Shouts about...

V/H/S/94 2021

This movie was bad, like bad bad. Not hilariously like like some poorly made horror movies but just bad. There was supposed to be a wraparound story I guess but it gets completely lost amid the stort stories that are relatively boring.. The funeral one has a slightly creepy factor to it but nothing at all was scary. There wasn't even much gore or anything for those that like that. It's just all around terrible.

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I think I’m the odd one here because I thought this was the best installment of the series so far. I loved Storm Drain and The Empty Wake. The Subject was the best story.

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Not sure why they insist on making this so gory when they can't pull this off.

1 & 2 could pull it off.

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Shout by JCVIP

Very fun time. Less of a thematic throughline and consistent quality than 99, but Storm Drain and Terror are the standouts. Raatma is a great design, and the campy ending was a treat. And Terror is a great subversion of the vampire, using them as bombs, while also skewering the far right wannabe insurgents that think they’re badass. Makes it so entertaining and funny when they eat shit. Empty Wake has fun campy horror game vibes. Subject is kitschy but not enough to really land, especially with that CGI. And the wraparound segment isn’t much of anything. But overall, an entertaining watch.

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The least convincing VHS post production filter I've ever seen, paired with the least convincing SWAT raid I've ever seen.

The actual shorts have a few moments here and there, but really they drag on way too long for the little content there is.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘V/H/S/94’:

  1. Better than the last one for sure, thankfully due to a return to form. Looks like Shudder salvaged this series.

  2. I wish that once, just once, that the wraparound central story wasn’t the worst story. The SWAT thing was silly and the acting was atrocious.

  3. That funeral home tale was particularly creepy, and probably my fave.

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Shout by Bellagar

this is the first V/H/S/ I've seen and I'm not sure if I want to watch the others - the stories didn't feel entirely finished, and they were very focused on gore which is not always my favorite type of horror. I liked the rat man and the vampire though, because I do love a good monster

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I watched this almost immediately after V/H/S:Viral and the contrast could not be greater. V/H/S/94 is even a step up from the first two. The overarching story is pretty poorly done, but two out of the four tapes shown in the movie are pretty disturbing and unsettling. The other two have some scary moments that make them somewhat interesting.

Holy Hell 2/10
Storm Drain 6/10
The Empty Wake 8/10
The Subject 8/10
Terror 5/10

As far as horror movies go, this one is pretty decent.

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Shout by ErickVIP
BlockedParent2022-10-18T16:42:36Z— updated 2022-10-24T15:10:46Z

Thank you Shudder. You made it watchable.

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Holy Hell(wraparound story) 4/10
Storm Drain 7/10
The Empty Wake 5/10
The Subject 8/10
Terror 5/10

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They shouldn't film this one , it's as bad as it gets!

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OMG what a piece of shit. This movie is such a lazy cashgrab. I cant believe they released it... EVERY short story was crap except the one of the Frankenstein's army inspired short. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!

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Largely unpleasant to watch but that’s not a criticism as there is a lot of creativity on show here. Horror fans should like it.

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by far the worse... I really enjoy the first and the second. After this one even if you pay me for watch a new one I would refuse.

go 'ratma' yourself with this garbage

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Not the best in the series.

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This was pretty bad. Just a bunch of unfinished, bad, boring stories with no beginning middle or end. Not even any decent violence or gore.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by cara
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-10-09T10:07:17Z— updated 2021-10-13T07:51:48Z

RE: “The Subject”: "Tetsuo the Iron Man" and "Akira" (and Japanese Cyberpunk in general) called, they'd like their idea back.
Likewise, the ending of "Storm Drain" is too similar to the end of "The Howling"(1981).
The other segments aren't even worth mentioning.

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Yep, it's a return to form. And yes, it's way better than Viral. Scary, gross, creative, and overall enjoyable. I hope this fully brings this series back from the dead and we see more of these movies.

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Very enjoyable and consistent horror anthology embracing 90s aesthetic. It features great four stories with fun premises and decent amount of creative spins. The wraparound story still sucks but it still loads of fun as a whole. Overall a solid addition to the series and undoubtedly the best installment yet! My ranking from least to most favorite segments:
Holy Hell, wraparound story (dir. Jennifer Reeder)
• The weakest of the segments. Thankfully it has the shortest runtime.
Terror (dir. Ryan Prows)
• A bit slow but it has the funniest ending.
Storm Drain (dir. Chloe Okuno)
• Creepy and funny! I thought that man was Nic Cage for a sec.
The Subject (dir. Timo Tjahjanto)
• A rollercoaster ride indeed!
The Empty Wake (dir. Simon Barrett)
• Effective and genuinely creepy!

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