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Dinosaur War Izenborg

All Episodes 1977 - 1978

  • Ended
  • #<Network:0x00007f98bffa1540>
  • 1977-10-07T10:30:00Z
  • 25m
  • 16h 15m (39 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Tsuburaya Productions + 1 more, Studio Deen
  • Anime, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Dinosaur War Izenborg was a Japanese television program produced by Tsuburaya Productions that aired from 1977 to 1978 on Tokyo 12 Channel. It combined Tsuburaya's trademark suitmation tokusatsu techniques with Japanese Animation, so this program can be categorized anime or Daikaiju tokusatsu. The show runs for about 39 episodes.

39 episodes

The massive gorgosaurus, Gorgo, was the first dinosaur Ururu sent to the surface to fight humanity and the D-Force. However, Gorgo could not do this alone, as he had to take over the mind of man's best friend and turn them into humanity's worst nightmare. As the pack of dogs ran through the streets of Tokyo, the massive reptile joined the brutal assault! Bursting out of the ground, Gorgo stomped through the streets of Tokyo, roaring his fury and using his massive head as a battering ram to destroy buildings around him. Soon, his dogs found a school and Gorgo followed, stomping on the building with his massive feet. The D-Force soon arrived and started to fire missiles at the saurian to no avail. After trying to bring down the ship with his flame breath, the Tachibana twins combined, turning their ship into Super Aizenborg.

1x02 (2) Good and close call! Love

  • 1977-10-14T10:30:00Z25m

After Gorgo failed, Ururu demanded a warrior of the sky to be his next fighter. The monster who answered his call already slept in a cave on the surface of the world. As two cave spelunkers wandered into the cavern, Terano used his hypnotic eyes to take over the minds of a colony of bats living in the darkness. In no time, the bats reduced the humans to skeletons and the gigantic, winged reptile took to the sky with a swarm of red bats following closely behind! The pterosaur and bats attacked planes and helicopters until the D-Force was called, and Zen was sent to represent them in a meeting with the self-defense forces and Prime Ministers. It wasn't long before Terano lead his swarm into Tokyo, and luck would have it, he fired his flame breath at the building the meeting was taking place! Soon, after ramming his beak into the building, the Super Aizenborg was formed! A dog fight quickly ensued, but the vicious dinosaur’s wing membrane was cut by the ship’s rotary saw.

The third saurian to be recruited by Ururu was the plated dinosaur Stella. The massive stegosaur burrowed his way under a power plant in the middle of Tokyo and waited. Workers, who came down to the sewers to inspect the damage from the recent ground tremors, found a massive hole in the wall, but could only find a tiny rat. But a strange sound filled the air, causing the rat to grow red in color and screech at the two men! What followed was a wave of rats, hungry for flesh! After the D-Force was called in, the rats flooded out into the streets, attacking humans and machinery alike. Not long after, the ground cracked open to reveal the culprit of the chaos. Stella instantly went to work charging through refineries, but the Super Aizenborg flew into attack mode, Using his heat beam, he tried to ground the flying warship, but the machine was too durable to be brought down by such a tactic.

Mere days after Stella's attack, Ururu sent out his next monster, the styracosaur Chirako! Burrowing through the ground at high speeds, the horned dinosaur burst through the streets of Tokyo, roaring his arrival, only to be answered by the D-Force firing missiles at the armored monster. Shrugging off the assault, Chirako charged at the ground vehicle Aizen 1, which moved quickly out of the way, causing the enraged dinosaur to run head first into a building. When Ai and Zen went to combine into Super Aizenborg, they found a massive crater where the saurian once stood. It wasn't long before Chirako reappeared, bursting out of the ground near Tokyo Tower! With a well aimed blast, the dinosaur fired his heat beam at the tower's foundation, causing it to tip! The Super Aizenborg flew in, using itself to prop the building up for the civilians to escape, as Chirako once again disappeared underground. When the allosaur Arrow joined the attack, his fight with the D-Force was interrupted.

Flying out of a cave, the cackling pteranodon took flight! Terara now took over where his younger brother, Terano, had failed! Swooping in and dive bombing jets and helicopters, the flying reptile was then informed to free a comrade. Flying circles over a massive mound of rocks, the winged nightmare used his wings to free the massive ankylosaur Aroro! Taking to the skies again, Terara vanished off the radar when the Super Aizenborg flew into fight the armored tank of a dinosaur. However, when a second fight with the Aizenborg knocked Aroro on his back, the screeching cackle of Terara filled the sky. In a gruesome display of kaiju murder, Terara open fired on his ally and destroyed the armored juggernaut before turning his attention on the Super Aizenborg! Unfortunately for the ancient killer, no amount of nose dives and fiery breath could stop the flying battleship. The Aizenborg's drill whirled and the saw blades spun to life as Terara dive bombed again.

Living in Mt. Fuji's plentiful forest, Monora was hypnotized by a woman playing a flute. The music seemed to lull the monster into a sluggish state, almost peaceful. It wasn't until Ururu's bellowing roar awoke Monora's rage and he chased the woman out of the forest. Days later, the woman was contacted by the D-Force, who used her flute playing to their advantage, luring the monster out of hiding! Monora seemed to be willingly cooperating with the humans and not even Ururu's massive roars could awaken him! The woman's flute playing allowed for the D-Force to fire a net over the monochroceratop’s body, and as she kept playing, Monora fell asleep! Soon, the woman became aware of what the D-Force was planning, and played a different song on her flute, sending Monora into a rage. Breaking free from his nets, the ceratopsian attacked anything that moved with hellfire.

In a mountain range, Alulu was summoned towards Tokyo with a special mission from Ururu. Find, protect, and make sure eggs of the future warriors against humanity hatch! The allosaur, however, met with resistance from both the self-defense forces and the D-Force, as they bombarded him with missiles and explosives! Alulu fought back, spitting a deadly flame from his mouth, trying to destroy the areal weapons. Alulu slowly made his way into Tokyo, while destroying anything in his path. In the height of his destruction, Alulu was united with his allies for the mission: Mororo and Sutego! After a brief meeting between the trio, the human forces sent in their jets once more! Alulu seemed to take the most time to try and knock the flying machines out of the sky with his fire breath, succeeding in doing so. Then, under Ururu's orders, the trio huddled, roaring a plan, and then separated.

Late in the night, in a dark forest, a shriek of pain echoed through the air. Slowly, Torara made her way into a shallow lake near a power plant. The tarbosaurus fell to her side, screaming in pain, clutching at her stomach. As the minutes passed, the poor reptile thrashed about in utter pain until relief came, in the form of a giant egg emerging from the water nearby! The D-Force was alerted that a new mother dinosaur was present near a power plant, and they were deployed. As a mother, Torara had to protect her unhatched children from the attackers! With a stream of flames from her mouth, she showed a mother's true fury, but when Ai and Zen combined, forming the Super Aizenborg, even the mother's protective instinct couldn't overcome humanity’s guardian. The battleship drilled through her belly, instantly killing the reptilian parent before she ever got the chance to see her offspring.

A species of mosasaur was found off the island nation of Japan, dubbed the Chirosaurs, and both the D-Force and Ururu wanted to study these creatures. In order to learn more about the aquatic reptiles, Ururu dispatched Parasa to guard the saurians. The massive hadrosaur was soon put to the test when the D-Force raced to the island and were instantly bombarded with heat beam after heat beam from the duckbilled dinosaur. However, the saurian retreated back into a cave after a barrage of missiles scored a direct hit. After a while, Parasa was lured out of the cave and into the ocean, where the twins combined, transforming the Aizenborg 1 into the Super Aizenborg! With Parasa in the water, the battleship dove under the waves, and after a brief moment of silence, two halves of the dinosaur slowly floated up to the surface, signifying the end of Parasa.

A series of earthquakes rocked the foundation of a hydroelectric dam, one after another, day and night, non-stop. There were no reported fault lines, so this supernatural phenomenon was reported to the D-Force, who instantly thought it was the work of a dinosaur. Late one afternoon, their hunch was proven correct! Ororo, a second massive gorgosaur, burst out of the ground and slowly made his way towards the dam! Using his hypnotic eye, he brainwashed a white cat named Neko, who was ordered to kill anyone who tried to interfere. Soon, the D-Force deployed Aizenborg 1 and 2, and the fight was on! Ororo shrugged off their laser and missile attacks, making the war seem futile. It wasn't until Ai and Zen combined and turned the Aizenborg 1 into the Super Aizenborg did Ororo pay them any attention. After almost getting grounded by the beast's terrible flame breath, the warship flew by the monster several times, confusing him and causing him to fall on his back.


1x11 (11) 11

1x11 (11) 11

  • 1977-12-16T10:30:00Z25m


1x12 (12) 12

1x12 (12) 12

  • 1977-12-23T10:30:00Z25m


1x13 (13) 13

1x13 (13) 13

  • 1977-12-30T10:30:00Z25m


1x14 (14) 14

1x14 (14) 14

  • 1978-01-06T10:30:00Z25m


1x15 (15) 15

1x15 (15) 15

  • 1978-01-13T10:30:00Z25m


1x16 (16) 16

1x16 (16) 16

  • 1978-01-20T10:30:00Z25m


1x17 (17) 17

1x17 (17) 17

  • 1978-01-27T10:30:00Z25m


1x18 (18) 18

1x18 (18) 18

  • 1978-02-03T10:30:00Z25m


1x19 (19) 19

1x19 (19) 19

  • 1978-02-10T10:30:00Z25m


1x20 (20) 20

1x20 (20) 20

  • 1978-02-27T10:30:00Z25m


1x21 (21) 21

1x21 (21) 21

  • 1978-02-24T10:30:00Z25m


1x22 (22) 22

1x22 (22) 22

  • 1978-03-03T10:30:00Z25m


1x23 (23) 23

1x23 (23) 23

  • 1978-03-10T10:30:00Z25m


1x24 (24) 24

1x24 (24) 24

  • 1978-03-17T10:30:00Z25m


1x25 (25) 25

1x25 (25) 25

  • 1978-03-24T10:30:00Z25m


1x26 (26) 26

1x26 (26) 26

  • 1978-03-31T10:30:00Z25m


1x27 (27) 27

1x27 (27) 27

  • 1978-04-07T10:30:00Z25m


1x28 (28) 28

1x28 (28) 28

  • 1978-04-14T10:30:00Z25m


1x29 (29) 29

1x29 (29) 29

  • 1978-04-21T10:30:00Z25m


1x30 (30) 30

1x30 (30) 30

  • 1978-04-28T10:30:00Z25m


1x31 (31) 31

1x31 (31) 31

  • 1978-05-05T10:30:00Z25m


1x32 (32) 32

1x32 (32) 32

  • 1978-05-12T10:30:00Z25m


1x33 (33) 33

1x33 (33) 33

  • 1978-05-19T10:30:00Z25m


1x34 (34) 34

1x34 (34) 34

  • 1978-05-26T10:30:00Z25m


1x35 (35) 35

1x35 (35) 35

  • 1978-06-02T10:30:00Z25m


1x36 (36) 36

1x36 (36) 36

  • 1978-06-09T10:30:00Z25m


1x37 (37) 37

1x37 (37) 37

  • 1978-06-16T10:30:00Z25m


1x38 (38) 38

1x38 (38) 38

  • 1978-06-23T10:30:00Z25m

Season Finale


1x39 (39) 39

Season Finale

1x39 (39) 39

  • 1978-06-30T10:30:00Z25m
