creative, funny, light hearted, good story, and an actually good star studded cast.

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Batman is so hilarious here

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is just amazing in every sense, the animation is terrific, the voice actors terrific, and even has some emotional moments. The jokes are amazing, the original song, muaaaa. And just show by the end a really simple message, everyone is special.

And also the fact it makes more social commentaries and satire than a charlie kaufman film.

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Shout by Deleted

The story was very good but the problem at this movie, no one tell at the start of the movie, the action was happend on a businessman house, and her children was playing with her lego.

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Finally decided to watch it. I must say that I really liked it. The part where the real world mixes with the fantasy was a nice addition.

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If I was to tell you things I hate in comedies, in movies, then I would be telling you pretty much every thing this movie is made from. But somehow in this movie it's done in a way that can be described using no word other than "brilliant".

This is an amazing movie. So much fun from start to finish. Everything, even the types of jokes and scenes I loathe - this movie made them in a way that I loved.

It's brilliant. Everything about it.

A great light-hearted fun watch. Everything about it really is awesome.

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Far more fun than the concept really had any right to be, braving new horizons while still remaining loyal to the beating heart of the product and its passionate generations of fans.

Simply enough, this is a perfect encapsulation of the kind of imagination, enthusiasm, adaptation and sheer randomness that runs like lifeblood through the spirit of a happy childhood. It jabs in delightfully unexpected directions. It bends physics without an explanation (nor a need for one). It casually hops from one licensed fantasy to another, mashing Green Lantern with Gandalf, and doesn't even slow down to consider the repercussions.

At the best of times, I felt like I was a kid again myself, lost in nostalgia and the infinite potential locked away within every new block. And while the last act overreaches in an effort to really hammer the morals home, otherwise this is pretty much a direct hit. Crafty, funny writing, a dazzling array of vocal talent and a playful, distinct visual style - this is the kind of family film I can always make room for.

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On its face The Lego Movie looks like an over commercialized advertisement for Lego toys. But it actually addresses some interesting issues, such as individuality, creativity verse conformity, and the nature of play. The story follows a Lego construction worker named Emmet who gets swept up into the Master Builder rebellion that's attempting to resist the tyranny of Lord Business, who's obtained a secret weapon that could mean the end of the Lego World. The film does an impressive job at mixing in the different Lego series, and at reflecting the impact that the pop cultural has had. Starring Chris Pratt, Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Will Ferrell, and Morgan Freeman, the casting is extraordinarily good. Plus, the comedy is hysterical, and works for all age levels. And the animation is amazing, featuring an incredible amount of detail and color. More than the sum of its parts, The Lego Movie is a heartwarming and imaginative film that the whole family can enjoy.

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If you were a Lego builder, you might like the imaginative take on your own imaginative endeavours. If you are a pop culture junkie, you will like the wide variety of characterizations. If you are a movie fan, you won't be disappointed by this cast and their voice work. I think the movie deserves props for its CGI, creative visual imagination, pop culture characterizations and voice work. But I felt they overreached trying to turn "You Are Special" into a transformative moral and I found the cutesy factor wore thin as the movie dragged on. I watched this in preparation for its sequel, which opens later today, to see if it would be worth seeing in a theatre. It fell a little flat for me and there was nothing there to interest me in a sequel. I give this film a 6 (fair) out of 10. [Adventure Animation]

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Really fun movie with lots of laughs especially for cinefiles because it has a lot of historic charcaters and popculture references, all voice work is great.

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The visuals are very unique and look fantastic. The voice acting is all top notch. The story and characters are all a lot of fun, especially all the cameos. And it has a super catchy song. Can't wait to see the second part.

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I went into this movie with high expectations because of the glowing review. It was my son's first experience in the theater so I was hoping that it would be extra special. Long story short, it was. The first 90% of the movie was pretty amusing. To be honest with you I thought it could have been even funnier than it was (some of the dialog was mediocre). But the end... fantastic. It almost rivaled the end of Toy Story 3. I didn't see that coming at all and it was perfectly done.

follow me at

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extremely fun family friendly All Star mashup of Lego characters I mean you got Superman Batman Gandalf the Grey and space guy this movie is just crazy fun

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We used to build a huge city out of Legos, and then rain fire on it with marbles when the parents left...ahhhhhhh the 80's were a better time

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Shout by dgw

Trakt's rating system makes me round my 6.3, so 6 it is.

It's cheesy, and that's OK. There are enough subtle references and social commentaries to hold interest, and the animation style is quite interesting.

What ultimately ruined the film's tone was the reveal of the real Mr. Business (the kid's dad), and the fact that the entire plot was actually the little boy screwing around with his dad's models. That blew away any small amounts of emotional investment I had in the characters.

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To conclude: everything is awesome.

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hope add some more cameo for the second.

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A well made film with all the bits and pieces assembled to make a fun watch.

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All I can say is: I should've watched it sooner. I started to watch it a little bit skeptical but found myself laughing at the jokes and rooting for Emmet throughout his journey. A definitely pleasant surprise.

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Hahaha Batman is so funny. "I only work in black and sometimes very, very dark grey" lol.

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My favorite movie. Makes me laugh and cry every time.

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As a big fan of Legos as well as action movies and after reading / hearing only positive things about it, I was sure that I would love "The Lego Movie". However, after actually watching it, I was a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I think its a good animated action movie and I had fun watching it. None the less I had higher expectations for it, which I cannot put into words. Something was just wrong (or missing?) for me to give it more than a 7 / 10 or call it a great movie...

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Shout by Noora

Everything is awesooooooooooooooooome! SPACESHIP SPACESHIP SPACESHIP! :D

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Rather silly and weak stylistically, but a great animation work, and a pure delight for fans of Lego!

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An absolute must-see, consistently entertaining from start to finish.

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Fun movie to watch with the kids! Sort of The Matrix meets The Superfriends meets The Neverending Story ... sorta.

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"Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team! Everything is awesome when we're living our dream!" ... If you don't end up getting that song stuck in your head by the end of the movie, you're not human! BTW Amazing movie!!

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Wild hair re-watch on cable at the In-Laws' lake house. - "I feel something inside. IT'S LIKE THE OPPOSITE OF HAPPINESS!!!"

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I actually enjoyed this. Was the election of my sister but it was good, entertaining and creative (not so much with the plot but still), it reminded me when I was a kid and played with Legos, I always built batmobiles and stuff about Batman haha. By the way, I hated that song of "everything is awesome".

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Surprisingly everybody was right about this. It was genuinely a fantastic movie, and even though I didn't like the trailers or promo material, the comedy really worked in the actual film.

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How did I get here? This was just a bad idea.

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Shout by Deleted

everything is awesomee lol song got stuck in my head
funny and great family movie

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Shout by Deleted

Comedy value was weak and uninteresting. Animation was good, but the movie was overall annoying. Disappointed.

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I wasn't expecting much, and it was what I expected.
It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. Fun for kids, too silly for adults.

There are many more beautifull, age transcending movies out there to watch with your kids (or solo.) Only 4 or 5 jokes made me smile, all others were pretty lame or cliche. I guess when this movie would have been unknown and stayed in obscurity, it would've been fun to recommend. But with the massive amount of 'fans' this one is getting, it surely is greatly overrated.

Batman is easily the favourite from the movie, and the fun poking at Green Lantern was a funny inside joke.

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Everything is awesome in this movie! (I know, is a easy joke, hate myself, I'm not special, that's right, another easy joke, I can do this forever!)

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It is easy to be cynical and see this as one long advertisement for Lego and it is! Yet taking the film on its own merits, the filmmakers celebrate the creativity, fun and imagination that Lego inspires, especially from children, with a plot that is both ridiculous yet perfectly in keeping with a child's imagination and reminiscent of the opening scenes to the Toy Story sequels writ large over 90 minutes. Most of the set pieces and humour work very well for both adults and children, with Batman standing out as a favourite, and the themes of the film are made manifest in a surprising real world twist that is both touching and perfectly judged. It takes a rare advert that can entertain for this long.

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w h e r e a r e m y p a n t s ?

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Really good movie, pretty funny not quite what i expected

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Everything is awesome! What an original movie. Loved it!

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Very funny

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"Everything is awesome!" This is one of the most delightful movies I've ever seen. Creative and smart, there's no way that someone wouldn't love it.

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Shout by Gustav

Since "Lord Business" pretty much were the LEGO version of "The Man Upstairs", does that mean that the kid was forced to listen to "everything is awesome" by his father?

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Everything is awesome!!! Everything is awesome!!! Everything is awesome!!!

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Funny movie. Great for the whole family. Adults will enjoy it as well.

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Shout by Wesley

This movie was fun until near the end where I wasn't sure anymore if these Lego characters we're actually real, or just some boys' imagination in his dad's office. That bit ruined the ENTIRE movie for me.

Why ruin such a awesome universe then bitchslaping your viewers by going.. "HA!! You thought this was a real, didn't you? Well guess what I'll Mind funk you some more by making the Lego protagonist move when placed on Will Ferrel's desk just to confuse you more!!! Is it the boys imagination or is it real???"


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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted


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I just have one thing to say: EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! LOL really great movie.

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I thought that was great. The movie was really funny, but the thing that really got me was the emotional stuff. It really threw me tugged the feels. I also really liked how Batman totally 100% saved the day all the time for everyone. Also Billy Dee Williams.

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Everything is awesome! Hilarious.

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Shout by Deleted

45 mins of AWESOMENESS and then I fell asleep. -___-

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Well, frankly I was expecting a bit more. But it is a really fun movie. The EVERYTHING IS AWESOME music is one of that kind of music that will stick to the back of your brain, and will play in loop for weeks.

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Shout by Deleted

wow. i took my 2 tween daughters and their friends to see this. EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!! and dark and brooding and dark again....
we all had a blast. i could not figure out for the life of me what the kragle was then was like "riiiightttt" at the big reveal. there's nothing deep about this movie. there is a loose message at the end but its just meant to be a big romp through a lego world. sit back and just enjoy yourself on this one, whether or not youre a lego fan.

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Really funny and interesting story. Will Arnet and Charlie Day provide perfect voices and there were some great cameo appearances by all kinds of well known characters.... Spaceship!!!

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If you dont like this movie then you have no soul! It was funny, highly imaginative and hugely enjoyable.

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Not sure who this film is aimed at, adults who like lego I guess? My kids found it weird and didnt get the references, I just found it dull.

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Shout by Deleted

I really had high hopes for this film but I found it really boring and just meh. Especially when it turned out it was just a kid playing with his Dad's Lego. It was like having a 'it was all just a dream' ending. But some scenes of the father and the kid were sweet. The only good thing about the film is EVERYTHING IS AWESOME which will be stuck in my head for the next week.

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Everything is awesome!

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Cute movie!

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