Shout by Deleted

Yaay.. Tommy! I am sure we all rejoice when we are spoilt with some Tommy time : ) Arrow has been at its best this season when its has taken a chill from the boom/bang and focused on the odd dramatic throwback to the past. This episode along with Fundamental (ep 18) provide us with season highs and have keep Arrow as boyant as ever.

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That bit with Rene and Oliver at the end brought tears to my eyes. I'm such a sissy.

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I didn’t think people around here would give two craps about the judge. Arrow isn’t like the Flash, bad guys get murdered, one way or another and that judge was no Saint. I get excited over trial episodes, but this one kinda blows when you already know that the whole system is against Oliver from the start. Yet the writers played their cards right, I’m glad they brought back Tommy and a glimpse of our Laurel Lance with the Black Siren’s testimony. It provided enough twists and turns to get my eyes glued to the screen. That being said, I think it’s a lesser-of-two-evils kinda of a situation. Yes, they have to commit perjury because nonetheless, it’s a for a greater good and Ricardo Diaz is reaching that Damian Darhk’s level of annoyance....... sight

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What did we learn from this episode? When you have the shot, take it.

Also, I thought cases got dismissed by the judge when there has that huge of a reasonable doubt. Not that it depended on what the jury thought. After all, isn't the judicial system based on believing someone innocent until proven guilty? If you can't prove someone is guilty, then they remain innocent, right?

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Anyone else wondering where that FBI agent went? Surely she’d never miss this trial?

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They should use Chance often more.

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This was a pretty good episode, although I'm a little disappointed that everything got wrapped up perfectly by the inclusion of the Human Target, who I had completely forgotten about as a character.

Also, this is the second time (or maybe more) this season that they've brought back a character from Season 1 that I wish had stuck around. I wish that really was Tommy, and that he had somehow come back to life. (Lazarus pit, alternate universe, clone, whatever.) The other was Roy, who I really wish had come back to the team, but I guess he's pretty much gone for good now. I feel sorry for those two actors, who keep getting bit parts on a show they used to play major characters on.

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Why should we care about the junge being killed? He was on Diaz‘ payroll, a dirty judge. He deserved it. Great episode.

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Trial episodes. That's it. I sort of like them, especially when they are well-executed. In fact, this one had me on the edge of my seat.
I loved seeing Tommy back, however brief it was. Now I miss him even more. Not sure if using him is the correct answer, but still, I loved having him back.
Chance was also great. And his "Try not to need me for at least another year" only means he's soon coming back.

They do whatever it takes to protect Oliver's identity, huh? That even justifies getting the judge killed. Yeah, he was on Diaz' payroll, but they sentenced him to murder and no one seemed to bat an eye about it.

I liked seeing Oliver and Rene making peace. I loved Rene last season, but they manged to somehow make me hate him. I'm glad the tide has turn. That said, I still want Oliver to go solo. When Oliver murders people, Arrow gets automatically better.

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People, the judge was DIRTY. Not saying that justifies the killing, but that was all Diaz.

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Shout by Hama Yun

Soooo in this episode everyone is OK with the judge being framed and killed so Oliver fights another day.

That's not vigilance, that's cold blooded murder you've only ever seen in a mafia movie.

Besides the judge, this b*tch prosecutor, I really hate her. First she comes to Agents of Shield to f#*ck up the whole series with her dumb acting and boring story about women empowerment among hydra officials.
And tries to sabotage SHIELD.

Now she appears in Arrow and wants our Oliver to be locked up in jail. And break up #Olicity for no reason. Her acting was again boring.

Seeing Tommy again was refreshing. And chance too.
And when John Diggle did that paratrooper scene, as a small tribute to the invasion of Normandy. And the fallen paratroopers of operation. Market Garden (yes, I live in the The Netherlands). Well that was very touching to see.

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Great episode, but they just got to STOP playing with my FEELINGS

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Superheroes in court, boring. Already did it with the Flash. Next year Supergirl ? Oh and the villain is a bitch. Hopefully he dies violently.

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‪Good episode. But, makes it really hard to feel bad for Oliver when he has all those people committing perjury and having their lives threatened. I wonder how the REAL Tommy and Laurel would feel about their names being used and tarnished like that. He doesn’t even care that they got that judge killed. But hey, all is fair game to keeping Oliver’s secret identity, right? What’s the point if every bad guy already knows who he is and was or is gunning for him. ‬

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