I want to steam myself in chiclamine green...
What a fight...

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Britta: Oh, uh "I don't know anything. I need boys. Saving the planet makes my back hurt!"

The sheer petty bitchiness in Gillian Jacobs' voice when she enunciates "back hurt" in this line makes me laugh for a solid 5 minutes no matter how many times I've rewatched the show. The death glare towards Annie while she's saying it makes it even better.

Just like "Accounting for Lawyers", this episode has a ton of classic community lines and moments:

Duncan: Sorry, I overslept. The sidewalk is more comfortable than it looks.

Jeff: Professor, what would you say might be the difference between religion and a cult?

Duncan: Why don't we open that question to the floor? Since I don't know, and the book for this class is expensive.

And then of course there's Betty White's "explaining Inception to tribesmen" stinger.

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Betty White explaining Inception to the tribesmen, one of whom hadn't seen it yet. Classic 2010!

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  • Oh my gosh, Pierce has been deceived
  • Omg, the British guy is back
  • RIP Britta. She too aggressive
  • Wow, Remy just burned some anonymous movie franchises

"Come on, Annie. You know guys are giving you money because of the whole sexy schoolgirl routine." — Britta

  • The woman sitting behind and staring at Pierce in Anthropology looks like she's gonna kill him
  • Britta, chill
  • This poor guy, getting attacked by Annie and Britta
  • British guy is drunk on power; Chang is running scared

"Now this is why I came to America." — Ian Duncan

  • Wtf

Man, this episode nearly became great but then it went back to formula—sigh.

SCORE: 7/10

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Keep an eye out for Abed in the background.

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So many layers to this episode

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