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The Purge: Anarchy 2014

I didn't know there were multiple parts to this movie. Nice movie, it started off very strong for me, but it was a bit too long, making it difficult for to keep my attention till the end.

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Better than the original but still remains an amazing concept badly executed...

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I am not sure what was scarier, the movie or the acting.

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Shout by Le_Chat
BlockedParent2022-07-20T19:16:57Z— updated 2023-01-24T09:36:13Z

The Purge: Anarchy delves into the concept of a night where all crime is legal and the government's role in allowing such a night to occur. The plot of the movie may be considered as mediocre, but the movie's commentary on the darker side of society and the depiction of the corrupt morality and perversion of the United States is thought-provoking and adds depth to the story. Despite the plot being formulaic, the movie's exploration of these themes make it an engaging watch.

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I watched it. That's about all I can tell you.

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I wouldn't consider it a horror movie; the Purge series is more of an action thriller with some gore, but I loved watching it for the development of the purgers' corrupted morality. The first film felt so bland. They barely explored the actual crimes that would occur throughout the Purge nor the main theme about how the Purge was made for the poor to die! They developed that so much more in this movie and that's why I enjoyed it so much more than the first installment. The main characters were also a lot more likeable and sympathetic and I felt way more invested in the plot.

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A lot better than the predecessor but it's more of action thriller than a horror film. I think that change is really needed to save this film. This time they tackle multiple different storylines and expand it to larger scale which give it plenty room for improvement. It starts out really good then it gets messy and drags on but the action sequences are entertaining enough to keep my attention. Frank Grillo is great as a lead. The other characters are forgettable but at least they're better than any characters in the first film. That teen girl really gets on my nerves! She just won't shut up over the same question. Overall it's far from great but enjoyable.

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Rich people just want to kill poor people, at least that’s the message of The Purge: Anarchy. While the original film presented a lot of interesting ideas, this one seems to only focus on the class warfare aspect. When a group of strangers get caught out in the open during the annual Purge, where all crime is legal, they must band together in order to survive; but they soon get marked for death when they stumble upon a government conspiracy. Unfortunately there’s no sophistication or cleverness to the satire, and the social commentary is extremely heavy handed. That said, the chases and fight sequences are intense and a bit frightening. Though not as good as the first film, The Purge: Anarchy still delivers some exciting thrills.

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A sequel to a fresh horror/thriller, what do you expect?

Well, I didn't expect it to live up to the first of the series, but it did just that by being its own film.

The Purge Anarchy isn't so much a sequel as it is another movie in the same universe. Where the first leaned on horror tendencies, this movie took the universe under an action/thriller lense and hit it perfectly.

If you can't immerse yourself in a world where the idea of a Purge is accepted, none of these movies are for you. If you can, so far through the first two they've done a great job.

Just like the first movie, the acting hits what it should and feels relatable. There aren't super twists and turns, but the movie doesn't need them to stand up on its own.

In the end, this is a movie taking place in a universe you have to accept, but is well worth the watch if you're willing to do so.

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Shout by Deleted

I was expecting much more from this, a very average movie.
I'm not really sure what all the fuss is about in regards to the Purge films.

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Heard a lot about this movie but I wasn't fully impressed. I feel like there could have been done more with this plot, maybe if the characters had a little bit more depth. Wasn't as thrilling as I expected.

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This is an intriguing dark thriller masquerading as a horror movie. It is scary only on an emotional level and relies very little upon cheap scares. Although bloody, this film has a Hayes code styled sense of morality, and very few sympathetic characters die who don't deserve to.

It's not a perfect movie, and a lot of scenes and conceits are highly derivative. I mean, I saw that episode of Black Mirror! But "The Purge: Anarchy" is an unexpectedly enjoyable thrill-ride.

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Shout by Chris
BlockedParent2017-02-04T00:54:41Z— updated 2017-05-18T22:36:30Z

Don't get me wrong, the idea is matrix like. Something totally new and interesting at first. But, what I have a problem with story wise is that no matter what direction humanity takes, this is unbelievable. OK, crime is legal for half a day (stealing or whatever), but murder? And not just revenge killing, no, murder for fun.

Humanity moves the other way. Look at animal torture. 200 years ago it was like who cares, nowadays it is rightfully so frowned upon. Humanity did that. So to then change within a short timeframe this all just went overboard and people behave like under meth is just too far out. Destroyed the story for me.

No spoilers but you will see what I mean... Still great idea, just needs to be closer to realistic...

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In my opinion this one was the best

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The opening 30 minutes are unbearably tense and then the film turns from horror to action thriller. Whilst the sense of tension lessens, the whole concept of The Purge is still frightening, and enough to give me nightmares.

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Shout by Diego Perez Garcia

Muy buena, tensión a millón, esta pelicula te sumerge por completo en ella. Vas a cada paso con los personajes como si todo te estuviera pasando a ti. Gran final, me gusto muchisimo. Recomendada sin lugar a duda, si quieres un poco de tensión, con acción y muertes esta es tu elección.

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Shout by Aya
BlockedParent2015-11-27T00:09:58Z— updated 2018-12-16T23:54:57Z

Okay..this movie is fuckin' awesome

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The Purge Anarchy is a much better movie than I had expected, and improved miraculously from the first installment. With improved action, a better setting, and some dynamic characters, this series shows promise for the inevitable sequel that is to come.

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THAT WAS SO AWESOME! It's what I wanted the first Purge to be like. The story is actually progressing. Hope there is a third one!

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This is actually better than the first one, which I liked, and has some pretty good segments along the way. Recommended!!!

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That was so much better than the first one

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Es bastante entretenida... Peeero no le doy mas de 6....

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Pretty bad. Have to say, didn't find any of it scary or thrilling. Felt like I was being walked through a rehashed plot and waiting for it to end in the predictable way I already knew it would.

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Shout by Deleted

Less bad than the first one, but still bad. Characters are so stupid that the story is completely unbelievable in my opinion. Why does the couple decide to go shopping by car, far from home, 1 hour before the purge starts? Also I wondered why the group took so many risks going to the other side of the city in order to borrow a car while they could easily have stolen a car (murder is allowed, I guess stealing should be too). Apart from that, there are a few good action sequences with the unnamed hero (I like to call him "Mad Max") and a decent chaos atmosphere, which is enough to make it watcheable. If they make another one next year, I hope they'll get the story right.

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Shout by Deleted

The second one is better

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I think this was better than the first one, despite of being the same story but with the typical tough guy instead of the regular guy that's just trying to protect his family. And the characters were less stupid than in the first movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Se ve que James DeMonaco (el escritor y director) ya está entendiendo como funciona el comportamiento humano porque la falla principal de la anterior fueron las tontas acciones de los personajes y aquí afortunadamente nadie fue tan estúpido.
Depurenme si quieren, pero en cuanto a suspenso creo que la primera gana así sea por poco. Esta trama fue mucho más compleja y los personajes estuvieron mejor desarrollados y sin embargo no sentí tanta preocupación como antes. La idea da para mucho así que espero que en la tercera parte se haga un mejor esfuerzo en cuanto historia y personajes. [3,5/5]

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Shout by KingKon_NL

The writers just can't seem to think of anything original with the scripts for these films. The premise is good (basically a night where people can live out their darkest fantasies in real life without any repercussions), but it just doesn't amount to anything interesting.
The plot for this one is the standard "tough guy that actually has a kind heart" scenario that we've all seen a million times before. The main character has so much depth, they didn't even bother to give him an actual name. Seriously, the credits just say "Sergeant", and he's only called that once at the very end of the movie.
At no point will this movie surprise or shock you, or even entertain you very much for that matter. If you're expecting an all out slaughter fest (which is, let's face it, what you want from a movie like this), just as the first one, this one doesn't deliver.

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Shout by Deleted

Better than the first one. Great idea, terrible execution.

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Shout by Deleted


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The worst of the worst.... America's turned totally stupid. Characters are stupid, logic is stupid, everything in this movie is simply steeeeeewpid.

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I thought this was a better effort than the last one where they somehow managed to make it uninteresting at every turn. With the premise they have many stories they could choose to show and the one they picked was one of the more obvious possibilities but it was still interesting.

I wish this premise was in someone else's hands, James DeMonaco just can't do it justice.

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First part was waaay beter than this sequel...

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Shout by sp1ti

Anarchy my ass. Just as bad as the first one...

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Shout by Deleted

I couldn't make it to the end of this movie, it's just too boring.

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Good but not BRILLIANT! Liked the first one a tad more.

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Si la primera fue buena esta fue mucho mejor. me encanto la historia en especial porque llevaron la trama a la calle, sufrí con la película y me la creí. Amazing! 10/10

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Shout by silentofpain


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Shout by Deleted

Watching on Plex at Home

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Shout by acidfreecookies

Vastly superior to the first one, still ridden with plotholes, predictability and weak acting.

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Better than the first one. Shows more aspects of the purge 'philosophy' together with a danger of its miss-usage.

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