In my opinion, this was definitely one of the strongest episodes Paradise in Death has had this season (and maybe in a couple of seasons)! I thought both the mystery and the side plot were well done. The mystery made me sad, as did its conclusion, but it brought about one of the sweetest interactions Neville and Darene have had to date. It was lovely to see him being the one to comfort her for once, seeing as she is always so on top of everything. I also think the side plot was well done. Neville is still grappling with the aftereffects of Sophie's betrayal in a very believable way. I am super glad he chose to be active rather than wallow in his self-doubt. Still, I firmly believe that Sunshine Chaser is Florance. The show has set up too many breadcrumbs for it not to be her. So it will be interesting to see how that unfolds, considering Neville's distrust.

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This was a very good episode and introducing a get rich crypto scheme in the plot was a good touch which keeps the series topical. But the ongoing trope of Death in Paradise is that if all the characters have air tight alibis, then the death must have happened earlier than thought. You could see that coming a mile away

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