No, your husband would be alive if he didn't act like an idiot and stayed down like he was told. They write very unsympathetic victims, patients and people needing help in Chicago One.

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The opening scene with Kevin and his father, before the crime, was very stilted and awkward. Weird pace to it.

Yeah, the guy who died, it's obviously not completely his fault, but he does share a large part of the blame. He ignored multiple commands to stay down. He was being a dumbass.
I agree with anubis. The widow was hardly sympathetic. Blaming Kevin for something that wasn't his fault in the slightest, and then being uncooperative which indirectly led to more deaths. Made it very hard to care about her plight.

I think it's kind of hilarious that Chicago PD has been doing this thing for awhile now where one of the main cast just so happens to be in the vicinity of a crime that is occurring, and that becomes the focus of the episode. I mean, seriously, what are the chances that they would constantly happen to be near crimes that are happening right at that moment? It's ridiculous.

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Shout by Neil Trout

What are these writers like? Kevin asks the victim to put pressure on the gunshot wound of the guy who tried to assassinate her? GTFO :rage: Kevin needs therapy.

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