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Cosmic Disclosure

Season 3 2016

  • 2016-01-05T05:00:00Z on Gaia
  • 30m
  • 4h 30m (9 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Documentary, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Mystery
Tune into the ongoing, weekly series of Cosmic Disclosure as David Wilcock interviews insider Corey Goode about the details of Corey’s 20-year participation in the Secret Space Program.

11 episodes

Season Premiere


3x01 Time Travel & Shifting Realities

Season Premiere

3x01 Time Travel & Shifting Realities

  • 2016-01-05T05:00:00Z30m

Are we seeing the effects of time travelers changing the past? Emery Smith reveals that time travel technology is far older that we may have thought. During his time within the compartmentalized projects, he was introduced to the technology which could propel one forward or backward in time, to specific events. He discloses the nature of this technology, how it works and the nature of time-travel missions. We also learn that humanity is evolving the ability to detect changes to our timelines and shifts in the reality we think we live in.


3x02 Disinformation Tactics

3x02 Disinformation Tactics

  • 2016-01-12T05:00:00Z30m

Emery Smith discloses various disinformation tactics used to deceive the public, mislead UFO investigations and retain secrets within clandestine programs. From falsified documents, artificial beings, replicated spacecraft and fabricated viral videos, a web of deception has been spread across the world. The moment he set foot in the underground facility, he was told that he would occasionally be exposed to fabricated materials. The longer he remained within these programs, the more he learned the extent that these organizations will go to mislead everyone involved.

Since the dawn of humanity beings born of light have been manifesting in physical forms on Earth. Why are they here and what are they doing with our people and planet? Emery Smith unveils the qualities of interdimensional beings, which can appear as orbs, angels or aliens. They are not encumbered by the physical laws of our reality and reveal themselves, at their own great risk. Yet, their ongoing presence is of great importance to both of our species.

3x04 Medical Devices of the Future

  • 2016-01-26T05:00:00Z30m

The next medical revolution just may be coming to your smart devices, and sooner than you think. Insider Emery Smith describes some of the advances in medical technology, he was exposed to, that will soon be made available to the public. Some of which was in use within the secret projects, others have been developed by scientists who have an advanced understanding of healing the body. Currently, steps are being taken to bring this tech forward in such a way that we will be ready for it and the lives of its inventors will not be threatened.

3x05 Salvaging Ancient Alien Tech

  • 2016-02-02T05:00:00Z30m

From recently discarded tech to ancient E.T. craft, our solar system is awash with space junk and major aerospace corporations vie for their share of the spoils. Emery Smith gives us the inside scoop on who is running interplanetary salvaging programs and what they gain from the strange things that they find. He explains that most of the technologies in the SSPs, from spacesuits to vehicles, have been reverse-engineered from alien wreckage salvaged from deep-space missions.

What happens when an alien craft crashes? Emery Smith learned this, first hand, while stationed in the secret base in Northern New Mexico. Occasionally, he would be deployed as part of a team to assess and retrieve crashed alien vessels. Even though extraterrestrial technology is far in advance of our own, it is not without its flaws and tragic accidents do happen. He explains why he was sent on these missions, the technology and beings recovered, as well as the protocols used to secure and quarantine crash sites.

Emery Smith discloses his experience with one of the most important projects in the compartmentalized programs: the discovery and securing of portals to distant worlds. He explains that some are naturally formed and were known to ancient cultures who built temples around them. Many others are manmade, using technology that has not been perfected. The interconnection of these portal systems has become a cosmic highway for many extraterrestrial civilizations, who use portals on Earth as a hub to travel to far away star systems.

3x08 The Perils of Portal Missions

  • 2016-02-23T05:00:00Z30m

During his time within the secret programs, Emery Smith was sent on missions to distant worlds, through interplanetary portals. Despite months of planning and training with a qualified team, things do not always go as expected and accidents happen. He explains what the training is like, the steps taken to ensure the safety of the team, and some of the anomalous conditions he encountered during these off-planet missions.

Season Finale


3x09 Underwater Operations

Season Finale

3x09 Underwater Operations

  • 2016-03-01T05:00:00Z30m

One of Emery Smith’s most unusual missions took him to a base located deep under the Atlantic Ocean to examine a being that could not be brought to the surface. He shares what he knows on the prevalence of bases located deep under the oceans, some of which are buried deep below the sea bed. Many of these are located near sacred sites which serve as portals to distant worlds; others were constructed to track extraterrestrial traffic moving through the Earth’s oceans.

Our planet is crawling with hidden extraterrestrial civilizations that have been here for a very long time. Some were founded before the first human civilization arose. Emery Smith reveals that there are many different biospheres perfectly acclimatized to support life from distant worlds, scattered all around our planet. From Antarctic bases deep under the ice to aquatic being living in the depths of the sea, most are human and human-looking, some are shape shifting, to blend in with our society.

3x11 Clones Among Us

  • no air date30m

How would you know if the person you just met or someone you knew for a long time is a clone? Emery Smith discusses his exposure to different cloning and 3D printing technologies that are used to create everything from organs and entire bodies. This is becoming prevalent in many clandestine corporate projects, secret government agencies, and extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth. Each of these groups have their own agenda for using this technology, some beneficial for humanity, others with nefarious intent.
