Solid episode. Just like last week's installment they didn't fly in actors from the UK. I always like this type of episode better. Improves the Caribbean vibe. It's also one of the better cases.

The B-plot with the Commissioner and his daughter progresses. Good sub-plot. As mysterious as the man himself.

I don't understand why they didn't go through with the prank they played on Marlon. He wasn't supposed to take the real exam at that day.

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I honestly really dislike this episode and the way the show treated Selwyn's B-side plot. This man outright told his daughter he was not up to meeting her yet, and she CHOSE to come despite this. Then she has the gall to be angry at him for not being super duper enthusiastic. Mind you, he was not mean, he was not rude, he was not dismissive. He was just... out of it. Yet the show chose to make him the "bad guy" in the situation. His daughter should've given him more time. And if she was unwilling to do so, then she should've had the grace not to write him off because he didn't look at her childhood photos for one night--the same photos that just hammer in the fact he was NOT a part of her childhood, through no fault of his own. Honestly, f this narrative, and f the show's decision to make Catherine for being holier than thou and blame and berate him for his completely honest reaction that he was very open and upfront about. Just... everything about this annoyed me.

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