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Yesterday 2019

I really enjoyed this movie, the music scenes are fantastic

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I really enjoyed this movie. It's smart. It has heart. And oh the music! It just makes you feel good and the music just gets under your skin. I find it hard not to sing along with it (driving my wife nuts).

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Shout by Lalo RomeroVIP

It was such a moment watching John alive!

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It’s been awhile since I watched this film, and it’s just as charming as ever! The soundtrack is obviously great and the plot is obviously not grounded in reality, but it’s a silly and enjoyable watching experience that it incredibly easy to recommend!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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It was good without being great.

I loved the boat that rocked and about time. I felt this film was missing the heart those films had. There were some lovely moments, some cool moments and some happy moments.... but it was missing that extra 5% for me.

I can see why others have loved it though.

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For those that are fans of the Fab Four of Liverpool this is a delightful journey through the Beatles Universe. All the details and analogies made during the film are extremely well placed. The script is all that Curtis has already accustomed us to: a great and refreshing idea and course the right dose of madness. If you know nothing or few about The Beatles this probably will be just another movie, otherwise just be ready for some goosebumps!

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Lovely movie, even though I am not a real Beatles fan, and I normally don't like comedy (or romcoms).
I do know something about the background of some of the songs, so that might have helped.

Semi spoilers: I would have liked it if they came with a group or something to talk about what they missed (like coke or cigarettes) or to finish the lyrics of the songs together. And I missed that he didn't ask the two fans about cigarettes that was in the back of my mind throughout the movie lmao

Also I was hugely disappointed that they did not include wonderwall. I was expecting Jack to play it on the rooftop. I mean it's logical that they did not include it but I was low-key disappointed.

Rating: 8,5/10
Posted: 6 aug 2019

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This was a fun movie. I have problems with the concept of it. I mean, sure the whole world could forget about the Beatles in a strange blackout but how does it mysteriously rewrite their lives. I mean, if Coke disappears, what about all the empty shelves and buildings, just the way they played that out drives me crazy to think about. But the execution was fun. I especially loved when he tried to play Let it go for the first time and no one understood the gravity of what an important song it is. So, despite any frustrations with concepts, it's still a fun movie to watch

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Can we have Lily James in every rom-com?

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I was expecting a different movie. Speculative fantasy maybe. The premise really sold Yesterday to me. Imagine that nobody in the world but you remembers The Beatles, and now you can become a best-selling artist singing their hit songs. Guaranteed success! How would that turn out? Instead, all I got was a cheesy romantic comedy, and not well-written one either. I lost it completely when Ellie told Jack to abandon the one dream he's ever had to be with her, and it was supposed to be his moment for a grand gesture. You'd never do that to the person you supposed to love! Jack is not an appealing leading character. He spends most of the movie sort of whining and having this aloof look on his face. His "girlfriend" is desperate and annoying, and is just not a good girlfriend on more than one occasion. His parents are dicks. Ed Sheeran's cameos were pretty cute, but no more than that. If you are okay with settling for just another mediocre romantic comedy, then you'll be okay with Yesterday. Music was the best part, duh.

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So they had one interesting idea and managed to get exactly nothing out of it, besides playing lots of Beatles songs.

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Amazing and funny movie!!! Great music nd performance.

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Great movie! Great music! I loved it!

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Very entertaining movie, but ‘hey dude’? Really? :upside_down:

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While music is great and whole concept for a plot is quite original it just... It just didn't work somehow. I mean, it was nice. But the kind of "nice" where you start to browse your phone at some point in the movie while still watching.

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Shout by nawa
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-11-03T19:43:44Z— updated 2019-11-21T18:27:46Z

So odd to watch a movie and get an absolutely different idea out of it that the director probably didn't even think of.

I've watched Yesterday because there's Lily James which I'm a huge fan of, and The Beatles, which is self-explanatory. Like, a feel-good movie for a Sunday evening, was on my backlog for a while, might as well watch it and promptly forget it afterwards.

And then this simple movie hits you with an impostor syndrome which is always somewhere back there in your head, and it gets a bit unpleasant to watch.

Come on, he does not deserve this fame.
He didn't do anything special to get there.
The fact that he's a good singer doesn't mean anything, these are not his songs.
He can't possibly be performing at Wembley, what the hell?

Thankfully Jack is just as tormented by it as I am, otherwise it would be just impossible to watch. Of course it ends the way you would expect from a feel-good movie (which is what this is) but that is beside the point.

Why the hell am I even thinking about this stuff when I'm watching this simple-meant movie?

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Well, if there was supposed to be any kind of spark between the main couple I certainly didn't see it. They worked wonderfully as BFFs and were super convincing, but the minute romance was added into the mix, things got awkward and uncomfortable.

Ed Sheeran was surprisingly hilarious. From showing up unannounced to Jack's house, to suggesting Hey, Jude should be named Hey, Dude. Like, he's turning out to be not only crazy talented musically, but also quite good as an actor (even though he was quite literally plating himself). I look forward to seeing more of Ed on movies and TV.

The songs were great, especially loved the ones recorded in Gavin's studio (what a great guy Gavin, to me him and Ellie made so much more sense as a couple). Help! on the other hand, I absolutely hated. That was a terrible cover.

And then there was that emotional, unexpected, shocking bit: John Lennon actually alive. Man, that was a wonderful scene.

All in all, good movie, made that much more enjoyable if you love The Beatles.

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Shout by JordyVIP
BlockedParent2019-06-27T13:51:12Z— updated 2021-01-01T21:22:54Z

A brilliant concept that’s wasted by very weak acting, especially from Himesh Patel and Ed Sheeran. Moreover, it thinks it’s a lot funnier than it really is, doesn’t take the premise to its fullest extent, and has characters that are extremely dickish for no reason whatsoever.


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Iss f'when ya misses wants the tele n you wanna hear the Bee-ohhs

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Finally someone puts his heart into making a beautiful movie.

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The trailer for this flick could have used the "In a World..." narration. The basic conceit seems funnier than the execution, but it is a sweet little movie that just reminds us how incredible the music of the Beatles really was. Just the same, at least 30 minutes too long. The story was out of ideas well before the movie ended. 8/10

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You find with this movie after Jack Malik has a really hard 20 years trying to make his singing career. After an accident riding home and hit by a van on his bike he wakes up one day and everyone has forgot about the Beatles and he has a decision to make choose fame and fortune and pass the songs as his own or go with the love of his life his best friend and manager since primary school and be truly happy. I highly recommend this film as it is funny and such a feel good film with this nice little romantic love story throughout the film.

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It is neither bland nor extraordinary. In the comedy aspect it scores some good points, but in the romantic side it falls a little bit flat. I absolutely adore Lily James. Himesh Patel was great, but in my opinion they didn't have great chemistry together. And I hoped for a few full length songs, but was disappointed.

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A nice little movie that you will enjoy if you like The Beatles' music. It has some ok jokes but the music is main attraction.

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Decent movie, nothing too special. The idea is nice, the execution isn't that great. You never feel very excited about anything in the movie, it just plays out.

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It was great because the songs were very well done and the story was interesting but of course, because it's a romcom, they had to ruin it all with a stupid ending. Also, Ed Sheeran is extremely overrated but his scenes were funny nonetheless.

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a film so good that it doesn't need to explain the unusual premise. doesn't feel like a romantic comedy either

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Hey Dude, let it be yesterday. ;)

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If you like music and feeling good you should watch this movie. If none of those things makes you feel warm inside than Yesterday might not be for you.

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I leave with more flavor, Dany Boyle is a great director but this seems somewhat lazy, and since half a movie I already knew how it would end, and that everyone is extremely happy in the end is a click that will not be lost in a good time, I would like more if they had added more more more more songs of the Beatles

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Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it seems they are here to stay, as apparently the Beatles have gone away! Oh well, guess I should just let it be! Anyway, as with the nonsense I have just written, this film is not to be taken seriously. It is fun though, and has the expected soundtrack to die for. Beatles fans (if they still exist) and non fans alike should get something to enjoy from this.

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I think the place to start with this review is the premise. Now I think the premise was really cool albeit slightly quirky and for the most part was executed well however I did find some parts of the movie to be a bit off. I think the acting was superb in all parts though and it was nice to see little cameo roles performed by Ed Sheeran and James Corden. Overall the script writing was quite cool although I could see the love story arc coming from a mile off leaving the story slightly predictable. The cinematography was one of my favourite things about this movie as there were some really beautiful shots that helped capture the story in its element.

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Shout by mercuriorosso

"A sweetly charming fantasy with an intriguing premise."

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I laughed, I cried, I sang along.

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I don't understand what was going through Danny Boyle's mind when he decided to make a movie with that cast. When it comes to rom-coms nothing else matters if the chemistry between the two leads is nonexistent.

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This was one of those films that's fun to watch. It's not going to win awards or make a bunch of money, but it's certainly delightful to watch. It has a really fun concept, and who doesn't love listening to the Beatles!?! (well, sort of)

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It is not what you expect, maybe me but i thought it will had a different premise. I'm not the one to judge about the beetles as my taste of music differs and i'm one that think that Beetles are way overrated. Just a very simple rom com that the story wears out very quickly.
The directing was good but a very ordinary movie. They could use the "alternated universe" in a more interesting way.

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Shout by Lorenzo Gonfiantini

Cool film! The idea is original even if the plot is simple. There are not relevant events, in fact the last scene is an obvious consequence of the whole story, anyway it is pretty cool. The final task of the director to celebrate Beatles as nowadays well-konwn popstars (even if they belong to the early 1960s) is surely completed in a very successful way.

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I love Lily but this is awful.

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i didn't like the ending. AS IF you wouldn't take all the money

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Shout by kinkyVIP

A very cosy film for people who enjoy The Beatles, music in general, romance... And sci-fi?

Also, Ed Sheeran having his own song as his ringtone is a bit too much.

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It's pretty alright. Seeing as i watched 'Blinded By The Light' yesterday, can't say i was that impressed.

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the entire time as I am watching this I keep thinking about this review I read about this film that said that it makes zero sense that all of these songs are simply great on their own merit and that the time/history and publicity/marketing had nothing to do with the success of these songs/bands - and that's all I keep thinking about. If you were to play these songs to people with no prior experience of them, would they turn into instant bestsellers?

I think this film has heart and good acting but it's not really interrogating the premise on a deeper level.

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