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Ancient Mysteries

Season 4 1996 - 1997

  • 1996-09-05T04:00:00Z on A&E
  • 45m
  • 20h 15m (27 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Documentary, Mystery
Ancient Mysteries is a documentary television series that was produced by FilmRoos and originally broadcast on A&E from January 7, 1994 until May 3, 1998 with reruns airing until 2000. Reruns were also re-broadcast on The Biography Channel during the 2000s. The series deals with historical mysteries and is mostly hosted by Leonard Nimoy (unless otherwise noted), which recalls the late-1970s TV Series In Search Of....

27 episodes

Season Premiere


4x01 Ancient Altered States

Season Premiere

4x01 Ancient Altered States

  • 1996-09-05T04:00:00Z45m

If you thought the drug culture peaked in the 1960s, you're only off by a few millennia. In fact, since the beginning of civilization, humans have explored means of altering their consciousness in search of something "greater" than everyday reality.

ANCIENT MYSTERIES takes an in-depth look at our pervasive drive to experience something "beyond," and reveals the means by which our ancestors explored their inner world. From experiments with substances at the edge of lethality to mysterious rituals meant to help worshipers leave their bodies behind, ANCIENT ALTERED STATES explores the farthest reaches of this primitive and universal desire.

Psychologists and physicians, including Dr. Andrew Weil, offer insight into the physical and mental mechanisms and motivations behind this quest. Historians and spiritualists explore the ancient rituals of cultures worldwide that have sought visions and truth through altered consciousness. And riveting footage illuminates the terrifying, exquisite visions revealed to those who journey beyond the constraints of the conscious mind.


4x02 Ancient Prophecy

4x02 Ancient Prophecy

  • 1996-09-19T04:00:00Z45m

From Central African tribes to American Indians, prophecy has held an esteemed place in various cultures throughout the world. In this revealing program, journey back thousands of years for a riveting look at the role of prophecy throughout the ages. Travel the world to see how different cultures attempted to decipher the secrets of their destinies, and trace the incredible predictions that appear to have come true.

The ancient Italian civilization of the Etruscans, which flourished in the 6th century B.C. Included is a study of the society's cult of death.


4x05 Witches

4x05 Witches

  • 1996-10-24T04:00:00Z45m

Known varyingly as a sorceress, an enchantress, and a devil's consort, the witch has haunted the human consciousness and captured the imagination for thousands of years.

While a general fear of witches seems to be woven deep within the human psyche, witchcraft and magic have been interpreted in different ways by different cultures throughout the ages. Some cultures and religions have deemed the practitioners of witchcraft to be evil, while others harness a more positive perspective on the power of the witch. What exactly are these controversial and mysterious powers? Why were witches hunted down so mercilessly during the European witch trials of the Middle Ages? And what were the actual motivations behind the famous seventeenth-century witch hunt in Salem, Massachusetts?

Join Ancient Mysteries® on a quest to find answers to these and many other questions that lay buried deep within the ancient past.

The glorious temples of Athens's Acropolis bear silent witness to the high point of Ancient Greece's legendary civilization.

Built during the reign of Pericles, the most powerful leader in Athenian history, majestic temples such as the Parthenon and the Erechtheum remain marvels of architectural brilliance to this day. Yet what was the purpose of these stunning structures at the heart of the finest city in the ancient world? Were they the centerpieces of a truly civilized society and the symbols of a new form of government known as democracy? Or were they representative of a brutal sect devoted to Athena, goddess of wisdom and war?

In this fascinating program, Ancient Mysteries delves into the secret history of Greece's golden age with a behind-the-scenes look at the country's most famous monuments from the point of view of the archeologists dedicated to unearthing these treasures.


4x07 Sacred Rites and Rituals

4x07 Sacred Rites and Rituals

  • 1996-12-19T05:00:00Z45m

Investigating ancient rites and rituals and possible connections to modern-day religions.


4x08 UFOs: First Encounters

4x08 UFOs: First Encounters

  • 1997-01-02T05:00:00Z45m

Theories that UFOs visited ancient civilizations. Included: monuments that seem directed at specific stars, and texts that refer to flying objects

The Great Pyramids of Giza are recognizable throughout the world and are tangible links to powerful secrets from the pre-dynastic days of Ancient Egypt.

In this fascinating program from Ancient Mysteries, behold the grandeur of these magnificent pyramids, man-made wonders that have held visitors spellbound for thousands of years. Learn about the complex belief system that enjoined the Egyptians to preserve and protect the bodies of their dead to ensure the fulfillment of resurrection, and follow the journey of the pharaoh's soul to discover how the pyramid served as a threshold to the unknown and a gateway to eternal life.

Host Leonard Nimoy travels through the shifting sands of time to the land of the powerful pharaohs, magnificent monuments, and well-preserved mummies in Tombs Of The Gods: Great Pyramids.

4x10 Secrets of the Aztec Empire

  • 1997-02-13T05:00:00Z45m

Present day Mexico City sits atop of what was once a great civilisation, the Aztec Empire. Drawing on newly discovered artifacts, anthropologists can now give us a more in depth picture and shed new light on what life was like for this ancient civilisation. Watch in awe as Ancient Mysteries reveals the Secrets of the Aztec Empire.

4x11 The Curse of the Hope Diamond

  • 1997-03-06T05:00:00Z45m

It is the largest, most famous, and most valuable gemstone in the world. It has been the plaything of kings and sultans and has decorated the necks of many an heiress and empress. But, could this notorious diamond actually be cursed?

According the legend, the 45-carat gem is a piece of a larger stone stolen from the eye of a Hindu idol and later purchased by a French merchant in the 1660s. In its long and troubled journey through time, it is said to have destroyed careers, marriages, and empires by way of its alleged curse. Suicide, madness, bankruptcy, and freak accidents have all been attributed to its great powers.

Today, the unique stone sits in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, DC. Join us as we explore the bizarre legends and the strange facts behind The Curse Of The Hope Diamond.

4x12 Private Lives of the Emperors

  • 1997-03-27T05:00:00Z45m

A report on the elaborate homes built by Roman emperors, which were designed to reflect their power.


4x13 Secrets of the Romanovs

4x13 Secrets of the Romanovs

  • 1997-04-10T04:00:00Z45m

Experience the final days of the Romanov dynasty and penetrate the web of intrigue surrounding the murder of the royal family.

Few modern authors have not been influenced by THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. But what is the origin of THE ARABIAN NIGHTS stories? Over a thousand years ago, a legend is told about a beautiful young woman who would save her life by telling adventure tales to a murderous sultan for a thousand and one nights. The tales she weaved are set in India, Persia, Egypt, Turkey and China and came to be known as the ARABIAN NIGHTS or A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS. Is there any truth to the stories of Aladdin, Sinbad and Ali Baba? Why are they driven by the presence of genies and magic? Who wrote the tales and why, in the age of STAR WARS, have these stories remained timeless? Journey with us into an era long veiled in mystery as we enter the timeless world of THE ARABIAN NIGHTS.

4x15 The Fate of the Neandertals

  • 1997-04-27T04:00:00Z45m

More than 70 thousand years ago, a clan of cave dwellers roamed the cliffs of Le Conte in Southwestern France. They were Neandertals, distant cousins to modern man. The caves, among other archaeological sites, have revealed much about Neandertals. But new disoveries have prompted more questions and mysteries. No other prehistoric group has received as much attention as the Neandertals. No other group carries such a weight of scientific and popular misconceptions or has its name associated with savagery, stupidity and animal strength. Fossils records place the last Neandertal on earth 30,000 years ago. Then they vanished. Or did they? There is more to Neandertals than their fossil remains. This hour will explore the Neandertals who, despite new and enticing clues, remain a people of mystery.


4x16 Human Sacrifice

4x16 Human Sacrifice

  • 1997-05-01T04:00:00Z45m

Human blood. In the ancient world, this precious substance was believed to be the ultimate gift that could be offered up to appease the omnipotent gods and goddesses who held the fate of the people in their hands.

In this fascinating - yet alarming - documentary, discover the widespread history behind human sacrifice within various cultures throughout the ancient world. Investigate a mysterious European culture that once thrived on ritual murder, and journey to ancient Mexico to uncover the secrets of the Aztec sacrifices. Finally, travel to India to learn about the victims sacrificed to Kali, Hindu goddess of darkness and death.

Ancient Mysteries journeys to discover the horrifying secrets behind the ancient practice of human sacrifice, and the shocking reality behind the modern-day sacrificial murders still being carried out by some remote groups in the world today.


4x17 The Lost City of Pirates

4x17 The Lost City of Pirates

  • 1997-05-08T04:00:00Z45m

Roam the high seas in search of adventure and booty with Blackbeard the pirate and women buccaneers like Annie Boney. Visit a suken city once known as "the wickedest place on earth" and learn the true story of the pirates of Port Royal.


4x18 Samurai

4x18 Samurai

  • 1997-05-22T04:00:00Z45m

"Samurai" examines feudal Japan's hereditary warrior class and its code of unquestioning loyalty. Included: their painting and poetry; the role of women; their code of honor.


4x19 Curse of the Goddess Pele

4x19 Curse of the Goddess Pele

  • 1997-06-05T04:00:00Z45m

Violent volcanic explosions created the Hawaiian Islands. According to ancient belief, Pele the goddess of the volcanoes, dominated that tropical fiery domain. Smoldering with passion and fury, Pele became the most powerful of the Hawaiian gods. Today, she still commands incredible power, reverence and awe among the Hawaiian people. How has Pele's power endured for generations? Was she once a mortal woman? What events would set off her explosive temper? What rituals were performed by the Hawaiian people to appease this most passionate of gods? These are some of the mysteries we will explore, as we search for Pele, goddess of the volcanic flame.

It is one of ancient Egypt's most recognizable and enduring icons. Situated on the west bank of the Nile River, this great creature has watched over the Giza Plateau for an untold number of years.

Known as the Great Sphinx of Giza, this massive lion of the desert boasts the carved human head of a pharaoh and the body of a recumbent lion. To which great ruler does the Sphinx's massive form pay homage? Who built this enduring statue and where did the inspiration come from? In this fascinating look into the history behind the symbol of the sphinx, experts debate these and many other significant questions.

Join Ancient Mysteries for a journey four thousand years into the past to uncover the hidden secrets of Egypt's Guardian Of The Ages: The Great Sphinx.


4x21 Dragons

4x21 Dragons

  • 1997-06-26T04:00:00Z45m

They appear in countless myths and stories from around the world. Could dragons have actually existed, and could they still remain hidden in some remote corner of the earth?

They were fearsome rulers of the ancient world for over a thousand years. Some say their armies were the strongest the world has ever seen. Wherever they went, they conquered. And, wherever they conquered, there sprang another city. As we marvel at the sophistication and beauty of some of our modern cities, we are celebrating a legacy that was literally etched in stone over two thousand years ago by the Romans. ANCIENT ROME AND ITS MYSTERIOUS CITIES explores the hidden treasures of our ancestors as we uncover the secrets of these mysterious ancient cities. In a world of frequent invasions and competition among warring tribes, the cities of the Romans were a stamp of solidity, unifying a multitude of cultures. Across the empire, they provided a secure structure wherein these diverse traditions could flourish, as long as they honored Roman law. Archaeology shows that advanced cultures such as those of the Greeks and the Etruscans preceded the Romans. But they did not survive. Why not? How did the Romans use the wealth of knowledge of these societies and expand upon them? What did they do differently? And, how were they able to keep control of the far reaches of the empire? Explore the answers to these questions. Hear and feel the rhythm of the outrageous and exotic societies of the past...and journey to the heart of civilization in ANCIENT ROME AND ITS MYSTERIOUS CITIES.

From the enormous bronze statue of the Colossus of Rhodes to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, this intriguing episode of A&E's "Ancient Mysteries" reveals
the history and mysteries behind the ancient world's seven wonders. Period art and contemporary reconstructions help recount the story of these legendary
structures of antiquity, including the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Zeus and the Lighthouse at Alexandria.


4x24 Headhunters of the Amazon

4x24 Headhunters of the Amazon

  • 1997-07-03T04:00:00Z45m

“Headhunters of the Amazon” visits Ecuador, where warriors cut off and shrank the heads of their enemies as a rite of passage.


4x25 The Black Death

4x25 The Black Death

  • 1997-07-10T04:00:00Z45m

"Black Death" looks at the plague that, beginning in the 6th century, killed millions on three continents.

Season Finale


4x26 The Curse of the Borgias

Season Finale

4x26 The Curse of the Borgias

  • 1997-07-31T04:00:00Z45m

"The Curse of the Borgias" looks at the legendary Italian Renaissance political family that yielded two Popes and tales of murder, incest and corruption.


4x27 Sacred Places

4x27 Sacred Places

  • 1997-06-19T04:00:00Z45m

Visited: Stonehenge, Easter Island and Jerusalem. Also: Machu Picchu, the site of an ancient Inca city in Peru.
