Season/Part 3 and 4 aren’t on here.

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Woke, misandrist crap.

One of the very first scenes with Rosalind shows her at school, ranting about male privilege and mansplaining like straight out of the radfem handbook.

Those reviewers who claim this series is not sexist af are either in denial or watch TV with ears and eyes closed. Get a grip.

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are people serious? what are you on about with this criticism of cringey feminism? hatred against men? HATRED? WHAT SHOW ARE YOU WATCHING?!!!

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After completing the whole show: I'm surprised by how much I liked it.
I really adored the first half of the first season. With the second half of season 1 coming out. The overabundance of feminism jumps out more into your face which is not inherently bad, but a little bit invasive. Sometimes feeling a little bit forced. Despite that, the second half sets the bar even higher than the first part.
First half of season two slightly drops in quality as they are trying to shove in a few too many songs. But it looks interesting as to how they are incorporating other faiths into the series. And I really love the part about two Sabrinas . The second half of the second season is something of a mixed bag for me. While I love the beginning, I felt that towards the end it felt a little bit rushed. The story concludes fine, while a little bit unfulfilling. I would have loved to see a Morningstar/Spellman reunion, rather than Nick following her into the afterlife.

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What I find perplexing is the number of people complaining about this being "feminist" rather than recognising the female characters in the show repsonding to the sexual assualt of one of their classmates, and the school's unwillingness to do anything about it. In other words commentators are more worried about femiism than sexual assualt, which is apparently preferable "entertainment".

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After watching the season finale I'm disappointed with the whole series. Not hoping for another season.

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oh come on why all the feminism hate lmao.
you do know when this series was made, the me too & subsequent feminism movements were at it's peak? it was literally like, the trend then. for teenage... girls (the target demography for this)? duh
also if you watch it: all of it. that subject is mostly on the first 2 parts (1st season). i just watched all parts and dont really remember the feminism being super extra on parts 3 & 4 ?

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Season 1,2,3 are Good. I was waiting for Season 4 to get over soon bcoz it was boring.

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I thought it was good. As for the feminism, hoes will be hoes after all. Real dragons don't give a fuck, we still gon eat them :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I wanna live the vibes of this show

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This was a crazy ride, loved the cameos in the final episodes, but it really bugged me that Nick is constantly seen drinking huge glasses of straight absinthe. It just can't be drunk like that in gulpable quantities.

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Aren't they missing a couple seasons?

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Having watched 100% of this, I have to say I don't really understand what these cucks and incels are on about with their 'overt feminism' etc. Yes there's feminism, but this is only really apparent because of the endless misogyny (which is really off-putting) by the main villain of the piece (which as a Satanist I don't recognise at all).
The programme starts well, but starts to really degrade once the singing episodes begin (I don't understand why nearly every young adult targeted show seems to break into song at the drop of a hat).
The ending is far too smushy too.

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watch all the seasons, but, happy it has ending.

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This is one of those shows I would run in the background, while I do other work. Not a lot of substance or complex character arcs. Mediocre writing. The writers seem to lean heavily on "woke" themes, to make up for their lack of talent. It's a shame, because costume design, set design and visual effects are really good in this show. Kiernan Shipka, Michelle Gomez and Richard Coyle are good casting choices.

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this is an amazing show.

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show is ok but theyr singing is just horrible. Rock bands moments almost forced me to quit. So bad acting

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Where is season 3 & 4?!?

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Shout by Andreea

Not worth it. In my opinion, a waste of time, or to watch it while napping.

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’:

  1. This is such a fun show — as long as you don’t take it too seriously! Suspend your belief. Don’t be overly critical. Expect imperfection and convoluted storylines. And just enjoy the witchy ride!

  2. I’m a bit mixed when it comes to the ensemble. There are some awesome characters: the aunts (my faves!), Lilith, and Ambrose (when his intensity is dialed down a bit). And then there are some not-so-great characters: I think Sabrina’s group of friends are horribly written and, frankly, unlikeable. I think they’re the worst part of the show.

  3. That ending. It’s rushed and dissatisfying. A big disappointment. Luckily, it doesn’t alter everything that’s come before it, because at that point you kinda accept that the show simply goes off the rails sometimes. And it’s still worth the watch.

Bonus Thought: Shame on those musical performances. Shame.

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It’s a bit cheesy, sometimes not too great but overall I still enjoyed the show and think it has great charm.
It certainly has a Riverdale feel, but doesn’t often descend to those levels of cringe. The supernatural element usually helps avoid this.
I really like the Lovecraft horrors toward the end of this now cancelled show.
I must admit it does feel a bit strange that this show comes into the category of proper adults playing and sexualising supposed 15/16 year olds.
The final episode or two are pretty weak and rush through to form a really underwhelming ending with an unsatisfactory romance that I didn’t really care about. Still worth a watch in my opinion.

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Meeeh, I'd say you can skip it.

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Shout by Franky G

It goes back to the Sabrina in the comics with a dark tone rather than its predecessor from the 90's. If you watch an episode, prepare to be sucked in wanting to see the entire series. The cast is amazing and works together like a well-oiled machine. The show also manages to add fun humor in from time to time, mostly through Lucy Davis who plays Hilda.

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Too bad they canceled ... it's a bad decision .. :thumbsdown_tone2::thumbsdown_tone2::thumbsdown_tone2:

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Que mal que la cancelaron ... :thumbsdown_tone2::thumbsdown_tone2::thumbsdown_tone2:

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Well the more it goes, the less interesting it is. But how the camera works in this show is amazing. The story flattened a little bit, but in the end is a good series to watch.

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I find very ironic to see people complaining about feminism in a series about witches, it's like complaining about the amount of jokes in a comedy movie.

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Shout by AyumiNoonVIP
BlockedParent2020-03-14T11:09:28Z— updated 2021-12-04T17:16:41Z

The beginning was great and I couldn't stop watching. But the further I got, the harder it got for me to keep going with it. Also, the longer you watch the show, the more annoying Sabrina gets. She just has the answer to everything, apparently everything depends on the word of a 16 year old, and everybody just needs her help. I just couldn't get myself to start the last part.

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Can someone explain to me why the season 2 and season 3 are exactly the same?

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Shout by John Jones

LOL, Whomever thought to compare this to Rosemary's Baby and the Excorcist must have a very low fear threshold. Where the latter two are actually true horror movies, this series is nothing more than a slightly scary, comical look at adolescent issues with a touch of the supernatural. If anything it more resembles the Adams Family

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What DISRESPECT against Phantom of the opera was THAT!?

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Part 2 commentary:
Okay so 2A was ATROCIOUS. The first 4 episodes are pure trash IMO. It gets a lot better in the last 4 or 5. So if you have some free time... go ahead, watch it, if not just skip it. Not worth your time.

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First season was sort of Ok and watchable but second season realy sucks, poor acting, boring storyline and over the top feministic

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If you're the type to rail against feminism all day online or whine about "lore" and nitpick every detail, you will want to watch something else.

Overall this is a fun, kinda sclocky teen drama with magic/satan/etc. The description of Tonally in the vein of Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist is completely wrong, this is not a serious show by any means. The design and costuming is great, and the special effects are also really good for a TV show, overuse of that lens-blur (?) effect notwithstanding.

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I was really looking forward to this show when they first announced it because I grew up watching Sabrina the teenage witch and loved it. I knew this was going to be different and the trailer looked promising. I was excited to watch it but man, was I disappointed.
Firstly, I only watched the first half of the season, five episodes and I couldn't watch any more after that. Sabrina, simply didn't feel as likable as she did in the previous version of the show.
The thriller remake seemed like a good idea and it could've been but the scary parts were just not scary enough and the rest was just, dull. Hilda and Zelda, still brilliant but lacking that real spark to keep me interested.
The characters all felt shallow, lacking depth and chemistry. I missed a lot of the chemistry between the characters.
The story didn't have a nice pace to it. Much like the latest season of Riverdale, just not that good.

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Shout by Deleted

Done with season 1 of #ChillingAdventuresOfSabrina....In one line of review this one added to my list of most awaiting one for the next season to stream..!!

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The people whining about the feminism in this show is the same people that says "it's just fiction everyone is over sensitive!!!!" whenever a show has problematic stuff.

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feels like Buffy but with money to acctually make a show. of course the dialogues are better in Buffy. Hope to see more character development in next season, if they ever get another one.

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I loved it overall but the hatred against men is annoying

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I don't understand why everyone is whining about all the feminism in the serie. It's literally a tv show where the biggest part of the protagonists are women and that's it... Which seems logical to me and not so different from the original series seeing as Sabrina was indeed raised by her two aunts.

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I was looking forward to a more "adult", more gritty and dark version of Sabrina.
But this is surprisingly trashy, all over the place and just absurd most of the times.
Some of the effects are pretty good, though.
Shipka is a good choice, Salem's appearance was absolutely great, but Wardell is annoying, Zelda way too mean and Hilda too whiny and I just don't care for Harvey or Ambrose.
Well, in summary, disappointing.

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Shout by King David
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-10-29T19:59:06Z— updated 2018-11-07T11:28:11Z

By the end of the season, Sabrina had annoyed the living shit out of me.

I'm all for women empowerment, but damn, must feminism be incorporated in almost every tv show nowadays? I get enough of it from the real world.

There's nothing but subtle low blows through out the season.

"Why can't we live a normal life with the mortals? Because Dark Lord is a jealous man."

Why doesn't the Dark Lord want us as powerful as him? Well, after all, he is a man."

Is it just me, or does Sabrina and Harvey love seem way over the top for teenagers? Their love was on the same level of Jack and Rose from Titanic. I was secretly hoping the Dark Lord or Prudence sisters' would kill her boyfriend off, so the show could move on.

Also, what time period is the show in? 1950's? 1960's? 1980's? 2017? I initially thought 1960's because of the signs and cars, but then Ambrose pulls out a laptop and laptops wasn't invented until 1981. So, I thought mid-to-late 1980's, then I see an iPhone X ringing in one scene.

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I actually loved this! Hopefully there's going to be a season 2!

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Extremely disappointing. If you want a show that preaches non-stop on extreme left wing politics this is it. Constant reference to Satan was extremely uncomfortable when watching with your whole family.

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Really boring. So many Netflix shows recently feel like they've focused way top much on algorithm to make new shows. The show is a bit weak in not developing the characters of sabrina's friends or boyfriends so you really don't care about them or their grand plans for 'feminism' which feel like they've just been taken from a news story someone read and decided to add. One minute Sabrina is meeting the dark lord and the next her friend is all about complaining about banned books it just seems so ridiculous. Overall there is no real sense of where this show is going.

It's pretty predictable and it's like they've taken elements of Riverdale, Bates Motel, AHS and Salem to try make a new popular show. It just doesn't work.

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Alot darker then I thought it was going to be which I'm glad it did. Felt like AHS had a baby with Riverdale. I can't wait for season 2

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Shout by Jim222001VIP
BlockedParent2018-10-26T17:28:20Z— updated 2018-10-29T00:27:26Z

Definitely not the sitcom I grew up with. However I find it easy to adapt to. Due to a likeable Sabrina and devilish humor. I find it a ton of fun.
I also don’t get the feminism whining. Definitely hasn’t been as preachy as Supergirl or the new Charmed, even once.

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