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Season 27 1998

  • 1998-01-01T19:30:00Z on ITV
  • 22m
  • 2d 11h 24m (162 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English
  • Drama, Soap
The lives of several families in the Yorkshire Dales revolve around a farm and the nearby village. With murders, affairs, lies, deceit, laughter and tears, it's all there in the village.

162 episodes

Season Premiere


27x01 Episode 2305 (Thu 1st Jan 1998)

Season Premiere

27x01 Episode 2305 (Thu 1st Jan 1998)

  • 1998-01-01T19:30:00Z22m

Steve take drastic steps to end his fiancee's blackmail troubles. He follows the blackmailer to his home and strikes a deal - a one-off £10,000 payment. He tells Kim that the blackmailer handed over the incriminating video which he says he has destroyed. With her troubles seemingly behind her, Kim wants to start organising their wedding. Chris explains his reasons for wanting to be involved in Tony's outdoors activities centre to Lady Tara. By offer access to Oakwell and Home Farm land they can tap into a percentage of his profits.

Jack drops Robert and Andy off at school. Neither of them is very enthusiastic. Andy asks Jack why he was sleeping in the spare room this morning and Jack makes up the excuse that he was snoring. He then sees Rachel walking into school for her first day as school secretary. Roy answers the door to Betty who has come round to clean for them. She then makes an insensitive remark about Jan and Ned goes mad. He orders her out of the house. Marlon is wearing Kathy's dressing gown. He seems to have settled in at the cottage and shows no sign of leaving. It is Zak's birthday. His candles have been placed in his fried breakfast. Lisa and Mandy give him a shirt and Sam has bought him a cyber pet. He explains that it is an electronic pet and Zak is disappointed until Sam tells him that Butch and he have got a special present for him after breakfast.

Paddy and Zoe are confronted by angry farmer Outhwaite brandishing a shotgun. Steve hands a safe-deposit box key to a puzzled Zoe. He tells her to keep it safe and only retrieve it, if anything happens to him. Marlon confronts Butch about the rock hurled through his caravan window the night before. Tony is in deep water with his wife Becky after re-mortgaging the house to fund his activities project.

Zak proposes to Lisa. Little does she know the gold ring he presents her with was found in his pig, Priscilla's sty. Kim is forced to recount the whole sordid affair of the 'lady of the lake' to Steve. But he tells her he still loves her. Kelly turns her attentions to Roy again.

There are wedding bells at the double around Emmerdale as both Kim and Lisa announce their big news. But trouble is never far from Kim, and when Zoe fails to get some answers from Steve, she rushes off to open the mystery package he entrusted her with and finds the incriminating video of Kim inside. Meanwhile, Kelly comes to terms with her pregnancy.

Sam is feeding Priscilla. An angry farmer comes looking for her claiming that she belongs to him. Paddy walks in as Zoe is putting the video into its envelope. She is not in the mood when he jokes around. Then he tells her that it is her turn to organise the area party. She tells him to do it. Matthews (the farmer) wants his pig back. he shows Zak that the third finger on his left hand is missing. The pig bit it off and his wife then sold it. Zak refuses to sell. Marlon walks out of his caravan straight into a grave dug by Butch. He has even put a cross there. Marlon pretends not to care, but he does.

Marlon is still sleeping as Butch starts to destroy the caravan. Mandy tries to talk to Kelly as she leaves for work, but Kelly doesn't want to listen. She has made her mind up about the abortion. Butch has smashed up the caravan and left Marlon dangling from the roof. He refuses to help him and warns him to leave the village or he'll be hurt next time. Betty reminds Zoe that she has not been paid for last week. Zoe doesn't seem to think it is important and Betty goes off in a huff. Chris arrives. He wants to know what is happening with the video tape. Kim wants Steve to meet her in Hotten at lunchtime. She reminds him that he hasn't given her his wedding guest list yet. Zoe wants to take the video to the police. Chris does not think that they will help. She insists on having her own copy.

Viv wants to know why Kelly is suddenly friendly with Mandy as she phoned for her first thing this morning. Kelly dismisses Viv and goes off to work. Betty meets Biff as he goes to the shop. She wonders where he is staying and he lies to her. Robert and Andy are embarrassed by Jack's clothes and do not want him to take them to school. Marlon is starting to enjoy squatting. Kelly has met up with Mandy. She is going to ask Chris for the afternoon off so that she can go and see a doctor. Kathy is getting annoyed about all the food that is taking up space in her freezer. It was left over from the aborted food programme evening. Tara turns up to go wedding dress shopping with Kim. Lisa tells Vic that she is marrying Zak. She also asks Becky if she can do Tony's conversion job. Chris and Zoe talk through their visit to Daniels.

Zoe has not slept all night as she has had all her illusions shattered about her father. Chris can't believe that she has taken Daniels' word for it that Frank killed the lady in the lake. Robert and Andy are planning something for Jack and Sarah tonight. They ask Ned to make sure that Jack is in the wine bar at 8pm. Kim asks Steve about his guest list again. She makes a joke about his mum and Steve tells her that his mum and dad are dead. He claims to have no living relatives. Vic insists on taking Viv out tonight. He pays Kelly to babysit. The TV researcher does a recce at the wine bar. Everyone is trying to get in on the act. Betty wants a starring role. Jack asks Ned how he is coping without Jan. he claims that you can now get a cooked breakfast out of a tin, so he is alright. Chris is in a foul mood when he arrives at work.

Jack comes down in the morning to find Sarah sleeping on the sofa; she obviously spent the night there because she could not face actually sleeping with Jack and apologises. The Picture This TV Company van arrives. Zak is revving his van up outside the Wine Bar. He is hoping that he will be paid to keep quiet, but panics when one of the production team offers to fix it. Lyn calls at Tenant House. Marlon is in a flap about the programme. He doesn't know what to wear. Zak thinks that he is going to get money to move his van, but he is just given a pair of tights to fix the fan belt. Zoe is looking over one of Kim's horses. Kim is more interested in talking about her wedding arrangements. She and Zoe agree to call a truce and use the wedding as a new start. Chris is furious with Zoe and snaps at Kelly.

Zak is still furious with Butch blowing the fuses with the spotlight that he stole from the TV company. Eric and Marlon are desperately trying to clear the kitchen up before Kathy comes into work. Mrs Hibbert used all their crockery. Eric blames Marlon for all the chaos. Paddy calls to see Mandy before he goes to face Outhwaite again. He is thinking of talking to Kim about him, but Mandy warns him not to. Zak is worrying about where he is going to get the money to pay for the booze at his wedding. He has spent the money that Lisa gave him. Paddy lends him £20. Kim asks Chris if he would like to be an usher at her wedding. He replies sarcastically. Kelly is late for work, but she tries to be smart about it with Kim who gets the better of her.

Biff and Marlon have spent the night in the back of Alan's Range Rover. Seth finds them and takes them over to Betty's for breakfast. Sarah is still fuming about Biff and Marlon breaking into the cottage as she drops Robert and Andy off at school. They talk about Outhwaite and his wife. Their imaginations have been running wild on how Outhwaite has disposed of her body. Andy wants to go and have a look around, but Robert is scared. Zak is nervous on his wedding day. Lisa goes off to get ready at Betty's. She reminds him that he hasn't got a best man. He goes running off next door to see Ned. Firstly he asks him to tie his bow tie for him and then asks him to be his best man.

Andy and Robert discuss their visit to Outhwaite's last night. Andy wants to go again, but Robert is scared. Lisa and Zak share a swing. Mandy interrupts them and Zak realises they want a woman chat. Mandy tells Lisa that she is not going to the vets do because she has nothing to wear and she does not want to let Paddy down. Zak overhears. Roy has shaved off his moustache. Ned refuses to go and see Jan again and Roy despairs of him. He calls him selfish and Ned changes his mind. Zoe is showing Becky round the surgery. She tells her that the daily surgery times are 10am and 4pm. Paddy brings her some flowers. He then breaks the news to Zoe that the party tonight is at the Woolpack. Zoe is furious and wants to change the arrangements

Mandy is anxious that Paddy does not change his mind about them living together. She wants him to go and view some new flats in Hotten with her but he seems happy to stay living at the Dingles though. Kelly is off work again and Roy visits. She is really awful to him. Andy still wants to visit Outhwaite's again. Eric tells Dee that he and Sam are going to a house sale in Robblesfield. He is leaving her to do all the work at the wine bar. Mandy is unhappy that Paddy is settled at the Dingles. He says that they should save up and move somewhere in the summer and this placates her. She does mention however that the Dingles will have to have a family conference before Paddy can move in. Ned tells Sarah that Jan is coming home for a visit soon. She is pleased for him, but he is worried about the bad memories at home

Andy has taken the stolen old money with him to school so that Jack and Sarah will not find it. Robert thinks that they should take it back. Tony has ordered some waterproof jackets for his centre. He supports Will when Becky has doubts about him working at the wine bar. Kelly catches up with Mandy and is angry with her for telling Biff about the baby. She is still determined to convince Chris that the baby is his. Ned has hidden family photographs ready for Jan's home visit. Marlon and Lyn kiss. Paddy interrupts them to tell Lyn that her grandad is not well. He gives her a lift up to see him. Kim has had some house details sent to Chris from estate agents. He rips them up. She wants him out of Home Farm before she marries Steve.

Paddy is moving out of Betty's and has loaded up his car; Betty is sad to see him go. Butch has forgotten to put spark plugs back in Zak's van. Mandy is still hurt by Kelly's remark about her being a joke. Lisa comforts her. Paddy arrives at the Dingles. Zak has a good look at all his belongings and then asks him to drive him down to the village. Tony has had some more equipment delivered. He is confident that the business will be a success. Paddy has had to drop Sam and Butch off at work. Zak then expects him to drive him to Hotten. Kathy gives Biff a free breakfast. She asks when he is going to stop mourning Linda. Eric is planning a trip to Outhwaite's. Kim tells Butch to put up her new bed which has just arrived. Zak is taking advantage of Paddy. Kim asks Steve to sort out Outhwaite for her. Kelly is wearing her new dress for work. Roy comes in the office to talk to her. He tells her that he knows that she is pregnant and then offers to help her.

Tara arrives home after a night out at a ball in London. She has been accompanied by an old friend. He comments on the fact that she is wearing real diamonds. She tells him that she will have to take them back to the bank as they are not insured. Mandy's Munchbox is now a hen house. Zak is moaning at the hens because they have not laid any eggs. A helicopter flies over both the Dingles and the Glovers. Tara takes off her diamonds and puts them in the safe. Lyn arrives at Marlon's in a bit of a state. She immediately wants a cuddle. The helicopter flies over the Dingles again. Zak decides to follow it. Lyn is upset because her mum and grandad are still not reconciled. Tara is in bed when someone creeps into her room and puts their hand over her mouth. Kim taunts Chris about his lack of love life. The mystery intruder turns out to be Lord Alex Oakwell. He claims that his life is empty without her. She pleads with him to leave her alone.

Chris tells Kelly that she is needed at Oakwell Hall today for the press launch of the activity centre. Kim refuses to let her go though. She also tells Chris that she and Steve will be away tonight. Kelly thinks that this will give her and Chris an opportunity to talk. Butch bursts in on Mandy and Paddy. She sends him away so that she can be alone with Paddy, but then Betty arrives. She has brought Paddy's post. She finds his bleeper and missing sock for him. Tara and Chris look over the assault course. They await the press. Biff has got a trial job as Eric's new delivery driver. Kathy has bought a reading book for Sam. Mandy and Lisa tidy up Mandy's flat. Mandy finds some pickled bits of animals in a box. Kelly calls round and waves a white flag.

Paddy is having to throw out his specimen animal organs which he rescued from the incinerator at vets school. Butch wants to look after them. Rachel has had to ask Chris to look after Joseph for the day because her childminder is ill. Viv and Kelly have a rare nice moment together. Kelly then sees Mandy and tells her that she has told Chris about being pregnant. She is waiting for his response. Tony is ordering his first group of managers around in the village. Butch and Sam have set up a freak show. Kelly refuses to look after Joseph for Chris. Kim takes over. Steve finally comes to see Kim. She is fuming with him for his involvement with Alex. Zoe visits Outhwaite. Kelly demands to know what Chris is going to do about her pregnancy.

The Hutchinsons are at the hospital. Outhwaite has had a heart attack. Lyn is worried about his farm. Mandy is put off when Paddy wears the same socks for two days. She is still considering a new career. Sam tells Paddy that Heather has phoned. Rachel invites Kathy out tonight. The Cairns want to know why Will is enjoying working at the wine bar. Kelly arrives at work to find Chris making an appointment for her at a private clinic. He is going to take her there himself. Lyn has been trying to sort out Outhwaite's cows. Paddy turns up. Kathy wants Sam to have another reading lesson tonight. Mandy is late for work again. Paddy reads the letter from Kim evicting Outhwaite. He decides to talk to her. Mandy tells Alan that she wants to resign from the Woolpack today. He thinks that she is angling for a payrise, but she is just bored and wants to do something new.

Rachel tackles Chris about his relationship with Kelly. Will is secretly making a card for Dee on his computer. He gets back to his homework when his parents come down. He starts to ask his dad about Dee and Eric. He wants to know what she sees in him. Tony realises that Will must fancy Dee. Rachel tells Chris that she thinks he is pathetic. She thinks that he is exploiting Kelly. Chris feels no guilt. Vic and Viv notice that Kelly is smiling for once. Chris tells Rachel not to moralize to him after her affair with Jack. He claims that he is enjoying himself. Paddy finds Sam behaving suspiciously in his car. He has got an exercise book and a pen. Chris has told Kelly that Rachel knows about them. Eric thinks that Dee has been to disloyal to him by taking sides with Will. Betty overhears. Sam shows Kathy his homework.

Paddy is late for work. He has been up all night with indigestion after the offal meal. Mandy has also been complaining about his snoring. Dee spent last night on the sofa. She is still really upset with the way that Eric has been treating her. He refuses to apologise to her though. Will arrives and asks Dee to meet him later. Emma pleads with her dad to let her keep her horse Delilah. He claims that they cannot afford the upkeep. Kim and Steve row as he rushes off to work. She wants him to help her organise the wedding catering. Betty and Kathy sympathise with Dee. Jack invites Sarah out for a meal. Tony tells them about Emma's horse which is currently squatting on their land. Mandy is teased as she wears a face mask. Sam talks about Watership Down and rabbits and Lisa starts singing 'Bright Eyes'.

Sarah is being cold towards Jack. She refuses to let him help her on the farm. Tony is still adamant that Emma cannot keep her horse. He notices that Will is wearing his aftershave. Mandy does not want to take up Mrs Taylor's offer of selling underwear, but Paddy doesn't want her to offend Mr Parker because he is an influential vet. He tries some psychological tactics on Mandy. Zoe takes the opportunity to speak to Kelly. She lets her know that she knows about Kelly's pregnancy. She doesn't want her to have an abortion. Kelly tells her to mind her own business. Becky tells Eric that Will is not ill when he enquires. Jan is coming home for a visit today. Ned asks Jack about their romantic evening. It is obvious that it was not a success. He thinks that Jack is trying too hard. Kelly tells Chris that she is scared about the abortion.

Emma is feeding Delilah. Tony tells her again that she cannot keep the horse. Kelly has been sick this morning and Donna asks what is wrong. Kelly is about to tell her when she ends up having a major row with Viv. Kelly storms off and even Vic admits that Kelly is in a terrible mood recently. Sam shows Kathy his homework. He asks for a lesson tonight. The Hutchinsons visit Outhwaite in hospital. Heather still doesn't want to take care of him when he leaves hospital and he doesn't want to be near her. He sends them all away. Kelly finds Emma and discretely asks her about giving birth and whether it hurts. As they are talking, Butch appears and tells Emma that he may have a solution to the Delilah problem. Jack asks Kathy to look after the children tonight. He is planning a romantic meal for Sarah. Chris has decided that he definitely wants Kelly to have the baby.

Kelly has spent the night at the Dingles. Paddy has had to spend the night on the floor. Mandy is sympathetic to Kelly, but tells her to sort herself out. Vic is storming round blaming Chris. He refuses to see that Kelly got herself in this mess. Donna has overheard their rows. She just wants her sister back. Jack is upset about last night and Sarah's coldness towards him. They row. Chris snaps at Roy when he asks what he should be doing at work. Rachel arrives at the Cairns with some volunteers from the school (Lyn and Dean). Tony tells them that they will be working with kids on probabtion. Zak is shocked when Sam turns on him for never teaching him to read. Chris has come to the Dingles. He tells Mandy that he wants to see Kelly. Lyn tells Will that Kirsty has been talking nonstop about him all night. He doesn't want to take her out again. Dean assures Tony that he will behave himself.

The Glovers are given some good news when they are told Jan can return home for a couple of days. But Ned can't help feeling that she might be better off in hospital. Jack tells Sarah that if they have any future together she will have to learn to trust him again. And tempers flare at Home Farm when Vic attacks Chris for sleeping with his daughter Kelly.

Kim is furious that Chris has given Kelly her own private quarters at Home Farm. But even Kim is lost for words when Chris announces Kelly is pregnant with his child. Marlon, Lyn, Will, Kirsty, Dee and Eric go roller-blading with hilarious consequences. And Mandy reveals to Paddy that Biff is the real father of Kelly's baby.

A group of Young Offenders led by teenage tearaway Paulette arrive in Emmerdale for Tony's Outdoor Activities Course. A tense situation arises when Sarah forces Rachel to discuss her affair with Jack. Mandy's first Lingerie Party goes down a storm. Marlon discovers Dee and Will in a compromising position.

Tony organises an assault course competition between the villagers and a group of young offenders from the city. Jack and Sarah manage to repair the cracks in their marriage and start to look towards a brighter future. Kelly turns to Roy for support. However she is unprepared for his reaction.

Mandy is wracked with guilt over breaking Kelly's confidence and telling Paddy the true identity of the baby's father. Lisa helps Jan to overcome her fears of returning to Emmerdale and facing the villagers. And Marlon manages to persuade Eric that he should have his own signature night at the Wine Bar.

When Mandy invites her best customers to an exclusive lingerie fashion show, Butch and Sam decide to try and gate-crash the event along with Paddy, Zak and Terry. But they are caught sneaking in by a burly security guard. After give it some thought Mandy decides they must redeem themselves by parading on the catwalk. Meanwhile, Sam finds himself in Dingle heaven when he escapes and unwittingly hides himself in the catwalk model's changing rooms. It's the final day of Tony's Outdoor Activities Course and the teams decide to use some underhanded tactics to win the event. Young Offender Nick tries to sabotage Dean's team. But Dean fights back and with the help of Paulette and Emma, they take Tony's van to get ahead.

Kim tells Kelly not to get too comfortable at Home Farm as Chris is only using her. Later, Kim flies into a rage when Jan turns up at Home Farm to give baby James a present. Meanwhile, Tony is enraged when Chris informs him that he has appalling business sense and to safe guard his investment he is taking control of the bookings for the Outdoor Activities Centre. And Becky begins to become disillusioned with her marriage and turns to Zoe for comfort. However, Zoe is shocked by Becky's interpretation of the situation.

Paddy and Mandy are ecstatic after spending a snore free night together. They have given Sam a lift into the village. He meets up with Eric and as they walk back to the wine bar the postman gives Eric his post. Sam notices that there is a foreign letter addressed to Mr & Mrs Pollard. Eric puts it in his jacket pocket claiming under his breath that it will be another begging letter from the Philippines. Kim tells Chris that she has had plans drawn up to convert Outhwaite's farm into 3 flats. He approves. He tells her that the Anderson Engineering Corporation from Los Angeles are coming over for a management training course. Kelly interrupts them to say that she feels sick again and wants Lyn to come over and keep her company. Jan thinks that Ned and Sarah have been ganging up against her to get her to go to the village.

Butch and Seth have been sent to Outhwaite's farm by Kim to assess the situation. Paddy looks out of the window. Butch tells him that he has got trouble waiting at home - Mandy. Chris and Kelly are organising the drinks party for the American executives tonight. Kelly talks Chris into inviting Tony and Becky tonight. Outhwaite is suspicious when Paddy telephones Mandy. She is furious to discover where he has been all night. Kim is determined to get the builders into Outhwaites. Steve makes her wait for Seth's report. Rachel tells Kirsty, Lyn and Emma off about the forged notes. Seth tells Kim that Paddy is dealing with Outhwaite. The bills are mounting up in the wine bar. Dee insists that Eric pay. He then lets slip to Sam that the letter that he opened yesterday was saying that Dee's mother is ill in the Philippines.

Chris is distraught to discover that Kelly has lost the baby. His first reaction is to find out exactly what happened. But when he confronts Kim she denies that the incident had anything to do with her. Will cannot believe his eyes when he discovers his mother Becky and her boss Zoe in a passionate embrace. Consumed with anger, he confronts his mother and demands to know what is going on. Later Will turns to Dee for a shoulder to cry on. While she is comforting him, her husband Eric watches unnoticed. Biff's patience is growing thin and it is not long before he informs his new housemate, Farmer Outhwaite that he must be out by the end of the week.

There are problems at Kathy's Tea Rooms when the cellar floods and the fire brigade are called in. Irate Eric's first reaction is to blame innocent Will. But he is surprised to find his wife Dee defending the young lad. Paddy reveals to Biff that the baby Kelly lost was his. Will tells Zoe that he saw her kissing his mother Becky. He threatens to tell his Dad, unless Zoe stays away from his mum.

Mandy asks Paddy to run her to Hotten market so that she can sell her FunGlam gear. He tells her that he is busy today. They start to have a row about money and Mandy tells him that she wants them to start sharing all the bills. Biff moans to Lyn about her grandad. Marlon and Lyn try to talk him round. Tony is glad that it is the last day of the course. Becky is quiet. Dee and Will meet up outside the tearooms and Eric sees them again. Kim tells Steve that she wants to go and see Kelly. Steve doesn't think that that is a good idea and offers to talk to her himself. Eric checks the mail for letters from the Philippines. He puts one in his pocket. He confides in Kathy that he is worried that he is losing Dee. Kathy tells him to take her out somewhere really special. Outhwaite has walked up to Jack's. He lets slip that he is living in Annie's Cottage.

Becky's bombshell is too much for Tony and he makes plans to leave for Germany. But before he goes he decides to have a word with Zoe. An intense argument erupts between them which threatens to turn to violence. Paddy tries to calm down the situation but regrets getting involved when Tony punches him. Tony demands to know where Becky is but Zoe blocks his way. Tony grabs her by the collar and pins her against the wall, but Becky arrives just in time and throws a vase at Tony before slapping him. Will walks through the street and spots his parents running out of the surgery. He runs over and tackles his dad to stop him from hitting Becky. Will later confronts Becky and reveals that he protected his dad from a guilty conscience and tells his mother that she deserved a slap. He reminds what her favourite film Brief Encounter is about and she cries.

A knock at the door of Eric's flat brings bad news for Dee - her mother had died. When she confronts Eric he admits that he has been keeping letters and phone calls secret from her. The news is too much for Dee and she tells Eric she's leaving him. Jan gets a surprise visit form journalist Helen Ackroyd asking her to give her side of the story concerning the abduction of baby James, but she is terrified and hurries inside. Helen harasses Jan through the door, but Zak leaps to Jan's defence and tells Helen to go; even speaking into her tape recorder that he won't be responsible for his actions if she doesn't leave. Emma overhears a conversation between her mother Becky and Rachel. She is shocked to learn that her parents have split up. Jack offers Farmer Outhwaite a job at Emmerdale Farm.

Eric's world is falling apart, his wife Dee has left him and not even Kathy's intervention can persuade her to return to him. Dee tells Kathy that she can never forgive Eric for preventing her from seeing her dying mother - she's going home to the Philippines. Will begs Dee to stay and offers her a new life with him, but is left heartbroken. Eric races to the airport to try to change her mind but to no avail. Eric returns to the village as Will is being thrown out of the Woolpack by Terry and Alan for causing a fight with Marlon and, full of rage, attempts to mow Will down, but is stopped just in time by Terry. Eric confronts Will, telling him that he got what he wanted, but Will retorts by saying that Dee was a prisoner and never loved Eric. Ned is approached by journalist Helen Ackroyd for his side of the story concerning the abduction of baby James. Kathy misses the company of dashing fireman Jez. When she asks Rachel for a drink that evening she declines saying she has work to do.

There is trouble in the Windsor household when Vic discovers £30 is missing from the Post Office till. Viv blames Kelly. But, when Viv confronts her, the cunning teenager turns the situation to her advantage. Will relents and tells Emma that their parents have split up because her mum has been having an affair with Zoe Tate. Steve offers Kelly a pay-off to say that the miscarriage was caused by an accident, and no-one else was involved. Paddy is unhappy to learn his mum is coming to visit him. He tells Zoe his mother will criticise his lifestyle.

Vic's attempt to resolve the resentment between Viv and Kelly fails when the two women begin to argue violently. But there is suddenly silence when Scott returns unannounced on leave from the army. Tony offers Emma and Will a home in Germany. But when Becky tries to talk to him, he tells her he's here to see the kids, not her. Miserable Sam admits to Kathy that he fears any woman he likes will never be more than a friend.

Steve runs into dire financial problems and turns to an old friend Sal, for advice. But his solution leaves Steve with a real problem - his dad. Rachel and Kathy discover that they are both being two-timed by fireman Jez. The girls resolve to make him pay - by going on a double date with him! Ned and Biff decide to give journalist Helen Ackroyd their side of the story concerning the abduction of baby James. But Biff starts to have second thoughts. Paddy's mother arrives in the village. While at Betty and Seth's, Lisa arrives and invites Mrs Kirk to a family meal. Later on at the Woolpack, Betty tells Mrs Kirk about Zoe being a lesbian, leaving her in shock to the point of yelling it out loud to the whole pub. Becky tries to repair her broken marriage. And although Tony accepts some responsibility, he refuses to back down on the job in Germany. Emma overhears the conversation and is shocked when she hears Becky say that she wants a divorce if Tony insists on going to Germany.

Kathy and Rachel hatch a plot to get revenge on two-timer Jez. But the unlikely intervention of Sam threatens to destroy all their hard work. Paddy is surprised when a night out with his mum at the Dingles turns into a resounding success - that is until a police officer enters to arrest Sam. Sal warns Steve the money raised from the sale of his dad's house is not enough to get him out of trouble. Unless he finds a new way of financing his business it will be destroyed in a couple of weeks. Tony manages to persuade Becky to move to Germany with him. But Emma and Will are not so happy. And Eric is finding life difficult without Dee who has left him and returned to the Philippines.

The future looks bleak for Sam Dingle when he appears in court charged with assault. And he does himself no favours when he refuses to apologise for attacking fireman Jez. Jan's worst nightmare comes true when she opens the morning newspaper to discover a story accusing her of being a menace to children. And she is knocked for six when Ned reveals that he was the source. Sparks fly between Paddy and his mother when she tells him that he is throwing his life away with a girl like Mandy. Will refuses to move to Germany with his parents. But Jack comes up with a solution to his problems - he can stay in Annie's Cottage.

Steve devises a plan to solve his financial problems and it involves wife to be - Kim. He invites her to his new office complex, and she in turn asks to be financially involved in the company. Zak, Lisa and Butch cause havoc at Marlon's Fish 'n' Chips night when they refuse to pay their bill. Jan is confronted by an angry Kim who warns her to stay away from Home Farm. Mandy tells Paddy that she is not ready for marriage and children. She wants to be a mum, but first she also wants to achieve something with her life.

Jan is humiliated by Viv when she goes to collect Alice from school. Viv tells the other parents that Jan is the woman who kidnapped the Tate's baby. Ned wonders why Jan can't keep her head down. She retorts saying he betrayed her by talking to a journalist. Kim decides to take out an injunction against Jan to keep her away from baby James. Kim's solicitor advises her against putting her fortune into Steve's business. But to Steve's delight Kim ignores this advice and tells him she wants in. Lyn agrees to go out with Scott for a night - on the proviso that they go as friends. But, the night turns to passion. Chris asks Kelly if she will be returning to work soon. But she informs him that she has not intention of coming back.

Jan's life is turned upside down when she receives an injunction preventing her from going near James. Steve can hardly contain his excitement when Kim signs the papers making her full partner in his business. Eric is in for a real shock when he is questioned by the police about serving under-age drinkers. Chris is left crest fallen when Kelly tells him that she has no intentions of rekindling their relationship. Scott admits to Lyn that he is not interested in a relationship - last night was fun, but that's all. Emma tells Will that she has run away from her parents in Germany and she has no intention of returning.

Eric is furious with Marlon for his mismanagement of the Wine Bar. Not only is his reputation in tatters, he's also facing the loss of his licence. Emma tells her mother Becky that if she is forced to return to Germany she will run away again. Zoe offers Kelly the receptionist's job at the surgery. But the teenager can not help but wonder why Zoe has thought of her. Steve offers to help Kim with the financial management of Home Farm. Lady Tara visits Steve's father to invite him to his son's wedding. But she is outraged to discover that Steve has thrown his father out of his home and moved him into a bedsit. After being offered retirement by Steve, Seth decides to make ends meet by helping the Dingles with their latest scam.

Chris and Zoe investigate Steve's new business venture. And it is not long before they realise Steve is up to no good. Jan tries to persuade Kim to remove the injunction against her. But her efforts are futile and even her husband Ned refuses to help. It's the last straw and Jan decides that she can no longer live with a man who will not stand by her. Eric is served a Court summons charging him with an underage drinking offence. Kelly begins her first day as receptionist at the Vet's surgery, much to the surprise of Paddy.

Chris confronts Steve and tells him that he knows all about his bogus business venture. He's willing to keep quiet about the fraud but only if Steve sells him his shares in Home Farm. Sal reminds Steve that even with Kim's investment, he's still in financial trouble. Kim tells Steve that she has high hopes for their married life. Not only will they have control of Home Farm and a partnership in a thriving company they will also have security for themselves and James. Ned promises Roy that he won't let his marriage die without a fight. Seth, Zak and Butch's Osprey scam is well under way. But it is not long before the bird watchers begin to get twitchy.

Steve is confident he can solve his financial problems. All he needs to do is gamble all on a high return investment. Sal warns him to be careful with Kim's money. If things don't improve he might be bankrupt by tomorrow. Tara holds a hen night for Kim at a bingo hall. But when the bride-to-be is called to the stage to act as celebrity caller, she has a trick up her sleeve. Lisa's hopes of starting her own business are dashed when she is refused a bank loan. Roy tries to persuade his mother Jan to come home. The game's up for Seth, Zak and Butch when two of the bird wachers complain they're being ripped off. And when Chris discovers their scam he fires Butch and Seth on the spot.

It's the day of the big wedding for Steve and Kim - a day when joy will turn to shock as she discovers some painful secrets. Steve's business is in big trouble and he's in danger of losing everything including his wife-to-be's personal fortune. When the markets pick up after a sleepless night, he has one last gamble to regain his losses. Lady Tara Oakwell gives Steve and Kim another shock when she turns up at the wedding with Steve's father John. Steve is forced to admit to Kim that he had lied when he told her both his parents were dead. He admits to her he's been a fool. As the lavish ceremony takes place Steve's answerphone is clicking furiously as his broker tries desperately to contact him.

Kim flies into a rage when Steve reiterates the company in which she has invested has gone and they are penniless. But Kim decides to stand by her man and together they can try to salvage their business. Instead of going away on honeymoon the newlyweds decide to weather the storm in Steve's cottage. Biff is forced to relive his worst nightmare when he finds Lady Tara in her crashed car. Eric becomes increasingly frustrated with the non-payment for his catering services for the wedding.

Steve tells Kim that it could cost millions to save their financial business. And their predicament grows when Steve admits his business contacts are refusing to deal with him. Ned tries to repair his broken marriage, but he is knocked for six when Jan tells him that their marriage is over. Vic's Salsa lesson is interrupted by Heather - much to the annoyance of Terry. Jack and Sarah wonder how Emma will react to the news that she will have to return to Germany.

The future looks bleak for Steve and Kim. And in desperation Kim decides to try her luck on something she knows about - horses. But will the gamble pay off? Chris tells Eric that he will be lucky if he gets paid for the wedding reception as Steve is in financial trouble. Lady Tara tells Biff she is going to lose her license for dangerous driving and offers him the job as her chauffeur. Zak breaks into a derelict garage looking for spare parts to sell, but he is not prepared for the trouble he gets himself into.

Eric, Biff and Marlon break in to Steve's cottage looking for the money they are owed. But they are surprised by the sight of the hiding newlyweds. Chris asks Tara for a loan to buy Steve's shares in Home Farm. Biff accepts Tara's offer to become her chauffeur. Zak is rescued after a night in the disused garage, but his time in captivity was not wasted and he suggests to Lisa that she should use the garage for her auto-repair business. Vic surprises Viv with his dancing skills when he takes her out for her birthday. And it is not long before the night turns to passion. Ned tells Roy that his marriage is over and they will have to get used to life without Jan. And Emma refuses to return to Germany to be with her parents.

Steve and Kim decide to come out of hiding. But before they leave they are confronted by a furious Alan who demands to know what has happened to his investment in Steve's company. Rachel learns from Alan that her pension fund is lost. Kim reveals to Zoe and Chris that she and Steve are selling their shares in Home Farm. Biff is forced to bite his lip when Lady Tara explains his duties as her chauffeur. Ned is upset when Mandy asks him for Jan's old clothes. Jack tells Sarah that the Cairns have agreed to let Emma stay in Emmerdale until the summer.

Kim tells Steve she is selling her shares in Home Farm to keep them both out of prison. Chris mischievously tells Kim that Steve had promised to sell him his share in Home Farm before their wedding anyway. Kim can't believe that her husband has conspired against her, and in a fit of rage launches into him. Lady Tara tells Chris she is confident that she can raise the money to buy Kim's shares. Rachel and Alan tackle Steve about their lost investments. Ned has a go at Biff for working for Lady Tara.

Steve is confronted by a delegation of investors demanding he returns their money. But they are forced to retreat when Kim calls the police. Kim confides in Seth about her money problems. An evening out for Donna, Viv and Vic is spoilt when Kelly arrives. Vic is furious when he sees Kelly with Roy. Donna goes over to them and asks Kelly to sit with them, but Kelly coldly tells her sister to go away. Viv confronts her and Kelly storms out of the Wine Bar, following by Viv. Kelly says that she doesn't care about the family and spitefully tells Viv that she'll laugh the day she dies, prompting an angry Vic to slap his bratty daughter across the face. Zak steals a generator to help Lisa get her auto-repair business off the ground. But she tells him to take it back - her business will not be built on stolen goods.

It's the anniversary of Frank's death and tempers flare when Zoe confronts Kim at her father's grave. Zak lets Mandy take Nellie's old clothes to Hotten Market to sell. Lady Tara agrees to lend Chris the money to buy Steve and Kim's shares. Trouble is never far from the Windsor household and after last night's confrontation Viv decides to take a holiday from Emmerdale until Vic can pull Kelly back in line. Kathy teases Biff about his new job as Lady Tara's chauffeur. Lady Tara and Biff's relationship is blatantly blossoming and there's a hint of jealousy for Biff between Lady Tara and Lord Thornfield. Terry becomes ashamed of Will for not putting abilities to much use. Kathy has a go at Eric for letting Alice play on his fruit machine. Zak gets Ned to go poaching with him. But they count without the ingenuity of Seth's helper Butch, and his specially-designed man-trap.

There’s friction between Vic and Kelly over Viv leaving. Vic struggles to cope at the shop alone. Ashley advertises a jumble sale at the Village Hall for the 3rd June. Lady Tara agrees to lend Chris the money to buy the shares of Home Farm. Steve tries thinking of a way to pay back his creditors. Kim’s gutted that this could be their last day at Home Farm. Zoe promises to sell Ashley a filing cabinet, but somebody has stolen it. Butch apologises to Zak for accidentally hijacking him by catching him a few rabbits. Betty’s shocked to see Kathy’s rather fancy lingerie on her washing line. Kelly and Zoe confide in one another about losing a mother at a young age. Zoe suggests taking the opportunity to talk to Vic while Viv is away. Betty angrily confronts Kathy in the tearooms about her lingerie. Ashley catches Zak with the cabinet, but Ashley gets the upper hand when Zak is forced to pay him £25 for it when Lisa suspects he’s been stealing again.

Kim and Steve are shocked to learn Lady Tara has made Chris joint managing-director of Home Farm. And his first task is to evict the newlyweds. Kelly discovers an old wedding photograph of her mother and bridesmaid. But will the name and address on the back help her find the answers to her questions? Kelly skives off college to help Mandy with her clothes stall at the village jumble sale. but she is soon searching for an excuse when she is spotted by her boss Zoe. Zak tries to sell his dodgy diesel at the jumble sale. But Reverend Ashley Thomas puts a stop to his money making venture. While Kathy is at the doctors with Alice, Eric mysteriously empties the Tearooms of its furniture.

Kim and Steve move into Pear Tree Cottage. Steve's confidence is hit for six when Kim tells him he will have to stay at home and look after James while she is at work at the stud farm. Kathy regrets leaving poorly Alice home alone when the young child goes missing sparking a search and nearly falls into the pit at Dingle Automotives before being saved by Lisa. Will gets drunk the night before the school rugby final and is in big trouble when he fails to make the game. When he appears too late, he explains to Terry and Rachel that he had a stomach upset, but Terry knows he is lying when he sniffs Will's breath. As a result of the team's loss, Dean attacks him. Terry stops the fight but tells Will he has had enough of letting him and the team down. Lady Tara teases Biff and accuses him of being jealous of her having a date. Tara and Biff catch Butch and Zak poaching and she tells them that they could lose their tenancy.

Lady Tara warns Seth, Butch, and Zak that Seth will be out of a job and the Dingles will be evicted, if there is a repeat. Kelly asks Chris to drive her to London so she can meet her mother's friend. Tempers flare when Jack discovers Will has been lying to him. Jack gives him a lecture, which Will resents. Jack says that he is going to ring Tony so he can make arrangements to bring Will back to Germany. Eric offers to mind the Tea Rooms for Kathy so she can look after Alice. But his kindness is not as genuine as it seems. Mandy and Kelly decide to remove Kim's dresses from Home Farm, egged on by Chris.

Lady Tara is shocked by Biff's behaviour when she asks for his opinion on the birthday present she has bought for Lord Michael. He tries to kiss her and she smacks him hard across the face. Kelly's quest to learn about her dead mother ends in heartbreak when she discovers Vic has lied to her. Eric suggests Kathy changes the opening times of the Tea Rooms so she can see more of Alice, but she knows he has an ulterior motive. Will apologises to Jack for the trouble he has caused. But with the threat of being sent to live in Germany hanging over his head is his effort too little, too late. Paddy fills Zoe's car up with some of Zak's dodgy diesel.

Biff expects to be given his cards for his seemingly unwanted kiss. But his indiscretion has ignited a flame in her ladyship's heart and the chauffeur is in for more than he bargained for. Steve visits an old friend looking for a job. But he's left disheartened when his contact refuses to see him. Vic tells Kelly the terrible truth of how his first wife died. Lisa tells Paddy cheap fuel has ruined the engine in Zoe's car and she is furious to hear Zak sold him the diesel. Mandy tries to sell Kim's designer dresses in the village. Roy borrows the questions for The Woolpack pub quiz.

Biff is confused about his feelings for Lady Tara and when they finally get to be alone they end up in a heated argument. Zak 'borrows' a mobile library in an attempt to find the answers to the pub quiz. But he counted without the librarian being on board. Mandy has to do some quick thinking when she is questioned by a Trading Standards inspector about her clothes business. Steve is forced to look after James while Kim goes to work at the Stud Farm. Kelly refuses to speak to Vic because he has lied to her. Ashley confronts Eric about the storage of his antiques in the village hall.

Biff realises the dangers of "a woman spurned" when Lady Tara is cool with him after their argument. Kim criticises Steve for not looking after James properly while she was at work at the Stud Farm. And tempers flare when she catches him in The Woolpack and accuses him of wasting their money. Kelly is convinced that Viv is responsible for her mothers death. And she gives Vic an ultimatum - he must choose between her or Viv. Zak wins the pub quiz - much to the suspicions of the other contestants. Roy tells Jack he is the mysterious laundry swapper. Eric is furious to learn Ashley has banned him from the Village Hall.

Will becomes the hero of the day when he scores the winning try in the rugby match between The Woolpack and The Malt Shovel. But the celebrations are marred when Zak is accused of stealing an opponent's jacket. And he is left seething when Lisa offers to buy the opposition a round out of Zak's pub quiz winnings. And a bad day gets even worse for Zak when the ceiling in his house collapses on top of him. Vic tells Kelly if she can't accept that he loves Viv she's better staying away. Sarah discovers a pair of knickers in Jack's pocket. It soon becomes clear that it is another one of Roy's pranks. And the Sugdens decide to play Roy at his own game. Betty is delighted to discover she has won a holiday for two.

Steve starts his new job at the Home Farm quarry. And Chris decides to turn the situation to his advantage and tells the foreman not to treat him differently to anyone else. Lady Tara tells Biff she is worried she has cost herself a friend by sleeping with him. Zak tries to twist Lady Tara's arm for compensation following the collapse of his roof. But even the Dingles are lost for words when she offers them accommodation while their ceiling is repaired - at Home Farm. Ashley wreaks revenge on Eric by starting selling the antiques he has been storing for free in the Village Hall.

Zak makes a horrifying discovery when he opens the boot of the classic car his wife Lisa is trying to sell. Worse still, he has to do some quick thinking to put the potential buyers off, until he can come up with a plan to remove the offending item. Lady Tara relives the horrors of her marriage to Lord Alex - who fled the country after the death of Linda Glover - when her final divorce papers come through. She tells her chauffeur, and secret lover Biff she is still plagued by so many bad memories. But Biff, who was married to Linda, tells her she must stop living in the past and move on - like he has. Seth is shocked to the core when he learns that the holiday Betty has won, is for an alcohol free stay in a Health Farm.

Kim is trying to juggle running the stud farm business with bringing up her child James. She is forced to leave the toddler in the care of Roy. But he too is distracted and the youngster toddles off to explore Home Farm. But when he veers towards the river Biff and Lady Tara are at hand to prevent a potential tragedy. Later Biff confides in Betty that he has been seeing Tara. Eric has the tables turned on him when he falls for Jed Outhwaite and Mrs Cunningham's scare and buys the fake Greta Garbo signature for £200. The couple decided to repay the wheeler-dealer after falling victim to his antiques business. And when schoolgirls Kirsty and Donna get their noses pierced, neither realise the trouble they will cause.

Steve is given a rough time at the quarry after Roy tells the foreman their new employee was responsible for cutting overtime on the estate. And his day ends even worse when he gets involved in an argument with Ned which threatens to turn to violence. Zak and Butch finally manage to bury the dark secret found in the boot of the classic car in Home Farm's woods. It's been a close shave for the Dingles - but have they covered their tracks well enough? Kirsty and Donna are in deep trouble with their families and their headmaster for having their noses pierced.

Rachel is forced to do some quick thinking when the police arrive at Kathy's home on an anonymous tip that a young child has been left unsupervised. Jed's plan to get Mrs Cunningham on her own for a romantic meal soon turns into a disaster when a chip pan sets the house ablaze. Donna and Kirsty run out of luck when their headmaster excludes them from school for wearing nose rings.

Butch and Zak are shocked to discover Chris has unearthed their dark secret. But instead of feeling the wrath of the police the pair are left red faced. Biff decides to surprise Lady Tara at a charity meeting. But he is left crestfallen when she emerges with Lord Michael Thornfield. Kathy is convinced Eric is responsible for sending the police to her home. He denies any involvement, but later tells Marlon if she can't cope she should sell her business to him.

Steve gets into trouble at the quarry when he is told to stay behind and do unpaid overtime. But he soon realises the other workers have an ulterior motive - when they give him a good hiding. Biff tackles Lady Tara about her relationship with Lord Michael Thornfield. But the jealous chauffeur is left in no doubt that he is her number one, when she offers to take him to the next function she attends - as her partner. Mandy accuses Paddy of not taking her seriously. He promises support but is not really listening, too preoccupied with planning the village fete with the Vicar. Later, he makes the big mistake of not listening to her and ignoring her so Mandy lies about her being pregnant - with the possibility of it being twins, or triplets or even quads.

Battered Steve is nursing his wounds after being set on by his new colleagues at the quarry. But tough man Steve is determined not to let his pride take a beating too -and turns up for work despite pleas from Kim. When he sees one of his tormentors he snarls he's happy to take him on - one to one - a challenge that is quickly turned down. The quarrymen think Steve worked hand in hand with Chris to bring about changes that cut their wages. But Steve tells one of them they can beat him all they like - but should never link him with Chris. And if that wasn't enough for the down-at-heel Marchant's, Kim is distraught to discover her horse Kaiser is sick. Zoe tells penniless Kim the illness will be expensive to treat. Kelly learns a few home truths from Roy when she persists in blaming everyone else for her troubles.

Poor Alan finally realises two's company, five is most definitely a crowd. But when he suggests homeless Heather puts a little more effort into finding a new home for her family - he could hardly imagine the scenario. His bar manager Terry has pushed Alan into taking action after the cuddly landlord took pity on the Hutchinson's after a fire destroyed their own house. But when Heather returns to The Woolpack late after a fruitless search and pours her heart out to Terry over a night-cap, suddenly the two are drawn together. Kathy finally blows her top at Eric. She's been forced to close down the tea-rooms for a morning after Eric withdrew Marlon's services as chef. Tired and confused Kathy muses her future over a large lunchtime gin and tonic.

Zoe visits the Post Office to ask the Windsors to talk to Kelly about coming home. But when Vic drops by at the vet's surgery his daughter is less than pleased. After all didn't he lie to her about the death of Kelly's mum, his first wife? Kelly mistakenly thinks Zoe will put her up for as long as she wants, but later finds out it was Zoe who instigated the visit. And when the teenagers mouth runs away with her during an argument at the vet, she is told she must be out by the end of the month. Headstrong Kelly packs immediately but neither her best mate Mandy nor confidante Roy can put her up.

You might have thought Kelly had learned something about herself when no-one was prepared to give her a bed for the night. Having left Zoe's in a huff, she ended up sleeping under the stars. But Kelly is still carrying a king size chip on her shoulder, and when Chris fails to persuade her to move back into Home Farm, he tells her there only one place left for her to go - home! But without showing an ounce of remorse for her worried parents the petulant teenager marches back into the Post Office and immediately starts a row with step-mum Viv. And when her dad Vic brings in a celebratory bottle of wine, all Kelly can say is that she doesn't intend staying for long! Steve gets the call from quarryman Micky Bell to say he can join in the theft of stone from the quarry.

Steve seems delighted to be let into the quarry scam after convincing ringleader Micky Bell he can be trusted. And he leads his co-conspirators to believe he can get them an even better deal for the stolen stone than they are already getting through a London contact. But wily Steve, who knows more than a trick or two, turns the tables in spectacular fashion, on the men who only weeks ago beat the living daylights out of him. Kirsty ushers her mum Heather and Terry out of The Woolpack before Alan gets up. She's frightened he'll tell Heather about catching her stealing. When Alan confronts her she says that the food was a poor girl at school who she has befriended. Happy with her explanation Alan lets the matter drop, much to the schoolgirl's relief.

Kim is furious Steve didn't tell her what he was planning at the quarry. And she is convinced his actions have placed her and baby James in danger. But she is relieved to hear that the police expect Micky Bell and the other quarrymen will be remanded in custody when they appear before magistrates. Steve is summonsed to Home Farm where he hopes to be given a better job with a fatter pay cheque. But Chris has something not quite so grand in mind. Kim receives a visit from a police officer who says that all but one of the quarrymen have been remanded in custody. Micky Bell pleaded not guilty and has been released on bail. Suddenly the phone rings. The silence at the other end frightens Klm to the core. Kelly's heart to heart with Donna seems to have done the trick and the youngster trots off to school minus her nose stud. But scheming Kelly has one last pearl of wisdom for her younger sister. And Kirsty is troubled when Lyn questions her about the girl she has been stealing food for.

Romance and revenge are set against the more gentle backdrop of Emmerdale's annual summer fayre. Mickey Bell makes his move on Kim and baby James despite police assurances that the bailed bully-boy wouldn't dare come near. Steve races home fearing the worst when he spots police cars entering the village. Crafty cook Marlon sticks the knife into his conniving boss Eric's back, when he deliberately tips off the police that under-aged drinkers are being served at the winebar. With one recent caution for a similar offence, Eric is lost for words when he is caught red-handed. Kathy and Biff win the dance competition at the fayre while Lady Tara watches on, consumed by jealousy. But when the secret lovers meet later and kiss passionately it's Kathy who's left raising her eyebrows. Summer romance reaches The Woolpack too.

Eric is like a rubber - he just keeps bouncing back. With the imminent loss of his wine bar license he looks to triumph over adversity by tempting Kathy to take it over. But feisty Kathy is having none of it and tells him she doesn't want his license on loan - she wants to buy him out of the business for good! Kathy has other things on her mind - like what's going on between Biff and Lady Tara after chancing on the courting couple. Her bluntness takes Biff by surprise when she asks outright if he's sleeping with his boss. And he is forced to admit that he is. Alan confronts Terry about his relationship with Heather but is told to mind his own business. When the previous night's tips go missing Alan immediately places the blame on Kirsty. His first reaction is to tell her mother Heather, but he is talked out of it by Lyn. Lyn finds Kirsty at the Cricket Pavilion surrounded by chocolate but the youngster says she did not take any money.

Lady Tara admitted she was more than a little jealous when she watched her lover Biff dancing with Kathy at the summer fayre. Now she's determined to make it up to him with a picnic and drinks at her secluded summer house. And she's even laid on a stand-in chauffeur to pick them both up so they can share a glass or two. But their idyllic day is shattered when the couple arrive back at Oakwell Hall to find Chris waiting to deliver some shocking news - her father has died. Terry and Heather decide to come clean to her kids about their relationship. The couple steal themselves to see what the reaction will be only to be left feeling slightly foolish. In typical teenage fashion neither Kirsty nor Lyn seem the remotest bit interested.

Eric has the perfect answer to the threat of losing his license - bribery! His wine bar business could be ruined if he can't find a way to keep his license after being caught for the second time serving under-aged drinkers. So the wheeler-dealer literally cooks-up a plan to swing things in his favour come the licensing hearing. Using all his charm he convinces licensing magistrate Neville Grayson to visit the wine bar and gets Marlon to rustle up a lip-smacking meal served with the finest wine. And for desert - a brown envelope filled with money. Eric is at his ingratiating best as he fawns round his target. But is Grayson corruptible, or will it all backfire? In the finest traditions of her family Lady Tara tries to keep the stiff upper lip following the untimely death of her father. Her lover Biff tries to persuade her not to go to work, but she'll have none of it. But when Kim blunders in annoyed that Tara's late for Stud Farm business, her ladyship can barely contain her grief.

Lord Michael, fresh from a foreign jaunt, arrives like a knight in shining armour to comfort Lady Tara after the death of her father. She's delighted to see him - but Biff is consumed by jealousy. He sees Michael as a threat to his secret relationship and is anything but impressed when he declares he's going to be staying for a few days to look after Tara. Biff's interest in Tara is starting to grate on Michael too and after a terse exchange, the chauffeur is warned his job might be at stake. But when arrangements for the funeral are discussed and Lady Tara tells him Biff will be at her side, the penny finally drops. Eric is fighting to keep his business afloat. After the bribery fiasco he realises his license is as good as lost and is desperately trying to find a substitute. Alan scoffs at the idea when he's approached - but village postmaster Vic is hooked.

Lady Tara sets tongues wagging when she turns up for her father's funeral with lover Biff on her arm. In typical fashion, Chris ponders what it all means for Home Farm. Zoe is more concerned for Biff after the pain he's suffered following Linda's death, while Lord Michael tries to coerce Kim into helping Tara "see sense". But it is obvious that both Biff and Tara share a deep love, and neither is remotely interested in the gossip they've created. Tara believes that her father would have been proud of the way she conducted herself and tells Biff that without him she could not have got through this terrible time. Mandy is struggling to make her second-hand clothes business a success. But Zak and Butch hatch a plot to give Mandy's fortunes a boost - and head off to the holiday village. The cat and mouse game between Eric and Kathy continues unabated.

The village is awash with gossip as news of Biff and Lady Tara affair spreads like wildfire. When Roy tells his dad sparks fly still further. After all it's still only months since Linda died - and his former son-in-law is with the wife of the man who killed her! Ned races off for a confrontation with Biff but is stopped in his tracks by Lady Tara's lawyer Laura Johnstone. Later Biff's pleads with Ned to understand that Lady Tara was an innocent and that he has to be allowed to get on with his life. But it falls on deaf ears. Eric is not having a great day either. As the war over ownership of the wine-bar/tea-rooms hots up Kathy proves she can match him when it comes to being vindictive. She's taken out an advert in the Hotten Courier disassociating the tea-rooms from the wine-bar, which is about to lose its license due to under-aged drinking.

Kim is at her wits-end as baby James life hangs in the balance. The toddler has contracted CROUP and doctors tell her and Steve that while most children survive, this has been a particularly severe attack. Kim lashes out at Steve blaming him for not acting quickly enough. As the bedside vigil continues Chris- who is usually at loggerheads with his former step-mother - offers some sincere words of comfort and heart-felt advice. Lyn has realised something is amiss after learning that her sister Kirsty had been caught stealing sweets from the post office. She catches Kirsty hastily finishing off a chocolate bar in her bedroom and finds a pile of sweet wrappers in the bin. Kirsty claims nothing is wrong but Lyn. realises her sister is clearly ill.

Kim and Steve are overjoyed when they're informed that baby James is out of danger. The toddler has been suffering from severe CROUP which was made worse because the baby was also found to have asthma. Both Kim and Steve are upset with themselves for not spotting James' breathing difficulties which will now have to be treated with daily medication. After everything that has happened recently though, the couple are thankful that James is going to get better and both promise one another they will try to be better parents. Will's day of reckoning at the rugby trial has arrived. Terry has spent weeks putting him through his paces and teaching him tactics. Now it's all down to the youngster to put on an impressive performance.

Kathy is displaying all the business acumen of a seasoned tycoon. She's made an offer to buy out Eric but he's insisted on an independent valuer - who he's given a back-hander to - in return for placing a higher price on the business. But Kathy has double-guessed Eric and arranged for another firm of chartered surveyors to attend at the same time. Eric's man takes fright and leaves. With the licensing committee due to sit, Eric reveals to Marlon his final plan to hang onto his business. He's going to blame everything on Dee's departure and Marlon's shoddy running of his affairs while he was recovering! Chris and Zoe rumble that all is not well with Lady Tara.

Legal-eagle Laura shows Lady Tara exactly why she's worth £150 an hour, she knows that to make the asset-stripping of Home Farm go smoothly she needs to get Chris on-side. Initially Chris seemed as if he'd joined forces with his sister Zoe try to protect the business built-up by their father, But with a little smooth talking and a salary increase he's soon eating out of her hand. Lyn forces her mother Heather to follow Kirsty when she rushes out after a meal. Heather is shocked to see her daughter being sick behind the village hall. Eric loses his final gamble to save his business when magistrates strip him of his license. He looks a forlorn figure as he writes a sign saying that the wine bar is now closed. Eric later tells Kathy to get her solicitor to draw up the transfer of the business - she's won!

Heather tries talking to Kirsty about her bulimia, but Kirsty’s adamant that there’s nothing wrong with her. The Sugden boys fight for Emma’s attention. Eric packs up the wine bar and causes an outburst with Kathy when he loses control and grabs her. Zoe wants to know why Chris has suddenly sided with the opponent and is oblivious to the fact that the evictions are about to begin operation. Roy gives Kim an old teddy of David’s for James and Steve thinks it's emotional blackmail. Robert asks Sarah for advice on how to win over a girl and leaves Emma a bunch of flowers. Lyn tells Kirsty she needs to wake up to the fact she’s unwell so people can help her. Heather’s beside herself at work and shuts Terry out. Zoe sneaks into the stud office looking for answers but is abruptly caught by Laura. Zoe warns Laura that she’s not going to let her destroy Home Farm and in retaliation, Laura says that from now on she’s only allowed to Home Farm via invitation.

Eric has lost his wine bar - and is in danger of losing his marbles too. Cocky as ever, he tries to make as much of a nuisance of himself, as he noisily packs crates, deliberately disturbing customers. Kathy simply wants him out of her hair, now she's in sole charge and Betty and Rachel are both happy to see him down at heel. Eric's sidekick Marlon has twinges of guilt about the way he maneovoured his bosses downfall. Kathy is roundly applauded by customers when she laces into him in The Woolpack but Marlon can sense the depth of his bosses despair as he leaves looking like a real outcast. Later, as Marlon looks for him, he can hardly imagine the horrendous scene he will walk straight into. Meanwhile, Zak turns knight in shining armour to a pregnant woman.

Eric is a desperate and broken man intent destroying the wine bar... and himself. All that stands between him and an untimely end is Marlon who out of a sense of loyalty or guilt has chanced across his boss he prepares to torch his former premises. At first Marlon thinks Eric's doing it for insurance reasons but it becomes painfully clear that in fact he intends to do away with himself as well. Eric threatens Marlon that he'll meet the same end unless he clears off and lets him get on with it. Marlon engineered Eric's final downfall when he lost his license, and his feelings of guilt go hand in hand with a genuine concern for his boss. Deep down he actually does like Eric. Bolstered by half a bottle of brandy he pours out his emotions in a cascade of self-pity and recrimination. Everyone hates him so why should they care?

Marlon is wrestling with his guilt. He knows that his own underhand dealings helped push Eric to the brink. Marlon's sworn to Eric he'll never breath a word of what happened last night, but when he meets girlfriend Lyn he breaks down and blurts out the whole sorry story. Eric meanwhile has pulled himself together enough to sign over the wine bar to Kathy who knows nothing of the drama that unfolded on her premises. Laura and Lady Tara are plotting their next move to raise money to ease the cash crisis on the Oakwell Estate - but they could hardly imagine the hornet's nest they are about to stir. Ned and Roy tell Zoe that along with Kim they're going for blood tests to determine once and for all who baby James' father really was. And Scott astounds his family when he reveals he was discharged from the army on medical grounds - mental not physical!

Big shocks are in store for both the Glover and Dingle households as lawyer Laura pulls tight the Home Farm purse-strings. One minute poor Zak is offering sympathy to Ned after he is handed an eviction notice, the next he finds himself in exactly the same position. Laura tells the deflated Dingles they can buy their home and the land with it, if they can come up with £6,000 in six weeks. Biff who unwittingly delivered the eviction notice to the Glovers is furious with Lady Tara. Ned flies off the handle when he reads the letter and storms over to Home Farm with Roy where he has some choice words for Lady Tara, Laura and Biff. And Zoe comes in for a tough time too. Even though she wants to help fight the plans, she admits her 20% stake in the business gives her precious little ammunition. Kirsty frightens everyone when she passes out at the holiday village.

A tidal wave of unrest is sweeping through Emmerdale thanks to Lady Tara's money troubles. Chris and Laura seem to be revelling in their work selling off chunks of the Home Farm estate. But Lady Tara herself is starting to have second thoughts. She's been besieged by both the Dingles and Glovers and now by poor Betty. The first she knew of the eviction was when the "For Sale" sign was erected outside her home. If evicting pensioners wasn't bad enough Lady Tara's lover Biff appears to have washed his hands of her, after unwittingly delivering the notices of eviction.

Life is anything but a bed of roses for Biff. He's dumped his upper-class lover Lady Tara and has, through no real fault of his own, become Emmerdale's public enemy number one. Betty and Seth looked after him like a son, but Lady Tara's financial crisis looks like putting the two pensioners on the street. He's keen to impress on Betty that none of this was his doing and that despite pleas to Lady Tara, he cannot stop the sale of their cottage. He's even finished with her ladyship to emphasise how strongly he feels. But Betty is in no mood for forgiveness. Zak comes up with a plan to save the Dingles home which involves Ned - but he's too long in the tooth to pile what little money he has into a condemned building. Paulette is skating on thin ice when she agrees to go out with Scott and stand-up boyfriend Roy.

The downtrodden Dingles decide to have a mass sale of all their earthly possessions - they need £6,000 fast or they'll be out on the streets. Zak is so desperate to keep a roof over their heads he sells all the roof slates. And in the rush for instant cash he also flogs his mountain of scrap metal and even his treasured Troggs collection! Butch, Mandy and Lisa round up anything that will sell from their home. But come the time of reckoning all they have to show is £160. These are hard days for roguish Zak and his clan and for the first time it starts to dawn on them all that they are fighting a losing battle. Lord Michael comforts Lady Tara, who's all torn-up over the breakdown of her affair with Biff. He tells her she should fight for what she wants - but Biff is in no mood for reconciliation when she arrives at his home.

Lovelorn aristocrat Lady Tara Oakwell may be forced to sell the silver spoon in her mouth if things gets much worse. She's become public enemy number one by handing out eviction notices to Home Farm tenants and has seemingly lost the love of a good man because of it. Biff has dug his heels in and finished their upstairs downstairs affair in protest at Lady Tara's moves to make Betty and Seth homeless. And if life wasn't complicated enough, confidante and secret admirer Lord Michael Thornfield, out of the blue admits he loves her, and wants her to marry him! Lady Tara goes hot-foot back to Biff - but will this latest shock snap him out of his malaise?

Kim receives the results of the blood test confirming if James is Dave or Frank's son. Lady Tara has a big decision to make. Does she continue to try to rekindle her affair with Biff or does she accept the marriage proposal of long time friend and confidante Lord Michael Thornfield? He invites her to dine with him and finally Lady Tara informs him of her decision. But when she starts to cry who are the tears really for? Paddy is caught in the horns of a dilemma when Mandy discovers he's actually got enough money in the bank to save the family home. Paddy stresses the money is for a rainy day for the two of them. But Mandy tells him bluntly that the Dingles come as a package. Poor Paddy is stuck between a rock and a hard place and all he can do is try to buy some time to think. Meanwhile, Mandy resolves the conflict between Zak and Butch by throwing a cup of cold coffee in Zak's face.

Paddy is going animal crackers after girlfriend Mandy got a glimpse of his fat building society book. The cash-strapped Dingles need £6,000 to buy their condemned property or face eviction. And poor Paddy looks like being the one who will have to cough-up. He pleads with Mandy not to say anything just yet while secretly wondering how he can dig himself out of this hole. But when he runs the whole thing past outcast Dingle Marlon he gets some sobering advice - pay-up, or else! Kim takes the news that Dave was not James's father to Ned and Roy. When Ned tells her he's glad this episode in their lives has been finally laid to rest,

Biff and Kim both have very different reasons to look shocked when they learn of Lady Tara's impending marriage. Biff can't quite believe she would have moved so quickly after the break-up of their affair and wonders if she's simply tying the knot to feather her depleted nest, Kim meanwhile is left spitting feathers when she learns that after the wedding Lady Tara is putting Laura in charge of her affairs at the Stud Farm, for the first time Kim appears to show some interest in Steve's plans to steal one of the stud horses. Mandy can't keep Paddy's cash-stash a secret any longer and blows the lot to her family. From being in the depths of depression, suddenly the dozy Dingles are riding high again, When Paddy comes into The Woolpack and is held aloft by Zak and Butch he realises Mandy has spilled the beans. Jack and Sarah are lumbered with Ned as a lodger after he decides he's not going to contest eviction from his farm. Roy begs sofa-space with the lads in Annie's Cottage.

Ever since her demise Kim has believed that she can climb out of her financial rut by fair play. But when a potential big-spending customer suddenly withdraws from a substantial deal with the Stud Farm after learning that Kim is involved, it is almost too much to bear. Now she is prepared to listen to the plans that her husband Steve has dreamed up to steal one of the stud farm horses. Steve is delighted and believes they'll make enough money to skip the country and lead the kind of lives they're more accustomed to. But Kim pulls back on the reins and tells him that they will play it her way or not at all. Paddy is offered a partnership in the vets practice - but it will cost him £45,000. He tells Zoe it's what he wants and is sure Mandy will understand when he has to tell her his offer to buy the Dingles home will have to be withdrawn.

Paddy faces the wrath of the Dingles when he withdraws his offer of cash to save their house. He's been handed a partnership deal by Zoe but will need every penny of his savings as a deposit on the £45,000 she is asking. The worried vet breaks the news first to Lisa hoping he'll find a sympathetic ear. But she tells him to do his dirty work. When Mandy finds out she flies into a rage and despite Paddy's pleas that the partnership will mean a brighter future for them, she throws him out of the flat and insists that they are through. Kim astonishes Steve with her reworking of the horse robbery plan.

Kim and Steve give their robbery plan a trial run using Ashley as the alibi. Kim coaxes him to the cottage for wine on the pretence of offering her services more regularly at the creche. Once at the house Steve says he has to make some phone calls and heads off upstairs. While Ashley and Kim chat Steve leaves the house and times himself running to the Stud and back. When he comes back down the stairs, Ashley is none the wiser. Paddy has a bucket of pig-swill thrown over him by an unforgiving Mandy. Paddy tells Mandy that's the end of their relationship. Later, on her own, Mandy quietly cries herself to sleep.

Biff can't do right for wrong in Betty's eyes. She has sent him to Coventry since his lover Lady Tara handed out an eviction notice to her and Seth. When he approaches her to say he can arrange a mortgage for them, and admits he gave her the £5,000 deposit, she tells him to take the money back and leave. She doesn't need charity from him. Biff is perplexed. He's ditched Lady Tara, when deep down he really loves her. Yet old friends like Betty and Seth still won't give him the time of day. Biff starts to doubt whether ending his affair was a wise move. Kim is shaken when she discovers Laura intends bringing in an assistant to look after Lady Tara's share of the Stud Farm.

Kim and husband Steve have gone from riches to rags thanks to his ill-timed gambling on the money markets. But now they are looking to bounce back. They've concocted an elaborate plan to steal, then sell stud horse Orsino, while making the whole episode look like the work of others. And they've even invited Zoe to their house to be the perfect alibi. Later when the insurance money comes through the conniving couple hope to skip the country. Will's birthday party begins at the pub, with a lovelorn Mandy throwing herself into the celebrations.

Steve is running on adrenaline as he races around the stables to finish off his daring robbery. Everything goes well until an ill-timed phone-call from Kim leads to tragedy and the life of Kathy is left in the balance. Later when Steve is back home with Kim, his face tells a shocking story. Biff and Lady Tara spend a night of passion on the eve of her wedding to Lord Michael. Both realise they will have to decide whether they have a future together, but they will wait until morning. Will's birthday bash at The Woolpack turns into a shambles and Alan is forced to get tough with everyone including his manager Terry.

Kathy is fighting for her life in intensive care in need of a critical operation. Waiting patiently for news is Chris her former husband. Back at Home Farm a police investigation is in full flow into both the robbery and accident. Laura explains that while Lady Tara is a co-owner of the missing horse Orsino, it is her wedding day and she must be left alone. Laura suggests the police talk to Kim the partner. When the police arrive Kim has the smug smile wiped from her face when she hears Kathy has been seriously hurt.

Biff is consumed with guilt when he learns of Kathy's accident. Alone with her he quietly whispers "you're the last person in the world I'd ever want to hurt". He bumps into Betty and their recent arguments seem meaningless at the side of Kathy's predicament. Ashley organises a service of prayer for Kathy which is attended by many of the villagers. Kim doesn't want to go, afraid she'll give away hers and Steve's dark secret and Steve's heart misses a beat when Kim suddenly breaks down mid-service and has to leave. Scott is quick to spot a good looking woman and flirts with Tricia in The Woolpack.

The police are making little if any headway in their hunt for the Home Farm gang. But they believe they might be onto a lead when Kelly points out that Zak and Butch left Will's party at The Woolpack for some time on the night of the robbery, trouble seems to follow the Dingles and they know they've now got just two weeks to find the money to buy their farmhouse before the bailiffs come to evict them, Zak believes there's only one thing to do - go back to burgling again. Butch wonders what Lisa will think? With their friendship back on track Biff has one last go at persuading Betty to let him become her landlord. Zoe and Chris are thrown when Laura casually remarks that for the sake of Home Farm, she hopes Kathy either stays in her coma for some time, or wakes up with amnesia.

Viv is at her wicked-worst when the police arrive at the Dingles armed with a search warrant. She quickly puts it about that they're the ones who robbed the Stud Farm and put Kathy in hospital. Zak, Butch and Lisa are horrified anyone could imagine they were involved and Mandy explodes in The Woolpack when Viv repeats her allegations. Kim tells Steve the good news that the police are chasing dead-ends, and that Kathy appears to be getting better - but he's at the end of his tether and says he wants them to skip the country now.

Steve's dark secret is driving him to despair. He wants to leave the country now with the money he made from the horse robbery but Kim tells him they must stay-put and tough it out. It's the day of the village fun run and as Steve leaves to take part he secretly slips his own passport into his carry-all intent on going alone. But when he feigns injury and abandons the run to dig up the robbery loot, it's gone. Butch and Zak arrive to do the run and are immediately set-upon by vicious Viv. But later in The Woolpack Butch hands over a clutch of fivers to Betty to buy something for Kathy. Rachel and Graham head the run which turns out to be anything but fun as they vie for the lead.

Kim and Steve are over the moon when the police announce they are about to close down their incident room. They've no real leads and it seems Kim and Steve are in the clear over the robbery. But a chance remark Steve makes to Chris has his brain working overtime and it suddenly dawns on him, even though he has no hard proof they must be the culprits. Tricia talks love struck Terry into a shopping trip and with a flash of her long eyelashes has him reaching for his cheque book. Paddy arrives with trepidation for his date with former sweetheart Jane. When she arrives his eyes nearly pop out of his head. For plain Jane has blossomed into a real beauty. Ned is behaving strangely around the Sugdens, leaving Jack to joke that Ned has a crush on Sarah. Sarah and Betty stand up to Viv over her continued blame of the Dingles for the accident. Eric further drives Graham away from Rachel by telling him about her affair with Chris.

Kim is shocked to the core when Chris accuses her outright of being involved in the robbery. For now, he tells her, he has no proof, but he's certain that Kim's grief over Kathy's life-threatening accident has been fuelled by guilt. He tells her he's on the case and will be watching her every step. Scott has managed to dodge the real issue why he was discharged from the army. But his secret is out when Cass, the wife of his army medical officer suddenly appears in the village, making his heart skip an almighty beat. Zak tells Lisa that despite the looming eviction in two days, he's staying put. They'll take his home from him over his dead body.

Viv gets personal when teacher Graham gives Donna a poor report. She immediately latches onto his interest in school secretary Rachel and lets slip about her affair with Jack. Paddy has fear etched across his face when Mandy spots him with Jane. But Jane notices the exchange of glances and later makes a decision that leaves Paddy's matchmaker mother, Mrs Kirk, heartbroken. Laura is furious with Chris for his obsessive pursuit of Kim and Steve and reminds him it is within her power to remove him from his job. Kelly discovers the truth about Scott and his one time lover Cass but tells her step-brother she knows exactly how to deal with her.

Zak makes a final stand to save his beloved home. As the bailiffs arrive to serve an eviction order, Zak, faced with several burly minders, resorts to physical violence as Lisa watches horrified. He menacingly picks up a metal bar in a threatening gesture as they attempt to pass him and enter the house. It's a tense stand-off until Lisa begs him to stop. Zak appears a broken man as he drops the weapon and slumps to the floor, resigned to losing his home. At The Woolpack the dispossessed Dingles congregate and the village rallies round. Betty offers to take in Mandy and Lisa and Rachel wishes she'd kept her mouth shut when she says the menfolk should have plenty of offers. Quick as a flash Zak takes it as an invite for him and Butch to stay at Mill Cottage.

Paddy reduces Mandy to tears when he admits that despite everything he still loves her. It really takes the wind out of mad Mandy's sails - who has only stopped him to issue a warning to keep his interfering mother away from her. It's clear both of them are fighting their true emotions, but Mandy says she can never have Paddy back after he refused to lend her family the money to buy their home, especially now they have been evicted. Scott twists his gullible mother Viv around his little finger as he tells his version of the Cass story and how he came to be discharged from the army on psychological grounds.

Mandy and Paddy look to have settled their differences - much to Zak and Mrs Kirk's chagrin. Zak immediately calls a Dingle pow-wow to decide Mandy's fate while Mrs Kirk warns her son that she'll fight tooth and nail to stop them getting back together. Laura tells Zoe that Chris is becoming obsessed with linking Kim and Steve to the Home Farm robbery. She's moved Steve out of Chris's way by making him her admin clerk, but wants Zoe to have a stiff word. Tricia prepares to leave Emmerdale and gets as far as the taxi before Alan's pleas bring her back. Donna falls into bad company with hard-nut school pal Chelsea. Could she be heading the same way as her sister Kelly?

Chris's pursuit of Kim and Steve runs into double trouble. First he discovers Laura has appointed Steve as her admin clerk. And as if that wasn't enough he is forced to eat humble pie when Kim later tells him that his slanderous accusations are having a marked affect on business - and damaging hers and her husband's reputations. If he doesn't stop she'll consider suing him. Mandy is still reeling from the decision reached at the Dingle ' summit. Dingle honour means she must give Paddy up, or become an outcast like Marlon. Meanwhile, Paddy, unaware of this, tells his mother that he'll marry Mandy just to spite her

Barbara Kirk is vying with Viv for the title mother-from-hell as she tries to find ways to end her son's on-off relationship with Mandy and after chatting to her new found ally she believes she's discovered the Dingles Achilles heel - money! First she tries to offer Mandy money to set-up her own business - but only if she'll leave Emmerdale. Then when she's rudely turned down, she offers Mandy several thousand pounds to marry someone else. Suddenly Mandy seems to pay attention. Kathy has started to move, but Betty jumps the gun saying that she's on a fast track to recovery. None of this is good news for Steve and once again Chris doesn't waste the opportunity with a poor joke that Kathy is already talking to the police. After a good fill at The Woolpack Steve rolls home to a less than pleased Kim. He's still worried that Kathy might have seen him, despite what he'd earlier told his wife.

Steve is provoked beyond reasonable bounds and lunges at Chris when he crudely implies he'd have preferred it, had Kathy not started to recover. Luckily, Laura is on hand to separate the warring factions, as Steve looks set to wipe the smug look from Chris's face and haul him from his wheelchair. It looks like the residents of a housing estate in Leeds are about to have their worst nightmare come true ... the Dingles as neighbours. Zak and Lisa seem almost resigned to moving into a council estate when suddenly Mandy blurts out Barbara's outrageous offer. Lisa is shocked that both Zak and Mandy seem interested in the idea. Andy is so bothered by the un-ladylike antics of Chelsea and Donna, he feigns illness to get a day off school. And Woolpack regulars give Laura the silent treatment when she pops into the pub for a drink.

The race is on to find a groom for Mandy. Zak, much to Lisa's annoyance is fully in favour of a deal that will mean they can buy their home. He draws up a list of prospective husbands, but when Mandy collars Roy to be the lucky man, he turns her down flat. She has one last go at Paddy to lend them the £6,000 to buy the farmhouse, but marches off in a huff when he stands his ground. Later she finds an ideal candidate to fulfill the business proposition - her grinning cousin Butch. Robert is surprised when Andy backs down to Donna who later pinches one of his school books and throws it in the stream. Laura tells Kim about Steve's spat with Chris and asks if she'll tell him not to rise to the bait. Alan leaves the bar in the capable hands of Terry and Tricia. Terry tells Tricia this is the chance they've both been looking for but her look says that perhaps it isn't! And Biff is astounded when Kathy opens her eyes and asks what's happened.

Mandy and Butch tell Zak and Lisa about their decision to get married. Butch is over the moon that Zak agreed to the wedding. Laura gets a cool reception when she arrives in the pub but Tricia stands up for her. Biff tells Kim about Kathy and the penny drops. Paddy is distracted by thoughts of Mandy. He knows there is something the matter. Tricia tries to get Terry drunk. Terry tries to close the pub early to get Tricia into bed but Tricia decides to have a lock-in instead. Biff spreads the word about Kathy's recovery. On hearing about Kathy, Steve looks mortified and leaves The Woolpack, to drive to the hospital. Steve puts a pillow over Kathy's face. Kim follows Steve to the hospital and stops Steve from killing Kathy. Kim is disgusted with Steve when he confesses that he saw Kathy and drove straight at her.

Alan can hardly bear to look at the charred exterior of his beloved pub. Tricia is guilt-ridden but as usual manages to calm her grandfather, and deflect blame for the fire onto Terry - despite telling him she'd stick up for him. Calculating Kim - now aware of the full story of the night of the robbery - tells Steve that Kathy may well identify him and he should skip the country. Armed with a small share of the robbery money, he sets-off with Kim promising to follow later. But events are about to take a dramatic twist. Lisa and Barbara are both appalled that Mandy intends to marry Butch to fulfill the business deal. But first they must clear with the registrar that it is legal for cousins to marry.

DI Spalding throws the book at Steve, who was arrested as he tried to board a flight to Venezuela. He's now been positively identified by Kathy as the person who knocked her over and is having problems explaining the £10,000 found on him at the airport. Kim has been taken back in for questioning too, but her protest that she is an innocent party appears to fall on sympathetic ears. She is released but told to stay in Emmerdale. Chris who finally believes his former step-mother has been 'ought to book will be in for a nasty shock. Robert approaches Ned for some boxing tips so he can deal with the bullying girls Donna and Chelsea. And Viv shocks Vic when she offers homeless Terry a bed at the Post Office.

Steve secretly agrees to take the rap for the robbery when Kim visits him in custody. After all she could have walked away and left him when he gambled and lost her fortune on the stock market. It's a selfless act on Steve's part - and fits in beautifully with the self-preservation plan Kim's already put into action, for herself! Robert puts Ned's boxing lessons to good use when he confronts Donna about bullying Andy. When the wicked Windsor girl lunges at him he lets her have a right hook. Viv is incensed, Sarah and Jack livid and Ned is left in the dog-house. Tricia puts the spark back into her granddad Alan when she arranges with Ashley for the village hall to be turned into a temporary bar while The Woolpack is renovated. Butch tells Lisa that while he did once fancy Mandy he is in control of his feelings and knows the wedding is only a business transaction. But is he really telling the truth?

Steve is hoping to cut a deal with the police by coming clean about the robbery. He tells his version of the story, carefully editing out the bits that involved Kim, in the hope that he will get away with a more lenient sentence for being co-operative. But DI Spalding is not convinced and leaves Steve high and dry when he demands to know where all the money is. The horse was worth around £300,000 yet Steve claims he only received the £10,000 found on him as he tried to leave the country - which doesn't add up! Barbara is at her manipulative best when she tries to entice Paddy to leave the country with a paid-for holiday. He's deeply suspicious, but as yet remains oblivious to the reasons why. Robert is grounded for punching Donna. Andy wants to tell Jack and Sarah why, Ned asks Jack if it is possible Donna was the bully the lads mentioned. Ashley tries to talk to Mandy about the wedding.

Ashley is looking for divine intervention as he gets caught in the middle of a "Holy War". First Butch is less than pleasant with him for telling Mandy that he knows about the wedding. Then he is accosted by Paddy who has realised something is happening behind his back. But Paddy is hardly prepared for what the vicar reluctantly tells him. The temporary Woolpack bar is opened in the village hall. Everything's going fine until Terry turns up as a guest of Tricia. Alan still hasn't forgiven him for the fire at The Woolpack and gives him his marching orders. Terry though has other things on his mind, like an interview with a brewery for a manager's job. Chris is invited for a meal by Laura and is coaxed into revealing the full story about his and Kim's long-standing war-of-words. And Eric is cleverly out-manoeuvred by Laura and forced to drop his claim for compensation against Alan for the slight injury he suffered when the pub burned down.

Paddy is on the warpath after finding out about Mandy's wedding to Butch. First he confronts Lisa but she says he'll have to speak to Mandy herself. When the pair finally meet it's clear Mandy is torn between her love of Paddy and her loyalty to her family. Paddy is unaware of his mother's involvement at this stage and jumps to all the wrong conclusions. Butch is desperate to change his image and twists Biff's arm to go shopping with him. Donna and Chelsea are in big trouble when they give Robert a real beating on the first day of term. Rachel and Graham kiss and make up after his unannounced holiday at half term. And Tricia sends out the wrong signals to Terry when she wishes him well for an interview with a brewery for a pub manager's job,

Chris fans the flames between Kim and Steve with an impromptu visit to the remand centre. His relentless crusade against the deadly duo has Steve hot under the collar, especially when he suggests that with him banged up Kim is now free to make the most of the money from the horse theft. Laura tells Kim that bearing the name Marchant is killing the Stud Farm business. She suggests Kim thinks about divorcing Steve. Donna gets the third degree at school and but for the intervention of Graham may well have been excluded like her friend Chelsea for beating up Robert. Viv is knocked off her high horse when she realises Donna was really the bully, but quickly jumps at the chance to smooth over the situation when the deputy headmistress suggests she joins Donna's class for a school trip. Butch goes in search of a new image, armed with £60 he's saved - supervised-by mildly amused Biff.

A triangle of love and lust, with Tricia at the centre is beginning to take over the lives of Scott and Terry. Tricia is stalling on Terry's plans for her to join him at the fun pub in Scotland while Scott is busy working his charm. And tonight, the canoodling couple push their luck when they sneak past snoozing Terry, who's lodging at the Post Office, for a night of passion. Butch's plans for a cosy curry for two with his intended, Mandy, takes a comical twist when the rest of the clan join them. Sarah spikes Viv's guns when she too enrols for the forthcoming school trip. Kathy astounds Betty, Marlon and Biff when she turns up for work. And Zoe teases Chris about his night at the opera with Laura.

The seeds of doubt are racing through Mandy's mind as she prepares to marry Butch tomorrow. With her thoughts firmly focused on saving the family home she has no trouble dealing with the worries of Ashley and Kelly. But when Paddy returns from Venice early and tries to dissuade her, she's caught in the horns of a dilemma. Can she possibly go through with it and face losing the man she really loves? Ashley's gospel band turn out to be a bunch of skinheads up from the smoke and intent on causing trouble. But when a fight breaks out and Terry flexes his muscles, he draws admiring glances from several quarters. Scott has seduced Tricia and is keen for second helpings.

After being told the events of the earlier night by Mandy, Kelly advises her to proceed to pursue Paddy, it's her last and only possibility of happiness. Mandy sets her profound longing aside and puts her family first by deciding to wed Butch. Regardless of being told that the marriage is sincerely for the saviour of the Dingle homestead, it looks as though Butch is developing affections for his cousin. Meanwhile, Paddy confides in Zoe. Zoe believes he should get on with the rest of his life and let go of Mandy once for and all, although later on, Ashley comes surging into Smithy Cottage encouraging Paddy to stop the wedding. Once arriving at the registry office, the Dingles are informed that the service has been delayed after the bride is running late for the wedding before them. Paddy catches up with a distraught Mandy in the ladies bathroom.

Zak has got everything he wanted - his house back and his family under one roof again. But the sacrifice Mandy has made has gone over his head and he rushes headlong into organising a party, to celebrate their return. When Zak finally announces what's gone on, there's stunned silence and Mandy rushes out, closely followed by Kelly saying she now knows she's made a huge mistake. Zoe throws a party to celebrate Paddy's partnership in the vets practice. He tells everyone it's the first day of the rest of his life. Sarah and Viv are at each other's throats on the school trip. And when Viv spots Rachel and Graham sharing a stolen kiss she goes ballistic. Tricia tells Terry she can't go to Scotland with him. Kathy wins a holiday to London for two. But who will she take with her? And Kim collars Laura at Paddy's party and seeks professional advice on Steve and the question of divorce. Laura naively mentions this to Chris whose mind starts to do somersaults.

Kim finds herself having to do some quick thinking when a furious Steve calls her from the remand centre. Callous Chris has paid him an unexpected visit to break the devastating news that Kim is planning to divorce him. While she tries to placate him we can sense the growing loathing she has towards her incarcerated husband. Ashley tells horrified Lisa that Butch confessed to him three weeks before the wedding that he really was in love with Mandy. Terry arrives for work at the temporary Woolpack in the village hall as an employee of the vicar. Alan is very unhappy that the man responsible for ruining his premises is back working alongside him - and there's nothing he can do and Rachel takes Kathy's advice and lays her cards on the table with Graham. She feels very strongly about him - but does he feel the same way?

Laura blows her top with supersleuth Chris after hearing that he spilled the beans on Kim's planned divorce from Steve. He went to see Steve in Home Farm time and as far as she's concerned he's on a final warning. If he transgresses, she tells him she'll fire him, shareholder or not. Kim goes to see Steve again and he suggests that they split the ¢200,000 they made from the horse theft and hand over half to DI Spalding, claiming that was what he made from the deal. Kim is sceptical and the mood between the couple grows ever more tense. Roy is thumbing through a magazine and suddenly pales when he thinks he spots Lord Alex Oakwell, the man responsible for killing his sister, in a photograph. Mandy informs the family shes off to see her dad. He heard about the wedding and is unhappy ... he wants a cut of the money! Lisa has a heart to heart with Butch and tells him what Ashley said.

Steve has seen the writing on the wall, and accompanied by his solicitor is driven from the remand centre to the police station to talk to DI Spalding. He wants to change his statement and is intent on implicating Kim. She masterminded the whole thing, he tells the detective. Officers are immediately dispatched to Home Farm and Kim is asked to go with them for more questioning. DI Spalding puts the new allegations to her, and hiding her initial shock, she coolly tells him her husband has changed his statement because she's decided to divorce him. Will the police believe her or is this the start of the slippery slope? Scott is sick of Terry mooching round Tricia. He tells her if she doesn't tell the besotted barman she's going out with him, he'll do it himself. Graham tells Rachel he wants to move their relationship on.

Scott is putting Tricia through an emotional assault course. He's demanded she tell lovestruck Terry they are an item or he will dump her ... or deliver the news himself. And at the end of a hard days pulling behind the bar Tricia finally gets the chance to speak to Terry alone. But as she struggles over the right words Scott suddenly appears. Can he really be so heartless and spill the beans on the affair? Chris takes the afternoon off when he gets a call from the blue from Steve, wanting to see him. Steve wants Chris to help him nail Kim and the two form an unlikely partnership.

Chris is working feverishly to bring about the downfall of his former step-mother. After his chat with Steve he's found a record of Kim's mobile phone calls in the Home Farm offices - and in particular the call she made on the night of the theft when Steve was supposed to be upstairs. Suddenly the police sit-up and take notice. Both Ashley and Zoe are pulled back in for questioning about Kim's precise movements on that night. And they start to investigate the claims that Helen Dixon bought Orsino. Later that day Kim is talking with Zoe when suddenly the police arrive. Has the net finally closed on her? Bernice Blackstock the new bar temp drops herself and Alan in it when she says she understands her new landlady Betty is 'a dragon' while shopping in the Post Office.

Kim has been arrested by the police on charges of theft and fraud - and for the first time in her life looks in real trouble, her hopes are lifted then dashed when an application for bail is granted, .. on condition of a £25,000 bond. Chris watches gleefully from the public gallery but is heading for a stormy confrontation with his sister Zoe who still believes Kim to be innocent. Steve calls on Chris when the police appear to turn a blind eye to the help he's given bringing Kim to book. But Chris now has what he wants and as far as he's concerned Steve can help him no further. Kathy takes the news of Kim's arrest and court appearance badly.

Zoe is convinced Kim is innocent and posts bail for her. But when she turns up at Home Farm with Kim there's a real danger the Tates will become a family at war. Chris goes ballistic and tells his sister he never wants to see her again! Temporary barmaid Bernice makes it clear she's after a man. Betty suggests Biff is the one for her, but when wires get crossed it's Roy who thinks it's his lucky day. Terry and Tricia almost accidentally share a kiss and later their passions get the better of them.

Poor Kathy knows she's suffering some kind of reaction to the terrible accident she was in. She is finding it difficult to control her mood swings and is in danger of alienating all her friends - despite their best intentions. She flies into a panic believing Alice is missing, when in fact her niece is exactly where she dropped her off - at Rachel's. But when Betty suggests she out to see a doctor Kathy flies into a terrible rage. Tricia and Terry have spent the night together. He's like a child with candy, but she's deeply upset at what she's done. Later she beaks down and confesses to Scott what's happened and the two of them fall into a deep embrace. Ned takes a bundle of old junk from his house for a reluctant Eric to cast his eye over.

Alan was reluctant to allow Kelly to hold her 18th in his bar - especially after the way Will's birthday ended and he should have gone with his instincts as the bash descends into chaos as trouble Tricia's secret love life is made painfully public. Smarmy Scott tells Terry that Tricia came straight to him after their night together. Deeply hurt and brimming with revenge, Terry takes the micro-phone to let the assembled party-goers know exactly what kind of girl Alan's granddaughter really is. Eric works his devious line of patter on Ned to try to coax the Steiff bear from him. He offers money, but is shocked when Ned tells him the bear belonged to Linda and no amount of money will make him part with it. Eric rethinks and approaches Ashley to allow him to run a Christmas toy fair. Mandy arrives back from visiting her father. Butch is delighted to see her, but her usual attitude towards him leaves him hurt. And Rachel tries to talk sense to Kathy but is taken aback by her viciousness.

The villagers take in the aftermath of Kelly's party and are clearly divided on who's to blame for Terry's outburst. Alan is in an unforgiving mood and lays the blame at both Terry and Scott's doorstep. Mandy and Vic stick up for Terry as both knew he really did have deep feelings for Tricia. Viv defends her son to the hilt and says that Tricia must have led him on. Tricia tries to apologise to Kelly for spoiling her big day, but is unceremoniously hustled out of the vet's waiting room. None of which is of any help to Terry who has packed his bags and scampered. Rachel's plans to manoeuvre a meeting, out of hours between Kathy and Dr Khan, backfires dramatically. Kathy throws the past in her face in her most vicious outburst yet. Butch tries to get Mandy to go to the pictures with him but is crestfallen when she tells him she's working, even though he's bought tickets.

There's a shock in store for shareholders of Home Farm when Laura announces Lady Tara has instructed her to sell off the entire estate. Chris realises this might be his final chance to fill his father's boots. The villagers gather for the grand re-opening of The Woolpack, but Seth's speech goes slightly awry when he suggests it would have been nicer had Terry been around - and that he still pines for the days of Amos and Henry. Alan is put out but still extends the hand of friendship to his longest serving customer by offering him a particular seat at the bar with a plaque denoting the spot. Seth typically insists on trying each seat in turn and says he can only get a real feel if he has a pint in front of him ... preferably free. With the toy fair looming Eric collars Andy and Robert and asks them to search through items at their house for anything that might be of use.

Ashley believes he has the measure of Eric and has forced him to play Santa at the Xmas toy fair. Eric has already been calling round dealers confident Robert and Andy will unwittingly come up with the goods. But his plans look to be doomed when the vicar arrives with a toy expert. Chris tackles Kathy and convinces her, for Alice's sake to see a doctor. Later she tells Biff what she's agreed to and crumbles into his arms in a flood of tears. What if something is seriously wrong? Kathy tries to make it up with Rachel but is taken-aback when she tells her she cannot accept her apologies. Paddy has agreed with Mandy to collect his remaining things from their flat. The two are reminiscing when Butch appears menacingly and escorts frightened Paddy off the premises.

Kathy visits Dr Khan and gives ample proof of her mood swings when he suggests that she should see a psychologist. Biff is sat waiting for her as she sweeps out of the consultants room and when Biff tries to find out what's wrong she rounds on him saying none of this would be taking place had he not left her in Hotten before the crash. Vic gives Andy a job delivering papers much to his wife's horror. And when the Sugdens and Windsors bump into one another in The Woolpack, the matriarchs draw up battle lines again. And young Andy gets a shock when he takes his dog to the barn for the night. He's frightened out of his skin when someone whispers his name.

Billy is wounded and on the run and hiding in the Sugdens' barn. Andy tries to help his dad with food and notices that he's bleeding from the chest. His dad says there are some people after him and he must keep his mouth shut and tell no-one of his existence. He also tells the shocked schoolboy that he'd like to take him away to Holland to start a new life. But Andy is sceptical - after all he's been let down so many times. Eric works his charm on an elegant and rich new customer, Stella, who buys some expensive crockery from his shop. She spends around £1,000 using a platinum credit card - but Eric thinks he's struck gold when she accepts a dinner date. Chris has conquered Kathy's mood swings and persuaded her to see a private psychologist, at his expense. He also breaks the news that he's bought a haulage business.

Paddy is cornered by Mandy after giving her the silent treatment and Mandy is anything but silent when Paddy tells her why. He explains that Butch has threatened him and said that he, and Mandy were now really man and wife. Poor Mandy storms off looking for Butch and gives him a real roasting. Her poor "husband" professes his love - but Mandy is in no mood for reconciliation and tells him he makes her skin creep. Andy takes his dad more food, and again he waxes lyrical about Amsterdam. Suddenly there's a sound at the door of the derelict Glover home. It's Laura and a workman come to mend the broken lock. Laura walks into the house and Andy is terrified by his father's actions.

Mandy is livid when Lisa admits she already knew Butch was in love with her. She turns on Lisa and Zak saying she only went through with the wedding to save the pair of them. Zak can feel his family beginning to crumble and rounds on Butch, pinning him against a wall. He asks him if he's considered what the village will think of his lies about having slept with Mandy. Butch tries to make amends but Zak, in a fit of rage, tells him to leave the house for good. He's no longer his son. Andy tackles Billy about the gun. He says it's to protect himself from the people who are after him. Billy starts to feel a little better and tells Andy they'll be able to leave soon - but they need some money. The youngster tries to please his dad saying they can go on the rob. Kathy politely turns down Chris's offer to stay with him while she recuperates. And Biff gets the wrong messages about Kathy's closeness to her ex-husband.

Marlon has steered clear of the Dingles for a year since being cast out of the clan. But when Mandy asks him to talk to Butch, he can barely imagine the situation he's letting himself in for. When he tries to reason with Butch about his behaviour and how it's upsetting the family, his cousin launches a vicious attack on him. Eric agrees to a business proposition from Stella and tells everyone in The Woolpack that tomorrow a lot of people will be very shocked. Laura is inwardly pleased when Chris invites her for a drink that evening, providing she stops raining on his parade. He tells her how he's looking forward to gaining ownership of Home Farm at tomorrow's auction. Andy steals money from the Post Office while doing his paper boy job. But when he tells his dad later where the money came from Billy is suddenly very interested.

There is consternation among the Tate household when Eric walks into the Home Farm auction and starts to bid against an incredulous Chris. In a fit of pique, Chris asks for the auction to be halted as Eric clearly hasn't got the kind of money he's bidding. But Chris is left helpless when he's informed Eric is bidding by proxy. It's all a fabulous game for the one time auctioneer as he plays with Chris as the bidding shoots well past the expected selling price and Eric sweeps the Tate empire from a distraught Chris and informs the lucky winner of their win who turns out to be Stella Jones. Butch is beside himself. He's been kicked out of his home and now he's badly beaten up Marlon.

Chris puts on a brave face when he tells Laura that the loss of Home Farm means he's more to spend on his new haulage business. Lisa tells Zak that if he truly wants a Dingle gathering on Christmas Day then he must swallow his pride and invite Marlon. Marlon isn't exactly pleased to see Zak but knows to turn down what amounts to an order would make his life even more unbearable. The only trouble is he's been asked to have Christmas dinner with his girlfriend Lyn! Mandy is making plans too. She tells her friend Kelly that as soon as Christmas is over she's moving to a flat in Hotten. Andy tries to persuade Billy that stealing from the Post Office is a bad idea. But as the youngster leaves Billy starts to load his shotgun.

Christmas Day is in full swing as the Dingles try to put on a brave united front and regulars of The Woolpack enjoy a communal meal. Billy, meanwhile, is busy plotting to rob the Post Office so he has enough money to get him and Andy across the North Sea to Holland. Marlon cautiously arrives at the Dingles, having had a real earful from his girlfriend Lyn. Butch arrives late looking very sheepish and the clan, nervously, settle down to dinner. Elsewhere, Andy prepares to leave the Sugdens to meet his dad. The family has a special announcement to make - they want to formally adopt him. But the youngster has other things on his mind and hardly reacts. Paddy is called out in the middle of his Christmas dinner to tend the Dingles sick pigs. But he can hardly imagine the situation he walks into when Lisa unexpectedly gives birth to a baby girl

The repercussions of Christmas Day's tragic events affect many of the villagers. The Windsors have been staying at Keepers Cottage, Terry is in tears and when Sarah and Jack break the news to the boys, Andy visibly pales. But when he confronts his father, Billy, he viciously turns the tables on his son. The Dingles gather at the hospital bedside to greet the new arrival - a baby girl. Paddy is astonished when a penitent Butch collars him and confesses that everything he said about his relationship with Mandy was untrue.

Andy is wracked with guilt and begs Billy to give himself up to the police. When Billy refuses a second time the youngster tells Jack exactly what's happened. Ned helps the police with a layout of his former home. The net closes rapidly on the hidden fugitive. Zak repays Paddy for his heroics in the only way he knows - he buys him a pint. And there's a general thawing of feelings between Paddy and Mandy as he admits he couldn't bear to throw away the special CD they listened to when they were together. Billy finally gives himself up and throws his gun out of the window. As he walks out of the house clutching his stomach, Viv identifies him as Vic's killer and the police surround him. As he is taken away, Viv blames Andy for everything that has happened.

Season Finale


27x162 Episode 2466 (Thu 31st Dec 1998)

Season Finale

27x162 Episode 2466 (Thu 31st Dec 1998)

  • 1998-12-31T19:30:00Z22m

It is the day of Vic's funeral. Kelly and Viv are at each other's throats. Following the funeral, tensions run high and Kelly and Viv have a massive argument, reducing Viv to a flood of tears. Meanwhile, Chris continues his amateur sleuthing and notices something very odd about Kim's behaviour. Elsewhere, a detective finishes taking Andy's statement and tells the terrified youngster he could have been in very serious trouble, while Lisa lays into Zak with a few home truths
