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Willy's Wonderland 2021

Great horror comedy movie! I knew Nic Cage wouldn't disappoint. The story is pretty straightforward, a bit dumb if you ask me, but that's the best part of the movie. Great bits of action, the hilariousness, the cheesiness, I like it!

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I have no idea what I watched, But loved the every minute of it

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If you liked what you seen in the trailer then you will probably love the movie. If you didn't why the hell are you watching it anyway? It's a movie about Nicolas Cage beating up Satanic possessed Chucky cheese robots, what did you expect? I thought it was great!

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I really needed Nic Cage to spit out corny one-liners just before he massacres sentient animatronics and I feel like I was robbed of that.

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Turn your brain off, and put a smile on your face because it's time for Willy's Wonderland

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Some movies manage to walk the line of quality with such finesse that it leads to “good-bad” movies. Movies so bad they somehow break through the other side and end up good. Willys Wonderland is not one of those movies. It’s just unapologetically bad. It’s devoid of any of the qualities that make a good-bad movie, leading to an empty, boring and sometimes painful 90 minutes. The FNAF-esque plot is threadbare, the dialogue is stilted and unquotable, the production is poor, Nic is a literal silent protagonist so there aren’t even any classic Cage one-liners to grin at. The animatronic fights lack impact or comedic timing and the effects on some of the caricatures are student film quality. If you’re baked out of your mind and need a Nic Cage fix, Willys Wonderland will probably scratch the itch, but anyone going into this sober should seek out another from Nics repertoire for a more satisfying hit. Mandy or Color Out of Space will serve you much better, trust me.

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Didn't know what to expect, but this was pretty entertaining.
Not going to lie, Nicolas Cage was a badass in this

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absolute garbage. I know 5 to 6 year olds with more plausable and entertaining story writing skills.

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Its good to have a bad movie as a template for ratings. Thanks for this movie, its mediocrity Sets a basline for how i rate movies.

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Cage sees the screenplay: "Not even a single word? You son of a b*tch, I'm in!"

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Not a SINGLE word in the entire movie (Cage that is). And somehow he's more Cage in this movie than any of his other movies. It was quite a hoot. Of course there are a couple of major plot points that are not explained ...but could be explained in a sequel? maybe? On the other hand, I say, just sit back and enjoy watching a day-in-the-life of "The Janitor".

The ending also allows for and sets up a potential sequel as well. Here's hoping.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Yep, this is another great Nicolas Cage movie! Comedy horror with lots of grease, if you like off beat Nicolas Cage, this is another good one. What did you expect, NationalTreasure?

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Shout by No More Stories Are Told Today

This won't win any Oscars, but it wasn't made to. It's a hilarious, unapologetically good bad movie. There are many scenes that are absolutely unforgettable. Those dance moves, Nic. Wow. I think I'm pregnant, now. The story is plain stupid, but there were some genuinely great performances here. Nic as well as the aesthetic made it a truly entertaining flick. I would actually watch this again.

Good guy Nic for helping to get this movie funded, too.

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I've got nothing. What the actual f- did I just watch?!

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It’s actually so bad, that it’s rather funny and entertaining even. The fact that there is almost no dialogue in the movie, makes it feel like such a niche and unique indie movie. Except, indie movies usually don’t star Nicolas cage

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This movie was dumb and honestly kind of bad, but it was bad and dumb on purpose and I loved every second of it, so that's okay. Amazing performance from Mr. Cage, it takes skill to do a whole movie with no lines at all and still convey personality. Beth Grant was fantastic as always, and everyone else was suitably over the top. It was great, definitely keeping it around to watch when I need a laugh.

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The only good thing about this movie is that you get to watch Nic Cage clean for about an hour(about the realest this movie gets), the remaining 30 minutes he's doing playfighting with oversized dolls or straight up having intercourse with a pinball machine.
Pretty damn trash and the CGI is horrible 3/10

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:tada:”it’s your birthday, it’s your birthday”
Stupid song won’t leave my head! :rage:

What possessed Nicolas Cage to take on this role... taking on a film with no dialogue he really can’t be bothered anymore clearly!

Certainly what I’d call an adult version of the upcoming FNAF movie - due 2022 rated (13) so the kids will have to wait!

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Much like Snakes on a Plane, you should judge it for what you know it is and in that regards it is exceptional.

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There's only so much that Nic Cage curb-stomping a robot gorilla on a urinal can do for a movie, but thankfully it knows better than to drag on. Very fun and well worth the watch.

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I'll tell you what you just watched @Cyruz...., you just watched 88 minutes of (literally) completely wordless Nicolas Cage mindless mechanoid mayhem, with some proviso auxiliary action provided my C-list meat-puppets, standing in for anyone OTHER than the aforementioned Mr. C, that was actually crazy, broke, or desperate enough, to sign on to this wondrously insane bit of celluloid escapism.

You will NEVER be able to enter a Chuck E. Cheese establishment again without looking askance at the animatronic entertainment, which I always felt was just a skoosh creepy.

Don't over analyze it or even try to navigate your way through all the plot holes and silly cliched horror movie tropes. Just let the Cage-eon vibes flow through, and enjoy just shy of an hour and a half of bloody, non socially distanced, covid free fun!

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Nic Cage needed to be more Nic Cage

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Nic Cage and a pale FNAF imitation not taking itself seriously are not enough to result in a 'good' movie, unfortunately.

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Gotta pays respects to what came before the FNAF movie by watching this gem. Honestly, not the worst movie, considering they spent all their money on Nicolas Cage and Free Bird.

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Is it just me or do these possessed killer animatronics seem easy to kill?

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Shockingly bad. Piss poor acting... awful cgi. Just bad.

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The best were the passages of texts by Nicolas Cage :)

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Just a Nicolas Cage who never says a thing is good enough to make this enjoyable. Just his presence alone is great. He drinks his soda at certain times. He keeps track of that time using a stopwatch on his watch. He likes to play pinball and he doesn't want to leave Willy's Wonderland before he has done his light cleaning work. Because he wants his tires fixed. I'm not gonna spoil how the animatronics got to be these murderous things but it reminded me of a certain film.

Anyway Willy's Wonderland isn't all that fantastic but watching Nicolas Cage beat up things for 88 minutes while being silent, cool and playing pinball is good enough for me! Love him for taking all these kind of roles!

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This his a hymn for all the meanest arcade badass in town.
All you got to have his a timer and a hand full of canned "PUNCH - A fistful of caffeine to your kisser…" this will grant a 1:15 hour full of cleaning and gutting fluffy mean toys with the house shirt (don't worry, they think of it and got you a bunch of them… great palls, yeah)
And the this with only two "Arghhhhsssss"?
Yeap, that's it. Your the greatest, baddest mfkr in this movie.

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Shout by FatalMuzza
BlockedParent2021-02-12T15:04:06Z— updated 2021-02-19T04:19:31Z

I know it’s practically the beginning of the year. But I’m gonna call it, movie of the year. Nic Cages roll of his career. Don’t miss it. 10/10


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Trapped inside a posessed Showbiz Pizza? Sorry, showing my age there. I mean... Chuck E Cheese? Cage was perfection, the kids were great. Fun throughout.

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This is not a very good movie. But it doesn't matter. I love it. It's ridiculous yet entertaining. If you are a fan of Nicolas Cage you'll probably love this movie.

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If this movie was just Cage kicking ass then it would have been perfect… but they had to throw in a bunch of pointless characters who talk too much.

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It's just Nic Cage doing Nic Cage things. His script read though must have taken a long ass time though.

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I'm just going to imagine Five Nights at Freddy's is a lesser version of this film. There's not a lot here beyond "silent drifter violently dismantles possessed animatronics" but I'm pretty sure anyone watching this isn't looking for much more. This was a rather enjoyable matinee B-movie flick, despite it lacking some polish here and there.

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Not a single one has he :joy:

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One Night at Willy's

A badass Nicolas Cage that doesn't speak a single word kicking the shit out of bloodthirsty animatronic mascots. Willy's Wonderland knows exactly what it is and it just wants to have fun.

The animatronics are clearly costumes worn by actors (except for Ozzy Ostrich it seems) which is a shame but I like the designs for all eight of them. Some of them got more personality than others but they mostly feel distinct. Cammy Chameleon and Siren Sara ended up being my favorites. I liked the backstory flashback they got it's pretty creepy. They could almost link this to the Child's Play universe because that looked to me like a very similar Satanic ritual.

The kills are fabulous, lots of blood and especially oil. Love the score and soundtrack it really pops. Good looking set with all the different rooms. Nicely shot and it's always colorful. Not much in the way of story or characters. Epic final battle. So much fun. Bring on the sequel!

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What a crazy movie. It looks like a cheap Tubi horror movie. Nicolas Cage cleaning the restaurant was so satisfying. It was like watching the TikTok cleaning compilation. The reason Nicolas Cage didn't speak for the movie was most likely because he had to clean and fight costumes. Why was the last stall in the bathroom the only one to open outwards? And Willy singing the chicken song was the 2nd best part. I'll have to try and find it on YouTube. And the last thing is that I wish we got some backstory on Nicolas Cage, character. But not gonna lie, the fact that they actually called him the Janitor was cool.

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It’s not award winning but man is it a good time.

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Terrifically Awful. Must have 5 words

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Really? Just...really?!? I'm usually a big Cage fan, but I can't defend this one. It's just too out there. The only possibly redeeming quality is the amount of blood in the fight scenes. That's it, and that's all. I would not bother with this one unless you're chasing down all the Cage movies for an accomplishment.

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If you go in to this one expecting the world's best you're going to be disappointed. However if all you're after is something that makes light of older slasher films with that one guy who takes no BS then this is a fun watch

Grab a couple of friends and laugh your way through cages silence as he mops up Willy's Wonderland

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Had the potential to be something campy and fun, but as it is, it’s sometimes too serious and grim, despite moments of Nicolas Cage cool.

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They had enough money to feature Nicolas Cage as the lead, but not enough to pay him to speak. ಠ_ಠ Goofy flick at any rate.

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Terrible. Could have been much better with a decent script...also. More lens flare than words

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I knew it would be bad and still watched it for the laughs, but it was soooo boring

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So does this means every movie on lockdown will be shit like this now?

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Worst shit the other actors who speak are so bad.........
And he also...........

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Good performance from Cage does not a movie make. Idea is better than execution. Shame because the puzzle pieces were there, just not properly distributed.

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Ridiculous. I like Nicolas as an actor, but he is not acting here. He hasn't said a single work throughout the movie

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Like a hand pizza, it's original but smacks of WTF.

Cage fighting a haunted Chuck E Cheese's is a good idea, especially considering they found a way to make him a better actor by giving him literally zero lines, but there are so many WTFs in the action and too many badly choreographed and poorly shot fight scenes to make Mute Cage vs. the Country Bear Jamboree anything other than an oddity.

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This was absolutely awesome. there is a great line in this movie I'd like to quote in my own words, "The A- list doesn't have SHIT on NICHOLAS CAGE, NICK CAGE SHIT'S on the A -list and doesn't even have to say a word.



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Shout by

Nicholas Cage. Not uttering a single word for the duration of the whole movie. What’s not to like? Oh, the rest of it.

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Yeah it's a low budget film with a silly cheesy creepy soundtrack with a plot that was simple/stupid but it had some entertaining action and did make me laugh at times also it's something different especially from cage.

Cage's rage mute character that I couldn't take serious was fun, hilarious and crazy and It would of been even better without the rest of the cast and just him vs the monsters because he made the film for me and also love the fact that he kept with the job role while all hell was breaking out.

I'm loving these rage roles from cage and definitely want more, especially more of this character..

If five nights at freddy's was a film... don't mess with the cage! aka The Janitor

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Cage seems to take any script that comes the last few years!

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Only watched to see Nicholas Cage beat up some animatronics but damn was this movie bad.

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