Jay was a pretty decent undercover in this, I did feel like he was a little aggressive; but it worked out okay. I feel bad for what happened to Luis, but what if that didn't happen? The guy would've gone to jail and Jay would end up being the bad person to both Luis and Camilla. I don't know, maybe that's an insensitive way to look at it.

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Shout by JasperKazai

Undercover plots are always underwhelming in these shows, because the relationships have to zoom ahead way past anything remotely believable in order to fit it in the runtime. This was no different.
Jayyyyyy, you dog. Looking to score easily, we all see what you're doing.

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This show is really going downhill with that bullshit subthread and that asshole trying to screw Hank. Trust the Hollywood writer hacks to always screw a good show sooner or later.

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