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Season 1 2006

  • 2006-09-09T11:00:00Z on Treehouse TV
  • 12m
  • 5h 12m (26 episodes)
  • Canada
  • English
  • Animation, Children
Dragon is a Canadian stop-motion children's television program which is based on the books by best-selling children's author Dav Pilkey.

26 episodes

Series Premiere


1x01 Dragon's Cat

Series Premiere

1x01 Dragon's Cat

  • 2006-09-09T11:00:00Z12m

Dragon finds a cat sitting in the snow outside his house, and takes her in. After thawing her out, Dragon decides his new friend needs a name, so he calls her Cat. Dragon and Cat settle into life together, but Dragon knows nothing about caring for a cat... he doesn't know what to feed her, what to do about the yellow puddles all over the house! The two go to a pet store and Dragon learns about what he needs. He happily heads home with lots of cat stuff - but without Cat! Once Dragon realizes he's left Cat behind he heads out to search for her, but he can't find Cat anywhere... he returns to his house very sad, he misses Cat. What he didn't know is that while he was out looking, Cat found her own way home - and now everything is just fine.


1x02 Dragon Looks for Cat

1x02 Dragon Looks for Cat

  • 2006-09-09T11:00:00Z12m

One day Dragon decides it's time for Cat to have her very first bath. But Cat doesn't want to have a bath, she doesn't need a bath! She hurries off to hide. Dragon searches high and low for Cat - he searches so much he ends up needing a bath! Everything works out when Dragon finally spots Cat giving herself a tongue bath. He realizes Cats do a fine job of cleaning themselves, and happily jumps into the nice bubbly bath himself.


1x03 A Friend for Dragon

1x03 A Friend for Dragon

  • 2006-09-16T11:00:00Z12m

Dragon feels like a little company, but all his friends are too busy to play with him. He makes a new friend, who just happens to be a rock. Dragon happily plays with Rock all day, and invites him to be a house guest. The next morning Dragon thinks Rock seems a little sad, and decides he must be missing his rock friends. He puts Rock back in the garden, and thanks him for spending time with him. When Dragon goes back into his house he discovers all his friends have come by to play. He feels very happy to have such good friends... and to know his new friend Rock will always be out there in the garden if he's feeling lonely.


1x04 Dragon's New Hobby

1x04 Dragon's New Hobby

  • 2006-09-16T11:00:00Z12m

Dragon is looking for a hobby and tries many different things. Finally he takes up knitting and enjoys it so much he decides to knit something for each of his friends. When he's finished his project he invites all his friends to receive their knitted gift - but they discover everything is too big, too small, too short or too long. Then they realize that if they trade their gifts everybody gets something that fits. Finally everybody wants to do their own knitting and the evening ends up into a knitting party.


1x05 Dragon's Fly

1x05 Dragon's Fly

  • 2006-09-23T11:00:00Z12m

One day a fly buzzes into the house, and like most flies, can't find its way out again. Dragon sets out to help the fly escape - but it's quite a challenge: Dragon has to try more and more complicated ways to coax the critter back into the great outdoors. It takes a couple of days, but the little pest finally finds its way outside - and now Dragon is just a little heartbroken... he'd come to really like that fly.


1x06 Dragon's Holiday

1x06 Dragon's Holiday

  • 2006-09-23T11:00:00Z12m

Dragon decides he wants to go on a little trip, to explore new worlds. Trouble is, he's reluctant to leave the house without a lot of his favorite things. By the time he's loaded up his bed and his chairs and his tables and everything else in the house he's got too big a load to be able to get very far. Luckily, though, his empty house seems so foreign to Dragon he happily takes a holiday trip exploring it. Even better, he still gets to sleep in his own bed (even if it is tied to the roof of his car.)


1x07 Dragon's Spring Cleaning

1x07 Dragon's Spring Cleaning

  • 2006-09-30T11:00:00Z12m

Dragon is told by Mailmouse that his house is a mess and really needs a big cleaning. Dragon asks Beaver to help him clean his house. Beaver helps out by telling Dragon what to do. It takes a lot of work on Dragon's part, but finally the house is spic and span. To celebrate, they make a big cake. When they're done Dragon's kitchen is even messier than before, but it smells wonderful and the cake is very tasty.


1x08 Dragon's Day Dream

1x08 Dragon's Day Dream

  • 2006-09-30T11:00:00Z12m

Dragon wonders what it would be like to be his friend Mailmouse. He imagines himself lugging around her big mail bag to deliver letters and parcels - and realizes it's very tiring work. After that he imagines he's Beaver, chewing trees, building things, telling people what to do. He's having so much fun, he then imagines he's Alligator, dancing and pounding away on his bongos, making an incredible racket. He makes such a racket he gives himself a terrible headache! Finally, he imagines what it would be like to be his friend Ostrich in her Super Hero character. He does her super hero dance, her super hero yodel, and is very pleased when he rescues a flower! Dragon has lots of fun imagining, and is glad he has such good and different friends. But now, Dragon is just going to be Dragon.


1x09 Dragon's Boogeyman

1x09 Dragon's Boogeyman

  • 2006-10-07T11:00:00Z12m

Dragon has stayed up to finish his scary book and now he's just a bit scared. Dragon heads off to bed, but now every little noise sounds like something scary! Dragon spends so much time being nervous and checking for scary noises he decides from now on before bedtime he'll only read stories about bunny rabbits.


1x10 Dragon's Moon

1x10 Dragon's Moon

  • 2006-10-07T11:00:00Z12m

Dragon has a bedtime ritual of saying goodnight to his feet, his fingers, his tail and finally, goodnight to the moon. One night he wishes goodnight to the moon and suddenly notices it now has a small crescent shape missing! Astonished, he thinks the moon is starting to shrink! He's so upset he calls Ostrich to help him find the missing piece of the moon. After spending half the night fruitlessly searching, Dragon decides to wait until morning - so he can search for the missing piece in daylight. He still can't find the missing piece! Then Mailmouse comes by and explains why the moon seems different and reassures Dragon there's nothing to worry about because the moon will always be in the sky.


1x11 Dragon's Funny Noise

1x11 Dragon's Funny Noise

  • 2006-10-14T11:00:00Z12m

Beaver complains that there's an annoying sound coming from Dragon's place, and he can't sleep. Dragon sets out to discover the source of the noise - which turns out to be a lot trickier than he thought. No matter how hard he looks, or how much his friends Ostrich and Alligator help, he can't find the source. Finally, Beaver comes over to complain one last time and falls asleep on Dragon's sofa - and Dragon realizes the noise is the sound of Beaver snoring!


1x12 Dragon's Mixed Up Day

1x12 Dragon's Mixed Up Day

  • 2006-10-14T11:00:00Z12m

One night Dragon is trying to sleep but things aren't quite right. It's too warm; the windows are rattling in the wind; he suddenly feels just a bit cold; the stars are too shiny... Finally he manages to fall asleep but by then it's time to get up. Dragon is very sleepy and has a very mixed up day. He opens a can of cat food and gives Cat the can; his sips his toast and butters his tea cup. Nothing is going right. When Dragon's mixed up day is almost over he tries to get ready for bed, but he's still very mixed up. He brushes his teeth with his face cloth and washes his face with his toothbrush, and says "good morning" to Cat... He finally gets his pillow fluffed just right and falls fast asleep - with the pillow under his feet. It had been a very very mixed up day.


1x13 Ostrich to the Rescue

1x13 Ostrich to the Rescue

  • 2006-10-21T11:00:00Z12m

Ostrich, feeling altruistic, really wants to rescue somebody today. Problem is, there's not much going on. There's especially not anyone in need of rescuing. Ostrich is determined, though, so she heroically arrives for just about any reason: sticky jar lid? About to sneeze? She's there to help! Of course, her attempts to rescue her pals backfires, and she gets a little discouraged. Luckily, though, while trying to rescue Beaver from a harmless quandary she ends up putting him in the position to truly need rescuing, and everything ends happily!


1x14 Dragon Baby-Sits a Fern

1x14 Dragon Baby-Sits a Fern

  • 2006-10-21T11:00:00Z12m

Ostrich is going away for a few days and asks Dragon to take care of her favorite plant. Dragon, wanting to do a good job, gets a little carried away. He outfits the plant in protective gear... takes it with him everywhere (inadvertently putting it in risky situations)... he stays up all night watching the plant... by the time Ostrich comes back Dragon's a nervous wreck. He proudly hands over the plant to Ostrich, who thanks him, and then promptly trips and drops it. Ostrich says it's no big deal, Ferns are really tough - she could easily have left it alone while she was away.


1x15 Dragon's Fall Collection

1x15 Dragon's Fall Collection

  • 2006-10-28T11:00:00Z12m

It's fall. A lovely leaf flutters down and lands at Dragon's feet. He picks it up, decides it's very lovely indeed, and decides to take it home. He displays his leaf proudly. He decides to collect colourful leaves. Being fall - he's got lots to choose from. Soon, his pals have heard he's collecting leaves now, and they start showing up with fistfuls, baskets, wheelbarrows of them!! Soon Dragon's house is overwhelmed by leaves - they're everywhere. Dragon realizes he's going to have to put an end to this collecting business and decides the best way is to somehow make the trees stop dropping them in the first place! He heads out to the woods - and discovers every tree is bare... except for one, which has a solitary leaf dangling from a branch, just waiting to drop. Dragon ties it in place. Ahhh, there now, he doesn't have to worry about people bringing him leaves anymore.


1x16 Dragon's Halloween

1x16 Dragon's Halloween

  • 2006-10-28T11:00:00Z12m

Dragon sets out to make the scariest pumpkin ever, but all the big ones are gone, so he has to make do with five little ones.. Then, Dragon gets an invitation to a costume party, and tries to make a very scary costume. But none of the costumes he owns is very scary, so he wears all three at once. Not very scary, especially when he gets to the party and all his friends recognize him as soon as he walks in the door. But suddenly he gets the host's great big pumpkin stuck on his tail and now he's really scary! Finally, as Dragon heads home he hears a growling noise... Dragon's quite frightened, until he realizes it's his tummy making the racket: he's just hungry. So Dragon goes home and eats and eats until he's as big and round as a pumpkin.


1x17 Dragon's Train

1x17 Dragon's Train

  • 2006-11-04T12:00:00Z12m

Dragon buys a new toy train. He loves watching the train go round and round in circles... but after a while Dragon get quite dizzy and decides the train should be allowed to do more than just go around and around. He starts to train his train and soon he's letting it run freely around the house - until it accidentally scoots right out the door! Luckily Ostrich is there to save Train. Finally, once the Train has learned how to play nicely in the house and how to play in the yard, Dragon knows his Train is ready to travel the world. The Train goes exploring for a little while and then it comes back, next time it goes away its gone a little longer...but the Train always comes back. Soon the Train has a regular route just like the big trains and Dragon knows every morning at exactly ten his Train will chug up and stop to say hello. It 's the best toy Dragon ever had.


1x18 Dragon Passes the Time

1x18 Dragon Passes the Time

  • 2006-11-04T12:00:00Z12m

Dragon gets an invitation for a picnic in the afternoon. Dragon is very excited and he puts together all the things he should bring and prepares his famous purple potato salad. Dragon's all set to hurry off to the picnic, but the picnic's in the afternoon and it's still just morning. Instead, Dragon tries to pass the time by doing all sorts of picnicky things: Pretending he's playing badminton, chasing butterflies, running around in a hurry, tickling himself. All this passing the time wears Dragon out and he falls asleep -- Until Mailmouse phones reminding Dragon that the picnic has started and not to be late. Dragon is very pleased with himself. He'd had to wait a long time for the picnic but he'd come up with so many fun and clever ways to pass the time it flew by in a jiffy. Dragon decides he is very good at waiting, after all...


1x19 Dragon's Yard Sale

1x19 Dragon's Yard Sale

  • 2006-11-04T12:00:00Z12m

Dragon decides it's time to get rid of a few unneeded bits and pieces cluttering the house, and has a yard sale. But as each piece is about to be bought he remembers why it meant so much to him, and can't let it go. So he brings everything back into his house and decides he doesn't need to get rid of his things - he only needs to build new closets.


1x20 Dragon's Special Day

1x20 Dragon's Special Day

  • 2006-11-04T12:00:00Z12m

One day Dragon realizes there are lots of special days during the year. Special days for bunnies, pumpkins, hearts, mom and dads...but no special day for Dragons. So he decides to invent one. First he creates Dragon's Day treats. Then he composes a Dragon's Day song and dance. Dragon thinks about what happens on specials days...like getting presents, special ceremonies...lots of special things going on. He decides Dragon's Day needs to be celebrated with friends so he makes a batch of nice Dragon's Day cards and sends them to his pals. Soon it's evening: Dragon's Day Eve! Dragon can hardly wait till tomorrow, he is very very excited. Because it's Dragon's Day eve, Dragon flips though the book he'd made for himself that afternoon and he reads it over and over again... Finally morning comes and Dragon jumps out of bed and dances around excitedly "Dragon's Day, -It's Dragon's Day." He searches the living room and finds the presents he'd hidden there. Meanwhile all his friends have received their Dragon's Day Party invitations and come to Dragon's house to celebrate this Special Day.

1x21 Dragon's Surprise Birthday

  • 2006-11-18T12:00:00Z12m

Dragon decides to throw himself a surprise birthday party. He buys lots of food and decorations and balloons and has the house all set up for a great old time. There's just one problem... to keep the party a surprise he didn't to tell anyone about it! Still, he finds ways to make the event a success none-the-less. He leaps up from behind his own sofa, and sings himself a heartfelt song. He plays wacky party games and enjoys his party favours. Despite being alone, he's actually having a great time. To make things even better, all his friends finally do arrive - attracted by the party noise.


1x22 Dragon Be My Valentine

1x22 Dragon Be My Valentine

  • 2006-11-18T12:00:00Z12m

It's Valentine's Day and Dragon has decided to do something very special for his friends. He was going to bake each one of them a yummy Valentine's Day cookie. The smell of the baking cookies is so yummy that Dragon can't think about anything else...but the cookies aren't for him, they're meant to be presents, so he decides to wait upstairs in his bedroom, where he won't be able to smell the baking cookies. But the yummy smell gets upstairs. Dragon tries stuffing his blanket under the door, he opens the window, then he covers his nostrils. When the cookies are ready, he tries to make equal piles of cookies for each of his friends...but all the cookies aren't exactly the same size and shape, it wouldn't be fair...so he eats the cookies that aren't good to give as presents - and somehow ends up eating all the cookies!


1x23 Dragon's Snuffly Day

1x23 Dragon's Snuffly Day

  • 2006-11-25T12:00:00Z12m

One day Dragon has the noisy sneezy snuffles and decides he's going to take care of himself by spending the day on his sofa. He organizes his living room to be the perfect recovery room. Then Mailmouse arrives to see how he's doing and shoos him out the living room and tucks him into bed. Just then Ostrich arrives. She's heard that Dragon has the snuffles and she is there to help, so she convinces Dragon he shouldn't be lying in bed - he should be outside in the fresh air. Dragon stands outside very confused. Ostrich hurries off and a moment later Mailmouse returns. She shakes her head and points Dragon back to the house. Then, suddenly, Ostrich returns. Mailmouse and Ostrich start arguing about the best way to cure a cold. Meanwhile Dragon decides to sleep outside - that way he's both in bed and getting fresh air. After a long day fighting the snuffles, Dragon realizes his sneezing and sniffles are finally gone.


1x24 Alligator's Tooth

1x24 Alligator's Tooth

  • 2006-11-25T12:00:00Z12m

One day Alligator goes to Dragon's house to give him a bongo lesson. Suddenly, Alligator starts to feel a big pain....Dragon worries that his bongo playing is so bad it 's making Alligator's ears hurt...but it isn't Dragon's playing...it's Alligator's tooth and it starts to ache more and more. Dragon decides he has to do something to make Alligator's tooth less sore - but nothing works.


1x25 Dragon's Snowy Day

1x25 Dragon's Snowy Day

  • 2006-12-02T12:00:00Z12m

There's been a huge snowfall, and Dragon happily builds a snowman. He's quite taken by his creation, and decides he wants it to come and live in his house, where it'll be safe. It's a bit too toasty inside, though, so Dragon has to find a way to cool down the house enough to keep the snowdragon from melting. He finally does... but then it's too cold for Dragon, so Dragon has to install his inside, outside, and find a way to keep it warm. He eventually realizes he's completely reversed things, to no-one's advantage. Mailmouse comes by and explains to Dragon that he can still play outside with his snowdragon and when he gets cold he can go inside and warm up by the fire. Dragon returns his snowdragon to the nice frosty air, moves back inside his house, and everything is just right.

Season Finale


1x26 Dragon's Merry Christmas

Season Finale

1x26 Dragon's Merry Christmas

  • 2006-12-02T12:00:00Z12m

Dragon goes looking for the most perfect Christmas tree for his home, but when he finds it he can't bear to cut it down, and decorates it where it stands, instead. A day or so later Dragon makes a wreath out of candy... and promises himself that he'll only eat the candy that happens to fall off. He then spends the next while making the candy fall off and eating it, until his wreath is bare and he ends up with a tummy ache. He promises himself next year he'll make a wreath with pinecones. The next day Dragon loses his mittens, so he buys a new pair Then he loses his scarf. Finally, Dragon heads out to buy himself Christmas presents - food, a new scarf. On his way home he meets all his friends and gives them all the presents he just bought. When Dragon gets home he realizes there are no presents left for him... but he's happy. He goes to sleep, dreaming he hears angels singing. Outside his house, Alligator, Beaver and Mailmouse are singing Christmas carols to him.
