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Trap 2024

Like marriage, it started of as a good idea but just kept going downhill until the only thing that keeps it together is doing it for your daughter.

The idea that a Beyonce level star would hold a concert to trap a killer is a lot to bite off, but then it just kept getting harder and harder to swallow.

Watching the credits, however, I realized the entire film was a vanity project to showcase the director's daughter's talents, which is the only thing that ended up making sense about the whole idea.

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Unbelievable! The way they were able to find street parking outside the concert venue :sob:

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It started off interesting, but by the second half it went so horribly wrong and boring.

It’s like M.Night Shyamalan made this movie purely to try make his daughters singing career a thing. Then there’s her acting… so painful to watch.

I really had high hopes for this one, but it’s a massive letdown :( Great to see Josh Hartnett back on the big screens and shirtless. Smash

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The twist is that nepotism is bad! Starts out promising but gets worse as it goes along.

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This movie was just a horrible back drop to promote M. Night Shyamalan's daughters' musical career and hopes of getting her an actng career. His daughter's "acting" sucked! The plot of the second half was just awful and straight up ridiculous and unbelievable.

Josh Hartnett's superb acting skills were wasted in this role in this movie. I feel embarrassed that he's associated with this movie. Like most people said, the first half of the movie was pretty good, and this movie had so much promise, but the second half just went downhill and got worse and worse. This movie had potential to be a great movie, but it fell far short of reaching that goal.

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I was super psyched to see this and I just got back from watching it. Started off so well and was so intrigued in where the film was going and then it just fizzled out in such a disappointing manner.

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Could have been okay if his daughter didn’t have a speaking role (maybe), but the plot was very straightforward and didn’t go anywhere.

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First part is enjoyable, if a bit badly written, second part after the concert just gets dumber and dumber, no twists at all, lame ending.

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M. Night Shyamalan somehow keeps managing to make movies that are dumb and laughable, yet I'm utterly intrigued and can't look away for even a second.

'Trap' is kinda bad, but it's immensely entertaining. And in the end, does a movie really need to be anything more than that?

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Mehhh, first half was interesting, second half was boring af. disappointed!

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It's a very uneven movie with a flawed script, too many conveniences and unnecessary justifications. In its first half, this is already the case, but the entertainment factor outweighs it, it has an interesting involvement, but from the middle to the end everything is lost, with unnecessary scenes, monologues to try to give explanations, as well as average performances, and extremely predictable situations.

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Speaking of the real, that bad movie, full of unnecessary twists, many holes in the script, the main character in some parts acts well and also the script is super convenient what is bad, after the first 30 minutes the film starts to get extremely tiring and meaningless many parts, only good part of this plot is the show because the rest does not deliver anything.

And the ending, how predictable, anyway, bad movie.

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Terrible film. The first act is good, the 2nd is average and the 3rd is so bad on a level rarely seen. The premise is good, a movie about a concert to trap a serial killer. But there's no twist. Hartnett is convincing as a psycho slowly feeling closed in. Hayley Mills is terrible as a 85yr old British FBI chief, just so weird.

You spend the first 20 minutes wondering if it's really him, then you root for him when you find out he's the killer (probably because he's such a nice dad), then by the third act you hope he gets caught and Shyamalan never makes a movie again. The plot holes are ridiculous, the acting is largely bad, the execution of the end is horrible. Shyamalan just doesn't know how to make or end films anymore.

He's a terrible track record following the a
Village. 20yrs ago! (2004) With Split and the Visit as potentially the only good films he's made since then.

The Happening, terrible.

The Last Airbender, terrible.

After Earth, terrible.

The Visit, good

Split, good

Glass, okay, terrible ending.

Knock at the Cabin, terrible

Trap, terrible

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Bang average. Constant jarring episodes of 'well, that's wouldn't happen' and absolutely ridiculous dialogue.


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Shout by The Dude
BlockedParent2024-09-01T02:00:58Z— updated 2024-09-05T00:59:00Z

There is nothing special about this movie once so ever.

I felt like Riley was just a little too into Lady Raven, was kind of creepy and awkward

I felt like I was at concert for Lady Raven that I never wanted to go to. It was the m night twist, the true horror of the film

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The plot was kind of ridiculous, but it was all the coincidences that made the writing feel super lazy; immediately meeting a guy that told him it was a trap, and giving him THE SECRET PASS PHRASE? He just happens to stand next to "Lady Raven's" uncle? The ways he escaped every time? Lazy writing.

The twist in this movie was when I realized I had been tricked into watching a 2 hour marketing video for the singer-songwriter Saleka Shyamalan. Yes, "Lady Raven" is M. Night's daughter :unamused:

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The premise had potential and I'm always rooting for a Josh Hartnett comeback, but unfortunately this was still a big disappointment. The story suffers from some of the worst suspension of disbelief issues of recent memory with plot conveniences galore. The acting from Lady Raven is rough. Still hopeful that Shyamalan recaptures his mojo at some point, but it's definitely not back yet.

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Was the twist that I thought the movie was going to end 4 different times and it just kept going.
Was it that a concert took place and ended while still daylight
Was it that police in America only used tasers to subdue a serial killer even after gouging someone's eyes out
Or how about that the directors daughter can't act but it doesn't matter because this was really vehicle to let people know she's working late because she's a singer

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Hartnett is great. The rest is pretty bad. There are so many suspend your disbelief moments that it's difficult to reconcile. All that said I was still somewhat intrigued to see how it'd all end so points for that. Daughter Shyamalan's line delivery was so amateurish it became cringe. She tried, but it's crazy those were the takes that made the final cut.

A pretty generous 5.3 here for what did work.

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This felt more like a vanity, nepotism project for M. Night Shyamalan to introduce his daughter Saleka Shyamalan to Hollywood as a very bad actress and mediocre singer than an actual project he was passionate to direct and release.
I was beyond excited to watch Trap because I just love Joshua Hartnett and Alison Pill, but their talent was wasted on such a poor script. There was no character development whatsoever, the concert setting added nothing to the story, and most situations were simply not realistic.
I was entertained for a few scenes, but I wasn't nearly as impressed as I expected to be considering Shyamalan's involvement in this.

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This has to be the biggest pile of stinking dog poo I've ever had to endure.
I just want it to end, my eyes hurt :head_bandage: :sob:

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How is this guy still allowed to make movies :joy_cat:

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Keeps you on edge until the very end. More like this please, Mr. Shyamalan.

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>"Hey. We should climb down and see where it leads. It looks REALLY cool!"
"Wouldn't it be unbelievable to see what's down there? Where they put on the show? There might be COSTUMES and things!"

First half is a comedy, second half is a generic thriller.

First half is better.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-08-05T03:10:14Z— updated 2024-09-02T00:44:32Z

Josh Hartnett is actually good in the movie, hamming it up throughout. He’s just better than the script.
Shyamalan has a good idea for a movie that he doesn’t execute too well, again. Knowing he’s in a trap. The killer probably should have stayed still and not do anything that he does.
Shyamalan once again has an unnecessary distracting cameo in one of his movies again. With too many lines as well.
Which he of course started doing with his kids. Since the singer in the movie. Is actually played by his daughter Saleka. The movie isn’t as good as it starts. When she becomes a bigger part of the movie. Than just the singer at the concert.
She’s not a bad singer. The film gets weaker when it relies on her having to act too. Trap also gets weaker when it isn’t about the concert anymore.

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For the first time in a movie theatre a movie makes me bite my nails and tremble for what comes next. I am surprised most of the reviews are mixed when it comes to the film. The cinematography was beautiful, the music was moving and the actors did hell of a job. Josh Hartnett did an amazing job in the role of the psychotic Cooper.


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You all complaining but at least her Dad actually did something for her: this movie. My Dad never even sent child support.

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Good movie. I was hoping he unalived Lady Raven or the Profiler.

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It was actually interesting. All throughout the movie, I kept thinking about what was really happening. I also liked the touch of adding the psychologist to the characters. You don't often see that in films like this. I honestly thought the whole movie would take place at the concert. But all in all, it was an interesting plot. The only downside was the bad acting from the actors.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Trap’:

  1. I can understand giving your daughter the spotlight to shine when you have the opportunity and ability to… but my goodness… rein it in at least a little. Playing the pop star worked. Playing the hero did NOT. She just didn’t have the acting chops to pull off anything past the concert stuff. And it destroyed ANY momentum the film was building.

  2. Gosh, it’s so great having Josh Hartnett back on our screens. He played unhinged very well. He also carried this film on his beautiful shoulders. And I fully support the completely out-of-place decision to remove his shirt for the ending. Maybe this should have been called Thirst Trap instead.

  3. Hayley Mills?! The M. Night twist I didn’t see coming.

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Good little film. Did not take itself too seriously and was even quite funny in a few parts. I like how they made fun of teen pop idols and their fans and I wish they had done it more. Unfortunately though the concert scenes were still long and painful to watch. Josh does a good job playing his character and the plot unfolds nicely. I was expecting the film to be horrible which always helps.

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"There's no way to get out of here. It's kinda dope, right?"

Good premise with some funny facial expressions from our boy Josh, but once again there is a twist and I am not sure it will win everyone over. I do like the last few minutes of it though!

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A typical Shyamalan movie. You always hope it gets better and it never does. I couldn't make it this time. The filming, the dialogs, the story - everything's so superficial. It's like hearing Trump talk. There is no deeper message or hidden meaning. It leads nowhere. This is my last movie I'll ever watch by him. I just wasted 45 min of my life that I could have used for something meaningful like staring at a wall. Don't get me started...

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For the sake of your health, do not waste your time on this movie. The plot holes and completely horrendous acting are rampant throughout t.

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  • Very surface level
  • Too much hand holding
  • Pretty transparent excuse to star his daughter & show off her music
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They approached it from a very different angle and I really liked it. The acting was good. The subject was well-crafted. I don't know if the singer is real, but if the voice belongs to him, his voice is really nice. It deserves a clear 8 out of ten from me. Definitely watch it. The guy in the last scene learned his biggest lesson :joy:He won't talk to anyone yet. Thank you for your efforts, it was good.

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The allure of the plot is sort of lost when the cheesiness of the delivery is as cheddar as this. If you can stomach that, the satire of modern pop culture and the intentionally poor script work, Trap is a thoroughly engaging, oftentimes funny, thriller that fits perfectly into Shyamalan's mental-illness-makes-superhumans universe. Has all the trappings of a modern cult classic, one that many will put on the very top of their M Night favourites lists to the bemusement of others. Fun, but probably not a favourite for me.

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I understand the hate, but if liking this movie is wrong, then I'll happily be wrong because I enjoyed every bit of this. Is it a chill-inducing thriller? No. It's too ridiculous and unbelievable. But goddamn is it fun.

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I have never been more dumbfounded and angry at a movie in my life. I would rather get waterboarded than re-watch this.

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Worst movie EVER EVER EVER !

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It's so ridiculous it makes the movie a horror comedy

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Really intrigued by the initial plot. However, the second half of the movie was so lame with bad acting from several actors and a totally flat ending.

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Badly written, bad acting, concert feels totally fake with that pretend enjoyment you get from bad extras. It's like a higher budget meme movie in parts. Don't waste your time.

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The best scenes in this movie are the ones that don't matter. The things that are supposed to matter, to pack an emotional punch, come off as goofy. Gee, there's a lot of silliness in this movie. Sorry m night if it's not intentional.

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What in the MCU...I love the 'Shyamalanet' and it's clear that this isn't 'serious' but at the same time, the presentation was so serious. The posters, trailers, casting, soundtrack, etc. The closest thing I can compare it to is a modern-day Marvel movie. Starts passable for an 80s type 'Die Hard' flick but eventually, and you know exactly when, spirals itself all over the place. I loved how we were tricked by the trailer but once the gimmick runs out, the plot and so much more feels excruciatingly bad. It seems M. Night gets worse as time goes on but I'll always be a fan.

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Rated a Connor 0, normal 2

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I think a lot of people have already stated the obvious regarding Trap so I'll keep it short. The first half was interesting and had some tension, it wasn't setting the world on fire or bringing anything new to the table but it was certainly watchable.

Then after the concert it descended into chaos and not in a good way, then just when you think it can't get any worse or unbelievable...... It does! So yeah, overall very disappointing really!

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first part of the movie is amazing, second though... we needed more of the backstory, cause it felt rushed and chaotic. the actor who plays the Butcher is selling it perfectly, on the other hand Lady Raven actress is unbelievably bad and talentless, I cringed every time she was on the screen. the story had potentional but they didn't develope it properly, shame.

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This is one of the worst movie scripts ever, first half started ok but then it went downhill really bad! NOT recommended

Edit: Just finished it, now i give it 3 Stars from 4 stars given previously...

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A movie to promote the director’s daughter, with some people doing some stuff along the way.

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Well that was very disappointing.

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So bad. Terrible script and acting

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Wow! After 48 mins the movie went south quick.Please save yourselves, do not watch this crap. Wow! OMG!

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One of these actors is not like the others...

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Loved the unusual POV which could force a distorted sympathy towards the "protagonist." The suspense is top-notch. Josh Hartnett's acting deserves plenty of praise. Hopefully, a series is being developed from this.

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Admiral Ackbar tried to warn me about this film. I watched it anyway and while it was enjoyable enough, it still felt a little incomplete.

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What an interesting fantastic, but not unique thriller as it follows a father and a daughter who attend a concert, but it turns out it is a trap to catch a serial killer and the serial killer is the main character. What seems like it was going to be a thriller, where the serial killer is not what it seems. It is actually the opposite, but it is still a brilliant movie as it really does a good job of showing. What a true serial killer with a double life looks like and the portrayal and acting of it was brilliant. I was on the edge of my seat the entire movie, and the ideas and creativity of it were really good, as it showed an intensity filming of what is going on inside the killer’s head, how screwed up it is. Although there was no big plot twist like most thrillers like this have there was still a plot twist at the end of his they caught him. Although this film was not very long it felt properly longer.

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The idea of the scenery is interesting, the build-up of the first half hour is well constructed and the intrigue throughout the film is well executed. The main character is complex enough, and it is appreciated that he is not just another “all evil” villain. Still, you have to view the film with a fair amount of suspension of disbelief, especially in how the police behave. Not bad for an afternoon's entertainment, but not groundbreaking.

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Gave it 35 minutes... should have stopped after 5.
This is a dog of a movie. Bad writing, bad acting and everything is so obvious even Stevie Wonder would switch it off if he was watching with the sound off!!


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Mr. Shyamalan clearly doesn't still lnow how to handle a potentially good theme. I mean, I am just a viewer, but I know how important is it to build all three acts of a movie. Once you fail to produce top quality introduction, no one will believe you the characters and the story. Middle part seemed to heavily lack any suspense. Worst part is, the end lacked it as well, or should I say multiple potential endings? Taking into consideration how many ridiculous situation occured during the movie, I cannot rate high.

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Spoiler alert do not waste your time on this garbage

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This is why M Night Shyamalan was a good skow pace suspense director. Trap relied on the acting prowess of the main actors, especially Josh Harnett.

Harnett did what Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix did. He brought the character, weird and human, and keep the film exciting to see. That's what makes Trap a Shyamalan classic.

Honorable mention to Allison Pill. She appeared on screen for a few minutes but she stole the screen.

Shyamalan's Trap is not anhorror flick. Trap is a suspense with touches of humor throughout. It did remind me of Sixth Sense, the way the story unfold and how awkward the main character was.

Unlike Shyamalan's daughter film, The Watchers, Trap has a heavier storyline and an unwanted twist with Lady Raven (the other daughter of M Night Shyamalan). It was as if DEI pushed a twist into the atory to make a black woman as a heroine for just a moment.

Highly recommended for Shyamalan's fan.

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so boring, did not even finish

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Yeah they set up an entire concert with gazillion policemen but cannot notice a dude stealing an employee card and doing weird shit entire time.

Also i guess the concert was at 10am since when it was over and there is still daylight.

We get it m night shalala your daughter can sing, but she cannot act

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good movie. crazy but good. i think the singer should be a cop instead.

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Please don’t loose your time. It’s terrible.

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wasted potential. You'll feel trapped in a dumb plot.

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The real:asterisk_symbol: pitch meeting for this movie, is way better than the movie itself.

:asterisk_symbol:wink wink

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Saleka didn’t do justice to the movie like the way Josh harnett did.He embraced the character

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Started well. Became meh in second half.

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I think it had potential to be a really interesting story, but the bad dialogue and plot made it a difficult watch. 2/5

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Quite OK, but I would replace some of the wooden actors. And Cooper's behavior at the stadium was too suspicious. He would be the first one they would check irl.

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It's like Shyamalan direct a Disney Channel movie

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And they have no idea who exactly planned the trap! And as the plot and various twists develop, you start to think about the cunning producers who deceived the audience. Just imagine such a scenario in the hands of De Palma? Remember "Snake Eyes"? Hopes die right away, as soon as the heroes leave the concert. Ah, Night...

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Not a fan of any of Josh Hartnett’s movies. This movie is a major disappointment. There was nothing remotely interesting about this serial killer. The only interesting fact was how the director M. Night Shyamalan used the movie to launch his daughters singing career!

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The script obviously benefits the plot....
But it's entertaining, cliché...
But entertaining...
I liked the actor...
The calculating, compulsive and childhood traumas...
Are common traits...
That was a nice touch...
The details of compulsive perfectionism were good...
And I liked the way he manipulated...
I would watch more of the actor's work...

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Shout by xvok

The first act was really fun… if they had stopped after he gets away from the concert hall it could have been a fun movie

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It's an entertaining movie but there was so much more potential.

Everybody, except the kid weirdly enough, talks like a robot (I actually thought Josh Hartnett would be revealed to be a robot as the twist). I think Hartnett is a good actor but I didn't think he was good in this. Also the last 15 minutes orso were boring to me.

And why were there so many kids sick at the concert lol.

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Shout by kinky

I usually enjoy this guy's movies, besides Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and Signs (you know, the only ones everyone likes). I absolutely loved The Village, Lady in the Water and The Happening, just to name a few right at the of the top of my head. I've considered the rest of his filmography "bearable" (oh, Split and Devil were OK, too). I always look forward to his next movie.

But this one... Damn... This is a whole new level of bad, out of everything I've seen from him. It's beyond amateurish, it's so badly written, the whole concept is so unrealistic and extremely poorly executed, with caricatures passing for characters. Josh Harnett is the only good thing in here, even though the poor guy probably had to work really hard to make his character believable, with the atrocious script he was given.

I have no other option than to consider Trap to be M. Night's absolute worst film to date. Yes, it is that bad. Sigh!

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Shout by Roman

M.Night is a genius how he made the parts about “uncool dad at concert” so cringey, and that does something when you may suddenly realize that you’re rooting for dad to get out of there! Tarantino said something similar about Hitchcock’s Psycho, that you end up rooting for killer to not get caught.
The beginning of the movie is cringey and may be purposely so. And that’s why
All the low score reviews.

The whole point of the movie is the last act. Exploration of person with such mental disorder. The profiler is an old lady, because director wanted it to be serious, and not create a one dimensional boogeyman. I think the lead actor is little too weak for this role. Needed someone like McAvoy in Split.

And in the end it’s compassionate about mental health, M. Night masterfully explores these themes since Split. You may live with a person for years not knowing they had upbringing that made them into dual personality monster. Hoping for future movies on this topic, to explore the good side of these people and find endings that doesn’t involve putting down such character.

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Loved it! I was captivated from the start until the end. What a ride! Did not see everything coming and was pleasantly surprised by the ending. It did not suck! Lets for sure agree, we need more Josh Hartnett on the big screen again! Even though not every Shyamalan movie is a banger, I am always looking forward for a new one. Those movies are just different and I appreciate that. This one for sure is one of the better ones with a haunting atmosphere, poppy music and great performances!

tAlso, do we have here another Unbreakable/Split/Glass Spinoff? Copper seems to be uncatchable. I like that!

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M. Night Shyamalan usually throws his twist later in the movie but it happens pretty early in this one so it became how was the rest of it going to play out. It was decently entertaining but probably not something I'd willingly watch again.

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This is not a good movie :man_facepalming_tone1: having a hard time getting through it.

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I haven’t felt that level of anxiety from a movie in ages. It’s pure madness at its finest.

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Garbage. That's it. Wasted my time....

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Don't know if it's writing, acting or directing at fault, but some scenes are just bad. Can't even explain properly what I mean.

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Do yourself a favor and watch this movie

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The Trap (2024) - :heart:x7

The concert part was too loud for my old tired ears - lol.
Other than that it was an interesting and imaginative story.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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stupid fucking movie. completely non sense. stop m. night.

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Absolutely full of plot holes since the beginning that make it a comic movie. If you create a film to launch a singer's career, that's what happens.

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Definitely expected more....Definitely disappointed. Very anticlimactic and once over, you'll be sitting there asking yourself "what did I just watch"?

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