I almost turned this movie off when seeing the intro. Glad I stuck around tho. Turns out this is a fun and endearing movie. It is actually quite a fun little movie. I especially love the various animation styles used.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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watched a few years ago all I remember the dad was against all and electronics then the robots and whatever took over then after they were gone the dad was all about the electronics and I just always have found that super dumb

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I guess it's not my kind of movie. I felt like I was treated like an idiot with the type of humor thrown at me.

I also feel like I've seen this movie before in other and better form factor.

Acting: 7/10
Voice casting of the little brother: 0/10
Story: 6/10
Humor: 5/10
Art & animation: 10/10

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Incredibly emotional story at its core, along with great action sequences:punch_tone2:

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a beautiful celebration of weirdness, family and just how much pugs look like a loaf of bread

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Watching this movie a second time makes me realize how relatable and funny this movie is. This is a movie that anyone can watch and relate to in some way, whether it be the reliance on technology, the change in life when growing up, or the connection to family.

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An amazing animated film that came kind of from out of nowhere. This movie has great characters and an engaging plot, along with being quite funny at times.

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I really enjoyed the movie with a lot of surprising and creative moments. Found by chance and loved!

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Yet another robot uprising. I have seen this multiple times. From Ex Machina to I, Robot. Many movies are talking about a robot uprising. This is one on the funny side.

It takes a few potshots at the tech industry and its touch-and-go relationship with AI advances, but there is no bite to the writing. I liked the two malfunctioning robots. Their conversations were the most entertaining.

The animation style is quirky and fresh. After seeing love death + robots my expectations from animation are through the roof. In comparison, it tries to remain in the #pixar level of caricatures. I can't say I did not enjoy it, but I wasn't very thrilled by it, it's been done, multiple times.

It was praised for good writing and well, that was my reason to see this, but not much to remember.

No wonder I was impressed by the voice of PAL. It was none other than #olivia-colman.

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This was probably the cutest movie I've seen this year - I can't recommend enough! Also love that John Legend and Chrissy Teigen voiced the yoga freak neighbors; some prime casting. Even the credits are cute!

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Overall, it's a worthwhile viewing. Funny and visually impressive, with well action scenes.

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Very good, very fun, very heartwarming. https://boxd.it/2HigRp

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One of the funniest movies I’ve watched in a while. :v_tone1:

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The Mitchells, weird but great :heart:, which also sums up the whole movie.

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a cliché, cheesy storyline, but sharp writing, witty jokes, vivid storyboard, and unique animation makes this a must-see movie of 2021

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This was actually so much better than I expected going into it. I had heard some good things, but it still exceeded expectations. The animation was a really cool mix between crisp animation and hand drawn caricature style. The humor was surprisingly funny and the sheer absurdity of the scenarios really brought back home how silly our everyday lives can be. Not to mention a relatable story about the complexities of human character and relationships. Overall, it was really enjoyable to watch, might even be worth a rewatch in the future.

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the animation reminded me of into the spiderverse. to all the creative minds behind this, thank you!!!

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You can definitely see the difference between those two main competitors in animations - Sony and Pixar. I find Sony's animation a bit more realistic then Pixar's. Yet both can has their own print.

This is definitely a must-watch movie. If you are a fan [of animation movies] you will get this is another "the rise of the machines" movie. Which lead me to think this is going to happen [in real life] as movies on such topic are increasing each year.

Great story. Casting did good job find those best-matched voices.
...and the message which this movie is sends is expressed in the best way.

I recommend.

and as I father of 2 y.o. daughter, I will try to remember and not be like this movie character.

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This was so good A fun Sci-fi apocalypse film it never dragged and I never checked how long was left do yourself a favor and watch this film

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This almost made me cry 3 different times.

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Act I and III are phenomenal. In Katie's words: "Behold, cinema".
Act II isn't bad or anything like that, but it's just too comedic and light-hearted for my taste. I just considerably prefer the super juicy family drama. It's a solid set-up for Act III, but definitely not on par.

Also, this scene is beautiful. I had a massive smile on my face throughout the entire finale. Simply amazing.

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I heard a lot of great things about this movie and it was recommended more than once. When I finally got around to see it I knew why. Even though (or because?) I could only partly relate to Katie and therefore wasn't completely hooked by the story I liked all the little details and creativity sparks that were scattered all over the place. It's a fun and entertaining movie that's never boring or slow and still manages to deliver some important messages. I highly recommend it.

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Anyone who identifies with having adverse childhood experiences, due to their dysfunctional upbringing and neglectful narc/enabler parents, should probably avoid this movie.

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Shout by aniforprez
BlockedParent2021-06-22T13:17:31Z— updated 2021-09-07T17:40:34Z

This is genuinely funny at times but during far too much of the movie all I could think of was the subreddit FellowKids. It's fine for what it is and I see some young kids and teenagers having fun with this movie. And I did too to an extent. But the bland, tropey, standard family drama plot of it just didn't sustain my interest. I had a much better time with "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" than this one. This movie is only very slightly "cynical" but I feel CWACOM was just a bit more genuine with its message than this. I think this would be fun for most people but it wasn't for me

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Another Sony movie with amazing animation and plot that... did not deliver what was promised.

Full of clichés and unfunny jokes that ruin the mood of the moment, forgettable characters, an overused "my family is so bad and out of the norm" plot device and a gaslighting father that happens to realized how good of a person his daughter is when he is about to die because why not?. The animation and the voice acting saved this movie from being hot garbage.

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This is a good film: the character designs are nicely stylized, the animation is great, the mix of 3D and 2d media works well, the plot is silly enough to work, and the comedy is great at times. The only bad thing about this film is that you can tell when an executive walked in saying the phrase, “you know what the kids would find funny” and it just wasn’t.

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Shout by Deleted

How Sony goes from making the Emoji Movie to Spiderverse to this just blows my mind

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Beautiful and brilliant animation with an overly simple story even for a kids movie.

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Best movie of 2020 and 2021!!!

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This movie has great production value: I really like the colouring and animations. The story is very funny, although sometimes a bit corny – particularly the "happy-family" times. There is some great critique about big tech companies.

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Way too funny but a lot of heart.

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One of my favourite films of the year!! From start to finish me and my partner were smiling laughing and totally hooked. Animation and art style was just fantastic and fresh. Even down the the credits at the end the creativity just didn't stop. Definitely worth a watch as it's not just a children's movie at all.

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Wonderful movie, just fun, endearing, goofy and enjoyable from start to finish 10/10

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Wow, I didn't expect so much from a children's movie, and those credits are so beautiful.

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Shout by Deleted

the animation is exquisite, the story is beautiful and the characters are funny. highly recommended!

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A funny and great animation, with a good familiar reflection. I recommend!

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Shout by Yash PatelVIP
BlockedParent2021-05-11T21:14:14Z— updated 2021-12-29T12:07:01Z

Great movie. It has a solid story and tons of soul! The comedy was delightful, and the movie kept me engaged throughout :)

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It was definitely weird and silly but it was also quite funny :D I found the parts of the story that seemed unnecessarily unrealistic a bit annoying but then again this didn't really try to be somewhat realistic - I'm just having trouble adjusting to that.

The music mix was pretty great (from Nyan Cat to pop hits :D - I just missed being Rickrolled) and there where a lot of funny lines and neat jokes in it (I'm pretty sure that I didn't even get a lot of them).

There are also lots of meaningful quotes in there, e.g.:

  • "Who would have thought a tech company wouldn't have our best interest at heart?"
  • "It's almost like stealing people's data and giving it to a hyper-intelligent Al as a part of an unregulated tech monopoly was a bad thing."
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I was confused why everyone was rating this film so high then I got to the Furby scene & understood all the five stars. Film itself was a pretty and wholesome family movie

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I find it super cute! I love the animation, remembered me the spiderverse movie a lot.

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What a great movie with genuine comedy. Never felt bored thought the movie. Loved the dog!!!!!!
The script was amazing.

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Now this was hilarious. What an amazing ride this was. This is what happens when passionate people create something they care about. The cinematography: TOP, The relatability: TOP, The Comedy: TOP
All in all instantly, one of my favorite animated films

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This movie never stops! It just keeps going up and up and up and up, filled with incredible hilarious jokes every step of the way, to make your day, like really, cuz i was feeling a little down, but I'm great rn.

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This was exciting and funny all the way. The film doesn’t know a dull moment and creates its own fun robot world, one that I would like to see more of. Highlight had to be the furbies.

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Now that was a well made animation and a lot of fun with some great action and loved the sense of humor in it and all the easter eggs and loved the style of animation also great to see more from the studio that brought Spider-Verse another great one XD

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Please give more work to Michael Rinada in the future, he absolutely nailed it. This def had gravity falls vibes all through out it. I’m excited to see what he comes up with next. Sony animation studios is killing it as well, they seem to have found their own unique art style which really stands out amongst all the other cookie cutter animation studios. Overall this is a much watch.

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I was depressed and this cheered me up right away. It’s sweet, funny and a lot of fun.

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Saving the world can be a trip. This movie was a trip. Great fun!

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Finally a 1+ hour episode of Love Death and Robots

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Lots of dad jokes. Made me laugh out loud. I think the kids laughed but I’m not sure because… I’m really loud :joy:

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Genuinely funny, with some great movie references hidden within, and a script that is sharper than the usual generic animated fare. More like this please Netflix.

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Like breakfast cereal that's pure sugar: colorful, sweet and well give you an energy rush (though isn't as healthy as it claims) .

Saw this for my Sunday morning watch and had a blast. The excellent voice talent (Abbi Jacobson in the lead role knocked it out of the park), the moments that get you in the feels (even if they pushed this too far, imo) and especially the mixed media animation (The Mitchells vs. The Machines has definite Scott Pilgrim vs. The World vibes, all the way down to the title), made TMVTM... a great film for parents and their fertilized eggs.

This, combined with Into the Spiderverse, confirms that Sony Animation has a chair in the contemporary cartoon cosmos.

PS Not to mention, the not-so-hidden gay agenda (Charlie, the college-bound star of the film, is into Jade, her roommate) adds tons to the film's charm.

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I laughed a lot watching the fight against the Furbies!

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Shout by Sagor Hossain

This was just an awesome animated movie. Highly recommended.

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A fun and hilarious ride for the whole family! :grin:

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Great flick. The malfunctioning robots were my favourite parts.

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Nice and lively movie. Good blend of fun and feel good emotions. Top notch animation from Sony. Nice addition to Netflix!

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A hilarious and action-packed exploration of the use of adversarial imagery against computer vision systems. Also relationships and family and stuff. Road trip!

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Highly enjoyable! As expected from a writer from Gravity Falls.

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