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Days of our Lives

Season 40 2004 - 2005

  • 2004-11-08T11:00:00Z on Peacock
  • 45m
  • 7d 23h 15m (255 episodes)
  • United States
  • English
  • Drama, Soap
"Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of our Lives." These words, spoken by late cast member Macdonald Carey, open every episode of this daytime drama, chronicaling the trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.

255 episodes

Season Premiere


40x01 Ep. #9927

Season Premiere

40x01 Ep. #9927

  • 2004-11-08T11:00:00Z45m

Sami goes to the Carver home to confront Brandon and ask that he leave town, but Lexie informs her that he has already left. Adrift in the ocean, Caroline, Victor, Jack, Cassie, Roman and Marlena are rescued by a Japanese fishing trawler which is also carrying Bart. Jennifer and Bo plead with the coast guard for them to go after the other survivors, but the coast guard says it's too dangerous.


40x02 Ep. #9928

40x02 Ep. #9928

  • 2004-11-09T11:00:00Z45m

The Salem crew managed to convince the coast guard to check out the Japanese trawler to see if there are any survivors on board. After talking to Belle about adjusting Caroline's wedding dress to fit her instead, Sami goes to see Father Jansen, not realising Brandon is on his way there as well. Bonnie worries about her upcoming marriage to Mickey, and seeks spiritual advice from Celeste.


40x03 Ep. #9929

40x03 Ep. #9929

  • 2004-11-10T11:00:00Z45m

In the seas, the coast guard searches for the fishing trawler, and some of the Salemnites begin to make their way home. Bonnie is desperate to get Mickey to the justice of the peace so they can be married. Celeste reads the leaves for Salemnites.


40x04 Ep. #9930

40x04 Ep. #9930

  • 2004-11-11T11:00:00Z45m

Julie is shocked and happy to learn that not only is Doug alive, but Maggie is alive as well! Shawn is shocked to find his parents alive and well in the doorway. Kate walks into a hospital room expecting to find Roman, but it's John instead. Lexie thanks Tek for bringing Abe home to her.


40x05 Ep. #9931

40x05 Ep. #9931

  • 2004-11-12T11:00:00Z45m

Jennifer and Patrick make it home to Abby, who introduces them to her friend Chelsea before meeting her new brother, Jack Patrick Jr. Lexie consults Dr. Nash on Abe's eye problems, wondering if it's an omen of things to come. Maggie is shocked when Bonnie reminds her that since she was legally dead, her marriage was declared null and void.


40x06 Ep. #9932

40x06 Ep. #9932

  • 2004-11-15T11:00:00Z45m

Abby is devastated to realise that Jack is gone for real this time and blames Jennifer, telling her she wishes she were the one who died. Lexie is worried when Brandon decides to hang around Salem for Abe, hoping that he won't get drawn back into Sami's life. Bo and Hope are shocked and suspicious of Shawn's new girlfriend, Jan, who desperately tries to cover up. Sami blames John for him making it home when her parents couldn't.


40x07 Ep. #9933

40x07 Ep. #9933

  • 2004-11-16T11:00:00Z45m

Roman and Marlena come to on the crawler, and are shocked to realise that Tony has taken their blood and clothes to make their families believe that they are dead. Tek has the unwelcome job of informing Lexie that they firmly believe there are no more survivors. Mickey says he can't turn his back on his marriage to Bonnie, and suggests they all live together.


40x08 Ep. #9934

40x08 Ep. #9934

  • 2004-11-17T11:00:00Z45m

Billie admits to Patrick that she was only on the island because she allowed herself to be kidnapped so the ISA could get access to the DiMera mainframe. Sami allows Brandon to comfort her over the death of her parents, but then is left scrambling to explain things to Lucas. Both Belle and Kate are shocked to see how much pain John is in when they visit him in the hospital. Bo and Hope celebrate their homecoming by making love.


40x09 Ep. #9935

40x09 Ep. #9935

  • 2004-11-18T11:00:00Z45m

Bonnie suggests she and Mickey get an annulment in an attempt to manipulate him into choosing her, but he surprises her when he admits that may be for the best. Brandon tries to get Lexie to ease up on Sami, insisting that he and Sami are finished, and she's moving on with Lucas. Doug and Julie scrap their plans for a romantic evening to look after Zack so that Bo and Hope can support Maggie, who is shocked and devastated to see what has happened to her beloved Tuscany. Sami runs into Eugenia and is truly sorry about Eugenia having lost her job, but Eugenia is determined to destroy Sami.


40x10 Ep. #9936

40x10 Ep. #9936

  • 2004-11-19T11:00:00Z45m

Shawn denies his father's insistence that he is in love with Belle and affirms that he plans to marry Jan, then reminds Bo about both Billie and Carly when Bo tries to tell him there is only one true love in each man's life. Sami and Lucas happily welcome Maggie back to Salem, but they are shocked when Maggie tells them that Mickey just married Bonnie. Maggie does a little matchmaking as she pushes Shawn to ask Belle to dance to the song Our Love is Here to Stay. Kate shocks Sami and Lucas by announcing that Basic Black will pay for the wedding and honeymoon. Philip proposes to Belle. Someone injects John's I.V.


40x11 Ep. #9937

40x11 Ep. #9937

  • 2004-11-22T11:00:00Z45m

Before Belle can accept Philip's proposal, a jealous Shawn starts slinging the insults, leaving Belle crushed. After a quick visit to see John and ask for his blessing, Philip again asks Belle if she will marry him, and he agrees. As Billie is saying her goodbyes to Salem she bumps into Celeste. Celeste tells Billie that if she leaves Salem she will be making a big mistake if she leaves Salem, because the key to her future is there. Maggie and Bonnie go at it again and end up chasing each other around the kitchen with butcher knives while Mickey watches helplessly.


40x12 Ep. #9938

40x12 Ep. #9938

  • 2004-11-23T11:00:00Z45m

Bo is desperate to get to Billie before she can get on the plane as he has news for her that will change her life. While Patrick joins forces with Bo to help him, Hope goes to see Jennifer to tell her all about what is going on. Lexie admits to Kate that John may never walk again as a mysterious figure injects John's I.V. The figure watches from the bathroom as John crashes and is brought back. Jennifer gets nothing but attitude from Abby, who continues to blame her for Jack's death. Chelsea promises to talk to Abby for her. Mimi tries to convince Shawn that he is making a mistake by letting Belle marry Philip.


40x13 Ep. #9939

40x13 Ep. #9939

  • 2004-11-24T11:00:00Z45m

Jan wakes up alone, not realising Shawn has gone to Alice's at Mimi's request, and when she finds Belle alone, she brags about her and Shawn's romance. Philip returns from the roof, where he had been taking a phone call, and tells Belle he has been called to the front lines. While getting the bread to stale for Fay's mid-western stuffing, Brandon goes to his wallet for the recipe and instead finds photos of himself and Sami. Lucas and Sami have little success in comforting Will and convincing him that the wedding will go off without a hitch. A knock at the door reveals Alice, who has come to share the Horton family recipes with Sami. Patrick find Billie, who is at the graveyard saying goodbye to Georgia, and takes her to Jennifer's so that Bo can tell her their daughter is still alive.


40x14 Ep. #9940

40x14 Ep. #9940

  • 2004-11-26T11:00:00Z45m

Sami's perfect Thanksgiving is ruined when she and Lucas take things into the bedroom and the turkey burns. Kate shows up and saves the day by announcing she has the perfect place for them to go. Sami and Brandon are both shocked when that perfect place is the Carver house. Billie asks Patrick to help her find out about her daughter, but Bo assures her that they don't need Patrick's help. As Hope jealously watches the two together, Bo and Billie plan to find their little girl. Belle and Philip go to see John and tell him they plan to marry as soon as possible, since Philip is shipping out. Jack misses his wife and son, and Bart, trying to comfort him, says they'll be there soon.


40x15 Ep. #9941

40x15 Ep. #9941

  • 2004-11-29T11:00:00Z45m

When Belle and Philip announce that they plan to get married on the same day as Lucas and Sami, Sami is furious, feeling that Belle is turning into another Carrie. When Belle suggests John walk them both down the aisle, Sami loses it completely. Brandon and Lexie are devastated when Abe admits that the doctor believes his sight is only temporary and he will soon be blind again, but Abe reminds his family he is grateful that he was one of the lucky ones who got to come home. Hope berates Shawn after learning he has been arrested on drinking and driving charges, and is shocked to learn he dropped out of school. They call Bo, but he is busy with Billie.


40x16 Ep. #9942

40x16 Ep. #9942

  • 2004-11-30T11:00:00Z45m

Nicole breaks the news to Jan that neither Colin nor Victor died when they thought they did, meaning she isn't really a murderer. Jan warns her that she could still blow her out of the water to Brady. Upset at Belle's plans to marry on her and Lucas's wedding day, Sami pushes for immediate blood tests, then tells Lucas that she wants to elope. Bo and Billie continue to hunt for Georgia, only to learn that their only clue burned down over a decade ago. Hope is shocked when Bo tells her that should have let Shawn stay in jail.


40x17 Ep. #9943

40x17 Ep. #9943

  • 2004-12-01T11:00:00Z45m

Although Belle admits to Shawn that she still has feelings for him, a desperate Jan gets him drunk back at the loft to keep him away from Belle. Sami is frantic to elope before Celeste's premonitions can come true, but Lucas convinces her to go out for a nice, calming dinner.


40x18 Ep. #9944

40x18 Ep. #9944

  • 2004-12-02T11:00:00Z45m

Philip agrees that it is a good idea that Belle can figure out whether it is he or Shawn in her heart before the wedding, but Jan, not willing to leave anything up to chance, plies Shawn with drugs and booze. Mimi worries that Jan is up to something.


40x19 Ep. #9945

40x19 Ep. #9945

  • 2004-12-03T11:00:00Z45m

Despite their romantic rendezvous in the shower, Brady is relieved that he and Chloe didn't actually make love. Tony pays a visit to Caroline and Victor in his castle and gives them a gift of two doves, which he suggests they name Nicole and Brady. Nancy tries to reassure Chloe that she will always be beautiful, but Chloe is convinced that no one can love someone with her scars.


40x20 Ep. #9946

40x20 Ep. #9946

  • 2004-12-06T11:00:00Z45m

As Bo and Billie discover information that leads them to believe that Georgia is being held prisoner in the DiMera castle, Jennifer warns Hope that Billie will do whatever she has to in order to get Bo back in her life. Later, Bo ruins Hope's plans for a romantic evening by announcing his own plans to go to Europe with Billie. After the collison, Sami is convinced that she and Lucas have killed Brandon, until he opens his eyes. Chloe fantasizes about Brady.


40x21 Ep. #9947

40x21 Ep. #9947

  • 2004-12-07T11:00:00Z45m

Sami and Lucas are devastated to realise that since Sami never filed the annulment papers at the courthouse that she and Brandon are still legally married. Hope is furious to learn that Bo plans to go to Europe with Billie, but he says it is the only way to find Georgia. Jack is desperate to get out of the DiMera castle, but when he asks about Cassie, Tony tells her that she is dead. Abby and Chelsea are caught sneaking into the house after curfew.


40x22 Ep. #9948

40x22 Ep. #9948

  • 2004-12-08T11:00:00Z45m

Mimi calls Belle and leaves a message for Shawn, but while driving with Belle to meet her, they have an accident. Sami, Brandon and Lucas skid off the road in a snowstorm. Hope's power goes out as a knock sounds at the door. Bo dreams of happier times with Billie.


40x23 Ep. #9949

40x23 Ep. #9949

  • 2004-12-09T11:00:00Z45m

Jan leaves Mimi locked in the cage, but Mimi manages to turn the tables. Shawn pulls Belle onto the riverbank and revives her. Kate arrives to pick up Lucas at the gas station. Trapped alone, Sami and Brandon are tense. Bo wonders why Billie kissed him.


40x24 Ep. #9950

40x24 Ep. #9950

  • 2004-12-10T11:00:00Z45m

Brandon admits he loves Sami but vows not to come between her and Lucas. Shawn and Belle try to get warm and dry in the barn. Kate tells Lucas that marrying Sami is a mistake. Mimi and Jan struggle with the gun. John's suffering continues.


40x25 Ep. #9951

40x25 Ep. #9951

  • 2004-12-13T11:00:00Z45m

Hope tries to reach Bo on their old satellite phone. The barn catches fire with Shawn and Belle inside. Roman continues to work on escape plans. Billie and Bo reach the DiMera castle. Lexie is concerned about John. Kate offers to care for John. Sami calls the psychic.


40x26 Ep. #9952

40x26 Ep. #9952

  • 2004-12-14T11:00:00Z45m

Shawn and Belle are rushed to the hospital after the fire. Kate bribes the psychic to give Mimi faulty information. Bo and Billie find clues leading them to Georgia. Rex questions Mimi about what happened to her. Belle finds the courage to level with Philip. Lucas gives Sami the news about Belle.


40x27 Ep. #9953

40x27 Ep. #9953

  • 2004-12-15T11:00:00Z45m

Bo and Billie find Georgia's room and a locked file cabinet. Lucas overhears Sami begging Brandon to stay in Salem. Shawn wonders if his memory is playing tricks on him. Belle tells Philip about her dream in the barn. Lexie says her goodbyes to Brandon.


40x28 Ep. #9954

40x28 Ep. #9954

  • 2004-12-16T11:00:00Z45m

Shawn and Belle have a talk but the misunderstandings continue. Roman and Marlena hear the explosion and hope for a rescue. Bart and the guards try to break down the door. Hope seeks solace from Celeste's readings. Bo has trouble reviving Billie.


40x29 Ep. #9955

40x29 Ep. #9955

  • 2004-12-17T11:00:00Z45m

Mimi brings Shawn, Belle, Philip and Rex to Jan's country house. Chloe's doctor tells her of a surgeon who may be able to help. Bo and Billie are determined to find their daughter. Jan insists she has done nothing wrong. Brady and Nicole visit John.


40x30 Ep. #9956

40x30 Ep. #9956

  • 2004-12-20T11:00:00Z45m

Determined to expose Jan, Mimi leads Philip, Rex, Shawn and Belle to the place where Shawn's cage was. Bo and Billie are left for dead in a pit filled with snakes. Shawn begins to have hazy memories of his imprisonment. Rex and Philip talk about children.


40x31 Ep. #9957

40x31 Ep. #9957

  • 2004-12-21T11:00:00Z45m

Jan accidentally admits that she held Shawn against his will. Bo overcomes the snakes but falls on a sharp spike. Nicole feels festive but Brady's mind is on Chloe. Rex finds a small piece of hardware on the floor. Hope and Doug bail Julie out.


40x32 Ep. #9958

40x32 Ep. #9958

  • 2004-12-22T11:00:00Z45m

Nicole tells Brandon she is tired of competing with a ghost for Brady's love. Bonnie encourages Mimi to tell Rex about the abortion. Sami asks Julie for advice on Brandon and Lucas. Chloe's call to Brady is cut short. Billie realizes Bo is bleeding.


40x33 Ep. #9959

40x33 Ep. #9959

  • 2004-12-23T11:00:00Z45m

Bo, trying to find a flight, meets an old man named Wenceslas. Tony gives Jack a video featuring Jennifer with Patrick. Bo is anxious to get home to his family for Christmas. Grandpa Shawn tries to boost Hope's flagging spirits. Sami and Lucas quarrel.


40x34 Ep. #9960

40x34 Ep. #9960

  • 2004-12-24T11:00:00Z45m

Billie is stung when she sees Bo with his family at church. Bo surprises Hope and Zack, dressed up as Santa Claus. Bo and Shawn fight at the Horton Christmas party. Sami makes a scene at John and Kate's party. Bonnie makes a big impression.


40x35 Ep. #9961

40x35 Ep. #9961

  • 2004-12-27T11:00:00Z45m

Rex and Billie try to authenticate the message to see if it is really from Georgia. Belle sees the Christmas card Sami sent to John and is furious. Shawn awakens with a hangover and Jan offers him a drink. Hope notices the gash on Bo's side and is upset. Sami runs into difficulty getting her annulment.


40x36 Ep. #9962

40x36 Ep. #9962

  • 2004-12-28T11:00:00Z45m

Belle learns that Philip is about to ship out. Sami apologizes to John for sending the card. Nancy scolds Chloe for not going to Brady. Nicole fantasizes about marrying Brady. Brady thinks he spots Chloe at church. Billie wants to search for Georgia.


40x37 Ep. #9963

40x37 Ep. #9963

  • 2004-12-29T11:00:00Z45m

Belle, Philip, Rex, Mimi and Kate work frantically to pull off the wedding. Despite hazy fantasies of marrying Shawn, Belle says she loves Philip. Sami throws a tantrum because she wanted to get married first. Shawn asks Alice for advice about Belle. Bo is ill from his wounds.


40x38 Ep. #9964

40x38 Ep. #9964

  • 2004-12-30T11:00:00Z45m

Bo tells Billie she can't search for Georgia with Patrick, and she appears to acquiesce. John struggles to stand so he can walk his daughter down the aisle. Mimi persuades Belle to call Shawn. Philip has pre-wedding jitters. Jan drugs Shawn's drink.


40x39 Ep. #9965

40x39 Ep. #9965

  • 2004-12-31T11:00:00Z45m

Brady and Nicole have an accident on the way to the church. Shawn tries to return Belle's call but Kate intercepts it. Jan drugs Shawn to keep him from going to the church. John gives Belle gifts her mother had left for her. Hope tends to Bo.


40x40 Ep. #9966

40x40 Ep. #9966

  • 2005-01-03T11:00:00Z45m

Belle hesitates as it comes time to walk down the aisle, as Shawn is determined to stop her from marrying Philip. Billie is determined to leave Salem to search for Georgia, but Bo manages to catch her before the plane takes off. While Brady recovers at the clinic and dreams of Chloe, Chloe realises how much he still loves her. Thanks to closed circuit cameras, Marlena watches as Belle's wedding falls apart. Sami is shocked to see John injecting himself.


40x41 Ep. #9967

40x41 Ep. #9967

  • 2005-01-04T11:00:00Z45m

Shawn crashes into the church, injuring both Belle and Philip. As a result of the crash, St. Luke's catches fire. Shawn apologizes to Belle, but that's no comfort to Philip. Billie doesn't want Bo to come with her, and Hope wonders how she'll tell Bo about this latest stunt. When the nurse notices her medical cart has been broken into, Sami considers turning John in. Nicole worries about Brady, who keeps insisting that Chloe is nearby. Jack escapes from the castle.


40x42 Ep. #9968

40x42 Ep. #9968

  • 2005-01-05T11:00:00Z45m

Shawn demands Belle tell him if he was too late, and if she and Philip are married. He is crushed when she tells him they are. Lucas warns Sami that she cannot make trouble for people, because if something happens to him, she needs to have someone she can lean on, but when she overhears Jan admitting she drugged Shawn, she's intrigued. Bo admits the he still loves Billie as a friend, but if it comes down to choosing between her and Georgia or Hope and the boys, Hope and the boys will always come first. Hope is upset to realise that Bo is not at the house.


40x43 Ep. #9969

40x43 Ep. #9969

  • 2005-01-06T11:00:00Z45m

Kate warns Mimi that she had better not interfere in Philip and Belle's marriage, but Mimi is firmed that, married or not, Belle belongs with Shawn, not Philip. After Shawn and Philip get into it, Lucas and Rex pull Shawn back and Philip breaks the news to Belle that Shawn was both drunk and stoned. Sami eavesdrops and overhears Lexie ask John to look into the drug thefts. Bart asks around about an escaped Jack.


40x44 Ep. #9970

40x44 Ep. #9970

  • 2005-01-07T11:00:00Z45m

Mickey calls Hope to tell her that Shawn has been arrested and it currently at the police station. Kate calls in a personal favor with Judge Fitzpatrick to make sure Shawn faces maximum punishment but when she wavers, Kate goes above her head. The police nearly catch Jack, but he evades their eyes. Later, he nearly comes face to face with Billie.


40x45 Ep. #9971

40x45 Ep. #9971

  • 2005-01-10T11:00:00Z45m

After Billie overhears a furious Hope argue with Billie over why he went to Europe, she encourages him to go home and promises to call if anything comes up. She doesn't mention that she thinks she has a lead on the family who adopted Georgia. Shawn makes bail, thanks to Mickey. Brady, Nicole and Kate realise that John is into drugs after Nicole warns Brady that she recognizes the signs. Jack gets a job on a boat doing laundry in exchange for a ride home.


40x46 Ep. #9972

40x46 Ep. #9972

  • 2005-01-11T11:00:00Z45m

Belle continues to wonder why Shawn stopped the wedding, but when Shawn shows up to see Belle, Philip will not let him in. Chelsea continues her quest to make Patrick fall in love with her and accidentally erases Jack's message. Brady, Kate and Nicole confront John with the truth about his drug abuse. While doing laundry on the freighter, Jack fantasizes about coming home to Jennifer.


40x47 Ep. #9973

40x47 Ep. #9973

  • 2005-01-12T11:00:00Z45m

When Brady confronts his father about his drug problem, John turns the tables on his son and brings up his relationship with Nicole. Shawn begs Mimi to help him meet up with Bellle and even though Jan has warned her not to, Mimi sets up a meeting. When Hope blames Billie for Bo lying to her and going to Europe, Patrick defends her.


40x48 Ep. #9974

40x48 Ep. #9974

  • 2005-01-13T11:00:00Z45m

Jan is determined to punish Mimi for crossing her, and starts telling Rex about Mimi's abortion. Brady confronts John about his drug usage, and John insists the drugs were prescribed for him by a doctor from the I.S.A. Nicole is shocked when both Kate and Brady buy John's apologies. Jennifer is convinced that Billie manipulated Bo into going to Europe with her, but Patrick isn't so sure.


40x49 Ep. #9975

40x49 Ep. #9975

  • 2005-01-14T11:00:00Z45m

Brady believes John when he insists he doesn't have a drug problem and that it's a one-time only thing, but Nicole is convinced that John is lying to them. Kate also believed him, but changes her mind when she sees proof of his addiction. Shawn begs Belle to help him figure out what happened, swearing to her that he never would have returned her purity ring through Jan. Bo and Billie go to the home where they believe Georgia lives, but her 'parents' turn out to be DiMera minions.


40x50 Ep. #9976

40x50 Ep. #9976

  • 2005-01-17T11:00:00Z45m

Jennifer is surprised when Patrick defends Billie, and wonders if he is developing feelings for her. Kate and John again argue as she tries to get him to give up the drugs, but he refuses. Bo blasts Billie for getting them tied to chairs, and believes Georgia was never there.


40x51 Ep. #9977

40x51 Ep. #9977

  • 2005-01-18T11:00:00Z45m

After blasting Mimi for helping Shawn and Belle meet in secret, Sami overhears Jan warn Mimi that if she keeps helping Shawn and Belle, she'll tell the truth about the abortion. Nancy again tries to convince Chloe to tell all her friends the truth, but Chloe threatens to cut her out of her life if she doesn't stop pushing.


40x52 Ep. #9978

40x52 Ep. #9978

  • 2005-01-19T11:00:00Z45m

Maggie offers Bonnie a check to leave town, but Bonnie tells her she's going to stick it out as Mrs. Mickey Horton. Nicole faints after seeing Chloe in the closet, but by the time she and Brady check it out, Chloe is gone. Sami continues to eavesdrop on Mimi and Jan's conversation, but doesn't learn anything new.


40x53 Ep. #9979

40x53 Ep. #9979

  • 2005-01-21T11:00:00Z45m

Via closed-circuit camera Marlena and Roman watch, their hearts breaking, as John and Kate lay in bed together, not realising Kate is only trying to help John deal with his withdrawal symptoms. As Sami threatens to reveal what she knows about Mimi, Lucas warns her to keep her mouth shut.


40x54 Ep. #9980

40x54 Ep. #9980

  • 2005-01-24T11:00:00Z45m

Sami visits Father Jansen at the rectory to talk about her upcoming wedding, and confesses to him all she knows about Mimi's secret abortion, John's drug usage, Jan's abduction and drugging of Shawn, Belle's lust for Shawn while wed to Philip, and her own love for Lucas and Will.


40x55 Ep. #9981

40x55 Ep. #9981

  • 2005-01-25T11:00:00Z45m

Billie wakes from a dream where she and Georgia had reunited, and swears to Bo that she knows their daughter is there. Sami promises Lucas she will play nice as they go to the penthouse so that Sami can get the pearls her grandmother promised her.


40x56 Ep. #9982

40x56 Ep. #9982

  • 2005-01-26T11:00:00Z45m

Shawn continues to beg Mimi to help him get close to Belle, but Mimi tells him she can't continue to lie to Philip. Hope and Patrick arrive in Europe to find Bo and Billie, who are managing to get themselves into even more trouble. Sami is shocked to learn that John gave the pearls she was promised to Belle as a Christmas present.


40x57 Ep. #9983

40x57 Ep. #9983

  • 2005-01-27T11:00:00Z45m

After finding out that Brandon received the e-mail, Eugenia (who used to be a travel agent) hacks into the airline database to find out if Brandon has purchased a ticket yet. Philip tells Belle that he understands that she misses Shawn because part of him does too, but Shawn isn't the same guy anymore. Jan reminds Shawn that Belle and Philip said vows in front of God, but Shawn is sure that Belle will break those vows.


40x58 Ep. #9984

40x58 Ep. #9984

  • 2005-01-28T11:00:00Z45m

Bo and Billie believe they have finally found their daughter, Georgia, but the girl's adoptive parents have other ideas. While Kate and Eugenia still make their plans to break up Brandon and Sami, an air-bound Brandon tells a seatmate about Sami. Mimi locks Jan in a closet to get Shawn and Belle some alone time, and Jan tells her she's sunk.


40x59 Ep. #9985

40x59 Ep. #9985

  • 2005-01-31T11:00:00Z45m

Philip talks about a marine buddy of his who received a Dear John letter and ended up never going home. Jan gives Mimi and Rex a gift of a very realistic looking doll, prompting Rex to wonder if Mimi is pregnant. Even though Hope points out that Georgia LaMarque is unlikely to be their daughter because of their blood types, it takes a letter from Tony to convince Bo and Billie they're looking in the wrong place.


40x60 Ep. #9986

40x60 Ep. #9986

  • 2005-02-01T11:00:00Z45m

Belle decides now is the time to tell Philip that she wants to be with Shawn instead, but Philip gets a call and has to ship out that very day. Mimi tearfully tells Rex all about her abortion while he is in the bathroom, then packs to leave. Hope reminds Bo of how devastated they were when Glen took J.T. from them and suggests that Georgia and her new family will be equally devastated, and he accuses her of not wanting him to find his daughter.


40x61 Ep. #9987

40x61 Ep. #9987

  • 2005-02-02T11:00:00Z45m

Rex finds Mimi packing and tells her to just ignore crazy Jan, admitting that he fell asleep in the bathtub and missed her whole confession. Bo gets jealous as he first sees the picture of Hope and Patrick kissing, then spots Billie in Patrick's arms. Eugenia hacks into the horoscope site to change Sami's horoscope at Kate's insistence. Billie insists Bo return to Salem.


40x62 Ep. #9988

40x62 Ep. #9988

  • 2005-02-03T11:00:00Z45m

When her plan to shut the lights down doesn't work, Jan finds a group of marines and tells them about Shawn trying to break up the marriage of one of their friends, so they rough him up. After realising Brandon is in town, Sami rushes over to the Carver house where she demands to know where he is from Lexie and Celeste, who refuse to play along. Kate drugs first Brandon, then later Sami as she shows up to see him. Dressed as a maid, she lets Sami into Brandon's room as the drugs begin to take effect.


40x63 Ep. #9989

40x63 Ep. #9989

  • 2005-02-04T11:00:00Z45m

Jan reminds Belle how much Philip loves her, and how his death will be on her hands, and Belle tries to convince her how much she loves Philip. Jan points out that at least Shawn has amnesia as his excuse, and wonders how Belle rationalizes cheating on her husband? Mimi apologizes to Rex for helping Belle and Shawn get together and says that's what she tried to tell him in the tub, but every time she looks at the doll Jan left, she sees Jan taunting her. Kate calls Lucas and tells him her P.I. found nothing.


40x64 Ep. #9990

40x64 Ep. #9990

  • 2005-02-07T11:00:00Z45m

Shawn pushes Belle to dump Philip by e-mail, but Belle thinks it would just be too cruel. Later in the loft, Belle is swamped with memories of her first love, which overshadow her memories of her husband. While Eugenia keeps an eye on Sami and Brandon, Kate heads over to Lucas' and turns on the waterworks while pretending to regret hiring a private investigator. Nancy encourages Chloe to be strong while they are at the clinic, even though Chloe still refuses to call Brady. Mimi is tormented by visions of the child she and Rex could have had.


40x65 Ep. #9991

40x65 Ep. #9991

  • 2005-02-08T11:00:00Z45m

Shawn continues to push Belle to tell Philip that things are over between them. Although Belle protests and tells him she loves her husband too, it isn't long before she's preparing to send him a Dear John via e-mail. Jennifer is left trying to referee between a sniping Billie, Bo, Hope and Patrick, fresh back from Europe. She finds herself torn when Patrick comforts Billie. Nicole and Brady meet Clara at the clinic, the little girl whose medical care they are paying for, not realising how close Chloe is. Kate pretends to be devastated that Sami is out with another man.


40x66 Ep. #9992

40x66 Ep. #9992

  • 2005-02-09T11:00:00Z45m

Jack is pleased to realise they're approaching land as he happens to pick up a Salem radio station on the radio. Back in Salem, Jennifer listens to the same station after being comforted by Julie. Abby and Chelsea are at the Cheatin' Heart when Billie and Patrick come in. A jealous Chelsea wants to know what Billie's story is. Chloe is furious with Nancy when she realises Nancy tried to arrange a meeting between her and Brady. Kate tells Lucas that Sami is with Brandon at a hotel.


40x67 Ep. #9993

40x67 Ep. #9993

  • 2005-02-10T11:00:00Z45m

Lucas refuses to believe that Sami would cheat on him the eve of their wedding, but Kate maintains that she is with Brandon at that moment. When a phone call elicits no response, Lucas insists on going down to the hotel, convinced that Sami would never betray him this way. Belle tells Shawn that she just can't break her husband's heart by e-mail, and Shawn reminds her all the pain that lies cause, pointing out that it was Philip's decision to join the Marines. Belle refuses to do anything more until she talks to Mimi. John is desperate for a fix, and even visions of Marlena cannot stop him from buying drugs down at the docks.


40x68 Ep. #9994

40x68 Ep. #9994

  • 2005-02-11T11:00:00Z45m

Bo surprises Hope with a romantic Valentine's Day surprise, but their evening together is interrupted when Bo gets a call from a fellow officer, who has just arrested Billie for being drunk and disorderly down at the Cheatin' Heart. Brady confronts John about his drug addiction when he sees him trying to shoot up, but John insists he is not going to stop. After Mimi is rushed to the hospital, the doctor realises that she is experiencing complications from her abortion. Lucas gets pulled over by a traffic cop while speeding to the hotel to save Sami from Brandon.


40x69 Ep. #9995

40x69 Ep. #9995

  • 2005-02-14T11:00:00Z45m

Sami and Brandon wake to hear an angry knocking on the door. Both are shocked to realise they're in bed together. Sami dives under the covers as Brandon lets Lucas in the door. Bonnie seeks comfort from Belle as the wait for news on Mimi, and tells Belle she's glad she's there for Mimi, then talks about how romantic it will be when Philip comes home. As Brady and John scuffle on the docks, they're overheard by the cops who come to arrest them until John pretends he's there on an I.S.A. mission. After finding Sami in Brandon's bed, Lucas tells Brandon he can have her.


40x70 Ep. #9996

40x70 Ep. #9996

  • 2005-02-15T11:00:00Z45m

Roman and Marlena take a trip down memory lane as Tony pipes rose scent into their room, then watch on the T.V. as Kate, dressed in Marlena's pyjamas, snuggles with John. Bo goes down to the station to get Billie and Patrick out of jail, and is furious with Patrick when he tells Bo he took Billie to the Cheatin' Heart to get a drink. Lucas blasts both Sami and Brandon, unmoved by Sami's tears. He tells Brandon that he is welcome to her and storms out.


40x71 Ep. #9997

40x71 Ep. #9997

  • 2005-02-16T11:00:00Z45m

Lucas tells a devastated Will that Sami chose Brandon over them, and there will be no wedding. Meanwhile, Sami dressed in her wedding dress and shows up at Lucas' door. Brady and John have a heart to heart and Brady tries to get John to move on with his life, but John says that Marlena is the one and only true love of his life. It's the morning after Valetine's Day in Salem as Maggie prepares Mickey a special Valentine's Day breakfast, which Bonnie interrupts.


40x72 Ep. #9998

40x72 Ep. #9998

  • 2005-02-17T11:00:00Z45m

While Belle comforts Mimi in Salem, Philip's buddy Jake tells him about a dangerous mission coming up and how they need volunteers. Philip volunteers in the hopes he can get home sooner. Sami and Brandon both plead her case with Lucas, both convinced that Kate is behind everything. As Sami continues to talk to Lucas, Brandon privately accuses Kate of sending the e-mail. Shawn finally tells Jan that it's over.


40x73 Ep. #9999

40x73 Ep. #9999

  • 2005-02-18T11:00:00Z45m

Belle talks to Mimi, and tries to convince her that everything will be alright between her and Rex, and when Rex comes in, Mimi tells him that it's time she tell him the truth. Philip is looking forward to returning home to Salem and his bride, but Jake reminds him that he needs to be focussed during this mission, or he won't make it. Hope is furious to find out that Billie spent the night in their guest room while Bo slept on the couch. Brandon warns Kate that she will end up losing both her son and her grandson.


40x74 Ep. #10000

40x74 Ep. #10000

  • 2005-02-21T11:00:00Z45m

Belle realises that Philip has signed up for a dangerous mission just to get home and knows she can't put him at risk by breaking his heart now, but changes her mind when Shawn keeps pushing her. Sami is elated when Lucas tells her he still loves her and still wants to marry her, but he breaks her heart when he tells her that even though he loves her, it is over between them for good. Mimi tries to tell Rex the truth about the abortion, but is interrupted when he proposed with an antique ring that just happens to have belonged to a couple from 1905.


40x75 Ep. #10001

40x75 Ep. #10001

  • 2005-02-22T11:00:00Z45m

Patrick and Jennifer talk about Billie and although Patrick defends her, Jennifer swears she knows Billie and that Billie will do anything she has to in order to get what she wants. Sami continues to beg Lucas not to give up on her and Brandon tries to help out. Will won't listen to anything his mother has to say, and blames everything on her. Hope worries that Billie will succeed in coming between her and Bo, and Bo promises that Billie will not stay in their home unless absolutely necessary. Mimi and Rex wait as the doctor's plan to do another test.


40x76 Ep. #10002

40x76 Ep. #10002

  • 2005-02-23T11:00:00Z45m

Brady tries to convince John to move on in his life with Kate. Shawn tries to pressure Belle into telling Philip about them for his own selfish reasons. Kate is thrilled by the outcome that Lucas and Sami won't be getting married after all. Kate puts Roman's house on the market. Sami goes to family members and discovers that she has no one to help her out and no one believes her, Sami vows to make everyone who didn't help her pay.


40x77 Ep. #10003

40x77 Ep. #10003

  • 2005-02-24T11:00:00Z45m

Hope eavesdrops on a conversation Bo has with Zack, and is then touched when he prepares a special evening for them. After she helps her with her singing, Clara encourages Chloe not to give up on the man that she loves. While Lucas and Billie talk about Sami, Will informs his mother that he is moving in with Lucas. Craig asks Nancy to promise she will not interfere in Chloe and Brady's relationship.


40x78 Ep. #10004

40x78 Ep. #10004

  • 2005-02-25T11:00:00Z45m

Marlena and Roman begin kissing in their sleep, waking to Tony coming into their room to tell them all about Sami's heartache. During their special evening together, Hope can't stop talking about how Billie is coming between her and Bo. Nicole tells Brady about seeing Nancy at the clinic and he hurries over, having no idea Chloe is there. Sami is tormented when she sees and hears Revenge everywhere.


40x79 Ep. #10005

40x79 Ep. #10005

  • 2005-02-28T11:00:00Z45m

Bo stops Billie from going to a hotel and tells her she has to stay at the house, then is shocked when she reminds them that this would have been their wedding anniversary. Tony leaves a special dinner for Roman and Marlena, who are shocked to realise that Tony somehow managed to learn their favorite foods from their marriage. John admits that there is more he could have done to help Sami, but Kate tells him Sami's problems are not his problem. Sami opens the door to find a man standing there with an envelope full of cash, and a box full of tricks.


40x80 Ep. #10006

40x80 Ep. #10006

  • 2005-03-01T11:00:00Z45m

Kate walks in on Shawn in Philip's bathrobe and Belle tries to explain that she dropped some lasagne on him but Kate is furious that Belle is already cheating on Philip so soon after their marriage. Hope calls a halt to her and Bo's romantic evening after learning that Billie is back for at least a couple of more days, and Bo again reminds her that she's the only woman he loves. Stan/Sami taunts John with the painkillers, and without Kate there, he comes close to taking them. Philip is determined to get home to his wife.


40x81 Ep. #10007

40x81 Ep. #10007

  • 2005-03-02T11:00:00Z45m

Billie fantasizes about the life she, Bo and Georgia could have had as she dreams about all the anniversaries they might have had if Georgia had lived. John hides the pills he got from Stan/Sami as Kate returns to the apartment with news of Philip's special mission and nearly finds his stash. As the doctors examine Mimi, they learn that something has gone wrong, and tell Mimi that they have bad news for her. Philip decides to go it alone and is captured.


40x82 Ep. #10008

40x82 Ep. #10008

  • 2005-03-03T11:00:00Z45m

Abby and Jennifer argue after Jennifer realises Abby has changed the grades on her report card but Chelsea convinces her to go back in, only to get upset herself when she sees Patrick and Jennifer embracing. After Mimi learns that the abortion has damaged her fallopian tubes and she will never be able to have children, she is devastated, and shares the news of her infertility with Rex. Shawn composes an e-mail to Philip asking him to call home immediately and signing it from Belle, and when he leaves the room, Jan hits the 'send' button.


40x83 Ep. #10009

40x83 Ep. #10009

  • 2005-03-04T11:00:00Z45m

Mimi is nearly in hysterics over the thought that she cannot ever have children, and Bonnie, Belle, Shawn and Rex all try to offer support. As the search team hunts for Philip in vain, the guards tell Tony that Philip nearly killed one of them as they were capturing him. Looking at a photograph of Jack, Jennifer suddenly faints just as the real Jack rushes in to hold her in his arms. Abby and Chelsea both agree that the baby will bind Patrick and Jennifer, which neither of them want.


40x84 Ep. #10010

40x84 Ep. #10010

  • 2005-03-07T11:00:00Z45m

John has another rough night so Kate calls Lexie, and after Kate and Lexie talk about the likelihood of Belle committing adultery with Shawn. Jack and Jennifer share a passionate reunion as he tells her all about his struggles to get home to her. While Philip faces interrogation and torture, Belle decides to break things off with him via e-mail. Jan continues to torment Mimi even after she returns home from the hospital.


40x85 Ep. #10011

40x85 Ep. #10011

  • 2005-03-08T11:00:00Z45m

Hope maintains her conviction that Georgia probably isn't even alive, sparking criticism from both Bo and Billie, just as a bag of 'Georgia Brady's hair winds up on the doorstep. Kate admits to John that she finally put Roman's house on the market, as she could bear to live in that house without him there. As Rex, Mimi and Jan duke it out, Belle comes rushing in, hysterical, to tell them that Philip has been taken hostage. Jack and Jennifer continue their reunion, and Jennifer tells him she wants to take him someplace special.


40x86 Ep. #10012

40x86 Ep. #10012

  • 2005-03-09T11:00:00Z45m

At Chelsea's house, Chelsea and Abby get ready for Chelsea's big night out, with Chelsea decked out to the nines, complete with Jennifer's perfume. Jack and Jennifer are together at the cabin, where Jennifer talks about Abby and Jack Jr., and Jennifer catches Jack up on the Billie situation. Bo and Billie are at the hospital awaiting the DNA results on the sample of hair they brought in, while Hope chats with Lexie. Kate blames Belle and Shawn for Philip being missing in action.


40x87 Ep. #10013

40x87 Ep. #10013

  • 2005-03-10T11:00:00Z45m

Chelsea continues to put the moves on Patrick but things are interrupted when Billie shows up to try to convince Chad the bartender to lean on Jenkins to drop the charges against her and Patrick returns to the back room, where he accuses Eddie of drugging him. John promises to help Kate find Philip. When Shawn remembers the cage, Jan tells him that they liked being kinky together and reminds him that he and Belle were from different worlds. Belle realises she needs to stand by her husband, even if she loses Shawn as a result.


40x88 Ep. #10014

40x88 Ep. #10014

  • 2005-03-11T11:00:00Z45m

Kate encourages Billie to use Georgia to come between Bo and Hope, but Billie reiterates to her mother that Bo and Hope belong together. Later, Billie tells Bo about Philip being missing and, after reminding her Philip is his half-brother as well, embraces Billie. Jack and Jennifer finally make it back to the house, but he is shocked by something he sees outside. Philip is tortured by the guards who insist Belle will find comfort elsewhere, but Philip is convinced Belle would never break the vows they made in front of God. Rex, Mimi, Jan, Shawn and Belle all watch the video the captors forced Philip to make.


40x89 Ep. #10015

40x89 Ep. #10015

  • 2005-03-14T11:00:00Z45m

Belle falls apart while watching the newscast of Philip's abduction. Mimi (knowing Jan is lurking about) suggests Shawn give her some space, so Shawn leaves and when Jan presses him to 'be together', he demands the truth about the previous summer. Hope is adamant that there is no way Shawn would ever interfere in Belle and Philip's marriage, but says Kate's children would commit adultery in a heartbeat. When the real Jennifer comes home, she and the fake Jennifer barely miss seeing each other as Jack wonders what he should do. Bo and Billie are thrilled when the test results show a match.


40x90 Ep. #10016

40x90 Ep. #10016

  • 2005-03-15T11:00:00Z45m

Jack realises that the woman he is dealing with is the imposter, which is proven when she takes off her mask and reveals herself. He knocks her out and takes the gun she was holding on him. While Marlena wakes up after a dream where she and Roman never escaped the castle, Stan offers John a bag of drugs on the pier just as Brady shows up. After a confrontation with Hope where Shawn admits that he is failing in his attempts to get Belle to cheat on Philip, Shawn takes off. Billie and Bo are devastated when another lead peters out.


40x91 Ep. #10017

40x91 Ep. #10017

  • 2005-03-16T11:00:00Z45m

Abby and Chelsea are worried that Patrick will suspect that they were responsible his role in what happened at the Cheatin' Heart, but realise he doesn't suspect a thing. After evading Brady's questions by telling him he worked with John with the I.S.A., Stan runs into Chloe and is shocked to realise she's alive. At a special anniversary party for Alice, she does her best to convince Maggie not to walk away from Mickey. Jack is again subdued by the fake Jennifer.


40x92 Ep. #10018

40x92 Ep. #10018

  • 2005-03-17T11:00:00Z45m

Hope encourages Belle to go to Shawn and to be with him, which is overheard by Kate who later confronts Hope and warns her to stop interfering in Belle and Philip's marriage. Still recovering from the shock of finding out that the DNA tests on the hair follicles prove Georgia is alive, Billie is shaken by a vicious phone call from Stan/Sami. Lucas talks with Jennifer and Alice, and assures them both that he and Sami are over for good. While Bart and Madison hold their guns on Jack, Jack holds a gun on Tony.


40x93 Ep. #10019

40x93 Ep. #10019

  • 2005-03-18T11:00:00Z45m

Hope attempts to convince Kate that Philip and Belle's marriage was a mistake and that Belle and Shawn have the right to be together, but Kate reminds her that Belle vowed to love, honor and cherish Philip. Stan/Sami is inwardly thrilled to run into Will on the docks, but when Lucas shows up and assures Stan/Sami that he and Will's mother are finished, Stan/Sami is destroyed. Bo and Billie listen to a tape of a young girl singing childhood rhymes, but they have been altered for maximum effect.


40x94 Ep. #10020

40x94 Ep. #10020

  • 2005-03-21T11:00:00Z45m

Hope is furious to find Bo comforting Billie, and demands that Bo make a choice: it's either her and the boys, or Billie and Georgia, but it can't go both ways. A drugged Jack is propped up against the door, unable to speak but able to hear as Jennifer, outside, tells Patrick all about their love. After a nightmare where both the men in her life are dead, Belle heads to Lookout Point where she and Shawn are overtaken by passion. Marlena and Roman are again devastated to watch John and Kate getting closer.


40x95 Ep. #10021

40x95 Ep. #10021

  • 2005-03-22T11:00:00Z45m

John promises to help Kate find Philip and pops a pill. When Kate catches him she makes good on her threat to call the cops, but hesitates when John warns her she'l' never find her son if she turns him in. Hope again shoots down the theory that Georgia could be alive and well, and Billie accuses her of not wanting them to find their daughter so she won't have to worry about losing Bo. Bart manages to get Jack out of the house before Patrick and Jennifer come in. When Jack comes to he asks if Patrick is working for the DiMeras, and Bart admits he doesn't know. When Belle refuses to make love to him until Philip learns the truth, Shawn storms off on his bike and soon crashes.


40x96 Ep. #10022

40x96 Ep. #10022

  • 2005-03-23T11:00:00Z45m

Stan/Sami watches as Billie sobs for her daughter on the docks, and is pleased when Billie finds the 'Georgia' doll. While looking for Abby, Patrick finds a sobbing Billie and once again offers to help her find her daughter. Belle rushes to Shawn's aid after his motorcycle accident and tries to get him to the hospital, but he begs her to take him home so that no one will find out he was drinking and driving. After John issues his ultimatum about helping Philip, Kate wonders if she is being punished for all the misery she caused Lucas, Sami and Will. Hope warns Bo that if he continues to put his search for Georgia ahead of her and their sons, she will leave him.


40x97 Ep. #10023

40x97 Ep. #10023

  • 2005-03-24T11:00:00Z45m

At the docks, Billie and Patrick both realise that Bo is going to find a way to blame the doll on Patrick. Down there at the same time, Mimi offers to release Rex from their engagement because she can't have children, but he refuses. Lexie and Abe both try to help Kate and John deal with his drug addiction. While Kate checks on John, Abe and Lexie talk about his losing his sight, and also his inability to make love to her. After learning Shawn has been in an accident, Hope is furious with Bo and blames him for the accident, accusing him of being too concerned with finding his daughter with Billie.


40x98 Ep. #10024

40x98 Ep. #10024

  • 2005-03-25T11:00:00Z45m

Jack manages to knock Tony out and see Marlena and Roman, but Bart soon returns him to his cell. Later, Tony torments Marlena and Roman with images of Kate and John having sex, and the two give in to their own emotions. While Patrick finds out from his contact what he wants done about Billie, Rex catches Chelsea and Abby with fake IDs. John kicks Kate out after she trashes his pills but later changes his mind after taking a pill and begs her to stay. Stan/Sami threatens Mimi with the fact that she knows all about her abortion.


40x99 Ep. #10025

40x99 Ep. #10025

  • 2005-03-28T11:00:00Z45m

Bo and Hope find Shawn and Belle in bed together, and while Bo pulls Shawn aside to talk to him about what he's been doing lately, Hope is secretly pleased that her son is involved with his Belle, despite the fact that she is married to his half-uncle. Stan/Sami meets Chelsea on the docks and tries to help her with a few suggestions. At learning that Chelsea has already tried to drug Patrick to get him into bed, Stan/Sami commends her on her sneakiness, and compares her to Sami Brady. Patrick promises Abby he will stay away from Jennifer while Billie suggests that Jennifer is interested in Patrick.


40x100 Ep. #10026

40x100 Ep. #10026

  • 2005-03-29T11:00:00Z45m

While Belle advises Hope that she is not going to go forward with her relationship with Shawn until after she has a chance to tell her husband the truth, Shawn accuses Bo of being too busy looking for his daughter to care about his other kids. Abby lashes out at Jennifer after seeing how upset Jennifer is when Patrick hugs Billie. Jennifer bursts into tears, and confesses to Abby that she thought Jack had come back, and shows her the dog-eared magazine pages. Stan/Sami and Chelsea both eavesdrop on Patrick and Billie as Patrick, remembering how he promised Abby to stay away from Jennifer, hits on Billie.


40x101 Ep. #10027

40x101 Ep. #10027

  • 2005-03-30T11:00:00Z45m

During a talk with Bo, Shawn begins to have more flashbacks of his time with Jan, and his father makes him swear to talk to him before he confronts Jan. In the castle, Marlena and Roman bask in the afterglow of their lovemaking while, coincidentally enough, John and Kate do the same back in Salem. As Bart watches Tony torture Philip he begs his boss to stop, but Tony tells him that it is all part of his plan. Stan/Sami finds a crying doll and uses it to torture Mimi.


40x102 Ep. #10028

40x102 Ep. #10028

  • 2005-03-31T11:00:00Z45m

While talking about the marriage that never happened, Will asks his father if he thinks maybe Kate could have been to blame, but Lucas assures his son that Kate is innocent. Mimi is convinced she sees someone in the window and calls Rex, but by the time he comes, Stan/Sami is no longer there. After finding a baby bootie, Mimi makes chase. Rex interrupts a talk between Bo, Hope, Belle and Shawn to tell them about a covert mission John has set up to track down Philip. Salem watches as Philip appears in another video feed.


40x103 Ep. #10029

40x103 Ep. #10029

  • 2005-04-01T11:00:00Z45m

Mimi and Lucas search Sami's apartment looking for signs of the mystery man while Stan/Sami hides in the closet, and Stan/Sami is furious to hear Mimi blame Sami's bad karma for everyone's problems. While those in Salem watch a video feed of the hostage rescue mission, Bart frets that they will soon be discovered but Tony tells him that the video feed is yet another of his schemes. Abby tries to comfort Chelsea, who is upset over Billie and Patrick's closeness, while Patrick asks Billie to the Swing Into Spring dance.


40x104 Ep. #10030

40x104 Ep. #10030

  • 2005-04-04T10:00:00Z45m

Nancy again tries to get Chloe to tell Brady that she is really alive by showing her a newspaper clipping of Nicole and Brady together. Chloe agrees to tell him the truth, but changes her mind after seeing her face in the mirrors. Mimi heads down to the docks to find Stan/Sami, but finds Mimi there and assumes that Jan told Stan/Sami about her abortion. The two fight, and wind up in the water together. Stan/Sami calls John to let him know he has more pills for him. John says he doesn't need them, but Stan/Sami advises he'll be at the usual place. Shawn is convinced that he and Rex can find Philip together, but Hope, Belle and Bo try desperately to convince Shawn that the idea is crazy.


40x105 Ep. #10031

40x105 Ep. #10031

  • 2005-04-05T10:00:00Z45m

John confronts Stan/Sami on the docks and after hearing him on the phone threatens to sic the ISA on him. While the two struggle, John realises Stan is actually a woman. When Mimi receives a note from Rex requesting a rendezvous she is convinced he knows all about the abortion, but instead, he has set up a romantic dinner on the roof. Knowing that Nancy plans to tell Brady she is alive, Chloe calls Craig to enlist his help in stopping her which luckily he does, in the nick of time. Nancy then invites Brady to a memorial service for Chloe.


40x106 Ep. #10032

40x106 Ep. #10032

  • 2005-04-06T10:00:00Z45m

Chelsea and Abby watch jealously as Billie and Patrick make plans to go to the Alice's, and once there, Chelsea learns Billie is a recovering alcoholic and spikes her drink. Bo and Hope spot a boat for sale and are reminded of their times on the Fancy Face, and Hope encourages Bo to buy another boat, but he says she and Zack are his priority now. Belle wants to throw Mimi and Rex an engagement party, but Mimi talks her down to a small party with only a few of their closest friends in attendance.


40x107 Ep. #10033

40x107 Ep. #10033

  • 2005-04-07T10:00:00Z45m

Hope ruins the afterglow of making love with Bo on the boat by bringing up all the good times Bo and Billie had together on the Fancy Face. She suggests Patrick as a good man for Billie, but Bo is adamant that Patrick isn't right for her. Stan/Sami offers to help Jan in her plotting, but Jan initially doesn't want any help until Stan/Sami reveals that he knows all about Mimi's abortion and Shawn's kidnapping. Thanks to the spiked drinks, Billie is less inhibited as she dances with Patrick, and Abby warns Chelsea that if they get together, it's all her fault.


40x108 Ep. #10034

40x108 Ep. #10034

  • 2005-04-08T10:00:00Z45m

After hearing noises from upstairs, Bo and Hope walk in on Patrick and Billie in the aftermath of having sex. Hope finds the whole situation amusing until Bo blows up at Hope. Once alone, Hope makes it clear how embarrassed she was, and tells Bo to sleep on the couch. Stan/Sami watches as Mimi and Jan's fight ends in Jan hitting her head, and after telling the cops what he saw, Stan/Sami taunts Mimi about how she'll go to death row. John is furious to see Kate slap Belle, but both Kate and Belle cover for the truth about what really happened. Shawn tries to convince Rex that they can succeed where the ISA has failed in rescuing Philip.


40x109 Ep. #10035

40x109 Ep. #10035

  • 2005-04-11T10:00:00Z45m

While examining Jan, Lexie realises she has a skull fracture and will probably have some brain damage. Tek is the officer in charge of the investigation, and Lexie suggests that Mimi might know what Jan was up to. At the Church, Nicole realises there is something not quite kosher but Nancy soon interrupts, asking Nicole to leave, and urges Brady to say goodbye to Chloe. After seeing a TV news alert about Jan's attack, Mimi accidentally spills coffee on Shawn which brings back his memories of being kidnapped. Far from being furious, Belle actually feels sorry for Jan.


40x110 Ep. #10036

40x110 Ep. #10036

  • 2005-04-12T10:00:00Z45m

Tek tries to get more information about Jan's attack from Mimi, but Bonnie realises her daughter was the one who attacked Jan and covers for her, saying she was in the backroom at Alice's. As a devastated Nicole and a lovestruck Chloe watch on, Brady delivers a beautiful eulogy for Chloe and then proposes to the urn containing Chloe's ashes with Isabella's ring. After telling Jennifer about Billie and Patrick having sex in the spare bedroom, Hope encourages Jennifer to move on with Patrick. Rex finally agrees to go on the mission with Shawn.


40x111 Ep. #10037

40x111 Ep. #10037

  • 2005-04-13T10:00:00Z45m


40x112 Ep. #10038

40x112 Ep. #10038

  • 2005-04-14T10:00:00Z45m


40x113 Ep. #10039

40x113 Ep. #10039

  • 2005-04-15T10:00:00Z45m


40x114 Ep. #10040

40x114 Ep. #10040

  • 2005-04-18T10:00:00Z45m


40x115 Ep. #10041

40x115 Ep. #10041

  • 2005-04-19T10:00:00Z45m


40x116 Ep. #10042

40x116 Ep. #10042

  • 2005-04-20T10:00:00Z45m


40x117 Ep. #10043

40x117 Ep. #10043

  • 2005-04-21T10:00:00Z45m


40x118 Ep. #10044

40x118 Ep. #10044

  • 2005-04-22T10:00:00Z45m


40x119 Ep. #10045

40x119 Ep. #10045

  • 2005-04-25T10:00:00Z45m


40x120 Ep. #10046

40x120 Ep. #10046

  • 2005-04-26T10:00:00Z45m


40x121 Ep. #10047

40x121 Ep. #10047

  • 2005-04-27T10:00:00Z45m


40x122 Ep. #10048

40x122 Ep. #10048

  • 2005-04-28T10:00:00Z45m


40x123 Ep. #10049

40x123 Ep. #10049

  • 2005-04-29T10:00:00Z45m


40x124 Ep. #10050

40x124 Ep. #10050

  • 2005-05-02T10:00:00Z45m


40x125 Ep. #10051

40x125 Ep. #10051

  • 2005-05-03T10:00:00Z45m


40x126 Ep. #10052

40x126 Ep. #10052

  • 2005-05-04T10:00:00Z45m


40x127 Ep. #10053

40x127 Ep. #10053

  • 2005-05-05T10:00:00Z45m


40x128 Ep. #10054

40x128 Ep. #10054

  • 2005-05-06T10:00:00Z45m


40x129 Ep. #10055

40x129 Ep. #10055

  • 2005-05-07T10:00:00Z45m


40x130 Ep. #10056

40x130 Ep. #10056

  • 2005-05-10T10:00:00Z45m


40x131 Ep. #10057

40x131 Ep. #10057

  • 2005-05-11T10:00:00Z45m


40x132 Ep. #10058

40x132 Ep. #10058

  • 2005-05-12T10:00:00Z45m


40x133 Ep. #10059

40x133 Ep. #10059

  • 2005-05-13T10:00:00Z45m


40x134 Ep. #10060

40x134 Ep. #10060

  • 2005-05-16T10:00:00Z45m


40x135 Ep. #10061

40x135 Ep. #10061

  • 2005-05-17T10:00:00Z45m


40x136 Ep. #10062

40x136 Ep. #10062

  • 2005-05-18T10:00:00Z45m


40x137 Ep. #10063

40x137 Ep. #10063

  • 2005-05-19T10:00:00Z45m


40x138 Ep. #10064

40x138 Ep. #10064

  • 2005-05-20T10:00:00Z45m


40x139 Ep. #10065

40x139 Ep. #10065

  • 2005-05-23T10:00:00Z45m


40x140 Ep. #10066

40x140 Ep. #10066

  • 2005-05-24T10:00:00Z45m


40x141 Ep. #10067

40x141 Ep. #10067

  • 2005-05-25T10:00:00Z45m


40x142 Ep. #10068

40x142 Ep. #10068

  • 2005-05-26T10:00:00Z45m


40x143 Ep. #10069

40x143 Ep. #10069

  • 2005-05-27T10:00:00Z45m


40x144 Ep. #10070

40x144 Ep. #10070

  • 2005-05-30T10:00:00Z45m

The Marines arrive to save our hostages and Tony is arrested. Philip finds himself in a life threatening situation. Bo plans a romantic getaway with Hope.


40x145 Ep. #10071

40x145 Ep. #10071

  • 2005-05-31T10:00:00Z45m

Roman suggests a welcome home party for everyone, held at Alice's.


40x147 Ep. #10073

40x147 Ep. #10073

  • 2005-06-02T10:00:00Z45m

Jack collapses on the kitchen floor!


40x148 Ep. #10074

40x148 Ep. #10074

  • 2005-06-06T10:00:00Z45m

Welcome home from the war zone everyone; the party commences at Alice's.


40x149 Ep. #10075

40x149 Ep. #10075

  • 2005-06-07T10:00:00Z45m

Brady is in s rush to get back to Salem after hearing Chloe's voice on the phone. A tearful Mimi learns that the judge has moved up her sentencing to the same day as her wedding to Rex. Sami is reunited with her parents.


40x150 Ep. #10076

40x150 Ep. #10076

  • 2005-06-08T10:00:00Z45m

Chloe has made a decision about Brady. Bo and Roman vow to find Victor and Caroline.


40x151 Ep. #10077

40x151 Ep. #10077

  • 2005-06-09T10:00:00Z45m

While on their romantic getaway, Bo and Hope agree to stop arguing and make love on the beach.


40x152 Ep. #10078

40x152 Ep. #10078

  • 2005-06-10T10:00:00Z45m

Chloe watches from the bushes while Nicole explains to Brady that the phone call with Chloe was simply a DiMera plot. Belle and Mimi commisserate over Philip's amputated leg while Belle prepares to go to Germany. Hope pushes for Shawn and Belle to be together but Bo believes she needs to honor her marriage vows.


40x153 Ep. #10079

40x153 Ep. #10079

  • 2005-06-13T10:00:00Z45m

Chloe returns to the clinic and tells Craig that she doesn't think she'll ever be able to tell Brady the truth. Belle admits to Marlena and John that part of her still loves Philip and she wants to be there for him. Nicole is convinced that Sami and Stan are one and the same.


40x154 Ep. #10080

40x154 Ep. #10080

  • 2005-06-14T10:00:00Z45m

Belle is upset over Philip's injuries.


40x155 Ep. #10081

40x155 Ep. #10081

  • 2005-06-15T10:00:00Z45m

Belle wants to be the person to tell Philip his leg has been amputated. Marlena feels ill and seeks medical advice. Lucas warns Brady that Nicole can’t be trusted.


40x156 Ep. #10082

40x156 Ep. #10082

  • 2005-06-16T10:00:00Z45m

Marlena doesn’t believe the results of her test and asks the lab to run them again. When Roman sees the lab results Marlena lies and says they belong to a patient. Nicole and Sami scheme to cover their tracks.


40x157 Ep. #10083

40x157 Ep. #10083

  • 2005-06-17T10:00:00Z45m

Brady assures Lucas that he is on to Nicole. Lucas is determined to find out exactly who Stan is. Shawn prepares to go to Germany.


40x158 Ep. #10084

40x158 Ep. #10084

  • 2005-06-20T10:00:00Z45m

Marlena has a consultation with Dr. Bader, who tells her that her pregnancy could be in jeopardy. Rex tries again to get Mimi to tell him the truth, but she bolts. Billie has a new suggestion for finding Georgia, and is disgusted to learn Hope helped Shawn go to Germany to break up Philip and Belle.


40x159 Ep. #10085

40x159 Ep. #10085

  • 2005-06-21T10:00:00Z45m

Sami tries to make things up with Will and Lucas, and when Roman comes by, states that Tony forced her to do what she did. Marlena and Mimi talk, and Mimi admits that she hasn't been able to tell Rex the truth. Brady pushes Nicole away, telling her that as long as there is a possibility that Victor is alive he cannot be involved with his step-grandmother. Shawn wakes Belle in Germany and she leaves Philip's room to talk to him, but when Philip calls, she hurries in to her husband.


40x160 Ep. #10086

40x160 Ep. #10086

  • 2005-06-22T10:00:00Z45m

Shawn wants to be alone to talk to Belle. Philip wakes up in and experiences phantom limb pain.


40x161 Ep. #10087

40x161 Ep. #10087

  • 2005-06-23T10:00:00Z45m

Jack is determined to spend his remaining time with his family. Philip confronts Shawn about his true feelings for Belle. A suspicious Brady follows Nicole to the clinic. Tek and Lexie make love. Chelsea and Abby are thrilled to spend time with their hero, Max Brady.


40x162 Ep. #10088

40x162 Ep. #10088

  • 2005-06-24T10:00:00Z45m

After catching Shawn and Belle in an embrace, Philip wants to know what is going on between them. Nancy refuses to share any information about Chloe with Brady.


40x163 Ep. #10089

40x163 Ep. #10089

  • 2005-06-27T10:00:00Z45m

Frankie Brady surprises Jennifer.


40x164 Ep. #10090

40x164 Ep. #10090

  • 2005-06-28T10:00:00Z45m

Max and Chelsea heat things up.


40x165 Ep. #10091

40x165 Ep. #10091

  • 2005-06-29T10:00:00Z45m

Brady confronts Nicole and accuses her of interfering with his relationship with Chloe. Chloe defends Nicole and tells Brady that it was her idea to deceive him. Philip gets a visit from Heather Mills McCartney at the hospital. Belle decides to stay with Philip.


40x166 Ep. #10092

40x166 Ep. #10092

  • 2005-07-04T10:00:00Z45m

Bo surprises Hope with their new boat, the Fancy Face III, and the two give their new boat a very romantic christening. While Heather continues her talk with Philip about how he won't be a burden, Belle makes it clear to Shawn that her choice is Philip. Chloe continues to hide her face from Brady as he blames Nicole for her 'death'.


40x167 Ep. #10093

40x167 Ep. #10093

  • 2005-07-05T10:00:00Z45m

Bonnie sends a cake with a file in it to Mimi at the prison, but the metal detectors catch it. Patrick offers Mimi advice on her black eye, but Bonnie is horrified to realise that this could be her daughter's life. John warns that if she continues to attack Sami, Roman and Marlena will turn on her as Sami is still their daughter, no matter what she's done. Lucas remains convinced that Sami made the choice to sleep with Brandon, leaving Sami more determined than ever to prove Kate was behind it. Chloe reveals her face to Brady, but he doesn't even see her scars when he looks at her. She finally starts to believe they may have a future after all.


40x168 Ep. #10094

40x168 Ep. #10094

  • 2005-07-06T10:00:00Z45m

Nicole seeks Sami's help in getting Brady back. Jack brings Jennifer out for a romantic evening. Rex hopes new videotape evidence will free Mimi.


40x169 Ep. #10095

40x169 Ep. #10095

  • 2005-07-07T10:00:00Z45m

Mimi guesses that Marlena is pregnant when she comes to visit. Lucas catches Nicole and Sami scheming. Rex is so confidant that the video tape will free Mimi, he tells her about it.


40x170 Ep. #10096

40x170 Ep. #10096

  • 2005-07-08T10:00:00Z45m

Philip, Belle and Shawn return home from Germany, but Shawn gets less than a hero's welcome when Roman arrests him for leaving the country. Rex brings Mimi home from jail just in time for Belle and Mimi to have a heart to heart about the men in Belle's life. Marlena admits to Roman that he is the father of her baby, and the two are lost for words when John arrives with plans to celebrate his and Marlena's wedding anniversary. Shawn gets himself deeper in hot water by telling Kate that if Philip hadn't lost his leg that Belle would never have chosen him.


40x171 Ep. #10097

40x171 Ep. #10097

  • 2005-07-11T10:00:00Z45m


40x172 Ep. #10098

40x172 Ep. #10098

  • 2005-07-12T10:00:00Z45m


40x173 Ep. #10099

40x173 Ep. #10099

  • 2005-07-13T10:00:00Z45m


40x174 Ep. #10100

40x174 Ep. #10100

  • 2005-07-14T10:00:00Z45m


40x175 Ep. #10101

40x175 Ep. #10101

  • 2005-07-15T10:00:00Z45m


40x176 Ep. #10102

40x176 Ep. #10102

  • 2005-07-18T10:00:00Z45m


40x177 Ep. #10103

40x177 Ep. #10103

  • 2005-07-19T10:00:00Z45m


40x178 Ep. #10104

40x178 Ep. #10104

  • 2005-07-20T10:00:00Z45m


40x179 Ep. #10105

40x179 Ep. #10105

  • 2005-07-21T10:00:00Z45m


40x180 Ep. #10106

40x180 Ep. #10106

  • 2005-07-22T10:00:00Z45m


40x181 Ep. #10107

40x181 Ep. #10107

  • 2005-07-25T10:00:00Z45m


40x182 Ep. #10108

40x182 Ep. #10108

  • 2005-07-26T10:00:00Z45m


40x183 Ep. #10109

40x183 Ep. #10109

  • 2005-07-27T10:00:00Z45m


40x184 Ep. #10110

40x184 Ep. #10110

  • 2005-07-28T10:00:00Z45m


40x185 Ep. #10111

40x185 Ep. #10111

  • 2005-07-29T10:00:00Z45m


40x186 Ep. #10112

40x186 Ep. #10112

  • 2005-08-01T10:00:00Z45m


40x187 Ep. #10113

40x187 Ep. #10113

  • 2005-08-02T10:00:00Z45m


40x188 Ep. #10114

40x188 Ep. #10114

  • 2005-08-03T10:00:00Z45m


40x189 Ep. #10115

40x189 Ep. #10115

  • 2005-08-04T10:00:00Z45m


40x190 Ep. #10116

40x190 Ep. #10116

  • 2005-08-05T10:00:00Z45m


40x191 Ep. #10117

40x191 Ep. #10117

  • 2005-08-08T10:00:00Z45m


40x192 Ep. #10118

40x192 Ep. #10118

  • 2005-08-09T10:00:00Z45m


40x193 Ep. #10119

40x193 Ep. #10119

  • 2005-08-10T10:00:00Z45m


40x194 Ep. #10120

40x194 Ep. #10120

  • 2005-08-11T10:00:00Z45m


40x195 Ep. #10121

40x195 Ep. #10121

  • 2005-08-12T10:00:00Z45m


40x196 Ep. #10122

40x196 Ep. #10122

  • 2005-08-15T10:00:00Z45m


40x197 Ep. #10123

40x197 Ep. #10123

  • 2005-08-16T10:00:00Z45m


40x198 Ep. #10124

40x198 Ep. #10124

  • 2005-08-17T10:00:00Z45m


40x199 Ep. #10125

40x199 Ep. #10125

  • 2005-08-18T10:00:00Z45m


40x200 Ep. #10126

40x200 Ep. #10126

  • 2005-08-19T10:00:00Z45m


40x201 Ep. #10127

40x201 Ep. #10127

  • 2005-08-22T10:00:00Z45m


40x202 Ep. #10128

40x202 Ep. #10128

  • 2005-08-23T10:00:00Z45m


40x203 Ep. #10129

40x203 Ep. #10129

  • 2005-08-24T10:00:00Z45m


40x204 Ep. #10130

40x204 Ep. #10130

  • 2005-08-25T10:00:00Z45m


40x205 Ep. #10131

40x205 Ep. #10131

  • 2005-08-26T10:00:00Z45m


40x206 Ep. #10132

40x206 Ep. #10132

  • 2005-08-29T10:00:00Z45m


40x207 Ep. #10133

40x207 Ep. #10133

  • 2005-08-30T10:00:00Z45m


40x208 Ep. #10134

40x208 Ep. #10134

  • 2005-08-31T10:00:00Z45m


40x209 Ep. #10135

40x209 Ep. #10135

  • 2005-09-01T10:00:00Z45m


40x210 Ep. #10136

40x210 Ep. #10136

  • 2005-09-02T10:00:00Z45m


40x211 Ep. #10137

40x211 Ep. #10137

  • 2005-09-05T10:00:00Z45m


40x212 Ep. #10138

40x212 Ep. #10138

  • 2005-09-06T10:00:00Z45m


40x213 Ep. #10139

40x213 Ep. #10139

  • 2005-09-07T10:00:00Z45m


40x214 Ep. #10140

40x214 Ep. #10140

  • 2005-09-08T10:00:00Z45m


40x215 Ep. #10141

40x215 Ep. #10141

  • 2005-09-09T10:00:00Z45m


40x216 Ep. #10142

40x216 Ep. #10142

  • 2005-09-12T10:00:00Z45m


40x217 Ep. #10143

40x217 Ep. #10143

  • 2005-09-13T10:00:00Z45m


40x218 Ep. #10144

40x218 Ep. #10144

  • 2005-09-14T10:00:00Z45m


40x219 Ep. #10145

40x219 Ep. #10145

  • 2005-09-15T10:00:00Z45m


40x220 Ep. #10146

40x220 Ep. #10146

  • 2005-09-16T10:00:00Z45m


40x221 Ep. #10147

40x221 Ep. #10147

  • 2005-09-19T10:00:00Z45m


40x222 Ep. #10148

40x222 Ep. #10148

  • 2005-09-20T10:00:00Z45m


40x223 Ep. #10149

40x223 Ep. #10149

  • 2005-09-21T10:00:00Z45m


40x224 Ep. #10150

40x224 Ep. #10150

  • 2005-09-22T10:00:00Z45m


40x225 Ep. #10151

40x225 Ep. #10151

  • 2005-09-23T10:00:00Z45m


40x226 Ep. #10152

40x226 Ep. #10152

  • 2005-09-26T10:00:00Z45m


40x227 Ep. #10153

40x227 Ep. #10153

  • 2005-09-27T10:00:00Z45m


40x228 Ep. #10154

40x228 Ep. #10154

  • 2005-09-28T10:00:00Z45m


40x229 Ep. #10155

40x229 Ep. #10155

  • 2005-09-29T10:00:00Z45m


40x230 Ep. #10156

40x230 Ep. #10156

  • 2005-09-30T10:00:00Z45m


40x231 Ep. #10157

40x231 Ep. #10157

  • 2005-10-03T10:00:00Z45m


40x232 Ep. #10158

40x232 Ep. #10158

  • 2005-10-04T10:00:00Z45m


40x233 Ep. #10159

40x233 Ep. #10159

  • 2005-10-05T10:00:00Z45m


40x234 Ep. #10160

40x234 Ep. #10160

  • 2005-10-06T10:00:00Z45m


40x235 Ep. #10161

40x235 Ep. #10161

  • 2005-10-07T10:00:00Z45m


40x236 Ep. #10162

40x236 Ep. #10162

  • 2005-10-10T10:00:00Z45m


40x237 Ep. #10163

40x237 Ep. #10163

  • 2005-10-11T10:00:00Z45m


40x238 Ep. #10164

40x238 Ep. #10164

  • 2005-10-12T10:00:00Z45m


40x239 Ep. #10165

40x239 Ep. #10165

  • 2005-10-13T10:00:00Z45m


40x240 Ep. #10166

40x240 Ep. #10166

  • 2005-10-14T10:00:00Z45m


40x241 Ep. #10167

40x241 Ep. #10167

  • 2005-10-17T10:00:00Z45m


40x242 Ep. #10168

40x242 Ep. #10168

  • 2005-10-18T10:00:00Z45m


40x243 Ep. #10169

40x243 Ep. #10169

  • 2005-10-19T10:00:00Z45m


40x244 Ep. #10170

40x244 Ep. #10170

  • 2005-10-20T10:00:00Z45m


40x245 Ep. #10171

40x245 Ep. #10171

  • 2005-10-21T10:00:00Z45m


40x246 Ep. #10172

40x246 Ep. #10172

  • 2005-10-24T10:00:00Z45m


40x247 Ep. #10173

40x247 Ep. #10173

  • 2005-10-25T10:00:00Z45m


40x248 Ep. #10174

40x248 Ep. #10174

  • 2005-10-26T10:00:00Z45m


40x249 Ep. #10175

40x249 Ep. #10175

  • 2005-10-27T10:00:00Z45m


40x250 Ep. #10176

40x250 Ep. #10176

  • 2005-10-28T10:00:00Z45m


40x251 Ep. #10177

40x251 Ep. #10177

  • 2005-10-31T11:00:00Z45m


40x252 Ep. #10178

40x252 Ep. #10178

  • 2005-11-01T11:00:00Z45m


40x253 Ep. #10179

40x253 Ep. #10179

  • 2005-11-02T11:00:00Z45m


40x254 Ep. #10180

40x254 Ep. #10180

  • 2005-11-03T11:00:00Z45m


40x255 Ep. #10181

40x255 Ep. #10181

  • 2005-11-04T11:00:00Z45m


40x256 Ep. #10182

40x256 Ep. #10182

  • 2005-11-07T11:00:00Z45m