Review by Wingo

The Whale 2022

what i find truly beautiful about this movie is the way every single character shares the same exact view of themselves.

all of them believe that they are broken people, and there is no way of fixing themselves, that they are "past redemption"

yet, each and everyone of them expresses it in a different way through their actions and emotions

the protagonist is the most obvious, he feels that he is a monster, he doesn't want to go the hospital because he did all of this on purpose. he doesn't want redemption because he is trying to literally self destruct.

the daughter has no friends, and growing up in a broken family made her think that she is not good enough to even care.

the missionary believes that his stealing and smoking has put him past redemption, so he runs away from home desperately trying to find something that will excuse his actions.

the nurse was labeled as "the black sheep of the family", and eventually accepted this label as a true part of her persona

the mother never recovered from a broken marriage and ended up mistreating her daughter, being ashamed of how she grew up to be.

all this people really are the same, they just chose different way to cope with this ideology.

some chose to eat, some drank, some started looking outward for another person to "save", and so on.

But in end the message is all the same, you shouldn't give up on yourself because you are wrong, you do matter and it's not too late.

yes, you abandoned your child when she was just a child, and yet she still loves you deep down and wants you to be part of her family.

yes you have no friends and your family wasn't the best but that doesn't mean that you will never be worth anything, someone will love you.

yes, you stole and disappointed your father, but stealing a couple grand doesn't matter. Your family cares about you more that they care about a mistake.

I could go on but i think i got the point across. this is just a beautiful beautiful movie, it's really sad and honestly tough to watch at times because it hits hard, but it's definitely an experience that we should all have.

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