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The Whale 2022

“These assignments don’t matter. This course doesn’t matter. College doesn’t matter. These amazing, honest things that you wrote, they matter.”

Do yourself a favor and watch this film.

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Really not a bad movie, but I really wouldn't call it a tear jerker if that's what you're looking for.

Brendan Frasier is excellent, but the movie isn't Oscar worthy to me, but it will probably get nominated anyway.

For me, just another "MY KID IS SO SMART " messages, which begs the question, "WHY ARE THERE SO MANY IDIOTS IN THE WORLD?"

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Quite disappointing.
Too many scenes of characters being abusive to each other, without remorse nor acknowledging that they're doing harm.
The film could've had a lot of teachable moments but too many concepts, ideas and behaviors were left unexplored: disgust, intolerance, child neglect, religion, rituals, expressing gratitude etc. etc.

Fuck religious people and fuck Liz for enabling his disordered eating.

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I really, really wanted to like this movie.

The subject matter is insufficiently explored by modern cinema and the more honest conversations we have on this topic, the better.

But this ain't it, chief.

Beyond the limited cinematography (which isn't necessarily the movie's fault since the play it's based on takes place in only one apartment - and that's kind of the point) the characters are also a bit too one-dimensional for a atmospheric drama and the scenes end up being corny instead of impactful.

Darren Aronofsky kind of has this tendency to push everything over the top and here it kind of turns into shock value schlock at times.

It didn't seem to help his cause that what he had to work with was apparently a high schooler's-level-of-depth-attempt at a essay about life, depression, regret and morbid obesity.

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Watched this to see what all the hype was about and I still don’t get it. My personal opinion is this movie can be skipped.

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Wow. What a sad depressing movie sheesh.

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This is torture on another level...I mean, for me, not bredan. As an empath, this was a difficult watch, the ending at least. I'm so happy for the whole cast. The acting was definitely oscar worthy. The soundtrack as well as the ratio and the set and dialogue and the story ugh I could go on for days.

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Extremely raw, harsh and sometimes even grotesque film, all personal touches from the director I admire so much, Aranofsky. He plays with an emotiveness and delicacy that is both disconcerting and paradoxical (and that is precisely what fascinates me) I really liked the film. Extraordinary direction and acting (Fraser deserved the Oscar for this role) Original script and carried out in an exemplary manner. 8/10

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As with most of his movies, Darren Aronofsky make his protagonist and spectators suffer as much as they can. The movie tone is always dark and sad, but at the end there is some kind of redemption, and that's the moment that we as spectators have the reward after feeling miserable for the last 110 minutes. A though pill to swallow, but an excellent movie overall. Acting is superb here.

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Brendan was great. This movie, however, was mid.

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You shouldn't have to give as much of a compelling performance and be such an overly nice person to love a fat person. Just like you shouldn't have to portray the most perfect black or gay person to love them.

I'm only saying the despite aspect because the directors should not have put the focus on how undignifying it is to live as a big person. Why did they do those shot.
The performances give it the 8. The fatphobia could've passed, as it is a new era to at least not make something so focused on unsightlyness.

I wish they expanded upon the religious trauma, homophobia, etc. But that's ok. Fraser killed it along with the other main characters. Brandon is also big enough to fill the need for a marginalized identity. I don't think it took away the opportunities from fat actors as some have argued.

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I was not the only one sobbing in the theater.

Anyone who claims this film "lacks empathy", "leers and ogles in disgust", or is "fatphobic" is simply betraying their own lack of empathy.

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Based on the play with the same name, The Whale is such an impactful piece. I found myself so heartbroken watching how the main character Charlie, played by Brendan Fraser, deals with his depression and life regrets. Speaking of Brendan Fraser, such a sweet soul and he played the role beautifully. I was able to go to an opening night Q&A with him speaking. My favorite part was hearing how they wanted to make Charlie look human despite how you may see other movies with actors in "fat suits". This movie also has no small roles. Sadie Sink and Hong Chau as supporting actresses uplifted the turmoil that one man’s suffering can ripple to the people around you. Definitely adding this movie to my list of favorite Darren Aronofsky films.

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Quite simply a beautiful film, heartbreaking and so damn beautiful with a great role played by Brendan Fraser and a superb supporting cast, one of the best films of the year so far if not the best.

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The Whale is a lesson in empathy that, perhaps, comes across as a little too heavy-handed, wallowing too long in its tragedy along the way. It's frustrating to watch - despite the underlying lesson at hand, the characters don't tend to show much empathy for each other. The whole movie just feels like people shouting at each other and not with each other. They're all laying their tribulations bare, but it takes everyone else way too long to listen, creating a repetitive cycle of door bursts open -> shouting -> someone cries and storms out. However, that frustration is genuine - the performances on display are outstanding to an ultimately redeeming degree. Fraser and Chau come across as the strongest, but each performance is still praiseworthy and keeps things engaging despite the repetitiveness.

Despite these compelling performances, the overall package tends to allude to itself and just misses the mark that it set for itself. Perhaps it's a sign that it couldn't entirely escape the trappings of its stage origins, but it certainly does its best to transcend them.

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Brendan Fraser gives his all in this heartbreaking performance, a sublime control over his eyes with the ability to demonstrate pure kindness. I couldn't help it, I was immediately moved by his character and when Sadie Sink's character comes in it's where the magic happens. A clash between teen angst and fatherly love, The Whale explores themes of family, faith and honesty. A look at morbid obesity which felt crude and touching but I have to say some scenes felt purposefully comedic?? Every character interactions from the support cast felt meaningfull and elevated Charlie's character. Great performances, claustrophobic setting, peak father daughter drama and I swear I could smell that appartment. The ending might feel over-the-top for some but i'm on board with it. I got emotional in the last 15 minutes or so, felt cathartic and dug out my empathy.

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Not amazing, but I enjoyed it. The performances were excellent, and they were more than enough for me to rate this favourably.

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Devastating. Just devastating. The entire cast did an amazing job here. So moving.

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WOW, what a performance! I hope Brendan wins the Oscar!!!

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Just give Brendan Fraser the Oscar already!

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Shout by Jennifer Lyn Squires - Jen

I rated this a 5 out of 10. The story was touching and yes I cried my face off, but I agree with the discourse around this movie that it's exploitative and essentially invites the viewer to just gawk at the fat person. Fraser was great, but Aronofsky has no subtlty or tact.

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Everyone's talking about Brendan Fraser, but Hong Chau and Sadie Sink are equally incredible here. This movie would not work without them.

Definitely not an easy watch. If you're anything like me, make sure to have a box of tissues handy.

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When he said that he wanted to make just one thing right in his life i felt it. Such an amazing film

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Brendan Fraser’s ‘Charlie’ for me is a stunning, soaring performance.
The other supporting actors also synced perfectly in their roles.
I like to think I do not give 9 star ratings too easily. But Brendan Fraser’s role will go down as one of the greats.

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This is one of the movies that i can’t give score on. It’s took a long time to process the feelings after watching. One thing for sure is Brendon definitely deserves his Oscar. His performance carrying the whole film. The story can keep me interested throughout almost 2hr. and it can be executed in just very few sets. CG for his weight looks realistic. All the characters are broken and tried to find peace with themselves in their different ways. I think this film can be impacted on people differently. For me, it’s a beautiful film with excellent acting, but it’s not made me cry and I think I wouldn’t want to watch it again.

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Amazing film! would probably rewatch

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"I need to know that I've done one thing right in my life!" Wow, what a performance by Brendan Fraser! Everyone in the cast performed really great as well.

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Brooo I cannot stop crying. What an amazing film

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The characters in this movie are relatable in their struggles with shame and dissatisfaction, yet their determination to improve their lives and help others is inspiring. The film's honesty and introspective nature prompted personal reflection, making it a thought-provoking and enjoyable watch.

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This was one of the most moving things I've ever watched.

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strong acting, and amazing score

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Shout by HalsteadVIP
BlockedParent2023-03-04T00:05:08Z— updated 2023-03-06T18:09:02Z

Some really good performances hurt by a very uneven adaptation of the play. Aronofsky is just all over the place here, wildly swerving between quiet anguish and what I swear was a Showa-era Godzilla tribute.

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After all the hype I finally got to see this movie. For once it lived up to it. Not one bad performance in this piece.

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From a hard-to-breathe, discomfort through a half-dozen slowly rising emotions all the way to an unexpected moment of absolute soaring human triumph. Beautiful. Almost symphonic.

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Great movie, but this movie was not for Sadie Sink. She sucked! Brendan on the other hand was amazing! There are alot of strange scenes otherwise a great movie. Great question of the day. ANSWER. Is yes it is a MUST WATCH!

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All these fatties hating The Whale and all these schizos loving The Whale has got me thinking the real G’s are the ones that know it’s a decent film. No more, no less.

I have no real idea on the film’s take on the religious aspects it kept bringing up but the fact it acknowledged a link between atheism and unhappiness is cool with me. The Jehovah witness character was used as a two-dimensional tool to make (or straight-up not make) religious statements with but, in true Aronofsky fashion, it somehow works!

Don’t ever fall into the trap of thinking being fat is okay.
Kinda wild there aren’t more films about obesity since it’s one of the biggest issues with the west, particularly America, right now. I can think of Wall-E and that’s it??

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What an incredible heartfelt performance by Brendan Fraser, with a supporting cast that is also up to par. Darren Aronofsky was able to deliver each scene with the impact and honesty that a live play would have.

That Brendan was able to deliver those emotional scenes under tons of props is nothing short of an Oscar winning performance.

We stay with Charlie for no more than a week of his life but we get to know everything he carries with himself: his regrets, his dreams, his shame. That ending scene where we get the relevance of the Moby Dick story had me sobbing the entire time, and laid all the experiences that I will eventually have with my daughter right in front of my eyes.

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I thought it was one of those manipulative movies about a disable person that everyone treats like crap. Of course the audience will feel bad for him. How could you not?
That's why the emotional pay off didn't work for me but I see how it could make people cry.

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Quite relevant movie in nowadays obesity pandemic.

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was not expecting this movie to be so boring . honestly I had high expectations and was very disappointed ... I didnt even finish the movie . :(

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Well, this one hits you right in the feels. Great movie.

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Wow, amazing movie. A felling like nothing else. :sob:

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I heard the praise for Brendan Frasier during this movie's debut and thought "It's gotta be hyperbole for the sake of promotion. There's no way it can be worthy of that".

It wasn't. It was.

What was being said after the movie's debut was for the most part worthy and accurate. This to me was an absolutely brilliant movie, amazingly told. I wanted to cry multiple times through the movie. When it was over, I wanted to walk out of the cinema and directly in to another cinema that was about to show it. But there wasn't any.

So powerful. So heartbreaking. So beautiful.

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The obvious point is that this is Brendan Fraser’s movie and he really nails it. I think I had a different read on how this ends up than others did so I think there is more here than some people give it credit for, outside of a movie that opens with a 600lb man jacking off to gay porn

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Drama which does not impress. Reasons include the acting and the plot a bit flat, the plot construction a bit predictable and the ending a bit silly, the unimpressive cinematography, and the fact that in Europe such plot would not be realistic.

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Shout by Reiko LJVIP

The 'English Lit' of it all is a bit pretentious and overdone but you can't deny the performance of Brendan Fraser and Hong Chau.
Absolutely raw and heart breaking. I was ugly crying my way through that last section.

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It starts intriguing but ended a little empty to me. Though you still might get some morale here, like keep a good balance between saving and not forgetting to live a life.

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i think i subconsciously avoided this movie because when it came out i was extremely overweight and agoraphobic….just like Charlie. some 200 pounds lost later, and i can still relate to the feeling of being trapped in your home….in your body…

this movie hit me in all the places i did not want to be touched. i have heard all kind of negative reviews, but this???

this deserves better.

would i watch again? fuck man, idk. this was so hard for me to watch and i need a hug.

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Powerful, reflective, a very strong and touching movie, which was adapted from a play. The scenery and all the editing in the movie keep this minimal aspect of the scenery, just like in a play. This puts all the emphasis on the performances, and what sensational performances they are, the dedication to the characters is spectacular. This is a movie with a very impactful script that leaves a mark on the soul.

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First all fantastic performance from Brendan Fraser, played his role very well in this very emotional and deep picture along with the rest of the cast that all did very well too! I really enjoyed it, definitely worth your time.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie excels in many aspects. While the choice of the 4:3 aspect ratio may not align with personal preferences, it doesn't overshadow the overall greatness. The transition to a 16:9 ratio for scenes outside the apartment would have been a welcomed change, but it's a minor point. The performances of the cast are exceptional, contributing to the movie's credibility as a genuine drama. The inclusion of the side story involving a religious youngster adds depth, especially when his true motives are revealed in a moment of vulnerability. The subtle critique of religion throughout the film is well-executed, striking a balance that doesn't feel excessive but remains impactful. Despite encountering negative commentaries on Trakt, the movie is a must-see, and skepticism about such critiques arises, suggesting possible bias from offended religious viewers.

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"Who would want me to be part of their life?"

I think Twitter has tried its hardest to ruin this film, but I enjoyed most of it. There are some heart wrenching moments yet sometimes I catch myself cracking up. Brendan Fraser acts his butt off.

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I'm weak for TV plays, even though this was in a movie format. The script is at times over time top melodramatic and there is plenty of stage over acting, all characters are a slow burning exposé of self destructive non binary (on the good/bad scale) that employ misguided strategies for redemption.

It's a bit saddening how many reviewers are accustomed to being spoonfed any and all stories as entertainment with a positive message and a feel good resolution.

It's a sad and disturbing little tale this one. It's from a different tradition. Don't judge it for what it is not. These characters are not heroes. Antiheroes, maybe. And they are complex like people are, each in their own eye of the storm and their own attempts to navigate though.

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Not really my cup of tea, as this is a one setting theatrical deep thought play like film, but it was well done and I could see the beauty in it. It follows a lonely depressed overweight English professor who teaches from home while he sulks in his weight and depression over losing the love of his life and missing out on his daughter's life, but gets a last minute chance at redemption when she and his ex wife come to visit him before his unhealthy habits take his life. The filming and character introduction by the way of flashbacks and present day flashes is creative and intriguing.

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This has been on my list since it first started gaining award attention (117 nominations, 44 awards, including two Oscars) . Brendon Fraser has always been a draw for me since his early work and it is easy to see this is his best work ever (deserving his Oscar). I put off watching this because I knew it was going to be a hard movie to watch. The acting is superb by all 7 actors (4 primary, 3 supporting). The writing is good. This movie deserves a high rating, but my system says anything 8 or over are worthy of multiple watches, and I know I will never watch this movie again. It is too heart wrenching to watch the suffering. I give the film a high 7 (exceptional) but on any other metric it probably deserves an 8 (great) or 9 (profoundly moving) out of 10. [Drama].

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That was such a dramatic ending, and so very sad. I can't believe it has ended like that, I don't know what to think but I'm feeling devastated.

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Branden performance amazing story not.

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Shout by Deleted

Brendan Fraser is the best thing in the whole movie. The role fit the actor's journey of redemption well. Unfortunately, the metaphor with Moby Dick does not support the entire narrative, which lacks elements to distance itself from the original play.

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Fraser is excellent in this movie which, for the most part, is an emotional powerhouse. It does lean towards too much melodrama though. With a leaner script, this could have been even better.

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A well worthy Oscar win!!

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Shout by Connor Santilli
BlockedParent2023-04-04T05:35:14Z— updated 2023-12-07T17:37:35Z

Rated a Connor 0, normal 4

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:whale2: :whale2: :whale2: :whale2: :whale2:

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Every light in his house is on, and yet not a single light is on... explain that..

I can't stand when movies have no lighting, it doesn't add anything, it takes away.

For that reason, this movie is a 3/10.

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This movie has so many beautiful, disgusting, happy, sad, authentic, and devastating moments throughout. Brendan Fraser's acting in this is so spectacular as well as the other actors and actresses, and it all comes together to create such an emotional and heart-wrenching story.

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Extremely raw, harsh and sometimes even grotesque film, all personal touches from the director I admire so much, Aranofsky. He plays with an emotiveness and delicacy that is both disconcerting and paradoxical (and that is precisely what fascinates me) I really liked the film. Extraordinary direction and acting (Fraser deserved the Oscar for this role) Original script and carried out in an exemplary manner. 8/10

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What a Beautiful movie, just Beautiful.

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An emotional drama with a decent plot, great performances, especially by Brandon Fraser, and nothing more..

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Do you ever get the feeling that people are incapable of not caring?

Like a makeup mirror, the kind that magnifies your face so much it makes you a little bit sad and a little bit sick.

As someone with compulsion issues who is changing countries and leaving his (adult) children behind, this movie hung on me like a shroud.

Aronofsky is one of the best directors working today because he refuses to spoon-feed us the story but prefers instead to just lay the film out there and allow us to make of it what we will. Like a cross between Spielberg and Malick, there's often a story in there to be found if we're willing to do the work.

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This made me want to die

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This religious allegory by Darren Aronofsky is another exploration of redemption through the depiction of human degradation, a physical visualization of vital defeat through Charlie's physical appearance. That is why the insistence on showing the naked body of this man stranded in his own house, in his giving up life hidden behind the dark screen of a turned off webcam, his only point of connection with the outside world. Tempted by the angel and the devil, claiming his free will, it has in the difficult but sometimes superficial performing of Brendan Fraser the main point of support.

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It was good, but not amazing.

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Shout by Dr OctopusVIP

Brendan was incredible. Felt like that very ending moment was an "afterlife copout". The supporting cast was incredible as well...

And I cried like a bitch right before that. Things built up to that scene like a crescendo of drama - yanking the tears out of your face, squeezing your chest more and more as it gets there.
Reminds me of Requiem for a Dream in that sense.

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this was so emotional, it actually gave me a headache.
in a good way... but i think i just need to re-hydrate

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Do you ever get the feeling that... people are incapable of not caring?
People are amazing.

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Shout by KhawlahVIP

I don't care how many times Charlie tells Ellie she's amazing and cares about people, Karma is gonna be after that bitch. My god. What a terrible person. I don't know if it's the writing of the character or the performance, but that aggressiveness and pure goddamn evilness was beyond "teenage angst" and very hard to care for. Just cause the world is mean to you, doesn't give you the right to be a fucking asshole. Also, Brendan totally deserves the attention and the awards he got and is definitely gonna continue to get. What a brilliant, heartbreaking performance. At times it was almost unbearable and uncomfortable to watch because it's so authentic.

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Great, film, had me enthralled for the duration of the film and in tears many times.

I understand what the ending wants to convey but I wish they would have shot it a little bit different because all I could think about was he died and crushed her didn't he. He fell over... died... and crushed her.

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I didn't expect to care for it but it was an excellent movie.

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I was Looking forward to see this film but it was such a disappointment.

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It was FANTASTIC. The script, the performance, the storyline, EVERYTHING. It touched my heart. A movie quite different that one might usually find in a theatre.

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