Polly: "Wow. Wow."
Sprig: "Punch bug!"

  • Polly and Sprig switching voices feels wrong

Anne: "Here, if you get in trouble, just call me."
[Throws her phone.]

  • Wait, but that's your only phone, Anne

Anne: "'Call me'?! Ugh! There's only one phone!"

  • Ah, she figured it out

Hop Pop: "Finally. Peace and quiet. Almost a little too quiet."
[Hop Pop chuckles.]
Hop Pop: "Almost a little awkward, isn't it?"
[Hop Pop starts sweating before holding his breath. Anne opens her eyes slowly and stares at Hop Pop.]
Hop Pop: "So, do you have a boyfriend back home?"
[Anne kicks him off the fwagon.]
Hop Pop: "Ow!"

  • Wait, did Polly always have arms and hands, or am I just stupid?
  • Yep, I'm just stupid

Sprig: "I'll save you!"
Giant Wormy Thing: "And I'll save you for desert."

  • God damn, that voice is creepy

Giant Wormy Thing: "Belly flop!"

  • Wtf

Hop Pop: "Now you guys are back, we can talk about Anne's boyfriend again."
[Anne kicks Hop Pop off the cliff.]

  • Oh, she killed him


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