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The Martian 2015

The movie is way too unrealistic. No one plugs in a USB cable on the first try.

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I absolutely loved the movie. The plot holes were almost negligable and as a whole it seemed to be.... realistic! This movie is Cast Away meets Gravity meets McGuyver.

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You have to be kidding me. They've been advertising this movie with Matt Damon all over the posters and trailers and TV spots. He's listed as the top billed actor. People keep talking about him in this and how great he is. I see him promoting this film everywhere.

And then he dies in like the first five minutes. So stupid. I went into this to see why everyone loves him in this movie, but he gets hit by a piece of equipment and dies before I've even taken a bite of popcorn. Maybe, I thought, he isn't quite dead. But then NASA makes a full statement and everything that he died, so it had to be true.

I was so pissed that I just got up and walked out. I'm not dealing with this crap.

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At least Sean Bean did not die!!

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Horrible movie. Poor acting and it's too simple and patronizing overall.

Also, what's up with these american movies wanting to always have a scene where people applauds and cheers a rescue they watch on monitors? This movie even has more than one such scene!

If you, like me, believed this was something more special thanks to the hype, trust me and just avoid this.

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Amazing! I never thought I will be thrilled by potatoes.

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I know it's unfair to compare the adaptation to the source. But I really didn't like this compared to the book. It felt like it lost it's soul. Also I think the casting was way off across the board.

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After reading the book, the movie just seems to be just a fast-forwarded version which leaves out the essence of his struggle to survive. The movie left all that out and everything seemed so easy for him to overcome. Very disappointing.

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It was OK. Goofy at times, which didn't seem the right tone in my opinion. The constant sountrack was also a mood killer and not a builder. Is this a comedy or drama or what? It seemed unfocused and didn't have any balls to invest in a sytle. Interesting ideas but its also has the typical space blockbuster feel and structure. I couldn't fully get emotionally invested and it felt like the movie wanted you to be. A lot of charafters are just boring, and they rely on pop cilture references a lot to try and add depth. It's like the dialogue during some character bonding was aimed at teens. And I'm no space engineer, but I think fixing a de-pressurising space helmet with gaffa tape was ridiculous. The end ezcue was laughable. I know they needed a tense moment but come on... use your brain. I was gonna give it a 5 but Matt Damon tried hard and its not awful.

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Anything can happen if you try the movies only !

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I absolutely love that they named one of the plans "Project Elrond" and Sean Bean was there...haha

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Still an amazing movie after a few rewatches. I love the humour, the music, the emotional moments, it's a fun ride from start to finish.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2019-11-26T03:04:56Z— updated 2019-11-27T03:13:18Z

A great space movie. Matt Damon is fantastic and really needs to be with all the time he spends alone on screen. It's shot beautifully. The story moves well and is pretty funny.

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Book nerd.
I liked it but have some gripes. I like that it didn't feel as repetitive as the book.
It doesn't really get into Mark's head as much as it could. I don't feel like I know his character by the end and that there's not that much character development.
One other pet peeve is them showing a title card with which Sol it is but then he used the camera anyway so we don't need them. Wonder if they ever thought that making the film.

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Outstanding film, as a person who loves the idea of space and especially the technicalities of getting there, it really got me thinking!. Great movie.

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One of the best movies I've seen in a really long time. The cast was so excellent, the plot was well carried, the science was just untouchable enough for me to believe it, and it was about as pro-space missions as anything I've seen in a while.

The only question I'm left with is if Matt Damon gets stranded every time we send him somewhere, why do we keep sending him out there in the first place?

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After a rather big disappointment with Prometheus I was not overly excited about this movie. But boy was I wrong!
It caught my attention immediately and held it in its grip throughout the entire movie. Matt Damon delivers as usual, and the rest of the cast complements with him. This movie is beautiful in both visual and emotional way. An perfect mix of action, humor and science. Could Ridley Scott be back in the game? Maybe.

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Shout by Deleted

I thought it was a fairly average when really looking at all the aspects of this movie. 5 out of 10 as it didn't detract or add to my cinematic experience.

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Matt Damon delivers a charming and funny performance in a survival movie that could've ended up being dark and gritty. Thanks to Drew Goddard's witty and smart script, Ridley Scot's rejuvenated directing, beautiful cinematography and a great supporting cast, utilised to the fullest, The Martian remains hopeful and upbeat, an entertaining triumph of one man beating the odds.

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Loved the film but the god awful disco soundtrack is horrible. I love Bowie but even that was distracting.
I am going to read the book now....does it mention disco ?

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Forgot how good a movie this is! It’s gripping, it’s dramatic, it’s sciency, it’s funny. Matt Damon plays the part incredibly well. And Kate Mara is cute.

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What an amazing movie...Matt Damon is one hell of a actor and amazing story with amazing special effects... From the start all u do is feel for Matt Damon's character and his hopes on getting back to earth..only thing they should of showed was him being greeted by all the public when he arrived on earth...but it's a 10/10 movie for me.....

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Shout by enerqy

While the book was excellent, there were several key moments missing from the movie. I noticed it straight away, such as the communication going back to the "Pathfinder" method, or the Rover breaking down. Or even the little moments between the Ares 3 crew or back on Earth. I understand there was a certain runtime, but my girlfriend (who never left the book) left the cinema quite disappointed, especially after hearing me rave about the book forever. Well acted, fantastic cinematography...but something was just missing.

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An excellent movie with a superb cast. One of my favourites of the year. Uplifting and effective. Loved this.

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The book is truly excellent. Here's hoping Ridley Scott and this fantastic cast do it justice.

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Ridley Scott, again, delivers. Loved every minute of it. Works pretty good even on watching it for the second time. And that identifies as a very good movie for me.

Although Matt Damon is in essence the movie the whole cast is amazing. You really feel that everyone wanted to be in that movie. It looks credible and there is enough science there to make you buy in. There is a good sense of humor and I like how they made the rescue a bit like the moon landing where the whole world was watching. Something that brought us together.

In short, 141 min of really good entertainment.

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Thanks Southpark for making me hear Matt Damons name in an R-tard voice every damn time lol

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A good old fashioned escape movie dolled up in a fancy sci-fi dress. The story is compelling and the characters are charming. Very enjoyable, if not particularly deep.

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Roughly one year ago I watched this movie, and almost a year later and I'm still dragged to tears. This movie tugs on emotion more than the cable tugged on Melissa Lewis when trying to retrieve Mark Watney. As an avid space nerd, this movie takes all the best qualities of space movies, great CGI, amazing acting, and a pleasant emotional trip, and wraps it in a space survival bow tie. I will be watching this movie, yet again, in the future.

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One of the best science fiction movies of all times.

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Much better that i expected. Loved this movie

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One of the best space movies ever!

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Shout by Denise S

Potatoes... Potatoes everywhere!

Great movie! Iron Man style ;)

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The tension, the drama, everything was just too good to watch.
Great job Mr. Damon.

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Shout by Deleted

It's just a poor comedy film. I laughed few times, but nothing more to appreciate.

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A very nice movie about discovery, hope, physiological endurance and resourcefulness. If you think you will like or actually like the movie go get the book, beforehand or afterwards, you are not likely to be disappointed.

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It's simply perfect!
I haven't watched a movie with +2 Hours of length without getting bored for a while
This movie is brilliant and it's also funny .

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Rather predictable and sometimes boring film that brings little new to the table .The most interesting parts are of Matt Damon trying to conceive of different ways to survive in the hostile environment of Mars, unfortunately these parts are constantly interrupted by lazy expository scenes scattered throughout the film, taking place inside of NASA's control center, needlessly reminding us of what's at stake for the main character until it becomes painfully commonplace. If you've seen any of Scott's other recent films, there's really nothing new that stands out in The Martian from his current directorial efforts. Being adapted from a rather solid book, there's strong sense of writing here to be found for sure, but anyone hoping to find a glimpse of Ridley's past artistic ingenuity will be walking away disappointed, yet again. In terms of genre, you already know what to expect if you've seen Apollo 13. It's an OK film, but nothing extraordinary. 6/10

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Shout by raichuuu

Exquisite! Full of exciting moments, and just when you think you've seen everything - BAM! Another twist.
Such a great film, great cast, 130 action packed minutes - there is not a single thing I don't like about this film. I rate it 9 because I rated Interstellar 10 (and Interstellar is beyond epic in my opinion) and I just wanted to make some space between the two (no pun intended). Anyways, 10/10 would recommend watching it.

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I really feel that this movie gives the book justice. Yes, of course, some amendments needed to be made to shrink the plot into a movie format. It is important however that the spirit and the wit of the book remained. I truly enjoyed watching this movie and highly recommend it to anyone. This movie definitely desererves it's praise.

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Shout by Esseth

This movie was amazing, now first up I have not read the book, so they may have left lots out and changed a bunch, but I can't comment on that. However the movie was fantastic, sets, acting, writing all well up to par and Matt Damon nailed his role.

Similar to Interstellar in terms of scientific accuracy with physics and space without the "Bookshelf" ending. On that note, you could kind of see Matt Damons character going to to be in the initial interstellar mission and then doing anything to survive haha.

Exceeded my expectations for sure.
Also plot twist, Sean Bean doesn't die!

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For as insanely stress-inducing as this movie is, it's one of the most entertaining and easily rewatchable movies of the last decade with a lot more humor than you'd think, given Mark's "predicament".

"I just had to explain to the President of the United States what a 'bureaucratic felcher' is" might be one of the funniest deliveries of Jeff Daniels' career that wasn't in a comedy; he just delivers it so dryly and sarcastically that it always makes me bark with laughter. I also love Donald Glover pulling his best Abed impression as Rich.

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Yes, it can be cliché at times (lot of times), but it is still a fantastic experience. Breathtaking!

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One of my most favourite movies, I just loved it. Let’s have move quality films like this please.

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I like it, but it's definitely not the best space movie I've seen. The performances were great but yet again not the best I've seen. Ridley manages to make his movies feel imaginary, and this feels just like how I'd imagine being stuck on Mars. Except, it did a little more thinking. The cast was a constellation, the score/soundtrack was gravitational, the visuals were cosmic, the script sucked me out afew times, but I wasn't mad about it. You know what you're expecting if you've seen Ridley before, and if you haven't, you'll want to see more. Overall, it's just a really good sci-fi.

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Such a joy to watch. Watched it many times. Never get tired of it.

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This movie certainly had a super cool concept and was honestly beautifully shot, but I never felt a sense of urgency or suspense in the plot or pacing, which is something I would have wanted for this movie to be elevated from “good” to “great” status.

Furthermore, I never really connected with the main character on a meaningful level due to Mark’s continuous jokes and inability to be serious. I would have really preferred a little more depth to his character…

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Seeing it again after reading the book, it's missing something. Not sure what.Soul? Not really surprising. Still an entertaining sci-fi movie.

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If you haven't read the book, then you should. The film is a great-looking, well presented and overall excellent adaptation.

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Rewatch impression:
Great cast, stellar performance (gheghe)
I didn't notice the first time that Sebastian Stan was in this. My man, looking good.

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First watch before having Traktv 10/10.
Read the book yesterday and watched the movie today down to 8/10.

They changed/ removed couple of important moments from the book, but that's ok limited time available I understand rewriting the story from book.

what's not ok is Mark Watney's video log from mars is waste, until Ares 5 at least, should have kept it as text log( as on book) which could be taken very easily to Hermes due to low size text file.

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Kinda long (but not that long considering content), and a tad too dramatic and idiotic (American) to be realistic, but other than that a great movie, at some points it felt like it was based on true events or something. I dont really like sci-fi, but this movie was realistic enough to pass as a regular movie about space. Nice one. Worth another watch, especially since the character Mark Watney is written so funny and down to earth (hehe)

rating: 7.8/10
posted: 13th february 2022

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One of my favorite adventure/dystopian movies, as it follows a group of astronauts who are conducting experiments on Mars and they seem to have lost one as they escape just in time for a big storm, but it turns out later on that one team member survived and has to learn to survive year(s) on Mars. Casting Matt Damon is perfect. The plot development is quick but fantastically well done. The intrigue and plot twists and interest (as this could be non fiction one day) makes for an edge if your seat watch.

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This one was a blast. The DIY science, the resilience and fortitude, the harsh terrain, Mat Damon's charm, the collective effort to save him the film seamlessly weaves it all together to make an inspirational survivalist film on human fortitude surprisingly avoiding the potential to have easily veered into a drab gloomy drepessing territory.

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This is a gem of a film. It's one of my all-time favorite films, in fact. What I really enjoyed was that there was plausible science behind the decision-making in this film. And, as well-made as this film was, the book is even better!

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This movie was just ok.... watched once and never again.. 5/10

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Amazing film. Good and fresh story about a astronaut left behind on Mars. Must watch if you love space

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overall a great movie watched the extended cut 2.25hr is long but again was a great movie

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I really do love this movie. And I keep crying happily at the end!

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Ok I do believe that the Chinese have a much better rocket but I absolutely refuse to believe that they could 'lend' it to the US - just 'please keep it within the scientific circles'. That is basically firing squad and rightly so. I also refuse to believe that someone is able cultivate a potato field using his own shit as fertilizer. Just no. Sean Bean did not get killed this time - only fired.

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An exceptional movie with a plot that is both engaging and thrilling. Matt Damon delivers a superb performance as Watney, portraying the character's resourcefulness, wit, and determination. The supporting cast is also excellent, with standout performances from Jeff Daniels, Jessica Chastain, and Chiwetel Ejiofor. The special effects in The Martian are also top-notch, with visuals that bring the desolate, alien landscape of Mars to life. From the rovers and spacesuits to the interiors of the spacecraft, the attention to detail in the movie is simply incredible. Overall, a must-watch for fans of science fiction and adventure movies.

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This might be my favourite man vs nature survival drama.

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There’s something about this movie that makes it incredibly engaging and amusing. Simply, this is a space movie done correctly. There are many out there that are “pretty”, or really well shot, but so many space movies still feel bland and/or repetitive. That is not the case here, as this is potentially Matt Damon’s greatest role. Not to mention the rest of the cast is stellar as well. This is one worth recommending to many people.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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Matt Damon isn't a great actor, perhaps not really even a good one except for a few select roles, but this is a good movie. Sure, there might be some unbelievable things (although it's been examined top to bottom by scientists that claim this all could happen to varying degrees), but it's fun to think what it might be like to actually live on Mars and this movie does a good job showing that. I've seen this probably 5-6 times and will continue to watch it every year or two because it keeps you tuned in.

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Shout by Vaisagh Dilip

A survival thriller filled with lots of tension rich moments making the audience tensed

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3D regular Blu-ray. Fantastic. What else. Nothing. Watch it again.

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Definitely one of the better movies I've watched in awhile. It had "just enough" feasability to be enjoyable, even though the odds of all these things/circumstances actually happening are a stretch. The overall theme throughout the movie was what made it so absolkutely enjoyable, however, and that theme was simply "Never give up." No matter how bleak and dire the situation, we hold within ourselves the ability to keep thinking, keep processing, keep working the problem...and refuse to quit. It had enough lighthearted moments in it to take the dark edge off, and yes, even though it was far-fetched, it had that constant ring of hope that kept you watching. It's a long movie, granted, but it was so riveting that I was able to sit through the entire thing with no problem. The closing scenes were beautifully done, and all-in-all, this was one of the best I've watched in a long time. :thumbsup_tone2::thumbsup_tone2::thumbsup_tone2::thumbsup_tone2::thumbsup_tone2:

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Themes (tone, impact) 0.5
Acting and characters 0.5
Story (writing, direction, pacing) 1
Aesthetic (sets, special effects, score) 0.5
Enjoyment 1


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Classical US space movie, 3D quality was good but probably it beacuse of my family doesn't want any subtiles anyway the turkish dubbed version sucks.

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The Martian is such a fantastic movie, I've watched it 3 times and each time, I'm hooked and invested in the story. That's thanks to the incredible acting from everyone (Matt Damon is brilliant), writing, score and cinematography. Great movie!

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Oh to state all the things wrong with this movie. Number 1, I love how that dude just made a bomb at the end in like 5 minutes and there was just this sophisticated detonator laying around....

Matt Damon is the only thing good about this movie.

At least mackenzie davis knew her place in this movie. She is not a lead role actress, terminator proved that.

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Shout by Sean the Mondasian Cyberman

Wow, this film does not waste much time. It throws you right in at the beginning, with the Mars mission that strands our main character Mark Wattney, and going in that was something that took me by surprise. In a good way, I might add.

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All round a good film. Emotional in parts and funny in others. Great cast if characters. Although it didn't astound me I still thoroughly enjoyed this movie.

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Heartwarming true story about about a clandestine government assassin who wakes up on the moon and grows potatoes. Plz watch.

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Pretty and good but not challenging

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Even if i am not the biggest Damon's fan i think his perfomance was great in this movie.Also it's so nice to see Scott back in form.7.7/10

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I say we send Matt Damon to mars after watching this movie. What a great performance

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Shout by PorterUk
BlockedParent2020-02-11T16:02:50Z— updated 2020-10-03T00:25:01Z

If you watch this, please watch the Extended edition clocking at 2h 30. It really adds depth to the solitude and struggle. And lifts this film to damn near perfect!

What a visually stunning, brilliantly acted and fantastically directed film.

It's a Hollywood movie that shows film-making at its best. Heart, class, excellence.


2020 Rewatch: This film reassures me in the ingenuity of humankind. For now - in this world we live in at this moment in time - the brightest minds of most nations can rise to their potential. If a situation like this faced us, I'd hope the world would still be bright enough to solve it. Just a fantastic film for the modern age.

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Absolutely Crazy ! Just realized I love this kinf of movies

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Finally watched Martian . I am in Awe .

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I agree ... disco does suck. That said, I'm fairly certain Abba was not considered disco, right? Good movie, quite enjoyable.

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Shout by awkashmi

this was a fun movie to watch. I watched the movie shortly after finishing the book and I couldn't help but compare the two ... ALOT. I didn't know how they would adapt the book into a movie because the book was told in journal entries, but they did a good job with that. the cast... it's pretty obvious what I'm gonna say but a black guy plays a brown which is close enough.. I guess? I feel like if you haven't read the book you will be confused , but that aside it's still a good movie to watch and it's amazing, visually. Nice film Bois, finished this one at 1:22AM after starting it at 10:30PM...

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Shout by habla2019

Jeff Daniels has come a long way from
My Favourite Martian

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Shout by ronaldreis3000

One of the best movies I've watched in my life.

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There is not much left to say about this movie except... if you can, watch this movie on 3D is amazing!!!

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The book is great, but the film is not even the half of it.

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Extremely engaging. Damon is great in the role, and delivers quite a bit of humour, which is unexpected from a Ridley Scott movie. It's surprisingly thrilling for a movie about sending a rescue mission to save a marooned man. The attention to authenticity is appreciated, but what's more surprising is how exciting the science is.

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3D in this movie was spectacular, really well done.

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Yes there are huge plot holes, and yes there are lots of space cliché, but the scale, the scope of this movie can make you completely forget all of that, and have your heart pump beat after beat with all the airlocks, spacesuits, hatch doors, rockets and space stations made kapoom powpow exploding just to get Matt Damien back to earth! ha! kinda sounded ridiculous but it did work its magic.

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Wow. I have seen this movie at the cinemas previously. I just watched it in 4K 3D on my 60 inch LG, and it was phenomenal. First Time I have truly appreciated 4k and 3D at home. Just awesome.

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Un alieno giunge su un pianeta con la sua navicella. Mentre è sul pianeta i suoi compagni di viaggio ripartono lasciandolo lì. E allora l'alieno, abbandonato in un mondo che non conosce, deve trovare il modo di comunicare, telefonare a casa per far sapere che è vivo e che vengano a riprenderlo. Intanto, grazie alle sua abilità, impara a vivere sul pianeta, che subito gli sembra ostile. Finalmente la navicella dei suoi compagni torna a recuperarlo, mentre, tutto imbacuccato, vola verso la libertà.

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